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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title

Sky Chief

Oh lol, I thought you meant in reference to the Max Payne series. In that case, I agree...somewhat. ;)

Yeah, "terrible" might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but those parts of their previous games always left me underwhelmed compared to the rest of the package. This game excels on both accounts.


Anyone have a clue what this incompatible date thing is about? Hvaing some issue when trying to join a friends game. 360 version.


If I do choose to get this, how's the PS3 version? I need more PS3 games...
Alright. The frames can drop in a lot of areas but then there are some pretty smooth sections. I think the same probably applies to the 360 one though. 5.0gb install on the PS3.


Being from Europe i've been able to play MP3 only today.

I stopped at chapter 8, playing at normal difficulty, no aim assist.

Good game, entertaining from a gameplay point of view. Good gameplay mechanics mixed with great enviroments and good encounters. Everything works quite well, my only gripes atm are some bullet spounges.

Story wise... well, the story looks quite decent, but nothing mindblowing. I'm really hating that every five minutes we have Max with the bottle in hand, taking pills, blaming himself for something. You don't have to remind me every five fuking minutes, really.

Considering everything, a good entertaing game, a little too childish from the narration - style point ov view for my tastes.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
There is nothing fun about sniping 30 people from distant buildings shooting gallery style that this game and every other shooter seems to think we love. Nothing.


There is nothing fun about sniping 30 people from distant buildings shooting gallery style that this game and every other shooter seems to think we love. Nothing.

The sniping section in Mp2 was not that much better. At least here its very easy and done in 30 seconds. And it was actually pretty badass.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I'm actually not just talking about the literal sniper segments, but just having little heads lined all around you that have to be popped from far away balconies/terraces. I hate playing this as a cover shooter, seems like that happens in every 3rd scene though.


Was anyone at the rockstar multiplayer event? There were a couple of rockstar guys playing in it some time back.

Tried to get in a few games, but kept getting disconnected for some random reason. Then the one game I did finally get into...the other team had 80:10 kills...yea that was fun.


Man I really hope this game is still being played in 6 months....the multiplayer is so fucking awesome...shoot dodging out of a building while capping 2 dudes in the back of the head will never get boring to me

Single player is great too..I don't know why people don't like all the visual effects....I don't find it disturbing all. Stopped at chapter 6 just so I can enjoy multi for a bit...I don't want to start it up again cuz I don't want it to end!


I think I ran into a bug. I literally cannot kill the guy at the end of chapter 12. I've played that final section at least 20+ times already and just turned off the game because I couldn't take it anymore lol. Also, on one of my attempts this happened.


I swear that last stand mechanic has gotten me killed and wasted more time than if I just outright died from the shot that hit me. :(


I think I ran into a bug. I literally cannot kill the guy at the end of chapter 12. I've played that final section at least 20+ times already and just turned off the game because I couldn't take it anymore lol. Also, on one of my attempts this happened.


I swear that last stand mechanic has gotten me killed and wasted more time than if I just outright died from the shot that hit me. :(

Last Stand is so awful in the single player. It's a comeback mechanic that's functionally broken as soon as a jackass tags you with blind fire, provided that the game's animation system doesn't attempt to do a 180 of your torso first.


It's really pathetic and really sad they included softlock in the multiplayer. I mean almost double the players are playing that on Ps3 than free aim..

WTF it makes me sad as shit.

Also mostly when I get a Last Stand I just die on purpose and redo it. I dont want to cheat my way through it lol.


I think I ran into a bug. I literally cannot kill the guy at the end of chapter 12. I've played that final section at least 20+ times already and just turned off the game because I couldn't take it anymore lol. Also, on one of my attempts this happened.


I swear that last stand mechanic has gotten me killed and wasted more time than if I just outright died from the shot that hit me. :(

This is literally the worst part in the game. I hated it so, so much.
Started playing the game today.

It's pretty good so far. Nice settings, good music, etc. But like other people said, the controls are a bit cluncky.. Must be a real point and clickfest on the pc. Maybe i need to experiment a bit more with the settings.

