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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Steph was amazing tonight.

I hope this leads to a match between her and Brie at...oh, let's say Summerslam.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
They seriously bungled EVERYTHING about Batista's return from the get-go; everything from the radio station accidentally announcing it, so they had to focus on it instead of having it a surprise, and during all that, Bryan was being held back, then everything else just fell to shit. Batista really had no place to fit in with everything that was going on, and it's a shame. I feel bad for him because it wasn't supposed to happen like this at all, but thanks to a little farm rodent...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Please. Batista and Rock saw Brock the based god return part-time and be just as good if not better from the get-go.

They thought, 'Oh, I can do that too!' without realizing that Brock Lesnar is a demi-god, and they're just two washed up old men.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Please. Batista and Rock saw Brock the based god return part-time and be just as good if not better from the get-go.

They thought, 'Oh, I can do that too!' without realizing that Brock Lesnar is a demi-god, and they're just two washed up old men.

Lesnar's the kind of guy you can put the company on his shoulders and watch him go.
I like how Daniel Bryan decisively beat Kane and the Shield decisively beat Evolution at the PPV.

So naturally, let's have more matches that will undoubtedly not be able to top the original matches.


Let's just have some fun

just havin' some fun. wrestling's not about interesting characters and good matches. according to some posters on here, it's always stupid. that things like Bruno's losses inciting near riots were too serious. that being emotionally invested in a television show is too stupid.

Maybe when the snake bit Macho Man, Macho should have pulled it off and jumped rope with it!

Bryan just had a very emotional journey just this past month. His title reign is one month old now, two weeks of those where he was barely on TV. They do silly things these two nights because WWE fucked all their heels and suddenly doesn't matter anymore how incredible was the whole journey to wrestlemania. If it never picks up, if it keeps being silly, then you have a point, as of now, it's predicting doom and gloom because the tone has changed in the aftermath of a crazy emotional month.

I agree with you, wrestling is great because of characters and great matches and the way stories are told through the ring action, I am finding it something really special and precious. That said, even if you hated all that happened post wrestlemania, it's still only one bad month in which we had to deal with both peaks of excitement and sadness. I want to see someone like Daniel Bryan tell great stories in the ring as he have been, but I'm not losing my shit because things had a much needed slowing down after everything that happened. I already lost my shit yesterday when Cena undid a stable of amazing characters in a match that was clearly not well thought.
Tonight I wanted to have fun and I did. And that's it.

Please. Batista and Rock saw Brock the based god return part-time and be just as good if not better from the get-go.

They thought, 'Oh, I can do that too!' without realizing that Brock Lesnar is a demi-god, and they're just two washed up old men.

It's okay. Batista's about to make Marvel$$$ and Rock is the current-reigning top-grossing actor in the world, so they still both made out fucking phenomenally.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like how Daniel Bryan decisively beat Kane and the Shield decisively beat Evolution at the PPV.

So naturally, let's have more matches that will undoubtedly not be able to top the original matches.

I actually think Kane and D-Bry can have an even better match with the right gimmick.

No idea about Shield and HHH, that match will be hard to top.


As for the Kane/Bryan feud, it literally has no logical reason to be happening at all. As it stands, the story is that Kane suddenly got obsessed with Bryan after Bryan won the title. That's it. Nothing at all to do with their mini-feud pre Wrestlemania, or their time together as a team, or the Bryan/Punk/Kane feud in 2012. Just that Kane randomly got obsessed with Bryan after Wrestlemania.

That's not it at all. Stephanie called Kane a pussy and that's all she wrote.
Let's just have some fun

just havin' some fun. wrestling's not about interesting characters and good matches. according to some posters on here, it's always stupid. that things like Bruno's losses inciting near riots were too serious. that being emotionally invested in a television show is too stupid.

Maybe when the snake bit Macho Man, Macho should have pulled it off and jumped rope with it!

I think you are missing the point, at least mine. I'm not saying wrestling needs to be campy all the time. I'm just saying campy every now and then isn't terrible. I like serious for the most part.

They seriously bungled EVERYTHING about Batista's return from the get-go; everything from the radio station accidentally announcing it, so they had to focus on it instead of having it a surprise, and during all that, Bryan was being held back, then everything else just fell to shit. Batista really had no place to fit in with everything that was going on, and it's a shame. I feel bad for him because it wasn't supposed to happen like this at all, but thanks to a little farm rodent...

