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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Only Vince Russo would try to book a faction as babyfaces and call them 'millionaires club.' Because those are the guys fans can relate to.

I'm sorry, you guys say TNA is looking like Russo is writing there again, but I totally disagree. Copying WWE is boring. It's not stupidly entertaining enough to be Russo. It's just stupidly boring


The NXT crowd is already turning on Mojo. Well earned, too, he's completely static, while other rookies like Charlotte are improving with every match.
Mikey Whiplash promo;


Seems like the start to a good angle - Whiplash impressed in his PROGRESS debut last year against Tommy End, where he wrestled a more physical style without his usual cross dresser get-up, while Grado just finished his sort-of feud with Mad Man Manson, so seems like these two will be feuding in the near future. Another storyline from PROGRESS that is well grounded in reality - the promotion is meant to be about strongstyle wrestling and showcasing the best of British wrestling talent, but yet the crowd still go nuts for a comedy character like Grado.
Perhaps he was a fan of Whipwreck, there had to be at least a few of them out there.

Anywho, it's all incidental, as that promo was him announcing he's dropping the character and going by Michael Gilbert now.
Will skim this theead latter and post, but here are my NXt thoughts.

I like the uniqueness to Charlotte's offense, like when Summer started incorporating dance into her matches, but I don't want jer with the belt. Disgusting tats. Emma outclasses her in every way.

I thought Aylvester LeFort would be pegged as a canidate for spring cleaning. Brah had done anything for months. Kalisto was pretty good, his mask will definitely move merchandise. Ricardo was decent as well. Definitely see Ascension losing the belts in yhree weeks and getting called up this summer. Though they should be released. Legionairres were alright.

Renee a permanent fixture on commentary? Hell yes. She is legit good at it. New guy sucks balls.

Wanna see more Rosebuds in action even though this brah only got two punches in. Multicolored hair girl is pretty cute. Camacho needs his bike back.

Star of the show was Alexa Bliss. Goddam. Adorable has arrived in The E. Hauntingly catchy music. She really is a little Rinker Bell. Pretty good offense. She has a cute nose. Lol.

BTtle royale is what we thought it was gonna be. Boring. Though it definitely reveals the pecking order of NxT. Mojo fucking sucks. Get him off screen. Can we blame him for the Network numbers yet? Big Cass needs to be in a program. I think that brah has a future. When is Enzo expected to return? Neville will have a good match with his title challenger but I'm not feeling the heat.
Wait, the Chikara card is announced????
Wait, the Chikara card is announced????

Just two of the seven matches, so far;

. CHIKARA Grand Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs Icarus
. The Batiri (Obariyon, Kodama & Kobald) vs The Odditorium (Sinn Bodhi, Oliver Grimsley & Qefka the Quiet)

Also, RE: Chikara, you know what's a great way to deflate any enthusiasm for your comeback? By putting Icarus, who is just godawful and hasn't improved in the decade plus he's been wrestling, in your main event.

Like it or not, that's the storyline they're going with - Icarus is the hero of this thing, who had his chance at the CHIKARA Grand Championship snatched away a year ago when CHIKARA 'perished', so I'd be very surprised if they didn't do the whole feel-good moment thing with him beating Kingston at the end of the show.
Just two of the seven matches, so far;

. CHIKARA Grand Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs Icarus
. The Batiri (Obariyon, Kodama & Kobald) vs The Odditorium (Sinn Bodhi, Oliver Grimsley & Qefka the Quiet)

Like it or not, that's the storyline they're going with - Icarus is the hero of this thing, who had his chance at the CHIKARA Grand Championship snatched away a year ago when CHIKARA 'perished', so I'd be very surprised if they didn't do the whole feel-good moment thing with him beating Kingston at the end of the show.

They can tell the story they want to tell, but putting your title on Icarus and making him the focus of the company in 2014, much less any year, is like WWE programming a Ryder/Miz main event feud.


The John Cena Version of Wrestlemania III Build-Up
Andre: "I'm challenging you fo da World Heavyweight Champyunship"
Cena: "FUDGE MUSTARD AND PRETZEL STICKS! We're supposed to be friends, Andre! Some people here think you can beat me and that's ok. That's what's great about World Wrestling Entertainment, people can boo or cheer whoever they want. At Wrestlemania, it will be a grand production and we will have several major mainstream outlets there."

The John Cena Version of Wrestlemania XIII Build-Up
Austin: "IT'LL NEVER BE OVER, JOHN. It'll never be over 'til I look down on your grave and it says 'Here lies John Cena, the biggest piece of crap that ever walked the Earth'!"
Cena: "Well, clearly, some people here agree with you and that's okay! That's what great about sports entertainment. People can cheer whoever they want! Apparently, you don't like my shirt colors or that I like rap, I guess that's your problem with me. Well, the only rattlesnakes you like are the ones that rattle around Brokeback Mountain!" ::points to Wrestlemania sign::

The John Cena Version of WM 11 Build-Up
Shawn Michaels: "I will give you a show like you've never seen before. Why? Because I CAN."
Cena: "Shawn is right. It will be a great show. A great night of pageantry.
The production will be unbelievable and it's the culmination of a year's worth of episodic television. Some people want Shawn to win and that's okay, people should boo or cheer whoever they see fit."