I'm at the very end of the
soccer stadium
level and i think it's a pretty hard game on medium, but only because of the controls.

I have a feeling that i will end up thinking this game was too much of a one trick pony when i'm finished, but luckely the production values are hign and it's great to watch euphoria doing its magic.


I don't know why it's ok to have games with tons of enemies at the end. Seriously tired of it. For serious.

it was a good game, i felt sufficiently badass. But (Chapter 13)
the final shootout against Becker's second in command was ridiculous. I felt like a sardine trying to fight my way out of a pair of crackers

I'm glad i rented it !


It took me 15 tries to do that.

You have to be quick in that whole section as the place will collapse around you and get the machine gun that guy drops on the stairs leading up to the small room with the painkillers. Save the machine gun for the bullet sponge douche and use a pistol to kill the guys before that. You can try and take your time with him but you'd probably fail because of the collapse. So I just had some painkillers, stayed in cover and pumped him full of lead, made sure not to get last stand (if you do, you're pretty much fucked).

OG Kush

Is it just me or is there no auto aim in free aim multiplayer? As in in the free aim in singleplayer theres still auto aim (as I believe most shooters on consoles have a bit of auto-aim as a stick can never be as accurate as a mouse) but when i played MP aiming felt so off.. could hardly kill anyone. maybe just me thogh.


I don't know why it's ok to have games with tons of enemies at the end. Seriously tired of it. For serious.

it was a good game, i felt sufficiently badass. But (Chapter 13)
the final shootout against Becker's second in command was ridiculous. I felt like a sardine trying to fight my way out of a pair of crackers

I'm glad i rented it !

I hated, hated, HATED
how the game doesn't tell you that he has plot armor until you do what you have to do and that he'll kill you straight up if you lose all of your health.
Honestly, it's like Rockstar goes out of their way in this game to do otherwise cool levels and end them as poorly as possible. I'm on the final chapter now (controllers died out and are charging), and if that trend keeps up, I think I might scream.


Was not sure what to think about this game - Until New Jersey happened.

Yeah this game is awesome.

GTA V can´t come soon enough.

R* finally know what shooting in a game should feel like.


I hated, hated, HATED
how the game doesn't tell you that he has plot armor until you do what you have to do and that he'll kill you straight up if you lose all of your health.
Honestly, it's like Rockstar goes out of their way in this game to do otherwise cool levels and end them as poorly as possible. I'm on the final chapter now (controllers died out and are charging), and if that trend keeps up, I think I might scream.

Not for me... as crappy as that boss fight was,
Max had a monologue explaining what to do the first time round.
But I played on medium, it might be different for other difficulties.


Not for me... as crappy as that boss fight was,
Max had a monologue explaining what to do the first time round.
But I played on medium, it might be different for other difficulties.

He does the monologue, but it's still frustrating to see them change the rules on you like that and give you no heads up about other factors. The rooftop at the end of chapter 12 is a great example of this with the time limit you don't even know you're under until the game over screen happens, and it becomes even more bullshit when there's a cutscene right after where the building stays up for longer than the game tells you it can.

I honestly wish that the scenario designs got the same level of love and care as most of the other aspects of the game.


Is it just me or is there no auto aim in free aim multiplayer? As in in the free aim in singleplayer theres still auto aim (as I believe most shooters on consoles have a bit of auto-aim as a stick can never be as accurate as a mouse) but when i played MP aiming felt so off.. could hardly kill anyone. maybe just me thogh.

You can turn off all forms of aim assistance in the options menu. You might still have one of the help options on while playing free aim SP. At least from what I remember...cant access the options menu atm.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Is there any reason not to save your painkillers for a Last Stand battle? Why would you ever use one manually? feels like rations in MGS, but even cheaper since you aren't juggling items.


Is there any reason not to save your painkillers for a Last Stand battle? Why would you ever use one manually? feels like rations in MGS, but even cheaper since you aren't juggling items.

