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May: I will rip up human rights laws to tackle terrorism

Is this the best you can come up with, wow my human rights have been well and truly been stripped.

You're first link babbling about 800 years of history and links essentially links back to the wiki links you posted.

The worse you can come up with is the 14 day detention for terrorism linked activity. How often have British citizens been held in captivity for 14 days for something not related to terrorism?

If you can find the police regularly abusing this then you may have a point.
Still haven't figured out why the US and the UK have been trying to out-awful each other this last year or so. Is there some sort of contest going on that I wasn't aware of?

imo part of it is that large parts of the electorate of both think too highly of themselves. Nationalism and the idea of exceptionalism which has served well at times is coming back to bite them in the ass.
May cut MI5 and Police.

At the time she was told by both "This will leave us exposed. Vulnerable to attack. Very real chance of requiring militarisation of police force in near future".

May called it scare mongering.

3 attacks this year she is directly responsible for. The reason you can view those films is because those in a position to do something had their support cut to the point they could not.

Now these things are coming to light and her once huge majority is down to a fraction, and she's calling for this human rights change not because it's what we need to fight terrorism effectively, but because it could score her last minute votes to increase her win to a majority again.

She /is/ an evil cunt.

Viewing extremist material can have benefit when trying to understand how to educate again it and counter it with educated responses.

Viewing child porn has no value.

Don't be absurd.

She is nothing, nothing compared to May and Boris and their ilk. Yes, she may not be ideal, but its not even in the same league as the shit the Tory's have been pulling.

If you like you can list every thing wrong you can think of about Abbot, I'll retort with May and Boris. Each point raised requires citation to back it up.

Go whenever your'e ready.
Looking at this post and what is happening right now...what exactly would be Mays incentive to stop attacks? More attacks and less police pretty much is a winning recipe for her if people are willing to give up their rights.



At least her evil smirk is hidden behind the mask.

When were these pictures taken exactly?
For what it's worth, cunt isn't considered as severe as it is in the UK.

I totally understand that. I just think that given the context of this thread and the way it's being said, the word "cunt" comes off as incredibly sexist––regardless of how other cultures might use that word.


I totally understand that. I just think that given the context of this thread and the way it's being said, the word "cunt" comes off as incredibly sexist––regardless of how other cultures might use that word.

It's a horrible word but she is horrible enough to justify the use.

If it makes you feel any better Boris is a huge cunt too.

PS - they're also both huge dicks. I'm happy to call them huge dicks if that is more palatable.


Is this the best you can come up with, wow my human rights have been well and truly been stripped.

You're first link babbling about 800 years of history and links essentially links back to the wiki links you posted.

The worse you can come up with is the 14 day detention for terrorism linked activity. How often have British citizens been held in captivity for 14 days for something not related to terrorism?

If you can find the police regularly abusing this then you may have a point.

this is called moving goalposts

I showed you a list of human rights being stripped (for example rights to protest, rights to a fair trial) and you're dismissing them for no reason other than your own stubborness

you can also look at the liberties we lost after two other major terror attacks and ask yourself if you feel any safer
It's a horrible word but she is horrible enough to justify the use.

If it makes you feel any better Boris is a huge cunt too.

PS - they're also both huge dicks. I'm happy to call them huge dicks if that is more palatable.

fair enough.

American English > British English. Please don't kill me


This sort of thing seems to happen a lot in the Commonwealth. In America we at least give a figleaf for human rights, and argue why our restrictions aren't *really* restrictions on human rights, while i've seen May and some of the Australian government just sort of demonize the very concept of human rights as dangerous or debilitating.


As a foreigner in the uk, i must say while the terrorist attacks are definitely awful and terrible, they haven't made me feel less safe and scared enough to leave and go back home.

However, May and her cronies going full ham and talking about striping civil rights and controlling the internet, while defunding the police, and the nhs and whatever else is there to defund, are making me seriously consider leaving as soon as my lease is over.


Looking at this post and what is happening right now...what exactly would be Mays incentive to stop attacks? More attacks and less police pretty much is a winning recipe for her if people are willing to give up their rights.

May knows that the best way to prevent terrorist attacks it to take the same line as Corbyn, ie: increase basic, community level policing, intelligence gethering, and have the bodies in place to deal with intelligence once it's gathered.

Admitting this now will do two things:

1. It will say Corbyn is right.
2. It will force her to admit her cuts to intelligence and police were shortsighted and harmful, and she'll have to admit her role in the recent terror attacks.

If she does any of these things at this stage she's fucked. Her strong and stable message goes out the window and she will lose a lot of moderates and possibly even some of her hardcore base.

So the only thing she can do is appeal to the ignorance as she has been doing this entire campaign and hope it's enough to push back Corbyn's momentum and regain the majority.

She has no interest in the safety of our country or she would have listened to the police years ago when they told her the cuts she made put our country in danger. She toes the party line and does what she's told when the party requires her to do so. She doesn't have the integrity or voting/action history to actually stand up and make the right call because she's flip-flopped so many times.

All she can do is pick one line of attack and follow it religiously, and the /only/ line of attack she's had is ridicule Corbyn and appeal to ignorance.

She's a threat to democracy, national security, and a shill for the elite, and she always has been.
this is called moving goalposts

I showed you a list of human rights being stripped (for example rights to protest, rights to a fair trial) and you're dismissing them for no reason other than your own stubborness

you can also look at the liberties we lost after two other major terror attacks and ask yourself if you feel any safer

It isn't called moving the goal posts.

