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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Your one-line justifications are usually pretty good, tho.

Ah yeah.



What we do know about Tough Enough is that they are starting on plans for it. The show will be filmed at the Performance Center in Orlando, with a season filmed over 30 to 40 days. We don’t have a date for it, but it is believed filming will start in June, if all goes according to current plans. An idea batted around is for it to have all “Andy Leavine’s.” The last Tough Enough had two “ringers,” so to speak, Christina Crawford and Leavine, who were already under contract, and the rest came from tryouts. There is talk to limit it to talent already under contract. The idea would be that it would be talent getting ready to appear on NXT that they expect to eventually make the main roster, with the idea if you follow Tough Enough, you’ll see them first, as the concept, perhaps even throwing in some name indie guys who haven’t started on TV yet.

Details on the latest revival of Tough Enough, from the Observer.


It's seems like Bray and Sina's cage match is shaping up to be the ultimate litmus test for finding out who takes sports entertainment a little too seriously.


Tough Enough has been rebooted more times then the Godzilla movies. I feel like there is always a reboot of TE.

Cowboy Bebop is all theme song and animation, which are both admittedly superlative. The characters are really thin on humanity and don't arc because the storytelling is too disjointed and thematically weak.

Black Lagoon is a similar type of show that works way better.

That's mainly because Black Lagoon decided to go down the Tarantino path of handling things. It doesn't have the heavy dialogue of his films tho. It's still a strong show tho even if the script is nothing but saying "fuck"


Zach, the WeeLC match was 4,5 stars, you best recognise how awesome it was!

I can't keep editing that post, man! And it really wasn't that hot. I actually watched it twice too, because I wanted my friend who occasionally watches with me (she had never watched wrestling and is now in love with Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat...) to see it. It was mildly offensive (that's fine, although we were both like "dude, this is happening in 2014...") and equally mild in entertainment value. Zing!
Tough Enough became pointless when they just hired everyone from the show and typically the most useless person on the show would end up with the most successful wrestling career


Tough Enough became pointless when they just hired everyone from the show and typically the most useless person on the show would end up with the most successful wrestling career

And also because they were nearly all new to wrestling and then had to disappear for a year afterwards anyway to go to developmental.


Some Observer News:

In shirt sales:

People bought more merchandise for The Ultimate Warrior in the month of April than anyone else, including John Cena. The internet merchandise numbers were Warrior first, followed by Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Wyatt Family, The Shield, Evolution and Hulk Hogan. At live events, Cena's sales are so far ahead of everyone else that it's not even close. The latest best-sellers at arenas have been Cena, Bryan, Randy Orton, Warrior, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar, The Wyatts, Batista and Sin Cara has broke into the #9 spot.

In top babyface news that they will most likely change again:

WWE has changed other plans going forward. WWE, right now, is looking at the top four singles babyfaces for down the line to be John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro and Sheamus. This was the plan as of a little more than a week ago. The last time an internal list was made, Orton, Batista and Roman Reigns were near the top, right behind Cena and Bryan, with Sheamus as the big names planned as the top faces for down the line

They probably changed there mind again after this was printed and who is Bryan facing after kane?

In hilarious news:

New WWE United States Champion Sheamus was reportedly involved in a physical altercation with Sin Cara at this week's WWE TV tapings in New York.

No other details are confirmed at this point except for that Cara got the better of Sheamus.


Wild guesses:

When they mean top faces, they actually mean top people, so two faces (Cena and Bryan) and two heels (Sheamus and Cesaro).

More wild guesses:

Kane disappears before Payback (wishful thinking). And it's Bryan vs HHH.
Batista and Orton keep feuding with the Shield, now with Sheamus along.
Cesaro squashes random people.

After payback:

Cesaro go to Bryan, perhaps as a setup for Bryan vs Brock later on.
Batista vanishes
Sheamus unify the US and IC titles.
I don't even have wild guesses as for where the Shield and Orton go from here.


lol sounds like Vince saw a Roman Reigns singles match finally and got scared shitless.

Don't worry his single match with Triple H at Summerslam is still happening with the possible Cesaro vs Brock math which means Bryan vs Batista will happen at Summerslam if the Brock match happens.

Also some sad news:

Catherine Perry (Lana) is dating Miroslav Barnyashev (Rusev).

Putin won


Some Observer News:

In shirt sales:
In top babyface news that they will most likely change again:
They probably changed there mind again after this was printed and who is Bryan facing after kane?

In hilarious news:
That's what you get for being a posh private schooled boy, no real fighting chops. That Hunico is from the barrio you know.
The John Cena Version of Wrestlemania III Build-Up
Andre: "I'm challenging you fo da World Heavyweight Champyunship"
Cena: "FUDGE MUSTARD AND PRETZEL STICKS! We're supposed to be friends, Andre! Some people here think you can beat me and that's ok. That's what's great about World Wrestling Entertainment, people can boo or cheer whoever they want. At Wrestlemania, it will be a grand production and we will have several major mainstream outlets there."

The John Cena Version of Wrestlemania XIII Build-Up
Austin: "IT'LL NEVER BE OVER, JOHN. It'll never be over 'til I look down on your grave and it says 'Here lies John Cena, the biggest piece of crap that ever walked the Earth'!"
Cena: "Well, clearly, some people here agree with you and that's okay! That's what great about sports entertainment. People can cheer whoever they want! Apparently, you don't like my shirt colors or that I like rap, I guess that's your problem with me. Well, the only rattlesnakes you like are the ones that rattle around Brokeback Mountain!" ::points to Wrestlemania sign::

The John Cena Version of WM 11 Build-Up
Shawn Michaels: "I will give you a show like you've never seen before. Why? Because I CAN."
Cena: "Shawn is right. It will be a great show. A great night of pageantry.
The production will be unbelievable and it's the culmination of a year's worth of episodic television. Some people want Shawn to win and that's okay, people should boo or cheer whoever they see fit."



Hilarious pasty ass gets his ass kicked by a small dude.

I have nothing against Sheamus. He's a good worker, he is, but his booking as a top/upper midcard face is god awful. Promos. Results in matches. Acting like Cena-lite, etc.


lol at anyone who thought sheamus was starting to turn

dude is cena 2.0. unstoppable, bland babyface that the little jimmies love. he's never going heel, no matter how much of an unlikeable dick his character is.
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