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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

I wish I could have been a part of 80s Japanese wrestling. Everything just seems so magical. Cmon guys, let's move to Japan. Rent out a home and live together. Call it WrassleHouse

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Legends House needs a retool. It's far to pointless.

1: Gotta pick more established stars. Nobody watching this for the most part has a clue about Pat Patterson, even though I love the dude. Gotta get BIGGER name or even current stars - no more "legends" - or at least younger ones that have a little more vitality.

2: Pick a better locale. Pick Vegas. Pick Japan. Pick somewhere other than a simple little dream house.

3: Have a "prize" that people shoot for with someone judging all of them on events.

That's all I got. Legends House can be a good thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well Sunny, rumor has it Ric Flair is going to headline Season 2.

I said younger! :(

I don't think I'd like to see Flair struggle with things.

Here's a cast list for what my idea of Legends House 2 would be:

Kevin Nash
Bret Hart
Lex Luger

I think that'd be a great list of dudes that aren't all cripples. I think the interplay between all of them would be a lot of fun, especially Lex Luger. After watching Lex's timeline of WWF, he's really an interesting and good guy.

And I'd put them in Seoul, Korea.
I said younger! :(

I don't think I'd like to see Flair struggle with things.

Here's a cast list for what my idea of Legends House 2 would be:

Kevin Nash
Bret Hart
Lex Luger

I think that'd be a great list of dudes that aren't all cripples. I think the interplay between all of them would be a lot of fun, especially Lex Luger. After watching Lex's timeline of WWF, he's really an interesting and good guy.

And I'd put them in Seoul, Korea.
Virgil needs to be in season 2, he'll literally kiss Vince's ass straight for a month if that happened.
I'm still not understanding why Batista signed a new two year contract. One would assume that he was going to win the title at WM, and then go to all GoTG events with that title. Either they promised him something big after the WM loss, or he missed the spotlight.
Why? Batista likes wrestling I suppose.
True, which is why I included that he misses the spotlight, but he's in a big blockbuster movie. If that ends up being successful, he'll most likely take The Rock route. Was it confirmed that he signed a Two year contract?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


It's hard for me to picture a world where Undertaker and Kane would agree to be on a reality show. I feel like both guys have enough money and don't buy into that nonsense. I could be wrong though. We need SoulPlaya to give us an update on Kane's stance on reality shows.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's hard for me to picture a world where Undertaker and Kane would agree to be on a reality show. I feel like both guys have enough money and don't buy into that nonsense. I could be wrong though. We need SoulPlaya to give us an update on Kane's stance on reality shows.

I think he'd enjoy using as a vehicle for his political views.

Kane Campaign reality show? Yessss.

The Glen Jacobs Political Experience.
It's hard for me to picture a world where Undertaker and Kane would agree to be on a reality show. I feel like both guys have enough money and don't buy into that nonsense. I could be wrong though. We need SoulPlaya to give us an update on Kane's stance on reality shows.
Imagine a TV show that shows us the origins of Undertaker and Kane. An HBO exclusive!
That little webshow they had with Road Dogg, Josh Matthews, and Puppet H was pretty funny. Maybe it would wear out its welcome if goes longer than 4-5 minutes but I wouldn't mind a MST3K show like that with maybe rotating guests just watching extremely bad wrestling.
Some Smackdown gifs I'll link for spoilery reasons...

Ambrose with a rebound lariatoooooo;


That Reigns SuperCena strength;


Los Botchadores;


Lol, poor Heath;


Rollins thinks he's Tanahashi;


Damn, Dave...I think you killed him;


Sheamus vs Ambrose
was real good in the opening match,
came off looking strong. Enjoyed the main event as well, with
Big Dave vs Rollins
. Everything else was forgettable.
I wish there was more Jack Brisco matches online

We should have a wrasslegaf viewing party of the 1 hour Jack vs Dory match. That is some fucking WRASSLIN. That is as WRASSLIN as you can get.

If you can find it online, we'll do that in our weekly Wednesday viewing party.


I like that rebound lariat, but I hope he doesn't end up using it too often. That's the kind of move that looks nice once or twice when it seems spontaneous, but if it keeps happening it comes off really contrived. Reigns apron kick became like that after a couple weeks.


Something I noticed while attending Raw this week:

When Bryan and Del Rio fought outside of the ring, the WWE ring crew ran into the ring and quickly set up Kane's pyro on each of the posts.

It was kinda weird. Why wasn't that set up before the show started?
Something I noticed while attending Raw this week:

When Bryan and Del Rio fought outside of the ring, the WWE ring crew ran into the ring and quickly set up Kane's pyro on each of the posts.

It was kinda weird. Why wasn't that set up before the show started?
Keep in mind the Kane program was supposed to be over and that match was supposed to be against Batista.

