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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


I'd be in the dick
Anyone know if there's a glitch with the "You pay, you play, you bastard" Trophy? I got the grind for 100 melee kills but not the trophy.
finally bought the game and play up t chapter 4. man, I was so hyped after watching various trailer and game mechanic, the ability to shoot any body part and how you can keep shooting while rotating 360 degrees seems like such a great mechanic, it seems like a perfect third person shooter that will make other shooter felt outdated, but after playing it so far, I'm kinda disappointed on the control in general. I tried free aim and it's just not fun or satisfying to aim and shoot. finally back to soft lock and it was more fun that way.

after playing it for a while, I tried going back to Uncharted 3 and that is still my favorite 3rd person shooter, despite not liking that Uncharted 3 not having location specific damage tha allow me to shoot hand/legs etc. but the shooting and aiming is much more responsive and fun than Max Payne 3.

I'm still having fun with MP3, but it's just okay in my book. if it have better more responsive aiming, or if Uncharted 4 will feature bullet time, location specific damage while still have climbing around and stuff, that would probably be my dream third person shooter.


Anyone know if there's a glitch with the "You pay, you play, you bastard" Trophy? I got the grind for 100 melee kills but not the trophy.

I got it on Ps3.

finally bought the game and play up t chapter 4. man, I was so hyped after watching various trailer and game mechanic, the ability to shoot any body part and how you can keep shooting while rotating 360 degrees seems like such a great mechanic, it seems like a perfect third person shooter that will make other shooter felt outdated, but after playing it so far, I'm kinda disappointed on the control in general. I tried free aim and it's just not fun or satisfying to aim and shoot. finally back to soft lock and it was more fun that way.

after playing it for a while, I tried going back to Uncharted 3 and that is still my favorite 3rd person shooter, despite not liking that Uncharted 3 not having location specific damage tha allow me to shoot hand/legs etc. but the shooting and aiming is much more responsive and fun than Max Payne 3.

I'm still having fun with MP3, but it's just okay in my book. if it have better more responsive aiming, or if Uncharted 4 will feature bullet time, location specific damage while still have climbing around and stuff, that would probably be my dream third person shooter.

Uhm I would mess with the sensitivity on free aim a bit before you write it off. Softlock is probably a lot easier and even though I only tried it once in multiplayer ( I joined someone who joined a softlock playlist ) it's not more satisfying at all. You see, you just have to aim a bit in the enemies direction and bang you got the kill.

In my personal opinion the gunplay is much better than any recent TPS game even including uncharted 2 which I thought was really good. I have only played the UC3 beta so I can't comment on that game. It's just so very satisfying to play in free aim on hard, do a shootdodge or roll into a shootdodge and shoot three or four fools in the face :p.

I can't wait to play on easy to finish all the trophy's and golden gun parts though..and find all the clues :).
Almost done with the game on hard, almost in chapter 13. That last part of Chapter 12 is pretty damn tricky on hard but certainly not impossible.


Anyone know if there's a glitch with the "You pay, you play, you bastard" Trophy? I got the grind for 100 melee kills but not the trophy.

Not a glitch technically, but:

There are two ways to initiate melee kills. You can initiate a melee kill with RT or with Y. In both instances you would finish off the enemy with RT to shoot your victim in the head. Both melee kill methods contribute towards the melee grind. However, only melee kills initiated with the Y button will count towards the achievement.


How do you play in multiplayer? I'm about even in kill/deaths, but I feel like my Mini-30 should be doing more damage than it does. When I can line up that headshot it's generally an instakill, but I get torn to shreds by automatics more often than not. Do you all aim for the torso in order to land shots or do you go for the one-shot-kill? The Mini-30 strikes me as more of a midrange weapon, especially with its limited ROF, I think I'll start building a dual-wield or light class to run around causing havoc in Branco levels.

I want to be good!
Damn, my gaming skills have tanked. Died 4 times on the hotel roof (each time during the
heavy MG guy battle
). Pissed me off to no end, so turned off my PS3.

Any painkillers to be found up there?

Trick to the heavy MG dudes....Take cover building adrenaline. Wait till he runs out of ammo and starts to reload. Bullet time and unload on him, DONE.


Fucking Chapter 13 in regular New York Minute mode is giving me trouble. I keep running out of time.

I hope that if I ever get to this chapter in NYM Hardcore, that I'll have a ton of time saved up.


