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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Is there an exact moment when Cena went from corny, lame ass rapper dude that people incorrectly fondly remember to corny, lame ass robot dude that people correctly dislike?

I was on hiatus during his Smackdown run.

It was right around the time he got drafted to Raw in 2005. If that wasn't it, it was right after he did The Marine and started dressing in camo and talking about respect and saluting all the time.


Is there an exact moment when Cena went from corny, lame ass rapper dude that people incorrectly fondly remember to corny, lame ass robot dude that people correctly dislike?

I was on hiatus during his Smackdown run.

Meltzer and Alvarez were actually trying to figure that out a couple weekss go. I think they decided on SummerSlam 2005 against Chris Jericho. 9 years ago.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
omg Beth Phoenix sighting

and it wasn't very good :(


Not to sound like a shill, but how in the world is WWE Network not an instant success. It's ten freaking dollars a month.
Not to sound like a shill, but how in the world is WWE Network not an instant success. It's ten freaking dollars a month.

Because the audience trying to pay for wrestling year round is small.

Little known secret: Wrestling ain't so hot in the real world.


Some people watch RAW and all but aren't interested in watching hours and hours of wrestling a week on the Network.
Based on the Payback promo commercial, they should be doing Bryan/HHH 2 but we have an amazing table flip gif out of it:




Okay Hogan, giving Savage the "rub" sure thing pal.

You think they'll ever put WWE films on the Network? I never seen all of The Marine.

Do you really want to see The Marine or shit on it?

I remember finally seeing it a year ago and it was a movie that it didn't know what it wanted to be. Serious stuff here....comedy
about get touched by clowns or some shit
here. Cena fucking everywhere......

The script came off as a 13 year old trying to discover his own maturity during the rough years of puberty


Do you really want to see The Marine or shit on it?

I remember finally seeing it a year ago and it was a movie that it didn't know what it wanted to be. Serious stuff here....comedy
about get touched by clowns or some shit
here. Cena fucking everywhere......

The script came off as a 13 year old trying to discover his own maturity during the rough years of puberty

That's Cena in a nutshell. They probably use the same writers.


I wouldn't mind looking like Batista in Riddick.

But I gotta shoot for Evan Bourne levels of fit (he's looking way bigger now than when he was on TV) because I'm short and awful.

Yes. Now you have no excuse. Get your ass to the gym and stop staring at your new wallet.

It's a nice wallet and I got it for my anniversary.
Man watching Xavier comes off very charismatic on the Inbox makes me really sad that he's currently being destroyed by the walking failure known as Rusev.


Gonna be a good one.


He spray painted "JBL IS POOPY" on his limo. That's a man without an edge.

But JBL was totally poopy as fuck.

Fuck, this made me remember the short lived CTC. Which made me then think of the short lived Cena/Bourne team. Which then made me think of Ryder getting paired up with Cena.

It's actually incredible that no one (besides Punk and Edge or people established before Cena's run) who has been paired up with Cena either as an opponent or ally has come out better afterwards. You go down the list and everyone has come out worse. It really isn't just an internet hating on Cena thing.

Major feuds or partnerships with John Cena since 2005:

retired about a year later, became a good commentator, came back to wrestling, retired again, came back as a terrible commentator.
Kurt Angle: Left WWE about 6 months later, went to TNA, lost his wife, was arrested multiple times, has been to rehab multiple times.
Chris Jericho: Left wrestling for years directly after, came back with one good run, and then came back repeatedly for worse and worse runs. Became a complete and utter tool outside of wrestling.
Edge: One of the only guys to get over on Cena at all, spent years anchoring Smackdown in terrible feuds, retired when he found he would be paralyzed if he kept wreslting.
Umaga: Never recovered. Sent to the mid card, became a drug addict. Died.
Mr. Kennedy: Very short. Cena got injured, Kennedy never recovered, ended up maybe kind of injurying Orton, fired. Went to TNA.
Randy Orton: Orton was dead in the water for 3 years after, though partially do to his own doings.
Batista: Left immediately after, came back as a permagassed guy with a botoxed face
Nexus: Entire group turned to midcarders. Tarver: Released. Skip Sheffield: Injured for 2 years. Daniel Bryan: Fired and brought back as a mid carder for 3 years. Justin Gabriel: Superstars exclusive wrestler. Heath Slater: Gimmick changed to be the king of the jobbers. Otunga: Became comedy character and then vanished for 2 years. Wade Barrett: Literally buried by Cena, took nearly 4 years, a gimmick change, and an internet show to semi-recover.
Miz: Never recovered. His status as being terrible and sucking became a part of his character afterwards.
R-Truth: Never recovered. Became a modern day Virgil.
CM Punk: Became the number two guy in the company for 2 years, currently off TV.
Tensai: Never recovered. Sent back to the mid card before becoming a comedy face shortly after. Retired.
Brock Lesnar: I would argue legitimately suffered as a draw from losing to Cena (plus a bad HHH feud) and didn't recover until Bork/Punk
Johnny Ace: Taken off TV immediately afterwards
Dolph Ziggler: Momentum was crushed, cashed in MITB, had a concussion, basically became a jobber.
Ryback. Never recovered. Sent to die in a tag team with Curtis Axel.
Alberto Del Rio: Never recovered. Has been an upper mid carder at best since.

Bray Wyatt: Bray looked worse in a win than he did in a loss over Cena, had fans laughing at him due to the stupid angle. Status is in limbo for as long as the angle goes.

Cryme Tyme: Broke up. Shad was fired. JTG became a jobber and hasn't been on TV in about a year an a half.
Evan Bourne: Multiple Wellness Violations and injuries have kept him off TV for over 2 years.
Zack Ryder: All momentum halted. Became a full on jobber who almost never gets on Raw or Smackdown even to job.

John Cena has been TOXIC for nearly a decade now. Only two people have come off better after an angle with him, and they're both off TV now. Compare that to guys who feuded with or teamed with Hogan who had their careers made from it, even in losing the feud. It's really kind of amazing. He's been a straight up curse for guys being associated with him for 9 straight years. And what's really bad is that Cena is capable of great matches. Probably more than Hogan/Warrior ever were. Yet he very rarely does even a good match. With a good opponent, he can put on a great match. This is a guy who put on a shockingly good match with THE GREAT KHALI. Yet 95% of the time when he's needed to put on a great match, he puts on a match that is embarrassing to watch. I don't get it. John Sina is one of the strangest cases in wrasslin history. He's been on top for 9 years (at a rate that is the equivalent of Hogan's first WWF run being 70 years), yet only 2 people have come out as good as they went in or better after being paired with him.

Yet when you look at Hogan's career, the majority of people who worked with him ended up having their careers made even if they weren't main event guys. And Hogan is a guy who everyone talks about as someone who buried guys. Even guys that TEAMED with Cena ended up worse.


Cena's sadly gonna be one of those guys that absolutely refuses to leave unless he gets some crippling injury that absolutely forces him out
But JBL was totally poopy as fuck.

Fuck, this made me remember the short lived CTC. Which made me then think of the short lived Cena/Bourne team. Which then made me think of Ryder getting paired up with Cena.

It's actually incredible that no one (besides Punk and Edge or people established before Cena's run) who has been paired up with Cena either as an opponent or ally has come out better afterwards. You go down the list and everyone has come out worse. It really isn't just an internet hating on Cena thing.

