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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

They got us locked down for 6 months, they don't need to put any effort into it until Summerslam. It's going to take an AJ Lee vs. Renee Young - 'Bra and Panty Match' to get me to re-subscribe.

This mindset is dumb on so many levels. When has Vince ever rested on his laurels ever? Why would they not try to make every show great to attract new subs? Why give the people who are subbed reasons to be upset and not renew? They have zero reason to not try for six months. Just a silly idea.
Never saw the car segment but listening to Review a Raw........this is fucking garbage.
Putting Brie Bella in this has to be a rib for having a honeymoon the week after his title win.


This mindset is dumb on so many levels. When has Vince ever rested on his laurels ever? Why would they not try to make every show great to attract new subs? Why give the people who are subbed reasons to be upset and not renew? They have zero reason to not try for six months. Just a silly idea.
Define great.

Not having a WCW to compete with definitely has a noticible decline in risks/effort.

A large percentage of their ppv buys being locked for 6 months would logically give wiggle room on B ppv's, but they aren't where they want to be and 10$ is already affecting bonus to the talent. So, I agree they can't be lax there right now. Plus people can find ways to exit. Cancle credit. But if/when becomes a huge sucess, I don't expect output to be objectively better.

I hate to sound like a broken record (though I probably quoted him months ago) but Punk said it best a day before walking out: "The product could be a lot better, but It's not my company."

It sucks, but it'll never be what we want it to be.
Define great.

Not having a WCW to compete with definitely has a noticible decline in risks/effort.

A large percentage of their ppv buys being locked for 6 months would logically give wiggle room on B ppv's, but they aren't where they want to be and 10$ is already affecting bonus to the talent. So, I agree they can't be lax there right now. Plus people can find ways to exit. Cancle credit. But if/when becomes a huge sucess, I don't expect output to be objectively better.

I hate to sound like a broken record (though I probably quoted him months ago) but Punk said it best: "The product could be a lot better, but It's not my company."

I'm not saying they are making everything great, but this idea that "they won't care because they have everyone locked in" is dumb. They have no more or less motivation than they had before. If anything, they have more motivation than before to make each PPV feel great because now there are significantly more eyes on each show. No matter how high the number of subs gets, they will always serve Wall Street, and Wall Street will never stop wanting and demanding growth. So, yes, they will have to keep trying for the very foreseeable future.


I'm not saying they are making everything great, but this idea that "they won't care because they have everyone locked in" is dumb. They have no more or less motivation than they had before. If anything, they have more motivation than before to make each PPV feel great because now there are significantly more eyes on each show.
I don't know. The first and last single PPV I paid for was Invasion. They had to do something special for WcW fans. Or an illusion of special.

Right now I guess they are happy to get 10$ each month for 6 months from me for mostly B ppv's I would never pay for which obviously alone is lower quality than the big 4.
I don't know. The first and last single PPV I paid for was Invasion. They had to do something special for WcW fans. Or an illusion of special.

Right now I guess they are happy to get 10$ each month for 6 months from me for mostly B ppv's I would never pay for which obviously alone is lower quality than the big 4.

They may be happy with that, but Wall Street won't be if they drop or stay stagnant, and that is ultimately who they have to satisfy.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'd like to see a gimmick sort of like Doink but brought in initially as a face. Where he comes out as like a goofy comedy act a la Brodus or Santino or whatever. Give him a few months where he brings kids in and gives them merch or dances with them or whatever. Then one raw have him freak out. Like start blubbering, speaking in tongues, falling all over himself and get escorted to the back. Next week, bring him out again and likely still getting cheers because some people don't know, or they forget. Then have him bring the kid in, have him fall over, cut himself so when he gets back up he's just gushing the CRIMSON MASK and the kid's freaked out. And he's freaked out. Then you can have some white meat babyface make the save and have a feud. And the comedy act can talk about how the fans used to cheer him, but they couldn't accept him. Blame the fans. Never acknowledge that he lost it. So on. Make him still desperate for the fan's approval

And give him Doink's heel theme


They may be happy with that, but Wall Street won't be if they drop or stay stagnant, and that is ultimately who they have to satisfy.
They defintly have to get numbers up to satisfy them, but I'm seeing the affect already through Dbry vs Kane again instead of Batista if hos bonus pay dirtsheet issue is correct.
I can't tell if this is you being Bean or your actual opinion, but how many lines of Jake Roberts promos can people actually recite? He's one of the best promo guys ever, but I bet most people would be hard pressed to remember individual promos outside of "Trust me" and things that have been replayed numerous times over two decades. A lot of people consider Jake the best promo guy ever, but most people can remember Savage/ Warrior/Hogan lines off hand a lot easier. That doesn't mean Jake wasn't great.

