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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


To be fair, there's a massive, gaping hole in the roster without Punk. Largely because WWE has failed to cultivate genuine new stars at the expense of Cena etc. Punk and Bryan are the exceptions, because they got massively over despite botched / half-hearted pushes, forcing the WWE into changing course.
Why don't they push multiple guys as far as they can go not hold them back? Nothing feels as good as it can be, and who wants to make Cena look amazing while he protects his spot.

Merch would go up, but..

Not wanting an amazing USA belt fued overshadow say a Cena/Batista on the WWE belt?

Not wanting to have to pay talent crazy amount of money like WcW?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's probably because it's Dragon Gate. Dragon Gate is complete madness with stables everywhere. I don't look to Dragon Gate like I look to AJPW in the 90s or WWE in the early to mid 2000s. It's always been about chaos and factions. There's always a shit ton of factions.

New Japan, the most factions I remember at one time was like CTU. Dragon Gate always has 6 or 7 factions that run interference. It's also in a much higher, fast-paced style match. It's not my favorite promotion or anything, but the chaos fits in all their matches because they're so akin to Lucha Libre. New Japan with Bullet Club just looks completely out of place. Plus Dragon Gate was doing that shit in 2003 with Blood Generation.
the reactions, haha. i need to start watching WWE again just to see the train wreck unfold.

it's always the same folks: decent WM, hot RAW crowd, "this is it, WWE is saved", turns to shit almost immediately.

Vince won't change because fuck it, "i serve them shit and they line-up to buy the damn Network".
Thank fucking God that Punk isn't back with Hogan working with the WWE, so we haven't had to suffer through that promo. You know the one,

'Listen up, Terry'
Punk pauses to wait for audience approval and the internet proclaiming him god amongst promos
'Things are a little different around here since you've been off doing who knows what (smart fan TNA bash, only us true smarks get it). But I am The Best In The World, and I make my matches. So unless I need help with putting on my yappapi strap(smart joke callback), you need to keep your mouth shut.... BROTHER'
Right because Daniel Bryan forcing Hogan to perform for him in the ring like a puppet was much better. "Dance for me, bitch. Dance!".


So not worth it

This is amazing. Seriously.

I need this as a sound byte, they should play this in every Daniel Bryan video package for the next three months.
Dragonzord said:
It's probably because it's Dragon Gate. Dragon Gate is complete madness with stables everywhere. I don't look to Dragon Gate like I look to AJPW in the 90s or WWE in the early to mid 2000s. It's always been about chaos and factions. There's always a shit ton of factions.

Sure, faction warfare and heel units have been Dragon Gate's bread and butter for the entirety their existence, so it's to be expected to a degree, but I think part of it is that the Bullet Club are perceived as "indy geeks" (their promos aren't doing much to help sway this image, though) by western fans. They're not just "wrestlers from the US we don't know", they're indy geeks and, although Kzy and Mondai and Cyber Kong all kind of suck, they aren't indy geeks.

Also, as you say, it's out of place for New Japan. It'll be interesting to see how far they go with this, as the owners have always maintained that they want a more WWE-like product, infused with the New Japan wrestling style.


Just finished the Wyatt promo. I like him. I know there are a lot of criticisms about how he talks too long or talks in circles, but at least he draws you in. As someone who teaches the art of performing in front of a crowd and making that performance reach all the way to the upper deck, watching Wyatt is a pleasure. He's got a great vocal cadence, good tone quality and great mannerisms. He's already in the upper echelon of talkers in the business for having a fairly young character.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wonder if we can squeeze in a KENTA vs Nakamura megastar match before KENTA goes to WWE. That's pretty much the last dream match KENTA has left, and they already set up for it in their tag match.
i think that, now more than ever, some folks need to expand their horizons. try out different organizations. give TNA (yikes), PWG or NJPW a chance.

stressing out over the E will send you to an early grave. look at the sensible, open minded MMArks. we don't just watch UFC. shit i'd been in jail for homicide if i only saw UFC stuff.

NJPW has a gaijin champ, what better time to jump in?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
i think that, now more than ever, some folks need to expand their horizons. try out different organizations. give TNA (yikes), PWG or NJPW a chance.

stressing out over the E will send you to an early grave. look at the sensible, open minded MMArks. we don't just watch UFC. shit i'd been in jail for homicide if i only saw UFC stuff.

NJPW has a gaijin champ, what better time to jump in?

It's true. Internet cists always talking about 'NJPW' is great... With their Devitt avatars because he got that irish man's burden


This Los Matadores/3MB segment... JEZUS
Yes. Austin/Booker's fight was funny and FUN, no matter how stupid it got. BookDust segments were funny and FUN, no matter how stupid they got. Anyone that legitimately thinks the segments progressing the Kane/Bryan segments were funny and FUN are people I don't understand.

