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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Just found out Steam preorders come with a free L.A. Noire. Don't care much for the game but you can't argue with free :p


Just found out Steam preorders come with a free L.A. Noire. Don't care much for the game but you can't argue with free :p

Just opened steam to see L.A. Noire in my list. nice surprise, for sure. third game I got for free with this pre-order :p

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
60$ for single player only - yes or no? I'm an atmosphere junkie I replay games that have the best atmosphere and 'feeling' not gameplay although that's okay too. Don't care about multiplayer.

Also depends what difficulty level you're comfortable with. I just finished Hard on my first playthrough and it took me around 16hrs.

And speaking of finishing it, here are my final stats. Yes, that's right, not once did I use dual wield throughout the whole campaign.


Started to get a little bit tired of the game towards the last couple of sections. Maybe it was just because it was getting a little bit frustrating but on the whole I enjoyed it, the gameplay, the cut scenes, the story, the dialogue, very well presented and glad I decided to pick it up in the end (I had no interest on release day).


So I finished the game yesterday and loved it. Died a total of 28 times, a few of these were caused by the search of the golden gun pieces.

One thing that kinda bothered me:
This was all too obvious. Everything that happened and everything Max found out I already suspected (except for the organs market part)
I was expecting this HUGE twist at the end because it felt so obvious but didn't get one. Still a good ending but I expected something else
Finally had the time to finish this. Doing the first playthrough on Hard is somewhat harrowing but I found it very satisfying. Died a lot in 3 or 4 places, but beating them felt great. Absolutely love this game. A great ride with an awesome soundtrack.

And Max's description of himself in chapter 13 made me laugh. It was quite accurate.


60$ for single player only - yes or no? I'm an atmosphere junkie I replay games that have the best atmosphere and 'feeling' not gameplay although that's okay too. Don't care about multiplayer.
I know nothing about your gaming tastes outside of your above post, but Max Payne 3's atmosphere is amazing. The amount of detail is insane and the "sense of place" is incredible, whether you're in a pristine office building or an impoverished favela.

I'm on my third playthrough, and I'm still marveling over this experience.


Sent a request for the NeoGang on the Rockstar Social Club. Had to use a different name than here (DoctorBaglioni) because it was already taken. Looking forward to test out the multiplayer.

Just played through chapter 4 in the story on hard and having a blast, love the dark and gritty atmosphere so far. Max's inner monologues are clearly the highlight, though.


I know nothing about your gaming tastes outside of your above post, but Max Payne 3's atmosphere is amazing. The amount of detail is insane and the "sense of place" is incredible, whether you're in a pristine office building or an impoverished favela.

I'm on my third playthrough, and I'm still marveling over this experience.

Agree but it's not an exploratory kind of game if that's what Angry Fork is looking for. It's very linear.


While I love this game I wish the animations were slightly less sluggish at times. Max cannot crawl into cover, even if you tap x to get into cover while still prone.
It seems like the get into cover animation starts from a neutral standing idle animation, so it will always cycle to that animation before actually getting into cover.
I also keep trying to double tap A during a shootdodge so I can roll out of it but that's a fools folly. Because the rolling animation starts during the same upright fairly neutral animation.

The multiplayer is also great, but it seems like the higher level unlocks are quite unbalanced. Getting hit in the thigh once by any sniper rifle shouldn't be a one hit kill.
Also the euphoria dives come out weird in multiplayer, but it's pretty sweet to kill a dude while doing mid air windmills, so I can't hate.


End game spoilers:

I dunno. I think the game really does cheapen out, so to speak.
The whole game Max does nothing but talk about this inescapable downward spiral he's caught in, how he's on a suicide mission, how he can't win...and then, in the end, he does. My favorite moment in the game is when Police Dude and Evil Brazilian escape in Chapter 13 and we just see pure frustration from Max. It fits his character. It makes sense. Then it is kinda all undone in the next chapter.

It's a video game, so I get it. But Rockstar just refuses to give us the
ending we deserve. After all,
who gives a shit that some rich fucks got killed? Did you care about Fabiana? I didn't. I cared about Max and he, I think, didn't get what he wanted-- to die.

I agree completely, and I really wasn't getting the love for the end of the game simply because it lacked any kind of impact for me.

There are some spoilers for other Rockstar games in here so watch out:

Sure it was "dark" that Fabiana and Marcelo die, but I didn't really give a shit about them, I only cared as much as it took to get Max super pissed off, which I thought would lead to something. I really thought Max would die in this game, and it would have given the story a lot more impact if he had. I don't think it's out of the question to have expected resolution like that, it's been years since the last game, and Rockstar isn't afraid to kill their lead character. (I really liked the end of Red Dead)

So yeah, the whole chase after the politician dude (I don't even remember his name) didn't have me excited at all because all I could think was, "Oh this is a really gamey ending and it's not going to be anything profound."

