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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

The Miz could be a top heel. But I don't really think the problem is the talent, not even the Miz lack of talent, the problem is WWE either pushing people to the moon or leaving them out of TV for months.

Bryan is fine as top face, Cena is fine (or would be if he could feud with people without destroying their character and forcing a gimmick change) as the children champion and The Shield is more than fine as the top face stable.

WWE's problems are top heels and midcard everything. They should stop worrying about who is the next face of the company and start worrying about who is the next backbone.

Vince has never worried about backbone. Ever. If it's going to happen, someone else is going to have to get it done despite him.


Vince has never worried about backbone. Ever. If it's going to happen, someone else is going to have to get it done despite him.

Hulkamania had backbone. Their midcard before WCW bought out everyone was so good. Was it only a fortunate accident as the result of canibalizing the territories?

You know, as a genre, TV pro-wrestling is younger than movies, superhero comic books, sitcoms and etc etc.; I am enjoying so much reading what Tanahashi writes because it is someone trying to figure out how this thing he does actually works. I don't feel like people actually know how to make it work, which would be ok, but then you have one big company at the top and when they fail to figure out that, say, you can't rely on one big top babyface carrying the entire company, it drags the whole genre down.


I've always thought Miz could be a top heel. I still say that during the Rock/Miz/Cena feud leading up to WrestleMania 27 that Miz was the best mic guy out of the three. Plus he's just got that natural anti-charisma that makes people hate him. Yeah, he's not the best ring guy in the world. But c'mon, two of the top heels in the company right now are Batista who's arsenal consists of mediocre versions of common moves, and Randy Orton who has seemingly become content as a headlock machine.
Hulkamania had backbone. Their midcard before WCW bought out everyone was so good. Was it only a fortunate accident as the result of canibalizing the territories?

You know, as a genre, TV pro-wrestling is younger than movies, superhero comic books, sitcoms and etc etc.; I am enjoying so much reading what Tanahashi writes because it is someone trying to figure out how this thing he does actually works. I don't feel like people actually know how to make it work, which would be ok, but then you have one big company at the top and when they fail to figure out that, say, you can't rely on one big top babyface carrying the entire company, it drags the whole genre down.

That backbone was pre-Attitude Era. So, yeah, I guess at one point he cared about it. But ever since Austin and Rock, all he is worried about is the next big thing, not realizing you actually need to build things around that big thing in order to have real success.


I've always thought Miz could be a top heel. I still say that during the Rock/Miz/Cena feud leading up to WrestleMania 27 that Miz was the best mic guy out of the three. Plus he's just got that natural anti-charisma that makes people hate him.

My genius plan to get The Miz be the top heel: Make him win the IC title from Barret by bullshit and then never wrestle again. I mean, not even non-title matches, just make him appear on TV all the time saying that he is the champion and he only has to defend it once every three months and so he will wait until the very last day. And so create this antecipation of who will have the one shot of taking the title from him. Since everyone believe (as they should) that they can defeat the Miz, it becomes a race to see who is the top contender.

And when you ask Triple H why he never has any matches, just let Trips go Authority heel and say that The Miz is a movie star, he has the look of someone who is destined for great things, people search him on google a lot, and he doesn't need to wrestle to be a good champion, because he is so good at promoting the company. Which could very well be truth, have The Miz go in morning shows with he IC title on his shoulder and have those unfunny americans have a laugh at the champion who thinks he is awesome by not defending the title.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Go back and watch some matches from the era of Miz and you'll find that he really was quite over as a heel. He also got over again with his top tier tag team days and the run with R-Truth also worked out quite well.

The second that program got dropped though the Miz has been in one awful program after another and by the time the Summer of Punk really started going his was fucked.
The Observer has a slightly different story:

Observer said:
There are a number of possible ideas. One idea that was suggested was to put Flair back with Miz with the deal they had started several months back when Flair gave Miz the figure four leglock. The feeling is they can put them together when Miz returns from shooting “The Marine” and try and elevate Miz to a top singles babyface level. Obviously a lot of people are skeptical of that as a waste of resources, feeling that Miz is damaged goods, and even if he isn’t, he needs to be a heel to have any upward mobility because wrestling fans naturally don’t like him and every previous babyface run hasn’t done well. The guy Flair seemingly wants to manage is Ziggler, who he sees as having top star potential, but WWE hasn’t been behind Ziggler in more than a year. The idea of him managing The Shield against Evolution, following up on the TV appearance, has been discussed, but with Batista leaving, and uncertainty about what is next, Evolution probably won’t be featured as a group on TV after the 6/1 PPV.

Sounds like more people doubt Miz's babyface potential than the other story.

Big One

Why won't they just like Ric Flair manage Ziggler if he wants to? Ziggler has all the potential in the world, he just needs to work on his promo a little bit and he's good.
WWE Studios and Liongate have signed a deal to work on six forthcoming WWE Studios films together.
The first film will star Big Show and will be titled "Vendetta" The action film features the story of a detective who deliberately commits a crime to get sent to prison so he can seeks vengeance on the crook serving a life sentence for murdering his wife. The film will shoot this summer.
Get ready for another Big Show push!
I did some looking a while back to figure out if a film release ever directly correlates to an enhanced push and it really doesn't in any significant way. Most guys either didn't get that much of a push at all or had already been at a high level prior to the film's release.
Hey, I've not been keeping up much with recent developments. So what I gather is Bryan is out with an injury, and Batista's return being as crumby as it was he's bowing out for a while? What's going on with the championship in the meantime and why is Payback gonna be HHH's last match for a while? HHH has been pretty great this year. Is Bryan coming back soonish with the title or what?
Hey, I've not been keeping up much with recent developments. So what I gather is Bryan is out with an injury, and Batista's return being as crumby as it was he's bowing out for a while? What's going on with the championship in the meantime and why is Payback gonna be HHH's last match for a while? HHH has been pretty great this year. Is Bryan coming back soonish with the title or what?

