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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
lmao Heel with the Rener quote

goddamn I'm dying

gasping for air



I don't hate cheesy stuff in wrestling. My comfort food in life is Golden Era WWF, which is FULL of cheesy shit. But I HATE when the cheesy shit goes from so bad its good to straight up bad, and all of the cheesy stuff in the last two nights has been BAD. Bad in a 100% unenjoyable way for me. Both the Bray/Cena and Kane/Bryan stuff is one show away from being Dungeon of Doom level bullshit that makes something as stupid as grown men fake fighting in underwear truly embarrassing even when I'm watching alone.

I think this episode they realized the demon Kane thing is shit and tried to do something fun with it. It worked for me, it got away from the actual dumb thing of making he really have superpowers. I hope this ends soon, but if it goes on, that it ends in doctor Shelby telling Kane the mask is just a mask.

The Cena and Wyatt stuff still has no redeeming qualit, but Cena isn't here! GHis bullshit has been downgraded to main event, so I guess that made me more welcoming to the show.
So why aren't evolution going after DB again? I know the shield interfered when they tried to murder DB the raw after Mania but shouldn't they be plotting to get the championship back in their hands to prove they are still the best? I get that they sent Kane after him... but does Evolution really want the title to be in DEMON Kane's hands?

Or am I thinking about this too much?


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Awesome Raw. WWE finally is hitting its stride. Next up, Bo Dallas! I can't wait for Tyler Breeze to be brought up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Remember when some of us said the chase is better than the catch with regards to Daniel Bryan?


I feel like people should be cool with Shield/Evolution having a rematch after a clean finish. If there's a desire for fewer "dusty" finishes to continue feuds, then you can't have it both ways.
I thought TNA was somehow 10x worse then WWE, that's what my old friends who lived and breathed wrestling said a few years ago, has it gotten a lot better or are people just sick of the WWE and want anything different?

In two weeks they
debut their version of the Nation of Domination, with MVP, Kenny King, and Bobby Lashley.


Are you seriously comparing Austin/Booker to the crap we just saw tonight?

Heel, c'mon.

It's all in the same vein of not taking this shit too seriously. Let's get wacky and let's have fun!

Bray vs. Cena had about a half dozen goofy spots. Fantastic match in my eyes.
Daniel Bryan drove Kane around on a forklift, then jumped off said forklift.
Kane/Brie having B-horror skits

Keep it playful, friends!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Probably. I got real defensive during that time since it was OT.

Alls well brother. I'd clap you on your shoulder if I could.

Real talk though, Bryan's reign could have been better depending on his selection of opponents. We'll see how it is come Sammerslums.
Fighting someone in a grocery store is 10x more ridiculous than attacking someone in a parking lot.

You're missing the point. Austin and Booker have spot on comedic timing and tons of energy in that segment. It's funny for the RIGHT reasons. It's not campy awful nonsense garbage horror, it's wrestling inside a grocery store.

Dude said "You want ketchup with that ass whuppin?" And check Booker's mannerisms and all his yelling/panting. It's hilarious. They're on a whole different level.

If you just count his chase as the last month or two with Triple H, then yeah, the chase was better than what we have now. But if you take into account his whole chase, with 4 straight screwy PPV finishes and not so great matches with Orton and Big Show, then him having the belt and winning clean finishes is absolutely better than that.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's all in the same vein of not taking this shit too seriously. Let's get wacky and let's have fun!

Bray vs. Cena had about a half dozen goofy spots. Fantastic match in my eyes.
Daniel Bryan drove Kane around on a forklift, then jumped off said forklift.
Kane/Brie having B-horror skits

Keep it playful, friends!

I have no idea if Heel is shooting here but this is how I legitimately feel about these past two nights. I had a ton of fun.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Let's just have some fun

just havin' some fun. wrestling's not about interesting characters and good matches. according to some posters on here, it's always stupid. that things like Bruno's losses inciting near riots were too serious. that being emotionally invested in a television show is too stupid.

Maybe when the snake bit Macho Man, Macho should have pulled it off and jumped rope with it!
You're missing the point. Austin and Booker have spot on comedic timing and tons of energy in that segment. It's funny for the RIGHT reasons. It's not campy awful nonsense garbage horror, it's wrestling inside a grocery store.

Dude said "You want ketchup with that ass whuppin?" And check Booker's mannerisms and all his yelling/panting. It's hilarious. They're on a whole different level.

Yeah, I get you. I guess I just don't hate campy as much as everyone else seems to.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you just count his chase as the last month or two with Triple H, then yeah, the chase was better than what we have now. But if you take into account his whole chase, with 4 straight screwy PPV finishes and not so great matches with Orton and Big Show, then him having the belt and winning clean finishes is absolutely better than that.

The whole real chase, post-Summerslam. I think that all honestly factored into it.
So I just got home, still kinda drunk, watching Cesaro and RVD on the west coast feed.

You on this bean?

Alls well brother. I'd clap you on your shoulder if I could.

Real talk though, Bryan's reign could have been better depending on his selection of opponents. We'll see how it is come Sammerslums.

Doesn't matter, he won it all!

Those were fun times.
the chase is not inherently better than the catch, but when you go to beating everyone in Evolution to having rehashed B-movie (at best) backstage segments with fucking Kane in 20-fucking-14, it's not gonna be as hot
Where did that Dilph Zoggler guy go? Man he was cool.
santino eliminated him in a battle royal. bruh is done


The smark shit in here is out of control though. We gotta look to our peers to reign in some of the stupid shit that's been said.