The point is the only character in the game I cared about at all was Max, and the ending just really didn't do anything for me.


Just had a nice three hour session (I really should go out and enjoy the weather here in teh UK, but i've been waiting to play this all week)

Picked up where I left off last weekend halfway through Chapter 10. Chapter 11 was a bit m'eh but then 12 and 13 were exceptional. Some great set pieces and disturbing imagery in the former, the latter was just balls to the wall awesome.

Started Chapter 14 but died countless times so I gave up, plus I need to get my heart rate back to normal.


how long is a first playthrough?

I did it on medium in 12 hours. Then i jumped straight into hard and ive put more than 20 hrs into the multi..Soooo good WHEN it works. On ps3 its a crapshoot with all the connection problems. The free aim community is already dwindling. Fuck softlock up the bum.


Here are my stats after four playthroughs. 1st playthrough: medium. 2nd playthrough: hard. 3rd playthrough: mopping up achievements, clues, and golden guns on easy. 4th playthrough: old school.

Deaths: 372
Headshots: 2882
Bullets Fired: 51338
Kills in Bullet Time: 3500
Kills While Blind Firing: 90
Kills While Shoot Dodging: 1174
Kills While Crouching: 101
Kills While On Back: 91
Dual Wield: 962
Distance Traveled: 109,534 m.
Last Stands Survived: 468
Time Spent In Cover: 05:02:38.890
Time Spent Prone: 01:06:34.758
Times Died While Prone: 23

I was gonna go straight to New York Minute but since jred said there's an exp event, I'll play some multiplayer. =D

edit: As a comparison, here are my stats after just one playthrough (medium):

Deaths: 95
Headshots: 794
Bullets Fired: 14380
Kills In Bullet Time: 996
Kills While Blind Firing: 0
Kills While Shoot Dodging: 218
Kills While Crouching: 27
Kills While On Back: 18
Dual Wield: 383
Distance Traveled: 30,495 m.
Last Stands Survived: 180
Time Spent In Cover: 01:05:42.392
Time Spent Prone: 13:19.202
Times Died While Prone: 5
This game is the best shooter this generation. I'm amazed at just how seamless everything is. Just diving backwards in slo-mo and falling on your back and rotating 360 degrees is an amazing feel.

Hell, I love just watching Max aim an ak-47 when the camera pulls in.

The graphics are so sharp and beautiful. Good lord I love this game.

Controls are tight, killing bad guys is satisfying.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
On ps3 the free aim community is already dwindling. Fuck softlock up the bum.

I blame R* for separating the userbase in this regard. All the Playlists should've been open from the start, instead they have like 2 people in the Hardcore playlists (I've a long, long way from getting 5000 kills to open this up), a couple of matches in Payne Killer etc etc. The playlist should've been something similar to Halo how you're all in the lobby then you vote on what the next play type will be. Will it be Gang Wars, Team DM, DM etc.

Sorry R*, you've only got yourselves to blame if this community on PS3 is dwindling already.


Is there a site that shows what every outfit in Arcade mode looks like? There's what feels like 20 outfits and I don't feel like choosing one and loading the game 20 different times to preview each outfit.

Spoiler for one of the outfits:
I tried the "Max Payne Advanced" outfit in NYM and lol'd. It looks like a blocky, NES version of the GTA 3 guy.


Is there a site that shows what every outfit in Arcade mode looks like? There's what feels like 20 outfits and I don't feel like choosing one and loading the game 20 different times to preview each outfit.

Spoiler for one of the outfits:
I tried the "Max Payne Advanced" outfit in NYM and lol'd. It looks like a blocky, NES version of the GTA 3 guy.

He's actually based on the character model from the GBA port of the first game; I'm sure that was Rockstar Leeds' idea (since they did that one and they helped out on this game).
Here are my stats after four playthroughs. 1st playthrough: medium. 2nd playthrough: hard. 3rd playthrough: mopping up achievements, clues, and golden guns on easy. 4th playthrough: old school.