I really wonder what would have happened if Batista's return would have been a surprise at #30 and he won the Rumble. I think fans still would have been chanting Bryan's name leading up to the #30 entrant, but I wonder what would have happened if Batista would have surprised them and then won. Would they have still reacted negatively? Would they have cheered and then realized he wasn't Bryan and booed? Sucks that it was spoiled.


I have to back him. He hasn't had the opportunity to do anything special or significant. Also I don't know what you're talking about with his face. It's just a little rounder.

No Soul Patch. Key to power.

I have faith in Bateaster. He'll be allowed to turn it back up and be dope as fuck. Never forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JegzQqoWddk

A huge physique and a perfect face doesn't matter when it comes to this.

He's worked with ADR, Orton, Shield, and Bryan since coming back. Some of the best people in the company. And he's looked like shit. His contribution to the 6 man tag at ER was get knocked off the apron and pretended to be dead in the ring while crazy shit goes on in the crowd. Brotista was dope. I think we can all agree on that. But Brotista has mass and majesty, a normal looking face, and didn't get gassed doing promos.

You don't HAVE to back Batista anymore. We can all pretend like this run didn't happen and you can back everything pre-come back Bateaster. You're in denial, boss. It's like all the greatest of all time actors/writers/musicians who either stick around too long or try to make a come back when it is too late. It happens to A LOT of them. Maybe even most of them. Pacino and DeNiro have done nothing but garbage movies for the past 15 years (except for Pacino's HBO work). Look at everything Marlon Brando did post Apocalypse Now. Look at how AWFUL Axl Rose has been for the past few years. You can back the previous heights without backing the current lows.
People don't like Wyatt promos now?

Never have, they ain't good.

If you can quote a single line from memory, I will applaud you, but I know you can't because Bray's promos are completely forgettable. He takes a point that can made clearly and simply in a few words and stretches it out to a boring 5 minute promo with useless filler. Keeps pacing back in forth. Doesn't adapt to how the audience reacts. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg.
Never have, they ain't good.

If you can quote a single line from memory, I will applaud you, but I know you can't because Bray's promos are completely forgettable. He takes a point that can made clearly and simply in a few words and stretches it out to a boring 5 minute promo with useless filler. Keeps pacing back in forth. Doesn't adapt to how the audience reacts. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg.

"Follow the buzzards." What do I win?


Never have, they ain't good.

If you can quote a single line from memory, I will applaud you, but I know you can't because Bray's promos are completely forgettable. He takes a point that can made clearly and simply in a few words and stretches it out to a boring 5 minute promo with useless filler. Keeps pacing back in forth. Doesn't adapt to how the audience reacts. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg.

"He's got the whole world in his hands"


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Girlfriend is happy Sheamus won. Now for his heel turn or unifying IC and Us titles. Either or will please me.


I want to see Batista keep his beard and turn into an alcoholic burnt out loser who can't cut it any more. Stumbling his way to the ring (ala Scott Hall) and just falls over and gets pinned.


I was at tonight's Raw. It sucked.

The End.

Edit: Not really. It was fun, but there were a lot of segments that were boring. And the Kane segment was so laughably bad.

Going to Raw is exhausting. It's a four hour show. It's just too much wrestling. By the last hour I was bored.


Never have, they ain't good.

If you can quote a single line from memory, I will applaud you, but I know you can't because Bray's promos are completely forgettable. He takes a point that can made clearly and simply in a few words and stretches it out to a boring 5 minute promo with useless filler. Keeps pacing back in forth. Doesn't adapt to how the audience reacts. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg.

Doesn't every wrestler do that? I can't think of a succinct promo off the top of my head.
Man, if Bats really didn't want to job to Bryan for Payback then he can go fuck himself. You straight up tapped at Wrestlemania, what else is there to lose? Now he's potentailly sabotaging Bryan's title reign also?


Never have, they ain't good.

If you can quote a single line from memory, I will applaud you, but I know you can't because Bray's promos are completely forgettable. He takes a point that can made clearly and simply in a few words and stretches it out to a boring 5 minute promo with useless filler. Keeps pacing back in forth. Doesn't adapt to how the audience reacts. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg.

I can't tell if this is you being Bean or your actual opinion, but how many lines of Jake Roberts promos can people actually recite? He's one of the best promo guys ever, but I bet most people would be hard pressed to remember individual promos outside of "Trust me" and things that have been replayed numerous times over two decades. A lot of people consider Jake the best promo guy ever, but most people can remember Savage/ Warrior/Hogan lines off hand a lot easier. That doesn't mean Jake wasn't great.
Never have, they ain't good.

