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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


I can't believe Sin Cara was under contract for 3 years and not once did he ever consider learning any English. If it was me, I'd be taking lessons in the months leading up to my move to WWE, let alone learning while on the road.
I can't believe Sin Cara was under contract for 3 years and not once did he ever consider learning any English. If it was me, I'd be taking lessons in the months leading up to my move to WWE, let alone learning while on the road.
Or all that time off due to injury




I notice they are taking absolutely zero chances on Kalisto/Samuray Del Sol. Even though he already speaks fluent English and Spanish, is Mexican-American and wrestles in both US and Lucha style, they're taking their time making completely sure he won't end up like Sin Cara.
He's been down in NXT for, what, 8 or 9 months? And he's only been on house shows so far, until he finally debuted on TV at the new tapings in a tag team, rather than singles. So they're taking it slow and deliberate.

They know a "next Rey Mysterio" is a potential megastar and they're not fucking it up this time.
Former WWE and TNA talent Low Ki is reportedly in the final stages of signing a new deal with TNA.

The deal will see him work for TNA as a wrestler in the X Division and as an agent for X Division matches. The hope is that Ki will improve that division.

Congrats on being the only big company that Low Ki somehow hasn't burned all bridges with, I guess.

ed: Just so nobody thinks I'm exaggerating:

Treated All Japan like shit, temporarily retired blaming them in his official statement, gone from there forever
Treated New Japan like shit, gone from there forever
Didn't like losing in WWE, treated them like shit, gone from there forever
Treated ROH like shit multiple times, gone from there forever
No-showed for PWG multiple times (did so for many other companies), treating them like shit, gone from there forever
Pretty sure he did the same for NOAH, AAA, and I think Dragon Gate too, gone from all of those forever
Also gone from EVOLVE, who he treated like shit and embarrassed along with that one guy in his debut when he KO'd him one second into the match for no reason other than he thought it was funny, gone from there forever
Hilariously gone from CZW forever; he treated them like shit by refusing to wrestle mid-match, whining like a baby, getting literally carried out kicking and screaming by their little-paid security, and resulting in hella effort to delete all trace of that match from their DVD release

I'm actually glad about this result, come to think of it. Enjoy getting paid late if at all!


Low Ki being a bitch and quitting WWE early is pretty hilarious, given how much has changed two years on. Lots of talent gone to waste because he's a cockhead.

Jamie OD

Also gone from EVOLVE, who he treated like shit and embarrassed along with that one guy in his debut when he KO'd him one second into the match for no reason other than he thought it was funny, gone from there forever

Well he wrestled for DGUSA at Mania weekend and that's related to EVOLVE. Although I think it was a desperation decision by Gabe to make up for having no Japanese talent on those shows,
Whats the story behind that Low Ki photo anyway?

Botchamania said:
JAPW and CZW had huge heat at the time, but CZW had shown interest in Ki, the Haas Brothers, and The Hit Squad, so they started using them all. As dumb as it sounds, it lead to one of the bigger dream matches in NJ indy rasslin at the time: Ki vs Ric Blade. They did like three matches total together: January 2000 in CZW, one for New Millennium Wrestling in early February 2000, and then one like a week later for CZW that was a ladder match between Ki, Blade and Mercury. Blade got hurt during the match (Low Ki had nothing to do with it either, Blade fucked himself up coming off a basketball hoop and putting Mercury through a table while Ki was selling *he actually did that back then* near the ring and couldn’t see what happened) and couldn’t do everything that was planned. Ki, being Ki, has always had to get his shit in. So the dude just starts flipping out in front of the crowd because he thinks it’s some kind of screw job/set up, with CZW trying to fuck him over for being a JAPW guy or whatever. Everyone is standing around wondering what to do because he won’t calm down. So security dude just decides “fuck it” and scoops Ki up in his arms, mid-tantrum, as if he were a child throwing a hissy fit and carries him to the back. The Hit Squad tried to intervene too, and got in a shoving match with security. Neither Ki or the Hit Squad were brought back.

For whatever reason CZW edited it off the video they sold and that picture is the only image from a forgotten moment in indy rasslin’ lore.

Basically lolLowKi



Kalisto's mask is far superior looking to Sin Cara's anyway. More along the lines of Rey's, but with his own design style.



So not worth it
Guys, what the fuck happened to Brodus Clay? Specifically the hair.

It might have been the NXT lighting, but he also looked twice as black as before. Which had me wondering why he looked so white before. Maybe he got some of that black market skin whitener they sell in India.


more money than God
Low Ki being a bitch and quitting WWE early is pretty hilarious, given how much has changed two years on. Lots of talent gone to waste because he's a cockhead.
To be fair, Low Ki didn't quit the WWE. That was just a rumor. He was let go.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It might have been the NXT lighting, but he also looked twice as black as before. Which had me wondering why he looked so white before. Maybe he got some of that black market skin whitener they sell in India.

holy cism batman


Congrats on being the only big company that Low Ki somehow hasn't burned all bridges with, I guess.

ed: Just so nobody thinks I'm exaggerating:

Treated All Japan like shit, temporarily retired blaming them in his official statement, gone from there forever
Treated New Japan like shit, gone from there forever
Didn't like losing in WWE, treated them like shit, gone from there forever
Treated ROH like shit multiple times, gone from there forever
No-showed for PWG multiple times (did so for many other companies), treating them like shit, gone from there forever
Pretty sure he did the same for NOAH, AAA, and I think Dragon Gate too, gone from all of those forever
Also gone from EVOLVE, who he treated like shit and embarrassed along with that one guy in his debut when he KO'd him one second into the match for no reason other than he thought it was funny, gone from there forever
Hilariously gone from CZW forever; he treated them like shit by refusing to wrestle mid-match, whining like a baby, getting literally carried out kicking and screaming by their little-paid security, and resulting in hella effort to delete all trace of that match from their DVD release

I'm actually glad about this result, come to think of it. Enjoy getting paid late if at all!

That picture is hysterical. I remember watching him on NXT, just waiting for him to flip out. Then he goes and wins and then promptly quits. Asshat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe I love that he's more black now Sunny, ever think about that? Huh?

I see the narrative you're painting.

If a man is a failure on the main roster and gets demoted, now he looks more black to you.

End this institution of racism Aiii.



Probably also didn't help Low Ki's standing that he literally knocked people out. Doesn't help him appear as a safe worker.



Probably also didn't help Low Ki's standing that he literally knocked people out. Doesn't help him appear as a safe worker.


I always worry about his stomp from the top rope and his ability to execute it correctly. I wonder if he'll go back to it now that Davey Richards also uses it in TNA.
I know we're supposed to hate Punk right now, but how much better would have been if instead of walking out they had put him on commentary, removed King and Cole and just had Punk and JBL shoot the shit for three hours while calling matches.

That would be a terrible idea. The announcers job is to enhance the talent. Plus this would get old very quick.
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