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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


could never
Btw, I'd shake all of your hands in person. If you're cool with the TNA stink.

With the wrong build and crowd, could Triple H versus Roman Reigns at SummerSlam result in people cheering Triple H and booing Reigns? I feel like the situation with him is really volatile and he could be ruined if they put him in an extended singles program too soon.
Reigns is not ready to wrestle a singles match unless it is completely scripted weeks beforehand down to every detail.


Reigns is not ready to wrestle a singles match unless it is completely scripted weeks beforehand down to every detail.

Agreed. But if / when the Shield split, he'll get plenty of opportunities to work with experienced people on the house shows. Could see him feuding with Christian or Del Rio to start with.

In fact, they should have him work with the Undertaker, since all of his WM matches in the past few years have been planned out for ages before. See if he can break the streak.

Wait a sec...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
KENTA make his announcement today since his contract expired?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, Bobby Heenan broke his shoulder? Oufff. :(


ADR's stock has really fallen. Losing 100% clean to Goldust in 6 minutes on Main Event? They seem to have had no plans for him at all. His last title run was just for Cena to beat him, then to give something for Batista to do for a month before WM. But he's defeated Big E. just because and randomly gets thrown into IC/US matches now. They probably should have used someone besides ADR to further that Rhodes breakup angle.

Does Alicia Fox actually have a hair line? She also looked like a carrot next to Paige.


I feel bad for ADR. He's a legit talented wrestler, but man, there's absolutely nothing he can do to get any kind of reaction out of a crowd. The only thing he's ever been able to do to illicit a reaction is simply aping Bryan's catch phrase.


Might be more cuts from NXT coming soon, apparently nothing too surprising. Look for people who have been jobbing lately on TV.


So what you're saying is Camacho is probably done.

Why is NXT getting the cuts when it's the main roster that needs cuts more!


I think Camacho might be safe for a little bit longer, since he's getting a short program with Adam Rose judging by the new tapings. After that he's probably done though.


Maybe they shouldn't have debuted the son of Meng (from Tonga) as a cholo manager who almost never wrestles and have him stay that way for a year not even on TV.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What if Arn Anderson came out at Extreme Rules and formed a new Four Horsemen? Who would he choose and why?


For some reason they've decided they're not going to cut anyone on the main roster anymore, just let contracts expire if they don't want them. NXT is still fair game.


It must be tough to be released from development.

"Sorry to inform you that you are not good enough to be learning how to be a wrestler."

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Savage vs Yokozuna on the Network, ref is Joey Marella.

I hate matches where everyone involved is dead. :(

EDIT: Well, not everyone. Cornette and Fuji are still around.
i think i broke a Legit Shook record for gifs in one review with Pride 10.


half of them from Sakuraba.

some great non fight stuff too.


Who is ADR?

Alberto Rodríguez (25 de mayo de 1977), es un luchador profesional mexicano, que trabaja actualmente en la WWE, bajo el nombre de Alberto Del Rio, más conocido por el nombre de Dos Caras, Jr.

Rodríguez es cinco veces Campeón Mundial tras haber obtenido una vez el Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado del CMLL, el cual mantuvo por más de un año, dos veces el Campeonato de la WWE y dos veces el Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado. Además fue el ganador de la vigesimocuarta edición del Royal Rumble, que contaba por primera vez (y única hasta el momento) en la historia con 40 participantes y fue el ganador del RAW Money in the Bank de 2011, siendo el único luchador que consiguió estos logros el mismo año. Además es el primer luchador mexicano en ganar un Royal Rumble y obtener ambos títulos mundiales de la WWE.
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