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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Legit Shook 3 panel gif comic





Btw, I'm 33. Was into Eva and Bebop when I was 21 or so. Eva doesn't appeal to me that much today, but I can still enjoy almost any Cowboy Bebop episode. Or Haibane Renmei or Lain.


I first saw Cowboy Bebop on one of those Winamp Shoutcast streaming channels, I was probably 15 or so. Some man with big hair was shooting someone in a church and ruined a very nice stained glass window. #cowboybebopmemories
The John Cena Version of Wrestlemania III Build-Up
Andre: "I'm challenging you fo da World Heavyweight Champyunship"
Cena: "FUDGE MUSTARD AND PRETZEL STICKS! We're supposed to be friends, Andre! Some people here think you can beat me and that's ok. That's what's great about World Wrestling Entertainment, people can boo or cheer whoever they want. At Wrestlemania, it will be a grand production and we will have several major mainstream outlets there."

The John Cena Version of Wrestlemania XIII Build-Up
Austin: "IT'LL NEVER BE OVER, JOHN. It'll never be over 'til I look down on your grave and it says 'Here lies John Cena, the biggest piece of crap that ever walked the Earth'!"
Cena: "Well, clearly, some people here agree with you and that's okay! That's what great about sports entertainment. People can cheer whoever they want! Apparently, you don't like my shirt colors or that I like rap, I guess that's your problem with me. Well, the only rattlesnakes you like are the ones that rattle around Brokeback Mountain!" ::points to Wrestlemania sign::

The John Cena Version of WM 11 Build-Up
Shawn Michaels: "I will give you a show like you've never seen before. Why? Because I CAN."
Cena: "Shawn is right. It will be a great show. A great night of pageantry.
The production will be unbelievable and it's the culmination of a year's worth of episodic television. Some people want Shawn to win and that's okay, people should boo or cheer whoever they see fit."

This is god tier by the way.
Meltzer's Extreme Rules ratings:

WeeLC: ***
Cesaro/RVD/Swagger: **1/2
Rusev vs R-Truth/Woods: 3/4*
Barrett/Big E: ***
Shield/Evolution: ****1/2
Wyatt/Cena: *3/4
Tamina/Paige: **
Bryan/Kane: ***1/2
Not sure if it's been reported, but HBK said on the Ross Report that the decision for Lesnar to go over Undertaker happened 4 hours before mania started


Meltzer's Extreme Rules ratings:

WeeLC: ***
Cesaro/RVD/Swagger: **1/2
Rusev vs R-Truth/Woods: 3/4*
Barrett/Big E: ***
Shield/Evolution: ****1/2
Wyatt/Cena: *3/4
Tamina/Paige: **
Bryan/Kane: ***1/2

>Not giving the WeeLC match 5 stars, fuck this guy

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Stro and Sunny are working you marks for Stro's feud against Team Japanimation in GWF 3.0, every Monday Night after RAW!


Zach's Extreme Rules ratings:

WeeLC: **
Cesaro/RVD/Swagger: **
Rusev vs R-Truth/Woods: *
Barrett/Big E: ***
Shield/Evolution: **********
Wyatt/Cena: *
Tamina/Paige: **
Bryan/Kane: **


Homophobes think that all non-straight guys want to fuck them. I'll sleep with most people, so that may be true in my case.

I actually entirely forgot you were bisexual when making that post. But yeah, regardless of sexually, we all know you're a man whore. And there's nothing wrong with that.


I wasn't talking about you. Yours are definetly bullshit. Shield/Evolution the same as Barett/Big E? C'mon son.

I know you're not talking about me! I was more referring to you saying rating things in general is BS when that's all I ever do around here.


And I don't know what you're talking about. My ratings clearly do not reflect your heinous accusations.
Cowboy Bebop is all theme song and animation, which are both admittedly superlative. The characters are really thin on humanity and don't arc because the storytelling is too disjointed and thematically weak.

Black Lagoon is a similar type of show that works way better.
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