I'll always back Big Dave. Wrong Side of Town put him in a class of his own. Riley's really got worse, though, but some would argue I just didn't recognize it from the start.

COTC has some sweet fucking music.

The intro to the first Clash is better than anything Batista has done since his return. All the belts and the lightning. It's too long to do with Gifcam, but it's so rad.

But Batista...I never disliked him when he was around. He had some good matches against the right opponents and the way he would go from shaved head to 6 months of hair growth in 3 weeks always fascinated me. He was always limited, but I grew up with Hogan and Warrior, so I was used to that. The initial turn angle was pretty great. I enjoyed his matches with HHH, Cena, and Taker. But the Bateaster of 2014 has been GARBAGE and a flat out embarrassment and disgrace to himself and wrestling in general. I can't trust the opinion of someone who backs the Batista of 2014. The permanently gassed, botoxed, and mass lacking guy he is now. He's now the smallest guy in Evolution. At least 80% of his gimmick was his size and he lost most of that. And then he did whatever the fuck he did to his face. And now he literally gets gassed doing promos. Slow, monotonous promos. It's not like he does crazy Warrior/Hogan/Savage promos or anything. When it comes to actual matches, he's gassed with in five minutes even if he does almost nothing like at Extreme Rules.

If you can still honestly back Batista in 2014, my opinion of you lowers significantly. Even I can acknowledge when Axl Rose is garbage (which he has been about 98% of the time for the past 3 years, but even in his prime he was hit and miss as fuck). Sunny, admit Bateaser Bunny Bomb is hot garbage in 2014.

As for the Kane/Bryan feud, it literally has no logical reason to be happening at all. As it stands, the story is that Kane suddenly got obsessed with Bryan after Bryan won the title. That's it. Nothing at all to do with their mini-feud pre Wrestlemania, or their time together as a team, or the Bryan/Punk/Kane feud in 2012. Just that Kane randomly got obsessed with Bryan after Wrestlemania.
ed: ^^ I don't hate or like Batista, but also think that if his issues are about the PPV bonus situation, he's in the right for being upset because it's a fucked situation

If I had known his reign would be like this, I would have wanted the chase to continue until he won the belt at Mania 2020 and retired the next night
Cena came out after the show and basically said we sucked as a crowd (sorry Wrassle-GAF... I tried) and then they had the dark match main event of Cena vs. Bray. Cena wins by Dq after the family interfered.

Surprised he wasn't there on the show proper, but the kids were happy to see him.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The intro to the first Clash is better than anything Batista has done since his return. All the belts and the lightning. It's too long to do with Gifcam, but it's so rad.

But Batista...I never disliked him when he was around. He had some good matches against the right opponents and the way he would go from shaved head to 6 months of hair growth in 3 weeks always fascinated me. He was always limited, but I grew up with Hogan and Warrior, so I was used to that. The initial turn angle was pretty great. I enjoyed his matches with HHH, Cena, and Taker. But the Bateaster of 2014 has been GARBAGE and a flat out embarrassment and disgrace to himself and wrestling in general. I can't trust the opinion of someone who backs the Batista of 2014. The permanently gassed, botoxed, and mass lacking guy he is now. He's now the smallest guy in Evolution. At least 80% of his gimmick was his size and he lost most of that. And then he did whatever the fuck he did to his face. And now he literally gets gassed doing promos. Slow, monotonous promos. It's not like he does crazy Warrior/Hogan/Savage promos or anything. When it comes to actual matches, he's gassed with in five minutes even if he does almost nothing like at Extreme Rules.

If you can still honestly back Batista in 2014, my opinion of you lowers significantly. Even I can acknowledge when Axl Rose is garbage (which he has been about 98% of the time for the past 3 years, but even in his prime he was hit and miss as fuck). Sunny, admit Bateaser Bunny Bomb is hot garbage in 2014.

I have to back him. He hasn't had the opportunity to do anything special or significant. Also I don't know what you're talking about with his face. It's just a little rounder.

No Soul Patch. Key to power.

I have faith in Bateaster. He'll be allowed to turn it back up and be dope as fuck. Never forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JegzQqoWddk

A huge physique and a perfect face doesn't matter when it comes to this.
I know I've not watched wrestling for years and years like some of you guys, but I feel like as a whole most of what I've seen since I got invested at WM30 has been okay to good. The only things I've really not enjoyed are Cena being a black hole for the Wyatts and diva wrestling as a whole. I don't hate Cena as a character nor do I hate his gimmicks/moves and I don't even dislike him as the pretty boy who always wins or only loses due to massive shenanigans just don't have him take on interesting characters like the Wyatts. Either let him stomp no talent jobbers or have him fued with old guys like Rock and Batista where it doesn't matter.


I do feel sort of bad for Batista at times. Hated from the get go.

But the jokes about him getting gassed out easily and getting gassed out just walking to the ring is hilarious.
Yeah, I get you. I guess I just don't hate campy as much as everyone else seems to.

I've always felt that there's been a fine line between amazing camp/backstage/out of the arena/soap opera ridiculousness, and flat out terrible segments. I love them when they work well, but when they're bad they're baaaaaad.

And lemme tell you something, Maggle: Kane's been involved in a ton of the baaaaaad ones. I'm sick of it.
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