Hell I don't know, I was in diapers when Jake was cutting promos.
They defintly have to get numbers up to satisfy them, but I'm seeing the affect already through Dbry vs Kane again instead of Batista if hos bonus pay dirtsheet issue is correct.

Batista's the exception. Most workers won't have those complaints, and even they do they won't voice them. Sad, but true.
I'd like to see a gimmick sort of like Doink but brought in initially as a face. Where he comes out as like a goofy comedy act a la Brodus or Santino or whatever. Give him a few months where he brings kids in and gives them merch or dances with them or whatever. Then one raw have him freak out. Like start blubbering, speaking in tongues, falling all over himself and get escorted to the back. Next week, bring him out again and likely still getting cheers because some people don't know, or they forget. Then have him bring the kid in, have him fall over, cut himself so when he gets back up he's just gushing the CRIMSON MASK and the kid's freaked out. And he's freaked out. Then you can have some white meat babyface make the save and have a feud. And the comedy act can talk about how the fans used to cheer him, but they couldn't accept him. Blame the fans. Never acknowledge that he lost it. So on.

And give him Doink's heel theme
Done right, and i mean really done right, that could create a legit creepy character. I dig it
Funny that the general reaction to Ricochet losing the Dream Gate title has been pretty good - much like the AJ title switch in New Japan, this one featured multiple instances of outside interference from the heel's stablemates, yet while the Bullet Club stuff is apparently insufferable to some, Mad Blankey's shtick is perfectly acceptable? Kay. Incidentally, I loved the story Ricochet and YAMATO told, with Ricochet's knee being injured early on and that preventing him from utilising his full war crate, but the Mad Blankey stuff at the end only served to get in the way and wasn't really needed. As a counter point, it worked perfectly in the main event cage match (although Kong trying to stop Hulk escaping to save Kzy's hair made no sense, considering Kong would have had to unmask).


Just finished Raw and holy shit what an awful show, only high points were Rusev, Adam Rose, and Shield/Wyatts, Bryan's already getting that Zack Ryder treatment and It's so depressing, praying Sheamus at least turns heel now


I think there is a direct correlation between the amount of cheers RVD gets and how lousy a crowd is. The louder the cheers, the worse the crowd.
Just finished Raw and holy shit what an awful show, only high points were Rusev, Adam Rose, and Shield/Wyatts, Bryan's already getting that Zack Ryder treatment and It's so depressing, praying Sheamus at least turns heel now

funny you say that


Whether Daniel Bryan - WWE Universe knows it or not, NOW is the time that the fiercest fighting takes place for a WWE champion - and it has nothing to do with the action in the ring. Now is the time to step up and shoot down horrible ideas that can derail even the most promising of ideas. I used to joke that Daniel was the exception to the rule that every top guy in WWE has been percieved at one time or another as a pain in the neck - largely for their willingness to step up and call the creative team out on bad ideas when they see them. That thing I saw tonight - that thing with Daniel and Brie Bella - WWE Universe and the car? That was a bad idea - one that never should have seen the light of day.
I have said on several occasions that I used up my ammo when it came to complaining about WWE storylines when I went to bat for the ‪#‎YesMovement‬ in the aftermath of the Royal Rumble. I'm going to do my very best to do just that. But I'll first ask everyone involved - Daniel, Brie, Hunter, Steph, Vince, etc., to take a good look at the nearly identical storyline that ran Zack Ryder's promising career off the rails...and do everything they can to avoid that same horrible stretch of track.
Have a nice day.
Wasn't Bean Breath just shitting on people for liking Bray? Can we stop acting like the non-gimmick gimmick posters are innocent angels?

