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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


I'm sold after 2 episodes of LH that it is a viable concept for the Network. I hope they get better people for season 2.

They could do a generational one, with stars from each decade. Bruno, Backlund, Steamboat, Nash, Goldust, Zack Gowen, Snitsky, JTG.

Territory based. As in, a bigger star from each of the major territories. Ted DiBiase (Mid South), Dusty Rhodes (Florida), Ric Flair (JCP), Bret Hart (Stampede), Michael Hayes (WCCW), Dutch Mantel (Memphis)

Famous fuck ups: Although with Jake and Hall both sober now, I wouldn't want them in the house being tempted. Sandman, Iron Sheik, Jeff Harvey, HBK, Marty Jannetty, Ric Flair.

The World Against Vince: Vince has to share the house with 7 men who hate him the most.

WCW Reunion: Scott Steiner, Disco, Norman Smiley, Dean Malenko, Charles Robinson, Madusa, The Stro (OOH LA LA)


Bo and Cena as a rock and sock kind of tag team. Cena is the veteran acting as a teacher of the new generation and Bo thinks he is the one giving the advice. It writes itself.

Also, congratulations on the victory Tyson Kidd, now go spend that fight money on your asshole sister without telling your poor hard working wife.


Other Legends House ideas:

Fat Guys. Just a group of fat wrasslers.

Real Sports Stars. Various guys who were successful in real sports, with tension being caused by guys that feel their sport was more legit.

Jobbers House. Brooklyn Brawler, Gillberg, Barry Horrowitz, etc.

Bookers. Cornette, Heyman, Bill Watts, etc.
Huh. WSU has fired Jessicka Havok, stripped her of the title which she held for 733 days and banned her from WSU for life. No word as to why.

This comes just nine days before Havok was scheduled to defend the belt against LuFisto at WSU's Queen & King of the Ring show, but now it will be LuFisto vs Athena in a 2/3 Falls match to determine the new champion.


Other Legends House ideas:

Fat Guys. Just a group of fat wrasslers.

Real Sports Stars. Various guys who were succesfful in real sports, with tension being caused by guys that feel their sport was more legit.

Jobbers House. Brooklyn Brawler, Gillberg, Barry Horrowitz, etc.

I'm down for all of these ideas.


Looks like Gunner and Storm is going to continue. I'm totally down with that. Love the level of pure hatred they have for each other.


I find it ironic the guy crapping on Magnus was fired because trying to attack a cop. This guy want Magnus to become a drunken brit?


Adam Rose fucking rules

Looks like Gunner and Storm is going to continue. I'm totally down with that. Love the level of pure hatred they have for each other.

I hope their next match is a "loser dies so we stop stretching out this dumb feud" match
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