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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Waiting for this to install.

Oh sent in my request to join NeoGang.

Do I get jumped in, how does this work?

Who do I feed pizza too?

Adam J.

Played for about 3 hours--can't believe how hard it is even on medium! You really have to "go for it" in regards to just busting into a room and blasting it up. It pretty fun, but I think I still prefer the gameplay in Stranglehold.


I was having some trouble with fine aiming, then I realized some aim assists were still on under the "gameplay" menu. Turned them off, the game feels a lot more responsive now.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
OK... I don't know how much I have left of the SP. But this game man, this game. Just fucking balls to the wall awesome all the way through so far. And the story is actually somewhat interesting and unpredictable.

Just so awesome so far.


so, this game is like the definition of fun.

i'm having so much of it playing this.

i've played the first two chapters, and then jumped into multiplayer. multiplayer is extremely deep, and i wasn't expecting that.

the little things, like max holding a rifle under his armpit to change the ammo in a handgun is shit that i love.

can you join more than 1 crew?
I'm a little in to chapter 4 and am really enjoying the games so far overall. Some of the checkpoints are really badly placed to the point where you start up and within one second you are already being shot at and at half health before you even have time to react. I also seem to lose sight of the cross-hair (dot) often, so that sucks. The slow-motion bullet time is cool, but to me it seems to hurt more than it helps sometimes. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Even with all these negatives, it is a hard game to put down.

Oh, and the sound bug is lame. I missed out on all the audio in the opening scene of chapter 4.
It's all fun and games until you take off somebodies face off while diving off a 2nd story building in slow motion!

This game is the pajama jammy jam.


I don't know how anyone who came into this wanting more Max Payne could NOT be disappointed with it. There are some phenomenal levels that are Max Payne-ey as hell, but there are some just terrible ones where you're basically playing Red Dead. You're given absolutely no freedom to move around and are constantly shoved into cover. The last three levels in particular pulled this shit.

I would've taken a 4 hour Max Payne that did away with the cover garbage and just given me those sweet levels that didn't play like a generic cover shooter.


I'd be in the dick
Holy crap. Finished chapter 6 and it was insanely awesome. The gunfights were intense and the rooms got completely trashed. I also pulled off some of the coolest moves I ever have in a shooter. Game has been brilliant so far. The gameplay is super tight and polished.

BTW the game looks and runs great on PS3. I've had noticed a couple minor framerate hiccups in cutscenes but other than that gameplay has been smooth and the graphics are quite good. Looks a lot like Uncharted 2/3 without motion blur or DoF.
Only had time to put a few rounds into free aim TDM so far, and MY GOD, it's really fun. The guns feel so BEAST and animate beautifully. I couldn't take my eyes off the bullet casings ejecting from the AK it looks so smooth. The aiming is 100 times more precise than GTAIV and a good step up from Red Dead, the movement feels heavy and momentum based but you never feel out of control and it's way tighter than RDR and offers a greater feel of free range movement. The maps are very detailed, the rain storm on the docks is AMAZING in particular. I've already had a few "OMG LMAO" bullet time shootdodge kills as well.

Haven't even touched the singleplayer and this is already worth it.


Nice to see more positivity, in here. My hype is still going strong. June the 1st still seems so damn far away. But thank goodness for Diablo 3.


I never expected to say this since the game isn't produced by Remedy, but... THIS GAME KICKS FUCKING ASS. I haven't played a good shooter with a decent storyline like this since Uncharted 3.



I'd be in the dick
Is the PS3 version working properly? After Skyrim, I have to wait post launch and make sure...
It's great on PS3. A couple minor frame drops in cutscenes are the only things I've noticed.

God, all of this digital distortion is making me feel ill (seriously); they really went overboard.
I'm actually surprised at how little it's bothering me. I was worried from some of the footage I saw but I'm digging it a whole lot more than I thought I would.


God, all of this digital distortion is making me feel ill (seriously); they really went overboard.

I don't agree at all. I thought it was going to be worse from a few quotes I read in reviews before playing it last night. Maybe I'm ok because I went in with the expectation of being annoyed by it.

Want to play it so bad, but have to deal with a few more things related to a sudden death in the family. Bad timing, but what can you do? Family comes first. Haven't even been able to try multi yet.


