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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


YO YO YO Let me speak on this

If wrestling companies can skate by with "well wrestling is stupid anyways, so who cares?" then TNA has surely been getting the raw end of the deal with all that well-deserved vitriol.
I'm back onboard to loving Batista again. His complaints (deserved or not) resulted in Kane/Bryan being extended, which means one more month of great thread reactions no matter what. Everybody (or at least me) wins.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, if Bats really didn't want to job to Bryan for Payback then he can go fuck himself. You straight up tapped at Wrestlemania, what else is there to lose? Now he's potentailly sabotaging Bryan's title reign also?

Don't buy into that bullshit report. He's here to put people over, and that's what he's done.

He's worked with ADR, Orton, Shield, and Bryan since coming back. Some of the best people in the company. And he's looked like shit. His contribution to the 6 man tag at ER was get knocked off the apron and pretended to be dead in the ring while crazy shit goes on in the crowd. Brotista was dope. I think we can all agree on that. But Brotista has mass and majesty, a normal looking face, and didn't get gassed doing promos.

You don't HAVE to back Batista anymore. We can all pretend like this run didn't happen and you can back everything pre-come back Bateaster. You're in denial, boss. It's like all the greatest of all time actors/writers/musicians who either stick around too long or try to make a come back when it is too late. It happens to A LOT of them. Maybe even most of them. Pacino and DeNiro have done nothing but garbage movies for the past 15 years (except for Pacino's HBO work). Look at everything Marlon Brando did post Apocalypse Now. Look at how AWFUL Axl Rose has been for the past few years. You can back the previous heights without backing the current lows.

I have faith in his potential. Whether or not it is realized remains to be seen. I don't know. I don't KNOW.

I still love that man, goddammit.
If wrestling companies can skate by with "well wrestling is stupid anyways, so who cares?" then TNA has surely been getting the raw end of the deal with all that well-deserved vitriol.

There's a difference between campiness and straight up booking and management stupidity. I liked Sacrifice, but the spoilers for the next few weeks completely destroyed whatever faith I built from that show.


It's not about liking serious or not, it just has to be done well. I'm not complaining about the camp because it's camp, I'm complaining about it because it's dumb, and bad, and stupid. It's disconnected from the "reality" of what's happening in the rest of the company. It's a skit. I've never enjoyed feuds which go that far off the rails. I don't want to see Jump Scare Kane trying to kidnap D. Brine's wife to bring her back to his Ringhole.
Austin and Booker T fighting in a grocery store (hell, any of the Booker T-Goldust skits) = campy nonsense with believable acting & comedic timing that gets everyone over
D.Brine-Brie vs. Kane-Steph = campy nonsense with terrible acting and a disingenuous commentary team selling it as being real that gets nobody over

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How do you guys tell who is gimmick posting and who isn't, other then the obvious ones lol

I never realized there were levels to this shit

I think some people here would rather say "gimmick posters" instead of realize that people go against popular convention.

So spit it out, people who complain about gimmick posters - name names.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kevin Sullivan had to make a new, goofy monster for Hulk Hogan in WCW to satiate Hogan with wins. The Dungeon of Doom was made entirely to put Hogan over because they didn't want to put legitimate guys against him.

That's what both Bryan/Kane and Cena/Wyatt are starting to feel like. Pretty soon they will dress up Rusev like The Yetay.


How do you guys tell who is gimmick posting and who isn't, other then the obvious ones lol

I never realized there were levels to this shit

I think we've reached a point that some people believe that anyone with a differing opinion from their own is "working a gimmick." It's very strange.
Kevin Sullivan had to make a new, goofy monster for Hulk Hogan in WCW to satiate Hogan with wins. The Dungeon of Doom was made entirely to put Hogan over because they didn't want to put legitimate guys against him.

That's what both Bryan/Kane and Cena/Wyatt are starting to feel like. Pretty soon they will dress up Rusev like The Yetay.

Big show the eternal constant. Will beat Bryan for the title like He did hogan!
I think we've reached a point that some people believe that anyone with a differing opinion from their own is "working a gimmick." It's very strange.

This. I'm optimistic, some are not, but it's all whatever. People like what they like. Can't we all just get along?


wellllll if you do the math, EY has had clean defenses against Abyss, Magnus, and Roode.

D Bry has had a clean defense against Kane in 2014

I'm just sayin, it checks out

I dig Eric Young, but they picked the most hilarious time to do the "fighting champion" thing since everyone is leaving, wish him the best though since he works really hard and is legitimately entertaining

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wasn't Bean Breath just shitting on people for liking Bray? Can we stop acting like the non-gimmick gimmick posters are innocent angels?

What does this even MEAN

Who the fuck are our gimmick posters? NAMES, FOLKS
I'm seriously wondering how Heyman is monetizing his uh...what is he doing exactly? I think he might just be writing off losses to see his name on women's asses. I respect that hustle.

He runs an ad agency and takes pictures of hot women. Living the life
Wasn't Bean Breath just shitting on people for liking Bray? Can we stop acting like the non-gimmick gimmick posters are innocent angels?

I'm not saying anyone is an angel. I just want the gimmick posting and accusations of gimmick posting to stop. I just like logical and level-headed wrestling discussion.


Bray promo tonight started with more rambling then usual, but he hit the nail in the head by talking about the homeless guy and the teenager girl. WWE is so about beautiful healthy hot people, which is not a bad thing by all means, but it's definitely something a heel can attack.