So usually I would kill the two guys at the stairs, pick up some painkillers in the little room on the right. Then I'd run out of the room and that one guy with the shotty would pop out and try to shoot me (usually getting a shot off, even in bullet time). This is what I'm talking about when I say there is a lot of memorization. The guy just pops out of a wall and you are at an angle that leaves it very hard for you to see him (it's cheap). Basically, you have to expose yourself to kill him. Then you got to the little roof area, where there is a piece of cover in the middle. The building would buckle again, making you stumble and then three guys pop out above you. If you don't know they are coming (and are not in cover) they come out and shoot you pretty quickly. I guess you could go into bullet time but the position the game places you in is very cheap and you are at a big disadvantage. Then after you kill those guys, the game triggers a quick cutscene showing the heavy dude on the opposite end of the roof. If you don't know he is coming and you are caught on the wrong side of cover, you are dead. Still even if you are in cover and using bullet time it was extremely hard for me to get enough headshots off to kill the guy. It ended up working on about my 50th attempt and I had barely any life left. This game also has enemies that do the Uncharted monkey dance when they're being shot at .. doding your bullets by moving their head and bodies back and forth. it's annoying.

When I tried this section again last night I only used one of the bull pistols, and used up one pain killer when the mg roof guy hit me. I'm not sure how drunk you have been but it really sounds like there is just some basic mechanic you are missing or not understanding. I noticed the cheap guy on the corner because I always change the view with the dpad when I come up to a corner. When the 3 roof guys came out I shoot dodged backwards and all 3 were dead by the time I hit the ground. And you were talking about being on the wrong side of cover with the mg guy - regardless of where I was at after the cut scene, it just placed me standing out in the open. Pretty sure I shoot dodged, got a few hits in, then was knocked down and at that point I lined up the first head shot and kept pulling the trigger when it showed him going to his knee. And that killed him. Didn't use cover once in the whole section.
Damn, my gaming skills have tanked. Died 4 times on the hotel roof (each time during the
heavy MG guy battle
). Pissed me off to no end, so turned off my PS3.

Any painkillers to be found up there?

Yes, after you go up the metal stairs turn to the right, they're on a rack in a closet sized room.


Ugh finally beat Chapter 13 in NYM with 26 seconds left. My heart was pounding. I was so scared I'd get
killed by the boss while peeking to get a shot at him, you know after bringing the ventilation units down
I preordered it with a UK credit card and I've tried to download it using a US VPN (the Store page is now in dollars!) but it still says it won't unlock until June 1. Any ideas people? I've done this method successfully before for Skyrim, and other games. I want some Payne :(

Double D

Finished it the other day. Enjoyed it quite a bit, although I could have done with a few less cutscenes. Also after finishing it I realized I didn't really play it as a Max Payne game. Didn't use bullet time a whole lot and I think I maybe used shoot dodge a total of 3 times. I might play through a couple of scenarios and try to get a little more bullet-timey.


Unconfirmed Member
I preordered it with a UK credit card and I've tried to download it using a US VPN (the Store page is now in dollars!) but it still says it won't unlock until June 1. Any ideas people? I've done this method successfully before for Skyrim, and other games. I want some Payne :(

the US release was pushed back a few days. it unlocks at the same time for everyone.


Finished it the other day. Enjoyed it quite a bit, although I could have done with a few less cutscenes. Also after finishing it I realized I didn't really play it as a Max Payne game. Didn't use bullet time a whole lot and I think I maybe used shoot dodge a total of 3 times. I might play through a couple of scenarios and try to get a little more bullet-timey.



I love the multiplayer in this game, when it matches me against players in my own region. I absolutely HATE it when it matches me with players on the other side of the fucking world.
I really wish there was a prefer region option. I would gladly wait in the lobby longer, if it meant my bullets would actually hurt people.
When it works it's so much fun.


I love the multiplayer in this game, when it matches me against players in my own region. I absolutely HATE it when it matches me with players on the other side of the fucking world.
I really wish there was a prefer region option. I would gladly wait in the lobby longer, if it meant my bullets would actually hurt people.
When it works it's so much fun.

Yeah I was playing in the AM and encountered some insanely laggy matches. You shot people until they lag jumped 30 yards across the map.


Stats after 5 playthroughs. I can't get enough of this game. I went medium -> hard -> easy (achievements, collectibles) -> old school -> new york minute. I'm gonna try my hand at NYM hardcore next.

Deaths: 392
Headshots: 3829
Bullets Fired: 62329
Kills in Bullet Time: 4713
Kills While Blind Firing: 91
Kills While Shoot Dodging: 1723
Kills While Crouching: 108
Kills While On Back: 97
Dual Wield: 1264
Distance Traveled: 131,472 m.
Last Stands Survived: 546
Time Spent In Cover: 05:43:56.180
Time Spent Prone: 01:14:10.579
Times Died While Prone: 25
So I accidentally bought two copies of the 360 version of the game (don't ask) and I gave the extra copy to a friend to try out a few days ago.

Today he wrote me this email:

friend's email said:
Alright man...this fucking game owns my soul. I was not ready for how awesome this fucker is, I played from about act 2 till...fuck dude, I don't know, I'm on disc 2 somewhere in some grimy favela, on day 2 of playing this shit straight (I should probably eat some food and maybe sleep at some point, but that shit is overrated so who knows), maybe act 7 or something?!? I can't stop until I finish this bitch, work be damned, and I'm loving every booze soaked second. So thank you Good Sir, for reintroducing me to Max Motherfucking Payne...you may have to pry this fucker from my dead hands to get it back, but know that if you are forced to murder me to get your game back, that I am a better human for having played it and that I died a happy man.

