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May: I will rip up human rights laws to tackle terrorism


You must be extremely naive and ignorant if you think this won't spiral. Plenty of examples around the world and throughout history for you to lookup.
Add to that the fact that while May was Home Secretary, she tried to push forward surveillance state policies that were blocked by the Human Rights Agreement. Policies which applied to the whole UK, innocent or guilty. Smh son you have a lot of reading to do.

I don't doubt for a second that the Tories would try some heinous shit given the chance, but I'm more than happy for them to bend the rules to target Islamists.

They're being protected by the current laws. That has to stop.
I don't doubt for a second that the Tories would try some heinous shit given the chance, but I'm more than happy for them to bend the rules to target Islamists.

They're being protected by the current laws. That has to stop.

Today it's bending rules for radical Islamists, tomorrow it's bending the rules against protestors and other agitators.

If you know the Tories would pull some heinous shit, you shouldn't support them doing it at all.

Patrick S.

It’s 1988 now. Margaret Thatcher is entering her third term of office and talking confidently of an unbroken Conservative leadership well into the next century. My youngest daughter is seven and the tabloid press are circulating the idea of concentration camps for persons with AIDS. The new riot police wear black visors, as do their horses, and their vans have rotating video cameras mounted on top. The government has expressed a desire to eradicate homosexuality, even as an abstract concept, and one can only speculate as to which minority will be the next legislated against. I’m thinking of taking my family and getting out of this country soon, sometime over the next couple of years. It’s cold and it’s mean-spirited and I don’t like it here anymore.

Goodnight England. Goodnight Home Services and V for Victory.

Hello the voice of Fate (London) and V For Vendetta.

Alan Moore — Northampton, March 1988
You must be extremely naive and ignorant if you think this won't spiral. Plenty of examples around the world and throughout history for you to lookup.
Add to that the fact that while May was Home Secretary, she tried to push forward surveillance state policies that were blocked by the Human Rights Agreement. Policies which applied to the whole UK, innocent or guilty. Smh son you have a lot of reading to do.

This is an example of the attitude that I was talking about. In one post, a fellow poster is told that they are naive, ignorant, patronised and told to educate themselves.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I don't doubt for a second that the Tories would try some heinous shit given the chance, but I'm more than happy for them to bend the rules to target Islamists.

They're being protected by the current laws. That has to stop.

No offense but this is the dumbest way possible to think any the situation especially if you are aware of how shitty May is. What is to say you don't get on the government's bad side down the road and find yourself really wishing for some basic rights.


I don't doubt for a second that the Tories would try some heinous shit given the chance, but I'm more than happy for them to bend the rules to target Islamists.

They're being protected by the current laws. That has to stop.

How about they do a better job of dealing with Islamists within "the rules"? We have hate speech laws that are far stricter than many other countries as it is. The police inaction usually comes down to mass underfunding and if it's not that, it's the shit like Rotherham where they acted scared about being called racist. The later they have been on full blast for by the public and the independent investigations into situations like it.

Point being eroding rights and privacy is not the answer to deal with that kind of inaction, it's better training and disciplinary action for councils/police chiefs putting citizens at risk/in danger because of fears of them being called names. That is truly unacceptable, but no one is going about saying it is acceptable. That's a social and training issue, the lacking of resources and funding is down to May and the Government slashing funding for anything in the public sector at a ridiculous rate.

There's other tough conversations to have about our prison services and intelligence services in general, but none of it should be coming down to we need to further erode human rights to cut corners and act like authoritarian nutters. Government's routinely abuse overreaching powers and have done all throughout history.
I don't doubt for a second that the Tories would try some heinous shit given the chance, but I'm more than happy for them to bend the rules to target Islamists.

They're being protected by the current laws. That has to stop.

So your aware that the Torries would abuse their power but let them stop international terrorist (Where most of the attacks are from homegrown terrorist). Do you not see how this will be bad for everyone, yes everyone. Think about how easy is it for them to change the human right laws for everyone and just say "We need to strip human rights to keep everyone safe. If you have nothing to hide what to you have to fear".


Well, no she specifically says foreign.

Like the three guys who attacked London.
Ah so just foreign terrorism will be stopped
with her plans to erode rights...but home grown.. will go to jail.. as they currently do.

You see the holes in the rhetoric, no?

Terrorism is better fought with opportunities and education + not dismantling countries with bombs. But hey, I know I'm on the side of right. If folks want to make the mistake of giving up their rights to fight an idea, have at it. It will cycle back around as to why that's not the way in a few decades.

This isn't going to be effective, and will likely be abused. As it literally always is.


Ah so just foreign terrorism will be stopped
with her plans to erode rights...but home grown.. will go to jail.. as they currently do.

You see the holes in the rhetoric, no?

