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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


So not worth it
It's the nature of NXT to lose its talent, tho.; I completely expect the product to oscilate in quality. Like, what is the best thing about NXT today is the women division. But then Bayley, Alexa, Charlotte and Sasha Banks get all called up the next few months and we will go "oh, remember when the women division of NXT used to be good?"

What NXT has left is Tyler Breeze (who is just now getting really good), Zayn, Neville, Kalisto and The Ascension if you're either me or Sunflower.
It's not a lot of people and it's about to be even less. But it's the nature of NXT. It's also the nature of NXT to some new talent appearing out of nowhere and making everything awesome again. So I think it will always be worth keeping up.

The talent doesn't matter. The booking does. The booking got worse, the storylines got worse.

Storylines have pretty much gone in favor of gimmicks, "here is the guy that comes out with his cellphone aimed at his face." "here is the guy that does flips." "here is the guy that's french." "here is the guy that stays hyped." They used to do 3 matches per show and made them count and on occasion had a show that had more matches or a jobber squash match to introduce a new guy, currently most shows have up to 5 matches and the quality has taken a drop as a result.

Their biggest mistake is they used to have one, or maybe two if it was a guy and a girl coming down from the main roster to put a NXT talent over. Since they tape in blocks of 4 shows, that meant a few backstage appearances and one match in those four weeks. Instead now, main roster stars constantly pop up and have matches and even worse, win matches over the regular talent. The next live show's two main title matches have two main roster people in it, sure they will lose those bouts (At least, one of them will, the other one could transition into an NXT talent I suppose), but to me that's not beneficial to the program or the talent.


Is Dusty still involved in the booking side of things for NXT? Seems to me that JBL being a supposed authority figure isn't helping storylines flow.


The talent doesn't matter. The booking does. The booking got worse, the storylines got worse.

Storylines have pretty much gone in favor of gimmicks, "here is the guy that comes out with his cellphone aimed at his face." "here is the guy that does flips." "here is the guy that's french." "here is the guy that stays hyped." They used to do 3 matches per show and made them count and on occasion had a show that had more matches or a jobber squash match to introduce a new guy, currently most shows have up to 5 matches and the quality has taken a drop as a result.

Their biggest mistake is they used to have one, or maybe two if it was a guy and a girl coming down from the main roster to put a NXT talent over. Since they tape in blocks of 4 shows, that meant a few backstage appearances and one match in those four weeks. Instead now, main roster stars constantly pop up and have matches and even worse, win matches over the regular talent. The next live show's two main title matches have two main roster people in it, sure they will lose those bouts (At least, one of them will, the other one could transition into an NXT talent I suppose), but to me that's not beneficial to the program or the talent.

I guess I agree with everything there.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wish WWE had the Japanese style booking where they do like, what, 4-7 matches a month so it allows them to work harder, longer matches instead of having to work week after week of the same spots in a much quicker bout. I'd probably get more into it if it was like that.

Or just have an off season.


He might have to lose the belly-to-back from the drop rope too...? :-(

Which he doesn't do regularly anyway and is a move that really shouldn't be done as it is brutal on both guys, way more than a normal superplex. Scott Hall called it the career killer/shortener when he was doing the move as Razor, because it's brutal.


WWE's schedule is the cruelest thing, one thing I hope HHH does it cut down on how often these guys have to perform, do you REALLY need all of those house shows?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wait a sec, Bret Hart is doing comedy now? Foley, Piper, and now Hart. Weird. I'd pay to see that.

It's genius. None of them are any good, but marks will come and laugh at their stupid jokes anyways, so it doesn't matter. It's basically a meet and greet but where the wrestler can pretend they're a comedian.

Just do a fucking q&a.


Hearing Daniel Bryan has to tone down his style is heartbreaking. It won't be the same.

I don't mind him losing the headbutt, missile dropkick, and suicide dive. I'm most worried about whether he'll still be allowed to do bridging moves.

On the upside, he could whip out his amazing submission game from the indies.


Which he doesn't do regularly anyway and is a move that really shouldn't be done as it is brutal on both guys, way more than a normal superplex. Scott Hall called it the career killer/shortener when he was doing the move as Razor, because it's brutal.

Razor switched it out for the super fallaway if I remember correctly? Although he was still partial to the standard one...


Oooh just found JBL doing one:

Don't say that! I've had my pre-order in for nearly a year - I'm actually going to take time off work to play it! Don't kill the dream!

I hope it's good or I'll cry
Just cancel that preorder and wait for Ubi Bomba pricing. They won't run out of copies, I assure you.