Some enemies can kill you straight up and not allow you to enter Last Stand, or in the case of one particular enemy, make you regret going into Last Stand in the first place.


Is it just me or is there no auto aim in free aim multiplayer? As in in the free aim in singleplayer theres still auto aim (as I believe most shooters on consoles have a bit of auto-aim as a stick can never be as accurate as a mouse) but when i played MP aiming felt so off.. could hardly kill anyone. maybe just me thogh.

Yes theres no assist thank god
Rockstar Vancouver should make GTA V.

Bully + Max Payne 3 > GTA IV + RDR

MP with free aim is buggy, unbalanced and not fun at all (in my opinion). Played 4 hours MP with aim assist...I love it. Not the best MP shooter I've played but it's fun.

They need to patch chapter 12. Haven't played it since yesterday because of the checkpoints.
Just got to Chapter 13. Had to stop myself, I'm not ready for this to be over yet.

Ha! I know the feeling. I stopped in the middle of Ch.11 and knowing the ending isn't far off makes me sad. If only this could be RE4 length as I find the shooting so satisfying it doesn't come off repetitive despite largely being the same thing over and over.
Is there any reason not to save your painkillers for a Last Stand battle? Why would you ever use one manually? feels like rations in MGS, but even cheaper since you aren't juggling items.

Well if you die in a bad location you can quickly be re-killed while getting up off the ground. Also using painkillers straight gives you more health back than you get from last stand.


Is there any reason not to save your painkillers for a Last Stand battle? Why would you ever use one manually? feels like rations in MGS, but even cheaper since you aren't juggling items.

Last Stand isn't a guaranteed save though. Sometimes you'll run out of ammo (and have to sit and wait, in slow motion, for max to die -- enemies never shoot back, it seems.) or sometimes you'll get stuck behind cover where you can't see enemies.

I'd honestly rather have it turned off, if I could. When it works, it's great, but it doesn't work all the time, and that takes away more than it adds, in my opinion. It'd make PK use and management more strategic anyhow. It feels like a feature that a designer was too attached to and couldn't cut in the end. Some of the designers I respect the most have a philosophy that no matter how cool or close a feature comes to being a working, complete feature, it gets cut if it's not 100%. Last Stand should've died by that logic.

The game seems to load your last checkpoint very quickly, so it doesn't make sense for it to be in there, especially if you get stuck in one of the failstates and are forced to wait them out. IIRC, the option to reload from your last checkpoint isn't accessible (in the pause menu) when you're in Last Stand. I could be wrong, however.

Does Hardcore and/or Old School mode eschew Last Stand? It'd make my day, if so.

EDIT: According to Rockstar's Newswire, Old School ditches Last Stand! Awesome!

Rockstar said:
Difficulty settings: The Max Payne 3 Story can be played at five difficulty settings that can be adjusted on the fly and provide varying levels of challenge as follows:

Easy: Increased Health and Bullet Time® Rewards. A satisfying challenge
Medium: Moderate Health and Bullet Time Rewards. A stiff challenge
Hard: Low Health and Bullet Time Rewards. A real test
Hardcore: Minimal Health and Bullet Time rewards. Very challenging
Old School: Last Man Standing is disabled


So Im pretty sure the only weapon I havent used yet is the regular RPG. The LAW is used in Chapter 13, so where is the reg RPG located??

Yup, never used the RPG either.

Speaking of less used weapons, what is up with the Desert Eagle? You start a chapter with one, but no one drops ammo for it so I barely got to use it.

The marketing kind of showed it being used more often, when i barely even got to use it in my play-through.


I'd be in the dick
So Im pretty sure the only weapon I havent used yet is the regular RPG. The LAW is used in Chapter 13, so where is the reg RPG located??

I never found the RPG or the scoped assault rifle, even though I have the gold version of both of them. The desert eagle is also really rare. I was hoping to use it more. I found one tucked away in a corner in chapter 5 and you start the last mission with it but it's MIA the rest of the game. Never got a chance to duel wield it.

BTW, the golden guns are just cosmetic right? No other bonuses?
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