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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Yeah Simo should kick out a big chunk of people on the bottom of the leaderboards. No offense to those people, just it seems there are people that would be more active wanting to be in the crew.

Right now, there are 133 on the Xbox Live leaderboard and 12 on the PSN leaderboard. Which mean just over half have yet to touch the multiplayer side of things.

Possibly something to look into. Its not kicking those people out. Maybe they just beat the game but soon its going to be people who havent picked it up. Maybe the other 155 are PC guys too. Who do you kick out? How do you know they are PC people?

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
This was me yesterday when I posted my k/d ratio.

This is me today. =D

Had a few epic rounds today, guess lag was on my side for a change. Usually you can tell if lag is a factor by who wins a melee.

Also have been trying to send out party invites to other crew members who are playing, but you don't know if they're playing sp, in the middle of a match or afk. Game needs some sort of live aware feature or whatever it is called when it tells you what they're doing in game. Be good to get a crew together for some games, bonus if they had headsets too.


Finished the game this weekend. Not much to write home about. The shooting is solid, physics are fun. Encounter design is bad throughout most of the game though. Too many cutscenes. Many of them unnecessarily long. Story is forgettable and has lost any Noir touch.



I sadly agree. I have yet to play MP3 as PC isn't released just yet. But I've come to appreciate difficulty in games that harken to the NES era. Imagine Dark Souls with checkpoints every 5 mins. Casual gaming is catching on in a big way, which is fine, but it's not leaving much room for harder games which are artificially inflated to be so i.e. same enemies with more life. Arkham City was much more enjoyable on Hard as there were no icons to tell you when to reverse and I wish I could have chosen that difficulty from the start as opposed to unlocking it. But i'll take what I can get and I can't wait for MP3.

You know what's the really sad part? The game isn't even that hard!

Even if you encounter a few parts where you get stuck, the game will make it easier for you after a few deaths.

Casual gaming is the standard nowadays, unfortunately.



Just went to youtube to watch some of the parts I liked a lot, and almost all of the videos had someone playing it like it was Gears of War. Just sitting behind cover the entire time. Disgusting.

Heh, I did the same thing. There's this walkthrough of (location spoiler)
and the guy shoot dodges ONCE. The rest of the video he was just camping behind an obstacle, taking out baddies on normal mode.

I almost started screaming at my monitor.

Finished the game this weekend. Not much to write home about. The shooting is solid, physics are fun. Encounter design is bad throughout most of the game though. Too many cutscenes. Many of them unnecessarily long. Story is forgettable and has lost any Noir touch.


You're entitled to your opinion, but get your facts straight. You don't know what noir means.
I really wonder what they were thinking when they made a prone button. Really.
It takes so long to do, hard to do in the first place and you can't move during it!


If you press the right stick the games goes into slow motion. Makes it way easier.

I just reloaded the part you are stuck on. Originally, I beat it on hard in a couple tries and this time I retried it on normal(since that is the way you are playing) and again beat it in two. I don't understand why you are having that much trouble - especially on normal. What weapons are you stuck with? Also, if the heavy weapons guy knocks you into last chance mode, keep pulling the trigger and getting hits on him even after hitting him in the head.

So usually I would kill the two guys at the stairs, pick up some painkillers in the little room on the right. Then I'd run out of the room and that one guy with the shotty would pop out and try to shoot me (usually getting a shot off, even in bullet time). This is what I'm talking about when I say there is a lot of memorization. The guy just pops out of a wall and you are at an angle that leaves it very hard for you to see him (it's cheap). Basically, you have to expose yourself to kill him. Then you got to the little roof area, where there is a piece of cover in the middle. The building would buckle again, making you stumble and then three guys pop out above you. If you don't know they are coming (and are not in cover) they come out and shoot you pretty quickly. I guess you could go into bullet time but the position the game places you in is very cheap and you are at a big disadvantage. Then after you kill those guys, the game triggers a quick cutscene showing the heavy dude on the opposite end of the roof. If you don't know he is coming and you are caught on the wrong side of cover, you are dead. Still even if you are in cover and using bullet time it was extremely hard for me to get enough headshots off to kill the guy. It ended up working on about my 50th attempt and I had barely any life left. This game also has enemies that do the Uncharted monkey dance when they're being shot at .. doding your bullets by moving their head and bodies back and forth. it's annoying.


