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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


I can't wait for Regis Philbin guest host a Raw and just spit out car names to both of them and become astounded by the conversation Regis isn't understanding.


Shibata then kicks him and we have a live murder on tv.

Also, Sheamus is still at it with by retweeting this:

JoshJansen @thefuckinshow · 56m
@WWESheamus picking fights with guys that live in their moms basement is so 99 dude.

Why is so angry right now?


Shaemus is probably pissy because the most relevance he's gotten from the crowd since the 18 second D-Bry match has revolved around him getting his ass handed to him by Sin Cara 2
they should do a Brawl for All 2 and let those guys leave it all out.


- Sheamus
- Sin Cara Dos

- Lesnar
- Cena

- Del Rio
- Batista

- Santino
- Big Show


Man, old people and technology. Is there anything more frustrating than trying to go through a tech problem with an old person? ESPECIALLY when it is an old technology that they've been using for decades before I was born.

For instance: Cable boxes in bedrooms don't work because the cable itself is bad/unable to handle digital signal, there is a bad splitter, or there are too many splitters and it is hurting the signal. That seems like it should be pretty easy for someone who has been using cable and splitters since the 70s. Instead, it was a 2 hour conversation where he kept insisting that it was just a bad connection at the box. It isn't. We've been going through this for 2 years now. We've had the boxes replaced. It isn't the box. It's the actual physical cable under the house.

So frustrating.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
they should do a Brawl for All 2 and let those guys let it all out.


- Sheamus
- Sin Cara Dos

- Lesnar
- Cena

- Del Rio
- Batista

- Santino
- Big Show

Ultimate Fighting Raw. Let's do it. Poor Bateaster will get his lunch eaten. I'd reshuffle it like...

-Big Show


-Del Rio

-Sin Cara II

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Booker T's such a fucking joke. Let's hot shot the title to him a bunch of times in 2000 to pretend he's a main eventer.


Booker T's such a fucking joke. Let's hot shot the title to him a bunch of times in 2000 to pretend he's a main eventer.

Booker would/should have had the title by 1999, maybe even late 1998 if WCW wasn't run by assholes. Goldberg hampered him, but he was clearly on the rise and then they just stalled him out for a year and a half because no one in the main events wanted to lose their spot. He was on the same rise that Dustin/Austin had in 1994 that completely stalled out and died once Hogan and his buddies took over. The same thing happened to Booker, except the same guys were on top.


Speaking of Brawl for All, I should probably post the gifs I made from my unfinished WM review. I have a really good one where you can watch Bart Gunn's career get punched into space.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It was obvious Booker was the breakout star for the Ebony Experience, but Stevie definitely had his place as well. He was magnificent during his nWo B-Team Run with Scott Norton.


It was obvious Booker was the breakout star for the Ebony Experience, but Stevie definitely had his place as well. He was magnificent during his nWo B-Team Run with Scott Norton.

Magnificent as long as you don't have to watch his matches. As a personality/promo guy/announcer, he was hilarious. In the ring, even at the height of Harlem Heat, he was pretty terrible. And got worse and worse over the years. He pretty much retired in 2000, so that should say it all. I wonder what the heat he had with Booker was over. Book said they didn't speak for 5 years before Booker's HOF induction.


could never

I love Tough Enough.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Magnificent as long as you don't have to watch his matches. As a personality/promo guy/announcer, he was hilarious. In the ring, even at the height of Harlem Heat, he was pretty terrible. And got worse and worse over the years. He pretty much retired in 2000, so that should say it all. I wonder what the heat he had with Booker was over. Book said they didn't speak for 5 years before Booker's HOF induction.

Well, yeah, his matches weren't any good. But when he was on the mic he was great, and in backstage antics he was fun.

What's the story between Sheamus and Hunico?

Sheamus got his wig split, further reinforcing the stereotype that Irish people can't fight worth a goddamn


I should get out of gaming side for the day. I've been posting well and not stirring shit, but man I just feel like I'm pushing my luck over there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I should get out of gaming side for the day. I've been posting well and not stirring shit, but man I just feel like I'm pushing my luck over there.

What's the hot newz on the streetz?
I only posted in the WWE Network thread on gaming-side.


Booker T never got over being berried. Dude got clowned


What's the hot newz on the streetz?
I only posted in the WWE Network thread on gaming-side.

Sunset Overdrive gameplay is out. Well...sort of gameplay

it looks ight for now like the style but need to see it in action

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
btw Stro just out of curiousity, I know neither of us like the idea legitimately but consider next big review you do, to put a legitshook.com watermark to follow the jiff and see where it ends up.


btw Stro just out of curiousity, I know neither of us like the idea legitimately but consider next big review you do, to put a legitshook.com watermark to follow the jiff and see where it ends up.

We'll see. Everything seems to be taken to various places with in a day and then all google searches are from the site. Like do an image search on just about any WCW wrestler and if you click type, you'll get 80% of stuff from the site. Or just type legit shook into image search.
At least the Wrestling with Text watermarks aren't unnecessarily huge. They just take the space of where the normal WWE hashtag would be. It's not a huge deal.


At least the Wrestling with Text watermarks aren't unnecessarily huge. They just take the space of where the normal WWE hashtag would be. It's not a huge deal.

I just find it to be distasteful since it isn't their footage. It'd be like me taking something from an ABC show and putting legitshook over the ABC logo.


Prince Devitt ‏@fergaldevitt 1h
Thank you @njpw1972 for the most wonderful 8 years. I will never ever forget you. じゃあ...ありがとうございます #njpw pic.twitter.com/JlIIukeRDZ

I guess he's finalized his plans.


He should wait until he works with Jack Swagger before he goes on about things he'll never forget. I can't tell if Devitt has a fish face or the face of someone with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Real talk though Devitt and PAC can do some seeeeerious shit now. They always used to, but now they can burn the house down.


The NXT event after Takeover could be absolutely ridiculous if it get's Zayn, Neville, Devitt & KENTA on TV at the same show, even Mojo couldn't drag that down.
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