Also the people at home look for the pyro now, so it can ruin the surprise if you already see it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You think Sheamus is lashing out because he's realizing that his time in the spotlight is pretty much over? If he was ever going to be a solidified main eventer, it would have already happened. He's closing in on 40, and it's likely that no one will remember him ten years from now. Soon Devitt will take his Irish thing, and he'll have nothing.

Sad, really. Little mid-life wrestler crisis, lashing out at people on the internet because he got his ass beat by Sin Cara Dos and Yoshi's Island, and he'll likely be remembered for that instead of his shitty championship reigns.
You think Sheamus is lashing out because he's realizing that his time in the spotlight is pretty much over? If he was ever going to be a solidified main eventer, it would have already happened. He's closing in on 40, and it's likely that no one will remember him ten years from now. Soon Devitt will take his Irish thing, and he'll have nothing.

Sad, really. Little mid-life wrestler crisis, lashing out at people on the internet because he got his ass beat by Sin Cara Dos and Yoshi's Island, and he'll likely be remembered for that instead of his shitty championship reigns.
He'll always be remembered for 18 seconds, and certain fans will never forgive him for booking himself that way.

Also during his reign of terror as WHC, he was always booked to get the upper hand in any situation. Even if he got beat down, the segment wouldn't end until he hit the brogue kick.


You think Sheamus is lashing out because he's realizing that his time in the spotlight is pretty much over? If he was ever going to be a solidified main eventer, it would have already happened. He's closing in on 40, and it's likely that no one will remember him ten years from now. Soon Devitt will take his Irish thing, and he'll have nothing.

Sad, really. Little mid-life wrestler crisis, lashing out at people on the internet because he got his ass beat by Sin Cara Dos and Yoshi's Island, and he'll likely be remembered for that instead of his shitty championship reigns.

I liked the fact that working out with HHH was so significant to him, but he also remembers the time, place, and amount of times he worked out with him.

Now he's had a week where he was on the panel of a PPV and the next night got a title no one gives a fuck about in a battle royal. He's had a company-supported head start on a lot of guys and they are all moving past him now because he's boring as fuck.


Man, I had some weird dreams.

The first one involved me taking this girl to a secret strip club in Indy for her birthday for some reason. We went through a mall to get there. And once we got there, pretty much every girl I've known over the past 10 years showed up and it became basically an Adam Rose party because none of the strippers were dancing. There was even an anti-semetic insult thrown at me.

The second one was truly weird. A few of the girls from the first dream were also in it. Along with them were about 10 other people and we were running away from something. Possibly escaping. To get to where we needed to go next, we needed to run up a mountain. This mountain was made up of onions and apples. No ground, no ice, just onions and apples. Not have eaten garbage, but just a mountain made up of onions and apples. We all make it to the top and there is another mountain to climb. This one is a real mountain. We get to the top and now we're at something like a metal balcony and can't figure out how to get down with out jumping 4-5 stories down. Luckily there was something similar to this:


at the end of the balcony. I was the first to take it down. All this to go to a horse track.

The last involved a class where a sub came up with this bananas way to reveal everyone's test scores all at once without having to actually tell anyone. Then I had to take a piss so fierce that I almost passed out at the urinal. When I came back, Slash was in the back playing Rocket Queen, which no one but me seemed to be hearing.
You think Sheamus is lashing out because he's realizing that his time in the spotlight is pretty much over? If he was ever going to be a solidified main eventer, it would have already happened. He's closing in on 40, and it's likely that no one will remember him ten years from now. Soon Devitt will take his Irish thing, and he'll have nothing.

Sad, really. Little mid-life wrestler crisis, lashing out at people on the internet because he got his ass beat by Sin Cara Dos and Yoshi's Island, and he'll likely be remembered for that instead of his shitty championship reigns.

Wow he's almost 40? Dood looks great for his age.


You think Sheamus is lashing out because he's realizing that his time in the spotlight is pretty much over? If he was ever going to be a solidified main eventer, it would have already happened. He's closing in on 40, and it's likely that no one will remember him ten years from now. Soon Devitt will take his Irish thing, and he'll have nothing.

Sad, really. Little mid-life wrestler crisis, lashing out at people on the internet because he got his ass beat by Sin Cara Dos and Yoshi's Island, and he'll likely be remembered for that instead of his shitty championship reigns.

Remembered for what some sheetz possibly made up about him? I'll believe it ever so slightly more if it comes out in a book/shoot interview from someone. I still can't believe in this day and age with so many inaccuracies, half of their output is still taken as fact.

I had a dream last night I fucked a co-worker and she gave me a Vita slim afterwards as a thank you, but the screen was all smashed up. not sure what the hell that's all about.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wrestlers look much older than they are. Like how Trish age about three times during her last few years.
Remembered for what some sheetz possibly made up about him? I'll believe it ever so slightly more if it comes out in a book/shoot interview from someone. I still can't believe in this day and age with so many inaccuracies, half of their output is still taken as fact.

Except he pretty much just confirmed the Triple H thing.
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