Non-gimmick gimmick posters? I don't know which way is up anymore.

I legit can't understand why people think Bray is good at promos. Or why they give him so much mic time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Funny that the general reaction to Ricochet losing the Dream Gate title has been pretty good - much like the AJ title switch in New Japan, this one featured multiple instances of outside interference from the heel's stablemates, yet while the Bullet Club stuff is apparently insufferable to some, Mad Blankey's shtick is perfectly acceptable? Kay. Incidentally, I loved the story Ricochet and YAMATO told, with Ricochet's knee being injured early on and that preventing him from utilising his full war crate, but the Mad Blankey stuff at the end only served to get in the way and wasn't really needed. As a counter point, it worked perfectly in the main event cage match (although Kong trying to stop Hulk escaping to save Kzy's hair made no sense, considering Kong would have had to unmask).

Yamato has been with Dragon Gate for longer than 2 weeks. Yamato is also a much better wrestler than AJ Styles.

He's also kawaii desu
What really kills me about Bean is that he makes a lot of genuinely funny posts as his character, but some genuinely insightful posts when he's not doing the gimmick. But when he does the gimmick in OT, it's HILARIOUS. I would like to know his true, honest opinions sometimes. I give credit to him for almost never breaking character, though. He probably sticks to his character more than anyone in WWE does.

There is no real me.
To be fair, there's a massive, gaping hole in the roster without Punk. Largely because WWE has failed to cultivate genuine new stars at the expense of Cena etc. Punk and Bryan are the exceptions, because they got massively over despite botched / half-hearted pushes, forcing the WWE into changing course.

Cena should be used as a mascot - a face of the company El Torito - not as a nearly indestructible force. He's a big name, but he's at the stage of his career where you get more from him if he takes a clean, decisive loss in a couple of feuds each year.
The kind of people who would watch Giant Gonzalez vs Undertaker and say, 'Undertaker got carried.' The kind of people who just post to try to get a reaction. The cheap heat of posters. Rarely do they defend their points and instead pop in to say 'this thing everyone likes sucks' then pop out. I at least stick around when I tell Boootaaaay how much Okada sucks.


Everyone has to like Undertaker.


Funny that the general reaction to Ricochet losing the Dream Gate title has been pretty good - much like the AJ title switch in New Japan, this one featured multiple instances of outside interference from the heel's stablemates, yet while the Bullet Club stuff is apparently insufferable to some, Mad Blankey's shtick is perfectly acceptable? Kay. Incidentally, I loved the story Ricochet and YAMATO told, with Ricochet's knee being injured early on and that preventing him from utilising his full war crate, but the Mad Blankey stuff at the end only served to get in the way and wasn't really needed. As a counter point, it worked perfectly in the main event cage match (although Kong trying to stop Hulk escaping to save Kzy's hair made no sense, considering Kong would have had to unmask).

Also, most people assumed that ricochet was losing since he was in the BOSJ. It was either finals of the BOSJ or lose the title.
I legit can't understand why people think Bray is good at promos. Or why they give him so much mic time.

They give him so much mic time because he can use it - sure, the majority of what he's saying sounds like a muddle of bible parables and stretched metaphors, but he can run with it. Give Titus O'Neil a live mic and tell him to go out there and talk for five minutes. Could you imagine that?

Dragonzord said:
Yamato has been with Dragon Gate for longer than 2 weeks. Yamato is also a much better wrestler than AJ Styles.

Both true, but that doesn't alter the fact that some of the very same people I saw shitting on "western style" interference on Saturday, were proclaiming yesterday's YAMATO vs Ricochet match to be a MOTY contender. I don't see why Mad Blankey gets a free pass when their shtick is just as repetitive and overdone and, as I said, I found it to only get in the way of what was otherwise an excellent singles match.

tm24 said:
Also, most people assumed that ricochet was losing since he was in the BOSJ. It was either finals of the BOSJ or lose the title.

Yeah, no way in hell he was going to the tournament at Dream Gate champion - it's a shame, though, I would have liked to see his reign go on a bit longer.
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