Terrorism is better fought with opportunities and education + not dismantling countries with bombs. But hey, I know I'm on the side of right. If folks want to make the mistake of giving up their rights to fight an idea, have at it. It will cycle back around as to why that's not the way in a few decades.

This isn't going to be effective, and will likely be abused. As it literally always is.
MI5 report (from last year I think) said the same
That fellow poster is cheering someone boasting about ripping up human rights...

This is where we end up going in circles. I'll say "let's see what they propose" and then I'll get accused of being a naive person who really should be able to see the evil Tories for what they are.
This is an example of the attitude that I was talking about. In one post, a fellow poster is told that they are naive, ignorant, patronised and told to educate themselves.

The implication that your arguments are naive or ignorant is, at worst, an open invitation to prove otherwise.

Are you merely quibbling over niceties at this point? You do realize that any time someone disagrees with your statements the inherent implication is that those statements were made in ignorance, right? At the very least, it's the most polite possibility; the others are insanity and stupidity. You can't be wrong without being one of the three.

You know, just something to think about anytime you tell someone they're wrong in a thread. If you consider "ignorant" to be a scathing rebuke that short-circuits conversation, you should probably never disagree with anyone.
This is where we end up going in circles. I'll say "let's see what they propose" and then I'll get accused of being a naive person who really should be able to see the evil Tories for what they are.

They propose ripping up human rights.

If that doesn't scare you...

Also you're not a beleaguered party here so please stop acting like one


Ya'll ever worry that humanity is fucking doomed because acting like a cartoon super villain is now a valid strategy to win elections across the globe?

It used to be that saying things like what Trump and May promise would end your political career, now promises to destroy the environment and rip up human rights laws are basically vote winners.

The fuck is actually wrong with people.
This is an example of the attitude that I was talking about. In one post, a fellow poster is told that they are naive, ignorant, patronised and told to educate themselves.

You're suggesting ignorance shouldn't be called out?

The post in question is ignorant and the poster should educate themselves.

You seem to think it isn't, so we yell us what about it isn't?


This is where we end up going in circles. I'll say "let's see what they propose" and then I'll get accused of being a naive person who really should be able to see the evil Tories for what they are.

Most of your contribution to this thread has been whining about perceived slights. You didn't know what you were talking about and got called to that fact.
People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.

Probably posted as nauseum but can't be said often enough. And pretty much true in this case.

Give up your rights to feel safe. Give up your privacy to feel safe. It's what conservative politicians want, so do the terrorists. You lose everyhing in the end but at least you feel safe.


Probably posted as nauseum but can't be said often enough. And pretty much true in this case.

Give up your rights to feel safe. Give up your privacy to feel safe. It's what conservative politicians want, so do the terrorists. You lose everyhing in the end but at least you feel safe.

You feel safe, but aren't safe in reality.
There's no proof at all literally that "today it's just bending the rules to target islamists; tomorrow it will be target at protestors"

People act like British governments are incapable of having functioning decent human rights laws without being a member European human rights.

Having the exact same human rights as Europe except the garage that protects these terrorists the right to a family life removed is fine by me.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This is where we end up going in circles. I'll say "let's see what they propose" and then I'll get accused of being a naive person who really should be able to see the evil Tories for what they are.

Or you can try to convince us the long history of the Tories somehow precludes them from these assumptions. I'm not going to tell people to listen to the GOP when they talk about LGTBQ rights because their long ugly history says otherwise.


The worst thing the terrorists can do is make us forget the values we (supposedly) hold so dear, and voluntarily give up our rights to an increasingly powerful government.

Mobius 1

It's like we decided collectively that it was time to slip into dystopias. America turning into a mix of Idiocracy and Gilead. The UK going for V for Vendetta.

Maybe it's an ARG at global scale we don't know about!


Ya'll ever worry that humanity is fucking doomed because acting like a cartoon super villain is now a valid strategy to win elections across the globe?

It used to be that saying things like what Trump and May promise would end your political career, now promises to destroy the environment and rip up human rights laws are basically vote winners.

The fuck is actually wrong with people.
We need Batman


grow up. learn to control yourself.

what other word would you use to describe someone who is exploiting the fear of many to introduce laws that bring no evidence of their desired effectiveness but will erode the liberties of the entire population?

Theresa May is the absolute worst when she's trying to "tell it like it is". A transparent Gameboy of a politician. She should have got Nigel Farage as her PR person.
Ya'll ever worry that humanity is fucking doomed because acting like a cartoon super villain is now a valid strategy to win elections across the globe?

It used to be that saying things like what Trump and May promise would end your political career, now promises to destroy the environment and rip up human rights laws are basically vote winners.

The fuck is actually wrong with people.

The pendulum swung back hard. Guess that's what happens when things get worse for the average person instead of better.
Yeah this is just bollocks. It fucking amazes me how holier than thou some of those who sit left of centre are on this forum. Anyone with any slightly right or conservative leaning tendencies is written off as being a nutter or a Nazi. So many supposed liberals wanting to dictate to people how they should think. You're not automatically correct just because you come over all fucking righteous. If anything, the left leaning agenda on here is way more cancerous. Anyone with a viewpoint / opinion that doesn't fit gets jumped on , labelled and shut down.