I said show me a history of the tory's doing this since that is who was being discussed.

You show me a bunch of actions being taken by the labour government to combat terrorism.

By the nature of this thread it is clearly being implied the worst is going to happen, but so far we've got no evidence the worst is going to happen. If you consider up to 14 days without charge relating to terrorism, which has no signs of showing it being abused the worst? Then yes the sky is falling.


It isn't called moving the goal posts.

I said show me a history of the tory's doing this since that is who was being discussed.

You show me a bunch of actions being taken by the labour government to combat terrorism.

By the nature of this thread it is clearly being implied the worst is going to happen, but so far we've got no evidence the worst is going to happen. If you consider up to 14 days without charge relating to terrorism, which has no signs of showing it being abused the worst? Then yes the sky is falling.

come on mate, sort yourself out

Oh ok show me the history of the last 50 years of the British losing human rights.

and then

I said show me a history of the tory's doing this since that is who was being discussed.

and then the audacity to say

It isn't called moving the goal posts.

if it's not moving the goalposts, it's a chronic case of amnesia


It isn't called moving the goal posts.

I said show me a history of the tory's doing this since that is who was being discussed.

You show me a bunch of actions being taken by the labour government to combat terrorism.

By the nature of this thread it is clearly being implied the worst is going to happen, but so far we've got no evidence the worst is going to happen. If you consider up to 14 days without charge relating to terrorism, which has no signs of showing it being abused the worst? Then yes the sky is falling.

Do you understand that the only way to truly combat terrorism is the long term stability of increasing fundamental police work and intelligence gathering?

Decreasing human rights of terrorists sounds good in theory, but to do so means you have to decrease the rights of everyone and that puts far too much power in the hands of a woman who has the voting/action history to prove she flip-flops when the party requires her too, has zero integrity, uses false/poorly vetted info to back up her actions, makes appeals to ignorance and hurls abuse in place of debating intelligently against policy, and has made huge mistakes which have hugely contributed to the recent terrorist attacks even though MI5 and the Police warned here this would happen years ago when she cut policing and intelligence and called their concerns "scare mongering".

And you think this person won't abuse the power abolishing the human rights act will afford her?



Honestly, who wakes up in the morning and says to themselves, 'I wish for my human rights to be taken away today thank you very much.'

Of course, they never think it applies to them but the others.


Neo Member
On the anniversary of D-Day.

Does she have no shame ? Doesn't matter I guess, her papers will lap it up.
Isn't it funny how Japan never really invaded the Middle East and subsequently doesn't have to real with radical Islamic terror it created/perpetuated?
come on mate, sort yourself out

and then

and then the audacity to say

if it's not moving the goalposts, it's a chronic case of amnesia

Well we were talking about the torys and instead of refuting me, you're focusing on something completely irrelevant.

Confirmed 14 days without charge that isn't being abused, end of the world. Uk governments can not be trusted with human rights, you've sure shown me.


Well we were talking about the torys and instead of refuting me, you're focusing on something completely irrelevant.

Confirmed 14 days without charge that isn't being abused, end of the world. Uk governments can not be trusted with human rights, you've sure shown me.

I couldn't care less about this 14 day distraction you're playing here, that is irrelevant. The premise was to show you a sequence of British losing rights in the last 50 years, as I quoted. Then after that you said "only Torys". What next, did you mean lunar years instead of vague years?


Isn't it funny how Japan never really invaded the Middle East and subsequently doesn't have to real with radical Islamic terror it created/perpetuated?
We're talking about the same Japan that has about 1% of non-asian population, nevermind muslim population, right ? Really weird.


Good. You need to be human to have Human Rights and these terrorists are anything but. Not that I'd ever vote for May though.
I don't follow British politics closely, but this feels like a really stupid thing to say with elections coming up. I mean, it's one thing to do that stuff while saying you're not, but does saying it outright actually win you points?


I don't follow British politics closely, but this feels like a really stupid thing to say with elections coming up. I mean, it's one thing to do that stuff while saying you're not, but does saying it outright actually win you points?

Yes. Unfortunately.
What are the polls looking like for the election? I seem to remember reading that May and the Tories were pretty down, but that's been a week or so ago.
Of course she will, this is what they do. They were probably having draft speeches written like this whilst the news channels were still giving "unconfirmed reports of...." bulletins.
Just another con. She was gonna introduce a British Bill of rights ANYWAY and explicitly said that before.

Plus it would be AFTER brexit, a few years from now lol. She'll say "we need time to sort it out" and then it will be all 2024. Hilarious.


"I mean doing more to restrict the freedom and movements of terrorist suspects - when we have enough evidence to know they are a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court."
Hey guys, remember when the UK was proud of the rule of law?
Yeah about that.


What are the polls looking like for the election? I seem to remember reading that May and the Tories were pretty down, but that's been a week or so ago.

All in favour of Tories. Possibility of no majority, but after May's bold move today she could swing it back in her favour.

All depends how much fervor she inspires, how much the headlines tomorrow rally the troops, how much the youth bother to vote.

It's not looking good if you're a Labour supporter, though.

I believe the final polling was around

43% Cons
36% Labour
8% LD

With the knowledge that Tories are usually under estimated and Labour over.
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