People on the Internet thought the Austin/Booker stuff was stupid when it aired as well. In ten years, somebody will be complaining about a segment on RAW and somebody will say, "I mean, at least the Kane/Bryan segments were funny and FUN."

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You think Triple H stands next to gassed out, 30 years older looking than he is Batista then just looks in a mirror and smiles to himself?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I have a project for myself. I need to track down quality releases of it via dvd or whatever best ofs they've put out. I don't know if UWF is owned by NJPW or Inoki, but I would like to chronicle the UWF/NJPW invasion that sparked the New World Order.

I know some of it's on YouTube, but it's mostly matches. I want the promos with Liger in suits.


So not worth it
Review-A-Raw edited the Halloween Theme under the Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella segment.


Words can not describe how much better it gets.


Review-A-Raw edited the Halloween Theme under the Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella segment.


Words can not describe how much better it gets.

Link? I just watched the segment. Brie's "screaming"... Bork would be proud.
does it matter?

Well, if they chanted "boring" then I'll feel bad for Cesaro and RVD. If they chanted "Walrus" then I'll be happy that Miz got an insult to stick like Punk's "Goat Face". If they chanted "Paulrus" then I don't know what to think.
What are the production values on Bellator? Are they Impact Zone quality?

better than that. great promo videos. also the best worked feud in any sports entertainment promotion:


also, Rusev is a joke compared to the true Bulgarian lord:


In the early morning of February 26, 2012 a group of eight men entered the capitol bar "Ice" on Graf Ignatiev Street and attacked Ivanov and his two friends, both with criminal past. Ivanov was stabbed below the armpit, with the blade of the knife penetrating his heart. He was in the intensive care unit after lifesaving 6 hours of medical intervention at Sofia's Pirogov Hospital. His condition stabilized, but he was on an artificial respirator. The police are currently investigating the crime, a 23-year old suspect, nicknamed "The Dumbbell," with a long criminal record, has been detained hours after the attack. Bulgaria's Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, used the speed of the arrest as an argument for success in the country's battle against organized crime, in the speech he gave two days after the stabbing.[7][8][9]

On March 5, 2012 Ivanov was reported to be in stable condition, having regained consciousness over the weekend.[10] While his life was still considered to be in danger, he was switched to a milder treatment regimen. The problem is with his lungs, not his heart. "The Dumbbell" or Dampela, and his lawyer, Radost Karaivanova, are claiming that Ivanov initiated the fight, at one point slapping Dampela on the face. Dampela has a criminal record of extortion, drug dealing and fraudulent car registration. The defense story is that Dampela didn't know he stabbed Ivanov and went to the police immediately after finding out he did, whereas prosecution claims that Dampela bragged about the incident and intentionally picked the fight with Ivanov in drunken rage. He eventually returned to the MMA competition in September, 2013.[11][12]

On March 12, 2012, Ivanov's condition deteriorated. A second surgery was performed on him, and he was placed in an artificial coma. In a May 19 article, MMA Frenzy reported, in conjunction with the Sofia news agency novinite.com, that Ivanov has been taken out of a medically induced coma, and has been speaking with doctors. He was expected to make a full recovery in six months to a year. His assailant a man named Dampela, 23, is in permanent detention.[13][14]

Around May 12, 2012, Ivanov regained ability to talk and gave a brief press conference on the 19th in the hospital. He declared that he is determined to return to the ring and the doctors confirmed that he would be able to recover in 6 months to a year. This was his first media appearance since the stabbing and Blagoy is scheduled to leave the hospital by the end of May.[15]

On May 28, Ivanov was discharged from the hospital's intensive care unit.[16] On May 29, he was discharged from the hospital. He stated that he was determined to return to competition[17] and doctors confirmed that he could return the next year. Ivanov made his MMA return in September of 2013 and won his next four fights.


Barret with the (not very well executed) Cactus Elbow! Bang Bang! I need to rewatch the Cactus/Vader feud soon, that stuff was the deal.
So, guys. What's more embarrassing of a champion. - Daniel Bryan's manchild lack of grooming or AJ Styles outdated Justin Bieber haircut?

Pictures of the contestants
If you asked a few months ago, i would've said AJ easily. just look at this fucker.

bruh's got a bowl cut. however, i'd say it looks much better now, judging from the pics i've seen. he should probably trim the sides or something because now it just looks a lil off. so, Bryan bc that beard needs a trim

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Barret with the (not very well executed) Cactus Elbow! Bang Bang! I need to rewatch the Cactus/Vader feud soon, that stuff was the deal.

Only Foley feud I ever really dug. Liked his match with Orton but not the feud.

however, i'd say it looks much better now, judging from the pics i've seen. he should probably trim the sides or something because now it just looks a lil off. so, Bryan bc that beard needs a trim


What do you think plays on AJ's myspace? I was thinking maybe Hollywood Undead. He's a little too tuff for Fall Out Boy
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