Jamie OD

Is Dusty still involved in the booking side of things for NXT? Seems to me that JBL being a supposed authority figure isn't helping storylines flow.

A guy named Rob Naylor was involved as Dusty's assistant. Notice how when he left the storyline quality fell. Not a coincidence. Ryan Katz (the Wrestling Society X ring announcer) replaced him and I read some accusations of him being responsible for coming up with the "cute" gimmicks we're seeing now.


I'm really not hyped for Watch_Dogs at all, but I couldn't resist getting it for £13. Judging by the stream, it just looks like a high tech version of AC, so I may get a couple of hours out of it at least.


Dropkick is his biggest pop move next to the seated kicks. Crowds gonna get bored with pure mat wrestling.

WWE crowds? Probably. Here is how I see his revamped arsenal.

-Yes kicks
-chops and punches
-Irish whips
-turnbuckle runs and smashes
-MMA elbows (gonna need to bring them back)
-drop toe hold into Yes lock
-running knee

Not a lot there without his big 3 impact moves, but enough to keep him popular. He'll probably incorporate a new/old move or three too. Or just become more of a brawler like Austin, but with a better striking game.

Are there any top rope moves that don't kill your back or neck? Splashes? Sentons?


WWE's schedule is the cruelest thing, one thing I hope HHH does it cut down on how often these guys have to perform, do you REALLY need all of those house shows?

HHH to investors: "We will make less money, but at least our workers will be healthy and the quality of the product will be better overall, it may translate into long term gains, but anyway, it is the more humane choice"
Investors: "Hu...ma... Lon... you care confusing us there. So, we'll be losing money?"
HHH: "Yeah, but the talent will be able to actually see their kids grow and finally break the cycle of absent parents being the norm in wrestling families"
Investors: "Look, I don't know what is this 'Family' thing you're talking about, are we going to make more money or not?"


HHH to investors: "We will make less money, but at least our workers will be healthy and the quality of the product will be better overall, it may translate into long term gains, but anyway, it is the more humane choice"
Investors: "Hu...ma... Lon... you care confusing us there. So, we'll be losing money?"
HHH: "Yeah, but the talent will be able to actually see their kids grow and finally break the cycle of absent parents being the norm in wrestling families"
Investors: "Look, I don't know what is this 'Family' thing you're talking about, are we going to make more money or not?"

Nice. Sad. But nice.


A guy named Rob Naylor was involved as Dusty's assistant. Notice how when he left the storyline quality fell. Not a coincidence. Ryan Katz (the Wrestling Society X ring announcer) replaced him and I read some accusations of him being responsible for coming up with the "cute" gimmicks we're seeing now.

I wish Naylor posted in WrassleGAF. Besides his now insider status, the dude is THE MOST positive guy about wrasslin I've ever seen. He was a blast on DVDVR/CZW Fans. He seemed like such a great dude, and then he got to work with DUSTY RHODES and NORMAN SMILEY. The internet smark's American dream.


HHH to investors: "We will make less money, but at least our workers will be healthy and the quality of the product will be better overall, it may translate into long term gains, but anyway, it is the more humane choice"
Investors: "Hu...ma... Lon... you care confusing us there. So, we'll be losing money?"
HHH: "Yeah, but the talent will be able to actually see their kids grow and finally break the cycle of absent parents being the norm in wrestling families"
Investors: "Look, I don't know what is this 'Family' thing you're talking about, are we going to make more money or not?"

Ugh that's exactly how it would go


WWE crowds? Probably. Here is how I see his revamped arsenal.

-Yes kicks
-chops and punches
-Irish whips
-turnbuckle runs and smashes
-MMA elbows (gonna need to bring them back)
-drop toe hold into Yes lock
-running knee

Not a lot there without his big 3 impact moves, but enough to keep him popular. He'll probably incorporate a new/old move or three too. Or just become more of a brawler like Austin, but with a better striking game.

Are there any top rope moves that don't kill your back or neck? Splashes? Sentons?

I think he can make submission moves work. He would 100% make it work with a good commentary team explaining why what he does is something that actually hurts people, but he can still keep working on the fast-paced striking things and so some flashy submissions. I mean, he does know a lot of flashy submissions. I don't know why he stopped doing... that thing where he would... man, I can't even describe it. Wow, ok, my skill with the english language is not enough to describe D-Bry's submission.
What a frustrating feeling.

Edit: It's like, urgh, he would step into an opponent leg and then... do something... and the guy would be on top, like, on the air looking up. Wow. Ok, I am awful.

