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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


God, the Takerooni segment is the best thing ever. First, Booker calls him out in front of the crowd. Taker says he's going to get Book for that. After Booker can't get him to do it, they send Rock out, who forces his hand even more. This goes on for a while and HHH comes out to say he thought Taker had the balls to do a spinarooni. At some point, Taker looks into the camera and tells Vince directly that he better not be in the back when Taker gets back there. HHH and Rock dick around for a while and the UnAmericans come out. They get stopped and say they want to see it. This continues for a while and finally Vince himself comes out. He backs Taker into the corner (literally) and says the fans came to see the VINCEAROONI.


Vince does it.


Then Goldy does a pretty good one.


Then HHH starts to do one, but tries to run off. Taker stops him. Vince calls HHH out and he does it.


Taker then chokeslams him and the UnAmericans hit the ring. Taker rides away on his bike during the fight. HHH goads Rock into doing it and tries to attack right after, only to get hit with the spinebuster and People's Elbow.


There is no reason that this going on for close to 40 minutes should be as hilarious as it was.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Kinda nodding off at this Elgin match, his bald spot wakes me up though.


And then the very next segment has Hollywood Rock saying "Get your big black monkey ass back here" to some guy from the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel bad about this, but BJ Whitmer needs to cut his losses and retire. He's fine in the ring, but he should really be learning a trade :(

Mr. Sam

I like Michael Elgin's delay German suplex. Can't help but feel that match was a bit too stereotypical indie spotfest though, even if it was basically a squash in the end.
Watanabe looked improved, liked that weird fisherman backdrop driver thing;


Also, Elgin never, ever hits that fucking corkscrew senton off the top, yet tries it in every freaking match. So annoying.


Watanabe looked improved, liked that weird fisherman backdrop driver thing;


Also, Elgin never, ever hits that fucking corkscrew senton off the top, yet tries it in every freaking match. So annoying.

How is that a move you kick out from?


God, the Takerooni segment is the best thing ever. First, Booker calls him out in front of the crowd. Taker says he's going to get Book for that. After Booker can't get him to do it, they send Rock out, who forces his hand even more. This goes on for a while and HHH comes out to say he thought Taker had the balls to do a spinarooni. At some point, Taker looks into the camera and tells Vince directly that he better not be in the back when Taker gets back there. HHH and Rock dick around for a while and the UnAmericans come out. They get stopped and say they want to see it. This continues for a while and finally Vince himself comes out. He backs Taker into the corner (literally) and says the fans came to see the VINCEAROONI.


Vince does it.


Then Goldy does a pretty good one.


Then HHH starts to do one, but tries to run off. Taker stops him. Vince calls HHH out and he does it.


Taker then chokeslams him and the UnAmericans hit the ring. Taker rides away on his bike during the fight. HHH goads Rock into doing it and tries to attack right after, only to get hit with the spinebuster and People's Elbow.


There is no reason that this going on for close to 40 minutes should be as hilarious as it was.

Is fag-a-rooni still in there?

edit: it would be here:
First, Vince wanted Booker to do another one, just so he could watched it. Booker complied. Vince then proceeded to do this weeks Worst Spinarooni Ever. Everyoned popped. Goldust did one and surprisingly, it complemented Booker's quite well. Vince took the mic, "Well, we've seen the Vincearooni, we've seen the Fagarooni, it's your turn Hunter." Many guffaws for the Fagarooni. Hunter was about to do his when he suddenly


I've never watched RoH before, but this seems kind of low rent.

That ring is atrocious - it looks like they are wrestling on a trampoline.
I honestly don't think I've seen any ROH since Joe vs. Kobashi.
People have basic moves that are more Ott than most finishers in the WWE. And people regularly take multiple finishers before getting pinned on every show.

It's a great live experience but not something I could watch every week.


Huh. I wonder if Vince calling John Cena his nigga is still intact on the Network or if that got scrubbed too.

There are number of edits on the footage, mostly for language. During that segment, Taker was throwing out a lot of f-bombs. Real American was dubbed in for the Hogan/Austin segment.


24:40 into Survivor Series 2005: Vince calling Cena his nigga is, in fact, intact. What a vile man.

Followed by M2M! Melina is still the hottest ugly chick to ever do pro wrestling other than Sherri Martel.
Still watching KOTR 97. Since Hunter failed to kill Mick with the pedigree on the announcers table Mick just tried to kill himself jumping onto a cameraman.
JR's backstage at ROH, singing The Briscoes praises on twitter.

That kind of makes sense, but why do that spot then? Why not protect that move?

It's a matter of statute - young lion's are given a handful of moves, usually a dropkick, a strike and a finisher/submission, but they rarely protect the finisher because it's accepted that a young lion could never beat a main roster member, no matter the move (until they do get that big win, of course, usually after they've returned to Japan from their learning excursion).

*edit, alternative answer, because it's ROH and no one bats an eyelid when someone kicks out of something like that :p

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Briscoes are RoH's best talent, easily. Legit shook at the hillbilly terror.

Now it's time for the fucking Young Backs. Ugh.

Mr. Sam

The amount of no-selling in that Roderick Strong match was ludicrous. Only fitting that it ended in a roll-up of all things.


Hey yo.....

taps mic....

What did I miss? Just tuning into Global Wars after getting home from a day on the road. I hope there is VOD with this thing.

It seems like I came in at the right time (Forever Hooligans entrance) as this is a match I was looking forward to.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey yo.....

taps mic....

What did I miss? Just tuning into Global Wars after getting home from a day on the road. I hope there is VOD with this thing.

It seems like I came in at the right time (Forever Hooligans entrance) as this is a match I was looking forward to.

Good, because they already had another 3-way tag match and 2 same matches of the same kind kinda burn me out. Fun so far though, good atmosphere for RoH.


Good, because they already had another 3-way tag match and 2 same matches of the same kind kinda burn me out. Fun so far though, good atmosphere for RoH.

Their big shows always attract a hot crowd. NYC is going to be NUTS. I hope Nashville is off the chain for their live PPV debut.


Are they calling out the fact that JR is there on air?

Almost makes me think he's there in a bigger capacity than just visiting.


So not worth it
Hey WrassleGAF, just got home.

I just bought some flowers for mom at 2:30 AM. If this does not mean we've reached the pinnacle of humankind then I don't know what would.
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