So usually I would kill the two guys at the stairs, pick up some painkillers in the little room on the right. Then I'd run out of the room and that one guy with the shotty would pop out and try to shoot me (usually getting a shot off, even in bullet time). This is what I'm talking about when I say there is a lot of memorization. The guy just pops out of a wall and you are at an angle that leaves it very hard for you to see him (it's cheap). Basically, you have to expose yourself to kill him. Then you got to the little roof area, where there is a piece of cover in the middle. The building would buckle again, making you stumble and then three guys pop out above you. If you don't know they are coming (and are not in cover) they come out and shoot you pretty quickly. I guess you could go into bullet time but the position the game places you in is very cheap and you are at a big disadvantage. Then after you kill those guys, the game triggers a quick cutscene showing the heavy dude on the opposite end of the roof. If you don't know he is coming and you are caught on the wrong side of cover, you are dead. Still even if you are in cover and using bullet time it was extremely hard for me to get enough headshots off to kill the guy. It ended up working on about my 50th attempt and I had barely any life left. This game also has enemies that do the Uncharted dance when they're being shot at .. doding your bullets by moving their head and bodies back and forth. it's annoying.

Not trying to sound like a jerk but it seems like you have no awareness of anything really. I had no problem at that part.
As for the shotgun guy, you can roll to dodge him. Take cover and make him expose himself. You can take that guy out without being hit.

The 3 guys I just.... shot them and the heavy guy... I just shot him too.

I really don't see the problem =\


I'm doing terrible in Multiplayer... I can't aim for shit, and I notice everyone else is using pistols/pdw's when I'm the only one using a Shotgun...


Not trying to sound like a jerk but it seems like you have no awareness of anything really. I had no problem at that part.
As for the shotgun guy, you can roll to dodge him. Take cover and make him expose himself. You can take that guy out without being hit.

The 3 guys I just.... shot them and the heavy guy... I just shot him too.

I really don't see the problem =\

I don't know I have played a lot of shooters and I'm pretty good at them. This game you do need to play a little differently but I don't think I am alone in claiming that there are tough difficulty spikes and some cheap scenarios present in the campaign. I'm not saying the game is a piece of shit or anything, just saying that there are some really frustrating parts (for me at least).

Also I think you are much better off dual wielding in this game, especially with the Uzis.


I don't know I have played a lot of shooters and I'm pretty good at them. This game you do need to play a little differently but I don't think I am alone in claiming that there are tough difficulty spikes and some cheap scenarios present in the campaign. I'm not saying the game is a piece of shit or anything, just saying that there are some really frustrating parts (for me at least).

Also I think you are much better off dual wielding in this game, especially with the Uzis.

Definitely agree with the bolded part. I'm just saying that part you're stuck in was really easy to deal with


I'm doing terrible in Multiplayer... I can't aim for shit, and I notice everyone else is using pistols/pdw's when I'm the only one using a Shotgun...


I run with a shotgun and get mauled constantly. I keep hoping that one of these matches it will just click..no such luck yet.


Just completed the game on hard; what an absolute blast!

I was sceptical going in about R*'s ability to handle the tone of a Max Payne game, but they knocked this one out of the park. Everything was excellent, combat, difficulty, length, story, environments, dialogue etc. Really impressed with what they've accomplished. Game looks stunning too (played 360 version) so I'm definitely going to pick up the PC version too to experience the even more impressive visuals.