Edit 2: He could do a dropping elbow so the cycle can complete DB -> EY -> DB.
I think he can make submission moves work. He would 100% make it work with a good commentary team explaining why what he does is something that actually hurts people, but he can still keep working on the fast-paced striking things and so some flashy submissions. I mean, he does know a lot of flashy submissions. I don't know why he stopped doing... that thing where he would... man, I can't even describe it. Wow, ok, my skill with the english language is not enough to describe D-Bry's submission.
What a frustrating feeling.

Edit: It's like, urgh, he would step into an opponent leg and then... do something... and the guy would be on top, like, on the air looking up. Wow. Ok, I am awful.

WWE crowds? Probably. Here is how I see his revamped arsenal.

-Yes kicks
-chops and punches
-Irish whips
-turnbuckle runs and smashes
-MMA elbows (gonna need to bring them back)
-drop toe hold into Yes lock
-running knee

Not a lot there without his big 3 impact moves, but enough to keep him popular. He'll probably incorporate a new/old move or three too. Or just become more of a brawler like Austin, but with a better striking game.

Are there any top rope moves that don't kill your back or neck? Splashes? Sentons?

lol @ irish whips on the list.

Bryan essentially has to work UWFi style matches now and nothing will kill his popularity with the marks faster than UWFi style.


lol @ irish whips on the list.

Bryan essentially has to work UWFi style matches now and nothing will kill his popularity with the marks faster than UWFi style.

I disagree completely. Slick submissions and stiff looking strikes will get just about anyone over, especially when he's the only guy doing it, and he's already super duper over to begin with. When his popularity really started taking off, he was doing much more strike heavy offense and it was dope.


A guy named Rob Naylor was involved as Dusty's assistant. Notice how when he left the storyline quality fell. Not a coincidence. Ryan Katz (the Wrestling Society X ring announcer) replaced him and I read some accusations of him being responsible for coming up with the "cute" gimmicks we're seeing now.

Naylor left in summer 2013, before the Performance Center opened. NXT didn't have a drop in quality until around last Christmas. These latest tapings have been a return to form so far, the best since probably November.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I disagree completely. Slick submissions and stiff looking strikes will get just about anyone over, especially when he's the only guy doing it, and he's already super duper over to begin with. When his popularity really started taking off, he was doing much more strike heavy offense and it was dope.

Not going to be that way for much longer


I actually don't like his kicks when the opponent is sitting; having the guy being street-fighter-esque dizzy while on his knees so Daniel Bryan can kick him in the chest always looked weird to me.

But I was being a hipster like y'all and watching some japanese stuff and they do a lot of cool looking stuff just with stiff strikes. He could 100% go that route. He keeps talking about his time in Japan (way more than he talks about his time in RoH, which I guess it is to add mystique to the character).


I can see Bryan knocking fast dudes out with chops. And I can see him kocking big dudes with stiff kicks. And then he can make people of all sizes tap out with a cool looking submission.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The thing with Japanese wrestlers when they do the kicks to the seated opponent thing, it's supposed to be a taunt. It's taunting the other opponent to get up. If you watch Hayato vs Kenou, Hayato does it to Kenou who gets up and snapmares him and does it to him then snapmares Kenou and does it to him until they start slapping the shit out of each other. It's not like the Davey Richards 'I'm so cool look how cool I am' move that guys like that think it is.

And WWE problem with 'stiff kicking' guys is they barely ever kick each other in the head. Which is supposed to be your goal. And the few times Punk did it, he could barely get his leg high enough to hit them without stumbling afterwards.

I love the 'guy getting up and gets kicked in the head' spot so much. It's probably my favorite strike spot in wrestling.


I was going to say "but his neck, he can't--" and then realized it's the other guy who is getting kicked. :p

So, sure. The great part of that spot really is the final kick in the head (back of the neck actually, maybe). I just don't like that the move is always done in to an opponent who is dizzy in a way that they never get dizzy otherwise.

He talked on Jericho's podcast that he actually trained kickboxing (or jiu jitsu?) because of WWE. I wonder if he can't really go for more of a shoot style, not so much as to make Lambda like him, but enough to make his kicks look like something he can bust out at anytime to create some damage without it being a finisher or anything. Just an impact that can come out of nowhere.


So not worth it
The gimmicks in NxT are not the issue. The booking is horrendous. Also, Mojo does not need to be featured every week.

The gimmicks are the issue.

What's Tyler Breeze's motivation for fighting in WWE? The guy is a famous fashion model, why would he be fighting at all and risking his face and livelihood? Did they ever explain this?
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