Major feuds or partnerships with John Cena since 2005:

retired about a year later, became a good commentator, came back to wrestling, retired again, came back as a terrible commentator.
Kurt Angle: Left WWE about 6 months later, went to TNA, lost his wife, was arrested multiple times, has been to rehab multiple times.
Chris Jericho: Left wrestling for years directly after, came back with one good run, and then came back repeatedly for worse and worse runs. Became a complete and utter tool outside of wrestling.
Edge: One of the only guys to get over on Cena at all, spent years anchoring Smackdown in terrible feuds, retired when he found he would be paralyzed if he kept wreslting.
Umaga: Never recovered. Sent to the mid card, became a drug addict. Died.
Mr. Kennedy: Very short. Cena got injured, Kennedy never recovered, ended up maybe kind of injurying Orton, fired. Went to TNA.
Randy Orton: Orton was dead in the water for 3 years after, though partially do to his own doings.
Batista: Left immediately after, came back as a permagassed guy with a botoxed face
Nexus: Entire group turned to midcarders. Tarver: Released. Skip Sheffield: Injured for 2 years. Daniel Bryan: Fired and brought back as a mid carder for 3 years. Justin Gabriel: Superstars exclusive wrestler. Heath Slater: Gimmick changed to be the king of the jobbers. Otunga: Became comedy character and then vanished for 2 years. Wade Barrett: Literally buried by Cena, took nearly 4 years, a gimmick change, and an internet show to semi-recover.
Miz: Never recovered. His status as being terrible and sucking became a part of his character afterwards.
R-Truth: Never recovered. Became a modern day Virgil.
CM Punk: Became the number two guy in the company for 2 years, currently off TV.
Tensai: Never recovered. Sent back to the mid card before becoming a comedy face shortly after. Retired.
Brock Lesnar: I would argue legitimately suffered as a draw from losing to Cena (plus a bad HHH feud) and didn't recover until Bork/Punk
Johnny Ace: Taken off TV immediately afterwards
Dolph Ziggler: Momentum was crushed, cashed in MITB, had a concussion, basically became a jobber.
Ryback. Never recovered. Sent to die in a tag team with Curtis Axel.
Alberto Del Rio: Never recovered. Has been an upper mid carder at best since.

Bray Wyatt: Bray looked worse in a win than he did in a loss over Cena, had fans laughing at him due to the stupid angle. Status is in limbo for as long as the angle goes.

Cryme Tyme: Broke up. Shad was fired. JTG became a jobber and hasn't been on TV in about a year an a half.
Evan Bourne: Multiple Wellness Violations and injuries have kept him off TV for over 2 years.
Zack Ryder: All momentum halted. Became a full on jobber who almost never gets on Raw or Smackdown even to job.

John Cena has been TOXIC for nearly a decade now. Only two people have come off better after an angle with him, and they're both off TV now. Compare that to guys who feuded with or teamed with Hogan who had their careers made from it, even in losing the feud. It's really kind of amazing. He's been a straight up curse for guys being associated with him for 9 straight years. And what's really bad is that Cena is capable of great matches. Probably more than Hogan/Warrior ever were. Yet he very rarely does even a good match. With a good opponent, he can put on a great match. This is a guy who put on a shockingly good match with THE GREAT KHALI. Yet 95% of the time when he's needed to put on a great match, he puts on a match that is embarrassing to watch. I don't get it. John Sina is one of the strangest cases in wrasslin history. He's been on top for 9 years (at a rate that is the equivalent of Hogan's first WWF run being 70 years), yet only 2 people have come out as good as they went in or better after being paired with him.

Yet when you look at Hogan's career, the majority of people who worked with him ended up having their careers made even if they weren't main event guys. And Hogan is a guy who everyone talks about as someone who buried guys. Even guys that TEAMED with Cena ended up worse.

Smackdown Spoilers:

* SmackDown kicks off with a look at The Shield and The Wyatt Family from RAW.

* Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus for the WWE United States Title is up first. Sheamus gets the win clean with a Brogue Kick. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins were not at ringside. This was a good match with the crowd behind Ambrose. Ambrose did a dive out of the ring at one point and barely made it in before the 10 count.

* Cesaro and Bad News Barrett vs. Rob Van Dam and Big E is next. Paul Heyman is on commentary. Barrett runs down climate change on way to the ring and says like Big E, when the storms hit, he will be forgotten. Crowd is behind RVD and there are some Barrett chants. Cesaro pins Big E after hitting his finisher. Before that, RVD accidentally kicked Big E in the head. The match lasted less than 5 minutes.

* We get a Daniel Bryan vs. Kane recap from Extreme Rules.