Deaths: 372
Headshots: 2882
Bullets Fired: 51338
Kills in Bullet Time: 3500
Kills While Blind Firing: 90
Kills While Shoot Dodging: 1174
Kills While Crouching: 101
Kills While On Back: 91
Dual Wield: 962
Distance Traveled: 109,534 m.
Last Stands Survived: 468
Time Spent In Cover: 05:02:38.890
Time Spent Prone: 01:06:34.758
Times Died While Prone: 23

I was gonna go straight to New York Minute but since jred said there's an exp event, I'll play some multiplayer. =D

edit: As a comparison, here are my stats after just one playthrough (medium):

Deaths: 95
Headshots: 794
Bullets Fired: 14380
Kills In Bullet Time: 996
Kills While Blind Firing: 0
Kills While Shoot Dodging: 218
Kills While Crouching: 27
Kills While On Back: 18
Dual Wield: 383
Distance Traveled: 30,495 m.
Last Stands Survived: 180
Time Spent In Cover: 01:05:42.392
Time Spent Prone: 13:19.202
Times Died While Prone: 5

Mine are fairly similar after three playthroughs (didn't do a trophy clean up, Medium -->Hard-->Old School). On Medium I spent a lot of time in cover, but now I shoot dodge considerably more.

Deaths: 247
Headshots: 1905
Bullets Fired: 42578
Kills in Bullet Time: 2493
Kills While Blind Firing: 59
Kills While Shoot Dodging: 694
Kills While Crouching: 27
Kills While On Back: 21
Dual Wield: 719
Distance Traveled: 92,375 m.
Last Stands Survived: 291
Time Spent In Cover: 06:37:12.700
Time Spent Prone: 22:37.136
Times Died While Prone: 5

Gonna do Hardcore next I suppose while the skills are fresh.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Because it's easier to play and there's no XP benefit to doing Free Aim until you get 5000 kills?

I guess you could put a scope on a two-handed weapon and dominate Soft Lock.

What is everyone in the GAF Crew playing? I have been playing free aim gang war matches, pretty fun but I am not very good. haha I break even, would do much better in Soft Lock I believe.


Meh, it's still bad. Max should run by default without the player having to press/hold an extra button to do so.

Well you just planned on complaining no matter what I answered

He always runs. But if you hold down A or X he runs a bit faster.



What is everyone in the GAF Crew playing? I have been playing free aim gang war matches, pretty fun but I am not very good. haha I break even, would do much better in Soft Lock I believe.

Well breaking even is better than going 9 and 32 in the last free aim gang war I played. I then played a soft lock gang war and did almost as badly. I decided I'll just stick to free aim and try not to suck as much.
This game is the best shooter this generation. I'm amazed at just how seamless everything is. Just diving backwards in slo-mo and falling on your back and rotating 360 degrees is an amazing feel.

Hell, I love just watching Max aim an ak-47 when the camera pulls in.

The graphics are so sharp and beautiful. Good lord I love this game.

Controls are tight, killing bad guys is satisfying.

Damn....these impressions are the kind that make me smile. Can't wait till Tuesda...Friday for my PC copy.


Soft lock is an abomination and is basically there to allow people who can't aim to feel better about themselves

Free aim 4 lyfe.


i like the amount of xp i've earned on PS3, feels like it took ages to reach level 28 (20hrs played i think)

but i think the pc version will be a huge step up, i might have to ditch psn and play multiplayer over there

I've just completed New York Minute Hardcore... it was nerve-wracking. During the
airport terminal in Chapter 14
I had about 26 seconds left on the clock at one point. Skin of my teeth!


I've just completed New York Minute Hardcore... it was nerve-wracking. During the
airport terminal in Chapter 14
I had about 26 seconds left on the clock at one point. Skin of my teeth!

Congratulations! Have any other gaffers done this? I know Lima has, but who else?

I'm just starting up regular New York Minute. I'm using this painkiller location guide to help me remain stocked with painkillers throughout the game. This should help on NYM and should be a lifesaver especially on NYM hardcore.

Painkiller Locations
Hell, I love just watching Max aim an ak-47 when the camera pulls in.

There's something really satisfying about the hard aim in this game. I don't do it much, especially not in multiplayer, but when I do and the casings are flying everywhere, and you see all the little details on the guns, and bodies are crumpling, and stuff in the environment is reacting, etc. etc. it just all comes together perfectly.

Soft lock is an abomination and is basically there to allow people who can't aim to feel better about themselves

Free aim 4 lyfe.

Word. Soft-lock spits in the face of what makes this game feel good.


Yea, I never really fucked with free aim in RDR but it's great in this. Loving MP a lot. Love that first semi auto rifle, Mini-18 I think? It's great. I bought the FAL but I'm not sure I like it even with a compensator and laser sight.

Trust us now, it's time to let me go...
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