If you can quote a single line from memory, I will applaud you, but I know you can't because Bray's promos are completely forgettable. He takes a point that can made clearly and simply in a few words and stretches it out to a boring 5 minute promo with useless filler. Keeps pacing back in forth. Doesn't adapt to how the audience reacts. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg.

he's the triple h of this era! triple h has a better gimmick though

edit- triple h is just better
I've never liked them. The character is a mix of the Joker and Mankind. Problem is, because the WWE is so PG, this has no teeth to it. He isn't scary, or weird, just rambling to me. He isn't great in the ring either, just average from all of the matches I've seen.

Being paired with Cena hasn't helped at all either.

Feel the same way. His promos just go in one ear and out the other. I have to actively pay attention to follow his babbling and make any sense of it. He doesn't captivate me like a CM Punk or a John Cena. I know it's not fair to compare him to veterans but he has a long way to go still.
I think you are missing the point, at least mine. I'm not saying wrestling needs to be campy all the time. I'm just saying campy every now and then isn't terrible. I like serious for the most part.

It's not about liking serious or not, it just has to be done well. I'm not complaining about the camp because it's camp, I'm complaining about it because it's dumb, and bad, and stupid. It's disconnected from the "reality" of what's happening in the rest of the company. It's a skit. I've never enjoyed feuds which go that far off the rails. I don't want to see Jump Scare Kane trying to kidnap D. Brine's wife to bring her back to his Ringhole.
I can't tell if this is you being Bean or your actual opinion, but how many lines of Jake Roberts promos can people actually recite? He's one of the best promo guys ever, but I bet most people would be hard pressed to remember individual promos outside of "Trust me" and things that have been replayed numerous times over two decades. A lot of people consider Jake the best promo guy ever, but most people can remember Savage/ Warrior/Hogan lines off hand a lot easier. That doesn't mean Jake wasn't great.
Where does the Bean end and the real opinion begin


How do you guys tell who is gimmick posting and who isn't, other then the obvious ones lol

I never realized there were levels to this shit
It's not about liking serious or not, it just has to be done well. I'm not complaining about the camp because it's camp, I'm complaining about it because it's dumb, and bad, and stupid. It's disconnected from the "reality" of what's happening in the rest of the company. It's a skit. I've never enjoyed feuds which go that far off the rails. I don't want to see Jump Scare Kane trying to kidnap D. Brine's wife to bring her back to his Ringhole.

Oh I get you, and I agree to an extent. I was replying to the comment that "apparently wrestling has to be goofy all the time", insinuating that being okay with one segment means you condone it all the time.


Feel the same way. His promos just go in one ear and out the other. I have to actively pay attention to follow his babbling and make any sense of it. He doesn't captivate me like a CM Punk or a John Cena. I know it's not fair to compare him to veterans but he has a long way to go still.

Heaven forbid you actually have to think.


Foley felt like weighing in on tonight.

Mick Foley said:

Whether Daniel Bryan - WWE Universe knows it or not, NOW is the time that the fiercest fighting takes place for a WWE champion - and it has nothing to do with the action in the ring. Now is the time to step up and shoot down horrible ideas that can derail even the most promising of ideas. I used to joke that Daniel was the exception to the rule that every top guy in WWE has been percieved at one time or another as a pain in the neck - largely for their willingness to step up and call the creative team out on bad ideas when they see them. That thing I saw tonight - that thing with Daniel and Brie Bella - WWE Universe and the car? That was a bad idea - one that never should have seen the light of day.

I have said on several occasions that I used up my ammo when it came to complaining about WWE storylines when I went to bat for the ‪#‎YesMovement‬ in the aftermath of the Royal Rumble. I'm going to do my very best to do just that. But I'll first ask everyone involved - Daniel, Brie, Hunter, Steph, Vince, etc., to take a good look at the nearly identical storyline that ran Zack Ryder's promising career off the rails...and do everything they can to avoid that same horrible stretch of track.

Have a nice day.

How do you guys tell who is gimmick posting and who isn't, other then the obvious ones lol

I never realized there were levels to this shit

bean breath is the only person without a gimmick. Everyone else is working everyone else, ESPECIALLY the WWE apologists and people who complain about gimmick posters.
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