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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Oh God... Adam Rose is premiering on Monday's Raw? Damn it! I'm going to be at that Raw. This is B.S.



Looks like either the Vault was out of order or I screwed up because I was too tired the other day but apparently I skipped Halloween Havoc 1997. I know nothing about it besides the NWO was probably doing something incredibly dumb.

Besides Eddie vs Rey, you didn't miss much. The main event was Hogan vs Piper in the giant cage. The most memorable parts were Savage jumping off the cage and a fan getting beaten up.
I am watching the boxing tonight, and the level of forced celebrity involvement, and social media nonsense makes WWE look pretty tame in comparison. Also the Showtime commentary is Rob Bartlett level of annoying.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Besides Eddie vs Rey, you didn't miss much. The main event was Hogan vs Piper in the giant cage. The most memorable parts were Savage jumping off the cage and a fan getting beaten up.

Piper is in so many main events in 1997 and 1998, it's depressing. He was awful in the ring even when healthy!


Piper is in so many main events in 1997 and 1998, it's depressing. He was awful in the ring even when healthy!

No shit. I know I've said it before but him revealing that he was never actually trained as wrestler on Austin's podcast made his entire career make sense. He never, ever looked like he had any idea how to do anything but throw punches outside of the the matches with Bret, the house show match with Flair (on the Network), and Starrcade with Valentine. He couldn't run the ropes, he bumped awkwardly, he did suplexes and slams weird. He made his career 100% on his charisma. If he couldn't talk like he did, he never would have made it past being a jobber.


No shit. I know I've said it before but him revealing that he was never actually trained as wrestler on Austin's podcast made his entire career make sense. He never, ever looked like he had any idea how to do anything but throw punches outside of the the matches with Bret, the house show match with Flair (on the Network), and Starrcade with Valentine. He couldn't run the ropes, he bumped awkwardly, he did suplexes and slams weird. He made his career 100% on his charisma. If he couldn't talk like he did, he never would have made it past being a jobber.

He did a pretty good bodyslam with boxing gloves on though....


Which Extreme Rules match are you guys most looking forward to?

It's Cena and Bray for me...because I fucking can't stand Cena and am ready to let my smark rage flow if he wins.
I don't see Cena winning again, but hell, I didn't see him winning at Wrestlemania either. Maybe he loses and joins the Wyatt family?

Matches of the night for me are gonna be Shield v. Evolution and Hornswaggle v. El Torito. Shield works well together and I see them doing something insane. WeeLC commentary is gonna be awesome.


I don't see Cena winning again, but hell, I didn't see him winning at Wrestlemania either. Maybe he loses and joins the Wyatt family?

Matches of the night for me are gonna be Shield v. Evolution and Hornswaggle v. El Torito. Shield works well together and I see them doing something insane. WeeLC commentary is gonna be awesome.

"What a gigantic victory for such a small man!"

"Hornswoggle may have to deal with a lot of bull during this contest!"

I want mini gimmick chairs and ladders.


I don't see Cena winning again, but hell, I didn't see him winning at Wrestlemania either. Maybe he loses and joins the Wyatt family?

Matches of the night for me are gonna be Shield v. Evolution and Hornswaggle v. El Torito. Shield works well together and I see them doing something insane. WeeLC commentary is gonna be awesome.

My gut tells me that Cena goes over again, but gets beaten down after the match, and then shows up on Raw like nothing happened. That he went over at WM when all logic would say he wouldt makes me think that he should lose at ER. Considering that they've pretended for the last month like Bray really won makes me think that Cena will get a definitive win over Bray and then Bray will be a slightly higher on the card version of Ryback for the next year.

What I want and think should REALLY happen is that Bray beats Cena mostly clean. Then Cena gets a beat down after the match that takes him off screen for 2-3 months. Bray then feuds with Bryan over the title during that time. The ratings stay the same or drop during that time and Cena comes back to win the title and stay on top for another 10 years.


What I want and think should REALLY happen is that Bray beats Cena mostly clean. Then Cena gets a beat down after the match that takes him off screen for 2-3 months. Bray then feuds with Bryan over the title during that time. The ratings stay the same or drop during that time and Cena comes back to win the title and stay on top for another 10 years.

I don't like you.
What I want and think should REALLY happen is that Bray beats Cena mostly clean. Then Cena gets a beat down after the match that takes him off screen for 2-3 months. Bray then feuds with Bryan over the title during that time. The ratings stay the same or drop during that time and Cena comes back to win the title and stay on top for another 10 years.

You have a real understanding for this business, friend.

We need a champion that can capture that Good Morning America audience. Wake up sheeple.
"What a gigantic victory for such a small man!"

"Hornswoggle may have to deal with a lot of bull during this contest!"

I want mini gimmick chairs and ladders.

There better be some damn mini chairs and mini ladders! I forgot Lawler is gonna be on the announce team, so the commentary may actually suck.

Torito signed the contract with his hoof...does it get any more hype than that?

I don't like you.
Ugh, I don't like it either, but I think that's cause we know it's true.


The kids choir from Monday will all come out and surround the ring singing again. Cena will look dismayed and like he is about to become the monster Bray says he is. Then, all of a sudden, from deep within his heart he is even the strength to fight back. He promises the kids that he will grant one wish to all of them if they stop singing. They all turn to their left and right dramatically and then rip of their sheep masks to reveal dozens of smiling faces. Their robes will immediately turn neon green and Cena will pop Bray up and hit the AA. 1-2-3 the balance between good and evil will be restored.


The Mexican and Argentine National Anthems are not pleasant to the ears...

Or they just got really bad singers tonight.
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