* Lana comes out and says America should change and follow Vladimir Putin. Rusev squashes Kofi Kingston. Kofi got in little offense. A loud USA chant broke out during the match.

* The Wyatt Family appears on the big screen. Bray Wyatt rambles about John Cena.

* A Bo Dallas vignette airs.

* Fandango and Layla defeated Santino Marella and Emma when Layla rolled up Emma.

* Roman Reigns vs. Mark Henry is next. Reigns lifted Henry over his shoulders to show his strength and then dropped him into a Samoan Drop. Reigns hit a spear for the win.

* Los Matadores come out with El Torito to a big pop. They're going to face Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Hornswoggle. Torito pins Slater for the clean win.

* Seth Rollins vs. Batista is next. Crowd chants "you can't wrestle" at Batista. Rollins tried a baseball slide, but Batista scouted it and got some offense in. Batista with a few more power moves including throwing Rollins into the steps and then back into the ring. Batista hits huge suplex and is being methodical. CM Punk chants start. Rollins turns the tables and gets going. Rollins runs into spinebuster. Rollins counters Batista Bomb and Batista rolls to the outside. Rollins launches over the top rope and lands it. The second time he comes from the top rope, Batista sees it coming and sidesteps it. Rollins hits the table. Batista rolls in ring, wins by count out.

* After the match, Batista hits a Batista Bomb on Rollins as fans boo. Rollins sells an injury.

* The Wyatt Family vs. The Usos and John Cena is next. The crowd was more pro-Cena than not. There was also a loud Usos chant. The match ends when a big brawl breaks out on the floor. One of the Usos gets hit with the lariat by Luke Harper for the clean win. Cena cuts a promo against The Wyatts after the match. He says Bray is afraid and didn't get the pinfall, he got his goons to get the win for him. SmackDown ends.


Cena's sadly gonna be one of those guys that absolutely refuses to leave unless he gets some crippling injury that absolutely forces him out

He's really such a weird case. Look at how enjoyable his match with Cesaro was in February. He had a similarly good match with Swagger while Swagger was still on ECW. Look at his matches with Punk. But when you really need him to come through, most of the time he has a shockingly stupid match with horrible acting where he goes over even when he shouldn't. Dude makes no sense to me. He's capable of greatness, but goes along with so many matches that kill his opponent. I don't believe he isn't aware of it, and I don't believe that he doesn't have the pull to do more to put someone over.
But JBL was totally poopy as fuck.

Fuck, this made me remember the short lived CTC. Which made me then think of the short lived Cena/Bourne team. Which then made me think of Ryder getting paired up with Cena.

It's actually incredible that no one (besides Punk and Edge or people established before Cena's run) who has been paired up with Cena either as an opponent or ally has come out better afterwards. You go down the list and everyone has come out worse. It really isn't just an internet hating on Cena thing.

Major feuds or partnerships with John Cena since 2005:

retired about a year later, became a good commentator, came back to wrestling, retired again, came back as a terrible commentator.
Kurt Angle: Left WWE about 6 months later, went to TNA, lost his wife, was arrested multiple times, has been to rehab multiple times.
Chris Jericho: Left wrestling for years directly after, came back with one good run, and then came back repeatedly for worse and worse runs. Became a complete and utter tool outside of wrestling.
Edge: One of the only guys to get over on Cena at all, spent years anchoring Smackdown in terrible feuds, retired when he found he would be paralyzed if he kept wreslting.
Umaga: Never recovered. Sent to the mid card, became a drug addict. Died.
Mr. Kennedy: Very short. Cena got injured, Kennedy never recovered, ended up maybe kind of injurying Orton, fired. Went to TNA.
Randy Orton: Orton was dead in the water for 3 years after, though partially do to his own doings.
Batista: Left immediately after, came back as a permagassed guy with a botoxed face
Nexus: Entire group turned to midcarders. Tarver: Released. Skip Sheffield: Injured for 2 years. Daniel Bryan: Fired and brought back as a mid carder for 3 years. Justin Gabriel: Superstars exclusive wrestler. Heath Slater: Gimmick changed to be the king of the jobbers. Otunga: Became comedy character and then vanished for 2 years. Wade Barrett: Literally buried by Cena, took nearly 4 years, a gimmick change, and an internet show to semi-recover.
Miz: Never recovered. His status as being terrible and sucking became a part of his character afterwards.
R-Truth: Never recovered. Became a modern day Virgil.
CM Punk: Became the number two guy in the company for 2 years, currently off TV.
Tensai: Never recovered. Sent back to the mid card before becoming a comedy face shortly after. Retired.
Brock Lesnar: I would argue legitimately suffered as a draw from losing to Cena (plus a bad HHH feud) and didn't recover until Bork/Punk
Johnny Ace: Taken off TV immediately afterwards
Dolph Ziggler: Momentum was crushed, cashed in MITB, had a concussion, basically became a jobber.
Ryback. Never recovered. Sent to die in a tag team with Curtis Axel.
Alberto Del Rio: Never recovered. Has been an upper mid carder at best since.

