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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Maybe it's just me but did they tone down the size of Adam Rose's party? Or maybe it's because NXT is in a small arena?

Probably about the same size but NXT is in a 400 person arena, RAW tends to be in 10k people arenas, it just doesn't look as big. They need about 20 guys.


Rose needs to turn out to be a heel, absorbing the whole roster into the Exotic Express, until only Bryan, Cena and the Shield are left free, and must team up to take on the brainwashed partygoers.


I think that was the first good Swagger match I've seen. Ziggler still going strong, too.

It's called "bisexual", stro.

Is he supposed to be ambiguously bisexual?

Lol at them pretending like the stuff about Nattie's pussy wasn't from 3-4 months ago and really happened over the weekend.

Big One

Shouldn't valets be used to get heels over? Doesn't make sense to give one to the top face of the company.

Also I keep loling at the random acts of common man stuff DB is doing. First it was driving a forklift driving then it was checking under the hood of the car. WWE trying to make DB seem like the everyday guy.


Putting the Bray Wyatt static effect over this recap makes it even more stupid

The random static was part of the live airing. I have no idea why it was in there, and why it wasn't mentioned on air. There was just random "Kane's super powers are causing interference" that we were just supposed to go with.


Who is anyone to judge the "blackness" of someone? People are who they are.

Nah, I generally think it is really shitty when people say something like "this black guy is white" kind of stuff, but Byron is the most WASPy person in the whole company. A company with Tyson Kidd and Nattie. Dude is WASPy as fuck. It's unsettling. If his skin was white, I'd feel the same way about him. He's a completely blank slate. It's creepy.


Holy shit

It wasn't the same as in the recap, but there was random digital interference that was probably there to cover a cut or something. It's not like it is the first time they've done that with a backstage car segment.

Lol, Dolph and Bateaster Bunny Bomb!
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