I've seen it happen before, that's why I say the things I say.


What types of human rights are we talking about here? To me, the things she said in that video make sense. Clearly, something is wrong when I can watch a film called Jihadis Next Door and then have that same jihadi kill people afterwards.

Let's assess the situation before wetting the bed and declaring her an evil cunt.
This is where we end up going in circles. I'll say "let's see what they propose" and then I'll get accused of being a naive person who really should be able to see the evil Tories for what they are.

When it comes to human rights, they shouldn't be proposing anything at all. The Human Rights Act should exist above government, not be ripped apart and re-written to a particular government's preference.

What types of human rights are we talking about here? To me, the things she said in that video make sense. Clearly, something is wrong when I can watch a film called Jihadis Next Door and then have that same jihadi kill people afterwards.

Let's assess the situation before wetting the bed.

What the fuck are you talking about?


There's no proof at all literally that "today it's just bending the rules to target islamists; tomorrow it will be target at protestors"

People act like British governments are incapable of having functioning decent human rights laws without being a member European human rights.

Having the exact same human rights as Europe except the garage that protects these terrorists the right to a family life removed is fine by me.
Because let be real here it become a witch of brown people. Like that the flaw.
You feel safe, but aren't safe in reality.

That's the thing that gets me. Privacy was practically signed away now under the impression that it would be a solution to incidents like these. But as we have clearly seen, it has had little if any effect.

So the narrative now is to double down on giving up rights?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
What types of human rights are we talking about here? To me, the things she said in that video make sense. Clearly, something is wrong when I can watch a show called Jihadis Next Door and then have that same jihadi kill people afterwards.

Let's assess the situation before wetting the bed.

Maybe we should ban and censor TV if we are just looking for simple solutions from knee jerk reactions to complex problems.
What EU law is that and why are countries like germany allowed to ignore it by deporting to afghanistan or iraq?
Afghanistan and Iraq are considered safe within limited areas. You may agree or disagree with that judgement but deportations are only carried out to areas considered "safe" for the individual.

Article 3 in the European Convention on Human Rights as described here: https://rightsinfo.org/the-rights-in-the-european-convention/
You're suggesting ignorance shouldn't be called out?

The post in question is ignorant and the poster should educate themselves.

You seem to think it isn't, so we yell us what about it isn't?

I read into it that the poster in question was trying to say, and yes not very eloquently, that they were all for any changes to these laws that curbed the movement of terrorists and / or helped prevent terrorism. The poster was referring specifically to what the PM said and then someone came in and said "What, you want to remove human rights for all non whites". That wasn't what the poster or the OP said. I mean, feel free to extrapolate that to whatever you think the outcome will be, but that wasn't what the poster was saying.
grow up. learn to control yourself.

Ok, sure let me try to control myself. What a bitch. What a piece of shit she is to try and even suggest that. This is as bad as Trump trying to get the Muslim ban immediately after the terrorist attack, as while she didn't do this immediately, it's clear that she using this tragic event to push her own shitty agenda. What. A. Cunt.

There's no proof at all literally that "today it's just bending the rules to target islamists; tomorrow it will be target at protestors"
Except history, but who reads that am I right.

People act like British governments are incapable of having functioning decent human rights laws without being a member European human rights.

Probably because the U.K. are pretty eager to rewrite the human right laws after they leave the EU. Chances are they don't like the human rights that the EU has.


At this rate every single one of her changes is going to be some knee jerk reaction that she doesn't think through and leads to grave consequences. I mean, who cares about long term? As long as you get the short term confidence and the common man is happy that she's going after the scary brown people, then why care if it causes the UK to regress into a 2nd world country?


I don't doubt for a second that the Tories would try some heinous shit given the chance, but I'm more than happy for them to bend the rules to target Islamists.

They're being protected by the current laws. That has to stop.

Are you going to suggest concentration camps next?
What types of human rights are we talking about here? To me, the things she said in that video make sense. Clearly, something is wrong when I can watch a film called Jihadis Next Door and then have that same jihadi kill people afterwards.

Let's assess the situation before wetting the bed and declaring her an evil cunt.
Viewing extremist content should be viewed in the same light as viewing child porn IMO. But that doesn't require a change in the human rights laws, as we can still lock up paedophiles for viewing child porn now, without any changes needed to the human rights laws. Why not the same for extremism?


It's incredible how pathetically weak the Labour Party is in the UK to allow her to be in power
They were. They've surprisingly caught up in the election polls. The Tories are just one point ahead (iirc) but that's mostly down to Theresa May shooting herself in foot constantly since she announced the election. She started with a double figure lead.
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