According to the Perth and North Perthshire wiki page, Labour aren't even fielding a candidate there. Is that right?
According to the Perth and North Perthshire wiki page, Labour aren't even fielding a candidate there. Is that right?
What a weird front page (from the pro-Indy newspaper), [EDIT] I assume the middle subheading refers to the LD MP Alistair Carmichael, Scottish Sec of State.
I don't know who Wee Ginger Dug/Alister, but what a weird front page (from the pro-Indy newspaper)
What a weird front page (from the pro-Indy newspaper), [EDIT] I assume the middle subheading refers to the LD MP Alistair Carmichael, Scottish Sec of State.
Yeah, I dunno. I'd also expect Farron to win a leadership election but the Lib Dems are so weirdly democratic for a party that I'm not sure where Farron would get his authority from to negotiate. His role atm is more akin to what Shapps is for the Tories - a political prankster stiring up trouble on radio 4 and stirring up campaigners at dinners. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can see a lot od LDs having a problem with someone who isn't their leader negotiating them into another 5 years of voting for things they don't like (even if a LD party without the Orange Bookers are more naturally inclined towards labour).
Farron isn't their chairman (President) any more, his term ended last year. The new President is Baroness Sal Brinton
Farron put some clear blue water between him in the leadership so he can pick up the pieces following the election. He doesn't want to be tarnished by this election.
Yup, the Telegraph's article is bullshit. It takes like 2 mins cursory research to find out that Andrew Skinner is a member of United Against Separatism and is not officially affiliated with Labour.
Man, the Telegraph are in full meltdown right now.
I am 99% sure the "Labour activists in Perth campaigning for Tories" article is Telegraph bullshit again. Labour knows exactly how bad that would look.
Eh? It describes him as a "Labour supporter" and lists him as a member of United Against Separation. What bit's wrong?
It's not the literal wording, it's the framing. Watch how they switch to Ricky Henderson half way through, as though he were associated with Skinner.
What a weird front page (from the pro-Indy newspaper), [EDIT] I assume the middle subheading refers to the LD MP Alistair Carmichael, Scottish Sec of State.
IDS says his inspiration for his categorically failed welfare reforms was Margaret Thatcher.
IDS says his inspiration for his categorically failed welfare reforms was Margaret Thatcher.
Yeah if anybody directly connected Labour comes out saying tactically vote Tory, Scottish Labour is completely finished. Their only campaign slogan is Vote SNP, Get Tory (even though that makes absolutely no sense)
I still think the SNP will end up in the high 20's to mid 30's seat range rather than the 40 plus being predicted by some.
If Labour want to win this election the last thing they should do is wheel out a despicable human being like Tony Blair.
It didn't help Brown and it won't help Miliband. He should stick to cravenly lobbying for Azerbaijan et al rather than reminding UK voters what a cunt he is.
I sort of feel that although people who politics dislike him, and rightly so, I'm not sure how widely that sentiment is shared among the wider public. Rose-cunted glasses, to quote John Inverdale.
According to the Perth and North Perthshire wiki page, Labour aren't even fielding a candidate there. Is that right?
Amazing how the left despise him so much for one mistake, take that out of the equation and many good things happened under his leadership..relatively speaking.
Hell hath no fury like a fascist leftie betrayed.
i'm not quite sure what kind of brain misfire you've had to call anti-war/anti-interventionist people fascistsHell hath no fury like a fascist leftie betrayed.
Amazing how the left despise him so much for one mistake, take that out of the equation and many good things happened under his leadership..relatively speaking.
Hell hath no fury like a fascist leftie betrayed.
Perthshire has traditionally been a Tory stronghold in Scotland, but since the 1990s it's gone over to the SNP in a big way. It's never been somewhere that Labour has had any influence.
Also, Dundee West's long-serving Labour MP stepped down from running in the election a few days ago, for "health reasons", leaving Labour scrambling for a new candidate. Well, I guess "slaughtered by the SNP" counts as a health reason.
Perthshire has traditionally been a Tory stronghold in Scotland, but since the 1990s it's gone over to the SNP in a big way. It's never been somewhere that Labour has had any influence.
I still thought that Labour would at least have a candidate in every constituency though :-/
Maybe they're trying to save their deposit?
I still thought that Labour would at least have a candidate in every constituency though :-/
Maybe they're trying to save their deposit?
Labour don't allow candidates in NII'm thinking that an enterprising local Labour party member could stand, take Blair'sblood money£1,000 donation, literally do no campaigning, lose the £500 deposit and just pocket the rest.
Edit: Fuck it, I might do it. I'll stand in NI for Labour.
Did we forget about this already?
Labour don't allow candidates in NI![]()
Again, not from SLab or Lab HQ. The party constitution actually outright forbids advocating tactical voting.