Estimate on Bryan seems to be that he'll be back in the ring by early July at the very latest, most seem to think 6-8 weeks, and back on TV starting next week, so they more than likely won't strip him of the belt. HHH just wants to run the company stuff now and isn't as interested in competing, but saw it as kind of necessary recently due to a lack of star power. And yeah, Batista is leaving soon to go guard the galaxy.
That's a shame about HHH not being so interested in ring stuff right now but I guess he's pretty preoccupied being the company man. I always get a kick out of him being the top heel around, I was hoping they were gonna circle back to Bryan vs HHH in a few months and I was gonna dip back in for that. The triple threat between Bryan, Orton and Batista at wrestlemania was good but I don't think too many people are gonna miss Batista being around. They really do need a good top baddie - any chances of Brock putting in more regular appearances or someone else stepping up soon?

I'm keeping an eye on things. It feels like the upheaval following the Royal Rumble has tapered off now. I'm interested in seeing Roman Reigns get his big time run whenever that happens but it seems like it's gonna be a while building up to that.

Anything else cool on the horizon?

I'll probably skip through the pay per views each month to see if anything interesting is going on.
I find it kind of funny how Corey Graves' entire feud with Zayn was based off the fact that Graves wasn't on the Arrival show, yet here we are and not only is he not on Takeover, but he wasn't on this entire set of tapings.


I just realize the Rotunda brothers represent the two faces of Cena:

Bray is the face who has a cult following comprised mostly by children and who uses them as a mean to accumulate power and victories. He sees himself as a God and every time he buries someone he sees it as a necessary burning of thr world so he can rebuild it in his image. He was probably a child who people made fun of for wanting to be a wrestler, including his teachers, so he has an obsession of proving them all wrong, and to do that he needs to stay on top, always, because if he falls, then "they" win. Luke Harper is Cena's less educated fans while Rowan's represents a violent angry man trapped inside the mask of a harmless creature.

Bo is the face of Cena that became the gimmick. The one who actually thinks he is loved, that he is an inspiration, that always smile no matter how much they boo him, that never gives up, even when giving up would prove a necessary step torwards healthy self-doubt and self-improvement. Behind his smile you can see a neurotic person who lost touch with reality, who supressed his natural antisocial feelings in order to always be positive. Someone who doesn't allow himself to be sad or afraid, in other words, a ticking time bomb, constantly keeping itself in check, knowing in a subconscious level that, one day he will have to look at the mirror and realize that some things are, indeed, impossible.

It's some Adam Warlock kind of shit.


Go back and watch some matches from the era of Miz and you'll find that he really was quite over as a heel. He also got over again with his top tier tag team days and the run with R-Truth also worked out quite well.

The second that program got dropped though the Miz has been in one awful program after another and by the time the Summer of Punk really started going his was fucked.

Miz was at his best as a tag guy. Miz and Morrison was the best thing to happen to either of them.


Just read that Ring of Honor will be doing an outdoor show in Brooklyn in August. Best company in 2014? Yes. Yes. Yes. Definitely the most interesting and willing to try different ideas.


My absence was alcohol related. But there were some disparaging statements about me and I'm going to start acting like Aiii/Sandman over them. I went like 7 hours of drinking hard after only being able to sleep for about 3 hours. Like black out drunk, but without the black out. And then ended up staying up for over 24 hours, but pretty much dead the whole time. It was a terrible feeling. I was wishing in the thread for my liver to explode. It didn't, but it definitely did hurt the next day.

I would like to renew my request to one Laserfrog asking if he could draw me, with an adult beverage and an about to explode liver, with a pensive Godzilla there, silently judging/worrying over my health. I know it is a big request. If anyone can do it, it is the talented Laserfrog.


I knew I recognized that plauqe. My dad has it. In the 4th pic.
I want more ROH/NJPW shows. The two we got were great. BITW should be good. NJPW show this weekend should be fun, plus Best of the Super Juniors coming up. Lots of good wrestling at the moment.


How do y'all get past the language barrier when watching japanese stuff? You just be thankful that at least it's not Michael Cole and ignore the commentary?
How do y'all get past the language barrier when watching japanese stuff? You just be thankful that at least it's not Michael Cole and ignore the commentary?

Most of the story is told in the ring and the wrestling is really good when it's not Gracies. Commentary really isn't relevant to the enjoyment of it.
Observer said:
The deal with Kurt Angle and WWE, and this is why there was no response from WWE to him the last time his contract was due, is that after being scared in 2006, Vince McMahon made the call that no matter what, there was not going to be an Olympic gold medalist dying on WWE’s watch. It perhaps was overblown when people said he was on death watch, but even before Benoit, and far more since, the issue has been, even if the chance was slim, this, at least a few years ago, was simply a risk McMahon wasn’t willing to take. They were already starting to push Angle’s comeback on Impact this week, saying it’s a five month countdown which would be mid-October. That would be after his deal expires, so maybe they’ve made the call they’ll keep him, figuring if they don’t sign him he may end up with Jeff Jarrett. Then again, given how they pushed Hogan and Styles at the end and didn’t sign them, especially Styles, what would be considered basic pro wrestling television logic doesn’t exactly apply here.

Please don't, Kurt
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