Game is top-notch. Love the controls and gunplay, they feel solid at first but really good after the first 30 minutes.

While the cinematic approach is drastically different, the game still manages to bring back great memories and moments that remind me of Max Payne 1 & 2.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Thoughts so far:

It took me a while to get used to the setting - I was wondering how they could have anything vaguely film noir or John Woo-ish in a tropical urban paradise. But having sunk a few hours into it I've realized I had it completely backwards. If Max Payne 1 and 2 were homages to the works of John Woo (and to a lesser extent, the partially Hong Kong action film inspired The Matrix), then this film is an homage to the more recent works of Michael Mann like Miami Vice or Collateral. And it actually works fantastically, as it's a logical place for the character to go next. Kane and Lynch have already explored this territory, but their gameplay was so unrefined - and their characters so utterly detestable - that I'm finding it hard to argue that this isn't a much better homage in just about every capacity.

I also think that a completely linear, story-driven game is a way better playground for the Housers to play wannabe directors than an open world game like Red Dead. The pacing is tighter, the tone is more consistent, and the graphical fidelity doesn't fluctuate depending on the complexity of the environment anymore.

Mechanically it's still very much Max Payne - aside from hit-and-miss (mostly miss) last stand system, bullet time and health are largely unchanged. What is killing me is the sluggish analog stick input. Aiming feels... heavy. Sluggish. It's hard to put into words. The aiming is too slow (even with aiming speeds turned up to 10) to feel quite right as a vanilla free-aiming third person shooter. Despite the R* pedigree, this isn't a GTA4 or Red Dead style "lock-on to their torso and then aim for their head" shooter. It's not a COD-style "keep tapping scope to auto-lock your way through" game. It's closer to "Once every few seconds you can hit the lock key, and it will zoom to the closest enemy (whether or not you can actually hit him). Then it will stop locking entirely. Then you need to push your gun through molasses to put an enemy's head under your reticule."

You can get used to it in some areas - especially open combat, where cover and bullet time can negate aiming deficiencies. But other segments that are more scripted require tightly timed responses, and the slow aiming is pretty brutal.
Uncharted 3... Good story? Lord no.

Uncharted 3....Good shooter? Lord no.

Uncharted 2, okay I'll accept that.

From the multiplayer vids I've seen it reminds me of Uncharted. Is that a fair comparison?

It's WAY deadlier than Uncharted multiplayer, and the bullet time really changes how you approach certain situations. I guess Uncharted is the closest comparison, but it's not THAT close. Plus there's no platforming in MP3.
Rented this tonight and played for about a couple hours tonight and it didn't do anything for me. Not bad, just boring. Sucks because I really wanted to like it. I'll probably still buy the soundtrack.


Five chapters down, ill as fuck so far.

The combat is great. I'm honestly surprised at how good it is. And R* has nailed the often elusive trait for shooters where every gun is really satisfying to use. From the beefy assault rifles, down to Max's starting pistol. I got one of those grind achievements for 100 kills with a pistol fairly quickly because they're so fun.

I did run into a bad checkpoint on the stadium level, but they've been okay other than that. One thing I'd say to anyone who has yet to play: don't play with the default control settings. I mean, I'm sure someone out there will like them, but I hated the default settings. I upped my sensitivity like three notches and raised the acceleration and everything is totally smooth now in free aim. Popping head shots left and right.

Pretty impressive so far. And god damn @ the soundtrack. Want the full thing badly now.
You don't need to play the first 2 games to understand the story. R* does a good job in informing the players of Max's painful history. Haha Sooo fucking good. God damn I love this game.

What modern shooters do you think have good stories? Let's hear it.

Well, not many really do, to be honest. If I had to choose a few, though: Bioshock, The Darkness, Metro 2033... That's not to say they're brilliant pieces of storytelling; I just think they're better than UC3's. What we can most definitely agree on, however, is UC3's wonderful crafting of relationships, humor and likable characters.
I've said this in a couple other places, but this game isn't nearly as good as the reviews are saying IMO. Too repetitive and the flashy crap in the cutscenes is driving me crazy and giving me awful headaches.
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