I got the sense while playing that with this game, this generation has peaked in terms of visual fidelity. The last time I felt that way was with Chaos Theory on the Xbox. Sure there are some visually impressive games still to be released this gen, but whether they will have the sheer attention to detail on display here remains to be seen. Uncharted 2 was the last console game to blow me away, but this destroys that. Not sure about the multiplayer yet as I haven't spent any significant time with it.


Genres are subjective, don't be an ass. Personally, I think MP3 qualifies
until the end

They are? I think most genres have a general consensus developed by critics. Whenever you watch drama films, I bet you don't think: man I love these horror movies.


How do you guys feel about the FAL or assault rifles in general? Favorites?

In single player I had a hard time straying far from dual weilding pistols, but that was purely a stylistic decision. I liked the FAL too, but I usually would drop any rifle once I knew I'd have to start dodging and maneuvering briskly.

I run with a shotgun and get mauled constantly. I keep hoping that one of these matches it will just click..no such luck yet.

I run with the shotty on maps like Branco HQ and Hoboken. Tight quarters maps are awesome for this gun.

I run with the RPD and depot and favela. Hits hard from long range.

I use the Mini-30 when the other team does...it need a CQ nerf.

My last class I use dual wield mostly just because it's fun!


I run with the shotty on maps like Branco HQ and Hoboken. Tight quarters maps are awesome for this gun.

I run with the RPD and depot and favela. Hits hard from long range.

I use the Mini-30 when the other team does...it need a CQ nerf.

My last class I use dual wield mostly just because it's fun!

I didn't clarify, but yeah, I don't use the shotty for every map. Branco HQ is perfect for the shotty though.

Duel wield just destroys people.


Lol @ rifles..

I only run around with my bull and some other SMG type gun that's not the Mac10.

Decked out with the upgrades these guns are beasts!


Lol @ rifles..

I only run around with my bull and some other SMG type gun that's not the Mac10.

Decked out with the upgrades these guns are beasts!

Hate to ever side with you on things but yea, I've been beasting with the Mac10 and 1911 lately. Had a game of gang wars earlier on the NJ map. It was capturing points mode and my team wasn't doing shit to try and cap, just camp and snipe. So I roll into their building and proceed to just roll face. It was hilarious. I wasn't even being sneaky either, just straight up went to the pop it, killed the three goons there, and fucking sit on it for the next thirty seconds. I pushed back EVERY wave to retake it by myself too. Had four vendettas on me, defended all of them. Shit was hilarious. M10 + 1911 + Bullet Time = Me doing embarassing and shameful things to the enemy team.

The next day, some mothers would weep...
Hate to ever side with you on things but yea, I've been beasting with the Mac10 and 1911 lately. Had a game of gang wars earlier on the NJ map. It was capturing points mode and my team wasn't doing shit to try and cap, just camp and snipe. So I roll into their building and proceed to just roll face. It was hilarious. I wasn't even being sneaky either, just straight up went to the pop it, killed the three goons there, and fucking sit on it for the next thirty seconds. I pushed back EVERY wave to retake it by myself too. Had four vendettas on me, defended all of them. Shit was hilarious. M10 + 1911 + Bullet Time = Me doing embarassing and shameful things to the enemy team.

The next day, some mothers would weep...

it's all subjective...I had a 32-5-15 team deathmatch with the rpd. If I see.you 40 feet away with your handguns I'm going to down you with the RPD.


Damn, my gaming skills have tanked. Died 4 times on the hotel roof (each time during the
heavy MG guy battle
). Pissed me off to no end, so turned off my PS3.

Any painkillers to be found up there?


Damn, my gaming skills have tanked. Died 4 times on the hotel roof (each time during the
heavy MG guy battle
). Pissed me off to no end, so turned off my PS3.

Any painkillers to be found up there?

I died there a lot too. Try
grabbing the heavy gun that one of the goons on the stairs drops, it took out the heavy MG guy pretty quickly for me.
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