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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Nah, it's more like Devitt told them he was leaving so they had to find someone to replace him in this angle.

The person who SHOULD be annoyed is Karl Anderson - been over there for 6 years now, real hard-worker and probably the 2nd most popular gaijin after Devitt, yet AJ takes the spot at the top, not him.

Yeah I was only half serious, though I'm not convinced they'd be running this angle with Devitt in AJ's position.

And yeah when the rumours about AJ replacing Devitt started I said that I hoped they wouldn't just shoehorn AJ into the Bulletclub and that they'd give Anderson a chance to take over.
It is exactly 5 years since Shane last appeared in WWE...

On the May 4, 2009 episode of Raw, Shane's character suffered a broken leg and ankle at the hands of Orton and Legacy as a way to write him out of the storyline.
Showaddy said:
And yeah when the rumours about AJ replacing Devitt started I said that I hoped they wouldn't just shoehorn AJ into the Bulletclub and that they'd give Anderson a chance to take over.

Yeah, I was hoping Anderson would take over as well, I don't think they needed to bring AJ in as a heel. His move-set doesn't suit that of a heel, for one thing, and an Okada vs AJ match would undoubtedly have been better if not for the interference. That being said, the match we got was pretty good, I loved that Rainmaker counter into the Calf Killer.


AJ/Elgin I was kind of long and disappointing. They booked a 30-minute time limit draw, so it felt like they were clearly pacing themselves for a long match. Hope that II and III are better with just 15-20 minute matches.


So not worth it
Has it been a month already? It doesn't seem much has changed in WWE since Mania, but then again it has. Paige is now in WWE (yay). Cesaro is being pushed as a big deal by being associated by the manager of THE GUY THAT BEAT THE UNDERTAKERS STREAK and Kane is getting a title shot in 2014 and we got a HOLE IN THE RING OMG SOMEONE IS BEING DRAGGED TO HELL SPOT. Ugh. I can't. Well, prediction time is here anyways.


Pre-Show Wee-LC Match: El Torito vs Hornswoggle:
It's a shame El Torito doesn't just get to wrestle adults, he has the skill to make that entertaining and somewhat believable and Hornswoggle used to do it, so hopefully that's in the future. This might be legit the match I'm looking forward to the most for Extreme Rules, I have yet to decide wether that is good or bad. Regardless, I can't wait to see Hornswoggle get beaten to a pulp with a mini-ladder. The fact that this is a pre-show match has me worried on the level of violence they are gonna put into this match, but come on, it's MIDGET WRESTLING AND TLC, that's just about two of the best things ever all rolled into one match. El Torito wins, because El Torito is the future and Hornswoggle is in 3.5MB.


Triple Threat: Rob Dam Van vs. Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger
Obviously a filler match intended to put over Cesaro. I have been thoroughly enjoying Paul Heyman vs. Zeb Colter, they should continue that feud for a while, but maybe replace Swagger with someone more interesting for Cesaro. The "debate" they did on Smackdown last week was awesome, from Paul Heyman filling minutes on end with saying Brock Lesnar beat Taker to Zeb losing his mind, it was ALL GREAT AND I NEED MORE OF IT! FOREVER! FOOOREEEVEEER! Regardless, match should be fine, Cesaro and Swagger should be able to get a decent match out of RVD. Obviously it would make no sense for Cesaro to lose this match, he's going to the Main Event, the other two are lower midcard for life.


Handicap Match: R-Truth and Xavier Woods vs. Alexander Rusev
The only things I love about Rusev is Lana and his theme song. Todd Martin on F4W Live said it best when he said that Lana has both the least revealing outfit and the most sexy, I said damn! Lana is gonna be the breakout star out of this act mark my words, and she deserves it #TeamLana. Anyways, onto the match, team Black Jobbers got the upper hand over Rusev in the build to this match and that was the dumbest thing WWE has done in a month where a lot of dumb things were done. Rusev is a beast, Woods and Truth are jobbers, he should NOT EVER be beaten down by them. They can hit him, but he should laugh it off and kill them right away, but because this creative team sucks and can't think of anything but "guys beat down guy, sign match" build-up to a match, here we are. Rusev murders these fools. Also, why was Xavier Woods called up to the main roster and given Brodus' theme song if they weren't ever going to do anything with him anyways? It can't just be "he has a phd", right?