Again, not from SLab or Lab HQ. The party constitution actually outright forbids advocating tactical voting.
But his Twitter avatar is a rose. Surely that makes it an official party position?/s
Blair probably doesn't know that. I have about 7 passports - £3,500, here I come!
Amazing how the left despise him so much for one mistake, take that out of the equation and many good things happened under his leadership..relatively speaking.
Hell hath no fury like a fascist leftie betrayed.
One mistake?
Blair and his government completely fabricated the case for war with Iraq. His 'one mistake' destroyed millions of lives and gave birth to ISIS.
One mistake?
Blair and his government completely fabricated the case for war with Iraq. His 'one mistake' destroyed millions of lives and gave birth to ISIS.
They say that the older you get, the more conservative you become: perhaps thats the reason there are no Tories in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she will freeze the retirement age at 65 as raising it would be unfair on Scottish people, who die younger. Iraq has a higher life expectancy than certain parts of Glasgow, and probably a better standard of football. I often wonder if the real reason the royals holiday in Balmoral is so they can use Scottish staff to teach their children about mortality, in the same way that you or I would let them have a hamster. Im afraid Old Jocks dead son, but he was 35 in Scottish years thats two World Cup qualifications
The SNP are far from radical, but they do have a knack for producing the odd simple, progressive policy thats hard to argue against. It has to be a vote-winner among Scottish people to announce that you will oppose the retirement age being raised to several years after they die. It must have been a strange journey for Sturgeon to have gone from relative obscurity in the substantial shadow of Alex Salmond to having the entire nation watch her exchange soundbites with a Labour leader who looks like a dream about a nose that has teeth. It feels almost as if the establishment is still assessing her. Which of the traditional tactics to employ: scorn or vilification? Do you call her the most dangerous woman in Britain or stage a smear where shes a gossipy woman? Decisions, decisions.
There is still a note of muted horror in the English media about women leading political parties. People feel much more comfortable with the 50 Shades of Grey version of womens liberation: possibly feeling life would be much simpler if the suffragettes hadnt wanted the vote and just really enjoyed chaining themselves to railings.
In Scotland, Sturgeons opposition is Jim Murphy a guy with the air of a harassed PE teacher. A man so far out of his depth he should be turning up for work on an inflatable banana. Anyone who describes anything as a new low in Scottish politics possibly just hasnt been paying enough attention over the years but, even to a jaded post referendum electorate, Labours eagerness to spread the Telegraphs smear must have been like being slapped around the face for two days with a cock made from lies. Its worth remembering that the religious crosscurrents that helped Labour in the referendum (you know that thing we have every so often where two sets of fat people get together and sing about famine?) dont apply here. Polls show a huge majority of Scottish people are against austerity.
Scottish Labour strategy can be broadly summarised as: get a bunch of stories that dont really bear any scrutiny into the tabloids and hope that nobody in Scotland owns a computer. No doubt their postmodern relationship to truth would have been fine in simpler times when you yelled policies through a loudhailer from a moving car. They are doomed to lose heavily in what is, essentially, a campaign against Google.
Its quite telling about our political climate that the establishment seem terrified of an SNP who, lets remember, arent that progressive. They propose rejecting austerity in favour of a very modest spending increase and dont think their country should be a nuclear missile base. This only seems radical if youre a gibbering right-wing lunatic. Its just unfortunate that so many of those people own newspapers.
Who wants to have to work past 65 anyway? Im 42 and I feel terrible. Women now look at my naked body in the same fearful way that pensioners look at snow. White, forbidding, and lets be honest its probably going to break your pelvis. Surely after 65 you should be free to potter around your shed not seeing enough of your grandkids and wishing that your mates werent dead? Taking pointless cruises where getting dinner is like going to a China Buffet King on roller skates. Feeling good about what youve done with your life, because you can no longer remember it.
Years ago those adverts for Scottish Widows that we thought were just a ridiculous excuse to show a beautiful young model in mourning were actually brutal realism. A 29-year-old Scottish widow isnt fantasy, its a pretty decent plot point for a Ken Loach movie. I think the election is as good a time as any for Scottish people to ask if they are happy with this reality. I mean wouldnt it be nice to live in a country where it was the people who broke the social contract by making people work longer that provoked press scrutiny? It might just be nice to live in a country where a politician got the same amount of coverage for a progressive announcement as for something they didnt say. It might even be nice to live in a country where when people mentioned life expectancy, we were talking about the quality of life we expected rather than just the quantity.
Fuck off Jim. Why should Sturgeon have to say she want Miliband as PM? Most of the Labour party don't want him as PM. The man is a poison chalice.
Her saying she doesn't want Cameron in No10 should be enough.