I just saw this. This is amazing and can imagine exactly just this happening. Thank you. :)
They can tell the story they want to tell, but putting your title on Icarus and making him the focus of the company in 2014, much less any year, is like WWE programming a Ryder/Miz main event feud.

Maybe so, but they're stuck on this course and have been for a good long while now. Icarus might not be the greatest in the ring, but the CHIKARA fans bought into his Technico turn, bought into him beating Kingston for the belt and bought into him being the saviour of the company - this is clearly a situation where character is more important than technical ability, at least for the hardcore CHIKARA fans.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Some guy on the F4W board posted ledger details from the St. Louis territory in the early 80's and, by comparing attendances and pay-offs, you can figure out the guys who were seen as a big deal at the time. For instance;

. Harley vs David Von Erich in a 2/3 falls match drew 11k, both Harley & David got 3.5k of the gate
. Harley vs Kevin Von Erich in a 2/3 falls match drew 8k, both Harley & David got 2.2k of the gate

Harley & Flair were easily the two biggest attractions and drew big every month they were on top of the cards, while guys like Rocky Johnson, Ken Patera and David Von Erich drew well every once in a while. However, even though Harley was the top guy, when they ran Harley vs Backlund, NWA vs WWF champion, they only managed to draw 7k somehow. I'm not sure if that's a knock against Backlund's drawing power outside of the WWF, or a case of bad promoting, but looking back you'd think that match would've been a HUGE deal.

Incidentally, Brody drew really badly in a main event against David Von Erich and wasn't used in the main event spot again, but was often used as an attraction elsewhere on the card. Like in this freaking AWESOME looking tag match from '81...I wish footage of this existed;

. King Kong Brody & Andre The Giant over Ric Flair & Dick Murdoch (Brody pined Murdoch)
Did you see the photos of Flair wrestling Andre from like 1975 that got uploaded?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Overall, I was pretty entertained by Impact tonight. The second hour was especially good.

Time for DDP Yoga and bed. I'll probably just be thinking and dreaming of The Menagerie, though.



stro and bootaaay, you guys need to check this out and give us your thoughts.

Alright even though I wasn't told to watch it, I watched it.

Reminds me of the Crow 2. Some 1999-era ish. And I think that's something TNA should capitalize on - the people with JNCOs and Korn t-shirts. Instead of thinking TNA can't keep up with the times, embrace it with this kind of stuff.

It was alright, a step in the right direction.


But Mike Knox can go.

It was alright, a step in the right direction.

It's hard to get excited about anything in TNA, as you know that what seems like a cool turn of events could become entirely terrible with just one episode of Impact or moment of PPV idiocy.

I just found them on tumblr. No source.

That's a great shot of Andre looking like he's about to damn well snap Ric's leg! Also, I always love seeing him doing the Irish whip, looks so crazy in still shots.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's hard to get excited about anything in TNA, as you know that what seems like a cool turn of events could become entirely terrible with just one episode of Impact or moment of PPV idiocy.

The good news is that when it's so over-the-top on purpose like this, it has the potential to be endearing. We'll see though. I'm not going to start watching TNA. I just had to adjust my Spider From Mars/Alucard filter as what they were saying was getting to me.

Here, have a sweet Brody pic.

EDIT: Have this Hansen too

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wish there was more Jack Brisco matches online

We should have a wrasslegaf viewing party of the 1 hour Jack vs Dory match. That is some fucking WRASSLIN. That is as WRASSLIN as you can get.
JESUS CHRIST @ that Tomodatchi thread, holy shit that thing is a minefield

Why on earth are people asking Nintendo to get involved in that nonsense
So about that Punk article. Wasn't the whole Summer of Punk and his irl problem with the company that he wanted to be the face of the company, that he wanted to be plastered across everything, that he wanted all the attention?

Now he doesn't. Shit tier John Cena as usual

Everybody wants to be famous. Nobody wants what it comes with nowadays (having to leave buildings through the back door or in disguise if you don't want a billion cameras in your face, childish rumors spread involving anybody and everybody you're seen with, very little sleep, even less privacy, etc)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
JESUS CHRIST @ that Tomodatchi thread, holy shit that thing is a minefield

Why on earth are people asking Nintendo to get involved in that nonsense

How's that thread evolved?

I can't help but think all this outcry will make Nintendo think "Good god, we'll never localize whimsical stuff again" as the takeaway instead of what we're trying to tell them. They're getting a completely different message.
How's that thread evolved?

I can't help but think all this outcry will make Nintendo think "Good god, we'll never localize whimsical stuff again" as the takeaway instead of what we're trying to tell them. They're getting a completely different message.

People want Nintendo to make a statement coming out in favor of gay marriage and such. They want them to put themselves out in front.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
People want Nintendo to make a statement coming out in favor of gay marriage and such. They want them to put themselves out in front.

But don't they realize just doing that would serve no real progress?
Boots, I'm gonna ruin your afternoon if you haven't seen it before.


The first handful of pages have a lot of broken images, but then it starts getting really good.

Awesome, I was going to watch Smackdown, but I'll browse this instead - I follow a couple of other threads like that on other forums, definitely some I haven't seen before on there though.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think people want blood over something that, while I believe it is an issue, got completely overblown, with some thanks to Nintendo's response to it, which seems to have been hit with a Lost in Translation

What was Nintendo's response? Nothing? Because that's what I'd expect.
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