Divas Championship: Paige(c) vs. Tamina
I love Paige. She is great and I like that she was the one to finally conquer AJ's title reign. Good on WWE for going that route. They have done a decent job at building up Paige as legitimate threat since then, but it would have been better if they actually gave her some promo time on Raw. There was a good interview segment on Smackdown, but it would have been better for Paige had it been on Raw. Regardless, I can see the crowd get behind her big once they put her in a big program. I don't think Tamina was the best choice for her first PPV match, they should have given that spot to Natalya. Tamina is very wooden in her in-ring work and is certainly among the lower tier due to botching way too much (natalyathroatsuperkick.gif) for my taste. On the other hand, Tamina is pushed as the strongest Diva in WWE right now and a clean decisive win over her in kayfabe is a pretty big deal. Of course there is no way this match ends without Paige retaining with her submission and that's exactly how it should be. Build up that submission for the AJ feud and make the rubber match of that feud a submission match, should go over big if they play their cards right. On a sidenote, Del Rey has obviously been pushing all the women to come up with submission finishers, because she realises that makes more sense for these women than powermoves. I know people complain that Del Rey should be wrestling, but I think she chose the trainer position herself and by God, she is great at it. The level of increase in the workrate of all the women on the roster and esp. the ones in NXT is astounding. Not enough praise can be given to this woman.


Intercontinental Title: Big E(c) vs. Bad News Barrett
I love that they did a tournament for a title shot. For once WWE has remembered that titles are supposed to be a big deal and becoming the #1 contender to a title should not always be "beat title holder in non-title match and get title shot." Unfortunatly this didn't mean they could have Big E win all his matches going into the PPV, nope, that would have been too logical. So since there are so many lurkers of WrassleGAF and one of them is bound to be a WWE employee charged with scouring the internet for the opinions of the WWE Universe, once and for all: BOOK YOUR CHAMPIONS STRONG AT ALL TIMES AND MAKE #1 CONTENDERS LOOK STRONG BY BEATING OTHER PEOPLE TO EARN A TITLE SHOT. Do this and suddenly your titles will matter, your champions will matter and people will give a fuck about matches between two people for a title. As it is, I give zero shits about this match and I want Bad News Barrett to lose. Not because I don't want him to win a title and be a big deal, but because winning this belt means HE IS GOING TO BE LOSING ALL THE TIME and that is a bad thing. So yeah, fix that and we're golden. Regardless of what I want, Big E seems to be on the outs and BNB seems to be the hot thing right now, so Barrett becomes the new IC Champ.


Steel Cage Match: Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena
I have no idea what to make of this. Certainly, Wyatt has benefitted greatly from this program. Despite John Cena's best effort to undermine Bray with silly promo's, Bray has stood his ground and gotten his gimmick over immensely by being in a high profile program. The whole crowd is in his hands and his gimmick is going to be going places for a while. Good on him, it's a shame they already went Bryan vs. Bray in January, because if they had done that angle now, with Bryan as champion and after being John Cena one on one that would have been a money feud that could have gone a long time. But alas, Bray needs to win this one, but with the way the angle has been done there's just no way they can end this feud without John Cena overcoming the odds and vindicating the children. So John Cena wins


WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Kane
Ugh. This match. Bryan retains.


The Shield vs. Evolution
EVOLUTION IS A MYSTERY, TWO GUYS NOBODY EVER WANTED TO SEE. Batista is a terrible wrestler in 2014. Orton has been a boring wrestler for the better part of a decade now. Triple H is great. The Shield is amazing. If anyone is going to get a good match out of Evolution it will be Seth Rollins, truely the MVP of The Shield. Also quite impressed with his recent promo work. Ambrose is a better face than expected, his assault on Maddox was amazing, more of that Ambrose please. This will be the first main event match for The Shield on PPV I think and that is well deserved given how they are generally the best match on any PPV they're on (except for the squash at Mania I suppose), I am very happy they weren't broken up yet and get to continue to do this for a while. Still, the WWE will want to put over Reigns most in this match, so I expect him to pin Orton for the win. Shield beats Evolution.

After two years where Extreme Rules was much better than Mania, it was inevitable that streak was going to end sometime. With Mania 30 being one of the best ones in years and one of the best ones overall imo, that would have been a hard thing to do anyways. Bryan not having a decent program is understandable given his real life problems, so I'll give them a pass on doing Kane vs. Bryan. I can't give them a pass for doing a Rusev squash on PPV. I hated it when they did that for Ryback too, PPV's should not have squash or unanounced throwaway matches, ever! Cesaro should hopefully be moving up soon, I would pick him for the next feud with Bryan, but I'm not sure if they'll go that route just yet. Anyways, shouldn't be a great show by any means, but some matches should be entertaining enough, Extreme Rules 2014 feels like a filler PPV before kicking off proper new programs, so lets hope that starts on Monday.