Bray Wyatt: Bray looked worse in a win than he did in a loss over Cena, had fans laughing at him due to the stupid angle. Status is in limbo for as long as the angle goes.

Cryme Tyme: Broke up. Shad was fired. JTG became a jobber and hasn't been on TV in about a year an a half.
Evan Bourne: Multiple Wellness Violations and injuries have kept him off TV for over 2 years.
Zack Ryder: All momentum halted. Became a full on jobber who almost never gets on Raw or Smackdown even to job.

John Cena has been TOXIC for nearly a decade now. Only two people have come off better after an angle with him, and they're both off TV now. Compare that to guys who feuded with or teamed with Hogan who had their careers made from it, even in losing the feud. It's really kind of amazing. He's been a straight up curse for guys being associated with him for 9 straight years. And what's really bad is that Cena is capable of great matches. Probably more than Hogan/Warrior ever were. Yet he very rarely does even a good match. With a good opponent, he can put on a great match. This is a guy who put on a shockingly good match with THE GREAT KHALI. Yet 95% of the time when he's needed to put on a great match, he puts on a match that is embarrassing to watch. I don't get it. John Sina is one of the strangest cases in wrasslin history. He's been on top for 9 years (at a rate that is the equivalent of Hogan's first WWF run being 70 years), yet only 2 people have come out as good as they went in or better after being paired with him.

Yet when you look at Hogan's career, the majority of people who worked with him ended up having their careers made even if they weren't main event guys. And Hogan is a guy who everyone talks about as someone who buried guys. Even guys that TEAMED with Cena ended up worse.


It's all about the money doe, and Cena is straight up bidness for everyone involved. Fat jokes and photoshops are the future of this company, friend.


Smackdown Spoilers:

Cesaro pins Big E after hitting his finisher. Before that, RVD accidentally kicked Big E in the head. The match lasted less than 5 minutes.

* Lana comes out and says America should change and follow Vladimir Putin. Rusev squashes Kofi Kingston. Kofi got in little offense. A loud USA chant broke out during the match.

* Roman Reigns vs. Mark Henry is next. Reigns lifted Henry over his shoulders to show his strength and then dropped him into a Samoan Drop. Reigns hit a spear for the win.

lmao I feel like this is definitely an on running thing, Vince really ain't shit for this



It's all about the money doe, and Cena is straight up bidness for everyone involved. Fat jokes and photoshops are the future of this company, friend.

Cena, the biggest star in wrestling since Rock/Austin, should be able to help make other stars instead of crushing dudes and ruining them for years/permanently.
Cena, the biggest star in wrestling since Rock/Austin, should be able to help make other stars instead of crushing dudes and ruining them for years/permanently.

Yeah, honestly that is the nastiest of truths, but he has his defenders and it's quite disgusting.

Oh boy these heel divas...

Who is this clown at #3?!?!

Good god, Seeing and hearing Punk....(Vince voice) "You don't know what you got, until its gone :("
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