It's like every great 80's action movie cliche had an orgy with Guy Ritche, Quentin Tarantino an AK-47 and Pablo Escobar, then named the love child Satan's Nutsack. Then that bastard amalgamation love child was sent to a brazilian whore house at age 17 while withdrawaling from high grade painkillers and epically hungover, got raped by a kilo of uncut Columbian cocaine, then drank a case of Jack Daniel's while getting blown by the Chilean Women's Soccer Team and reciting the lyrics to every Slayer song in reverse on the rim of a volcano during a mass ritual sacrifice...and then that shit was pressed on a game disc and sold to the masses as Max Payne 3; that's what this fucking game is like...and I love it.

Look at what you've done Rockstar. Love it.


Just beat it, started playing better the last two chapters. I think I wanted more from the ending but it was a good finale. The health song playing while fighting your way thru the terminal was pretty friggin awesome

I want to play thru it again and get better


So I accidentally bought two copies of the 360 version of the game (don't ask) and I gave the extra copy to a friend to try out a few days ago.

Today he wrote me this email:

Look at what you've done Rockstar. Love it.

And that tipped me over the edge, I will purchase this game. Haha.

Thanks for the relay.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
So I accidentally bought two copies of the 360 version of the game (don't ask) and I gave the extra copy to a friend to try out a few days ago.

Today he wrote me this email:

Look at what you've done Rockstar. Love it.

That was hilarious. Get your friend to post on GAF. Now.
I love the multiplayer in this game, when it matches me against players in my own region. I absolutely HATE it when it matches me with players on the other side of the fucking world.
I really wish there was a prefer region option. I would gladly wait in the lobby longer, if it meant my bullets would actually hurt people.
When it works it's so much fun.

Same for me, and it's the only thing that has stopped me from coming into this thread gushing about how good the multi is. So many great ideas here, and most are implemented well, but the lag sucks. Hit detection is iffy, and you can actually see players clipping about the map if you're far enough away from them. I'd love a region preference option, but there probably isn't enough players online for it to matter.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
So is anyone still anxiously awaiting grabbing the PC version this Friday? I almost Redbox'd the game over the weekend; but held strong so it'd be completely new when I finally get it on my computer this Friday.

I'm really, really hoping there are no Day One issues.

No connection problems. No weird mouse/buffering/v-sync issues. No "doesn't work with certain cards right" problems. I dunno... I just have a bad feeling... :(


So is anyone still anxiously awaiting grabbing the PC version this Friday? I almost Redbox'd the game over the weekend; but held strong so it'd be completely new when I finally get it on my computer this Friday.

I'm really, really hoping there are no Day One issues.

No connection problems. No weird mouse/buffering/v-sync issues. No "doesn't work with certain cards right" problems. I dunno... I just have a bad feeling... :(

Me! I had the exact same struggle with telling myself not to get it from gamefly. Most anticipated game this year besides Halo 4. Can't wait to jump in.


So is anyone still anxiously awaiting grabbing the PC version this Friday? I almost Redbox'd the game over the weekend; but held strong so it'd be completely new when I finally get it on my computer this Friday.

I'm really, really hoping there are no Day One issues.

No connection problems. No weird mouse/buffering/v-sync issues. No "doesn't work with certain cards right" problems. I dunno... I just have a bad feeling... :(

Anxious anticipation! Definitely built a rig for the game, but this is a double-dip for me! Played it on the 360, and I'm so excited for Kb/M control!

This game is so awesome. So excited for the PC iteration!
Through out my playthrough on the 360 I just kept thinking about how much better it would play on PC with a mouse. If there aren't any major issues I'm going to have to double dip.

I've had just recently played through Max Payne 2 on PC for the first time and it was like a whole new game compared to the xbox version. I'm hopeful this isn't a typical Rockstar PC game at launch


So is anyone still anxiously awaiting grabbing the PC version this Friday? I almost Redbox'd the game over the weekend; but held strong so it'd be completely new when I finally get it on my computer this Friday.

I'm really, really hoping there are no Day One issues.

No connection problems. No weird mouse/buffering/v-sync issues. No "doesn't work with certain cards right" problems. I dunno... I just have a bad feeling... :(

Has the preload started yet?


Well, getting my PC on Tuesday next week. Can't wait to double dip and get the PC version. Can't max it since I'll only have a 560ti, but I get my kb/m that I'm used to for MP since I played the first 2 on PC. Also.... MODS!!!!
I am looking forward to double dipping for the graphical bump, not so much for m/k control. I am aware it's more precise, but I think playing on a controller feels fine. Plays well and makes me feel I have to work for my kills a bit, you need skill to complete all the challenge levels with Free Aim.

But yeah, what a game.
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