This like the fifth really good angle he came up to attack Cena, and he probably will find a way to not do his part again.

But if he went to the angle of how the same society that gives Cena a mansion makes a teenage girl develop an eating disorder trying to look like Nikki Bella, that's incredible and he touched on it tonight and it was when the audience applauded.

Following the same theme of Bryan Kane, Paige tamina, Shield evolution (to a lesser degree) Cesaro rvd even Barrett big E; you have a lot of talent paired with people who can't keep up. Bray and his writer do an amazing work, Cena and his writer just undo everything in the most anticlimactic manner. It's the promo version of putting Rollins and Batista on the same ring.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm seriously wondering how Heyman is monetizing his uh...what is he doing exactly? I think he might just be writing off losses to see his name on women's asses. I respect that hustle.

All I could think of when he told that story was "why the fuck would anyone find you" because I don't GET his site. I don't get what sets him apart, what makes it successful.


I was at tonight's Raw. It sucked.

The End.

Edit: Not really. It was fun, but there were a lot of segments that were boring. And the Kane segment was so laughably bad.

Going to Raw is exhausting. It's a four hour show. It's just too much wrestling. By the last hour I was bored.

It really is. The amount of time you actually spend watching the Titan Tron is shocking. If you get there at the start, you'll sit through a dark match or two, a Superstars taping, a 3 hour +Raw, plus the post show main event which usually goes anywhere from 10-20 minutes. And then deal with traffic and driving home. All the commercial breaks where home viewers get to see Chisley Knows Best commericals, the live viewers get to see headlocks. And when there isn't stuff going on in the ring, the live viewers get to watch ads for various toys/movies/WWE Network/other shows. Plus everything that gets replayed on TV as "What you missed on the app" also gets replayed live, even though all those 7-18,000 people just saw that same shit right in front of them moments before. EVERYTHING replayed on TV is replayed live, which is just death. Going to Raw is not a fun experience. The only Raw I'd consider going to again is if a Wrestlemania was at Lucas Oil and the next Raw was at Conseco.

What really kills me about Bean is that he makes a lot of genuinely funny posts as his character, but some genuinely insightful posts when he's not doing the gimmick. But when he does the gimmick in OT, it's HILARIOUS. I would like to know his true, honest opinions sometimes. I give credit to him for almost never breaking character, though. He probably sticks to his character more than anyone in WWE does.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What does this even MEAN

Who the fuck are our gimmick posters? NAMES, FOLKS

The kind of people who would watch Giant Gonzalez vs Undertaker and say, 'Undertaker got carried.' The kind of people who just post to try to get a reaction. The cheap heat of posters. Rarely do they defend their points and instead pop in to say 'this thing everyone likes sucks' then pop out. I at least stick around when I tell Boootaaaay how much Okada sucks.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The kind of people who would watch Giant Gonzalez vs Undertaker and say, 'Undertaker got carried.' The kind of people who just post to try to get a reaction. The cheap heat of posters. Rarely do they defend their points and instead pop in to say 'this thing everyone likes sucks' then pop out. I at least stick around when I tell Boootaaaay how much Okada sucks.


Alright there we go!


It really is. The amount of time you actually spend watching the Titan Tron is shocking. If you get there at the start, you'll sit through a dark match or two, a Superstars taping, a 3 hour +Raw, plus the post show main event which usually goes anywhere from 10-20 minutes. And then deal with traffic and driving home. All the commercial breaks where home viewers get to see Chisley Knows Best commericals, the live viewers get to see headlocks. And when there isn't stuff going on in the ring, the live viewers get to watch ads for various toys/movies/WWE Network/other shows. Plus everything that gets replayed on TV as "What you missed on the app" also gets replayed live, even though all those 7-18,000 people just saw that same shit right in front of them moments before. EVERYTHING replayed on TV is replayed live, which is just death. Going to Raw is not a fun experience. The only Raw I'd consider going to again is if a Wrestlemania was at Lucas Oil and the next Raw was at Conseco.

What really kills me about Bean is that he makes a lot of genuinely funny posts as his character, but some genuinely insightful posts when he's not doing the gimmick. But when he does the gimmick in OT, it's HILARIOUS. I would like to know his true, honest opinions sometimes. I give credit to him for almost never breaking character, though. He probably sticks to his character more than anyone in WWE does.
Truth. Going from a house show to a Raw almost back to back sucked, even with The Rock vs. Cena in ring. The commercial breaks just suck the life out. The house show was real fun.

I'm looking forward to attemding my first PPV. Too bad it'll be light on promos.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Bray promo tonight started with more rambling then usual, but he hit the nail in the head by talking about the homeless guy and the teenager girl. WWE is so about beautiful healthy hot people, which is not a bad thing by all means, but it's definitely something a heel can attack.

This like the fifth really good angle he came up to attack Cena, and he probably will find a way to not do his part again.

But if he went to the angle of how the same society that gives Cena a mansion makes a teenage girl develop an eating disorder trying to look like Nikki Bella, that's incredible and he touched on it tonight and it was when the audience applauded.

Following the same theme of Bryan Kane, Paige tamina, Shield evolution (to a lesser degree) Cesaro rvd even Barrett big E; you have a lot of talent paired with people who can't keep up. Bray and his writer do an amazing work, Cena and his writer just undo everything in the most anticlimactic manner. It's the promo version of putting Rollins and Batista on the same ring.
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