Tonight is the night!
Full line-up for the NYC ROH/NJPW show, including Okada's match;

New York Hammerstein Ballroom, USA

1. Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Taven & ACH vs. Rocky Romero, Alex Koslov & Takaaki Watanabe
2. BJ Whitmer & Roderick Strong vs. Jado & Gedo
3. Cedric Alexander vs. Kazuchika Okada
4. Kevin Steen vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
5. Michael Bennett vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
6. ROH World TV Title: Jay Lethal (c) vs. KUSHIDA
7. ROH World Tag Team Title: Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson (c) vs. Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reily
8. ROH World Heavyweight Title: Adam Cole (c) vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
9. IWGP Tag Team Title: Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (c) vs. Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe
10. IWGP Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles (c) vs. Michael Elgin

Would've preferred Okada vs Strong, but this is a big deal for Cedric, who has improved a lot over the past two or so years. Looking forward to seeing how he does.


I also don't get the negative vibes towards AJ in this thread. He's had great matches against Roderick Strong and Jay Lethal this year. I don't really find him to be that repetitive at all. Sure, you'll probably see a Pele kick and a springboard of some sort at some point, but the moves he does between those are generally pretty original and his matches rarely feel formulaic.


Full line-up for the NYC ROH/NJPW show, including Okada's match;

New York Hammerstein Ballroom, USA

1. Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Taven & ACH vs. Rocky Romero, Alex Koslov & Takaaki Watanabe
2. BJ Whitmer & Roderick Strong vs. Jado & Gedo
3. Cedric Alexander vs. Kazuchika Okada
4. Kevin Steen vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
5. Michael Bennett vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
6. ROH World TV Title: Jay Lethal (c) vs. KUSHIDA
7. ROH World Tag Team Title: Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson (c) vs. Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reily
8. ROH World Heavyweight Title: Adam Cole (c) vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
9. IWGP Tag Team Title: Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (c) vs. Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe
10. IWGP Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles (c) vs. Michael Elgin

Would've preferred Okada vs Strong, but this is a big deal for Cedric, who has improved a lot over the past two or so years. Looking forward to seeing how he does.

That's a very nice-looking card.


I'm watching the first Clash of the Champions. I didn't watch WCW until the mid-90s, can anyone explain why the fans hated the Varsity Club? Meaning, what's their backstory?


Full line-up for the NYC ROH/NJPW show, including Okada's match;

New York Hammerstein Ballroom, USA

1. Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Taven & ACH vs. Rocky Romero, Alex Koslov & Takaaki Watanabe
2. BJ Whitmer & Roderick Strong vs. Jado & Gedo
3. Cedric Alexander vs. Kazuchika Okada
4. Kevin Steen vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
5. Michael Bennett vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
6. ROH World TV Title: Jay Lethal (c) vs. KUSHIDA
7. ROH World Tag Team Title: Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson (c) vs. Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reily
8. ROH World Heavyweight Title: Adam Cole (c) vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
9. IWGP Tag Team Title: Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (c) vs. Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe
10. IWGP Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles (c) vs. Michael Elgin

Would've preferred Okada vs Strong, but this is a big deal for Cedric, who has improved a lot over the past two or so years. Looking forward to seeing how he does.

As someone who doesn't really care for ROH and just wants to see the NJPW guys, the first half of the card now looks infinitely more interesting than the second half.


Btw, can someone recap the whole "MMA is a work" discussion from yesterday? I didn't really get it.

It was mostly that everything but the fighting is straight up sports entertainment and MMA fans are super marks who buy all of that as real, just like kids did with wrestling before someone burst their bubble.

Also, fuck that fat mulleted "strong man". Dude sucks. Not interesting. Not impressive when he's doing spots to 160 pound guys. When he does something like deadlift/swing someone the size of Khali instead of someone the size of Jimmy Jacobs, I might be a little impressed.
Also, fuck that fat mulleted "strong man". Dude sucks. Not interesting. Not impressive when he's doing spots to 160 pound guys. When he does something like deadlift/swing someone the size of Khali instead of someone the size of Jimmy Jacobs, I might be a little impressed.

you mean Elgin?

i'm with you. they try to sell him with Goldberg strength when's closer to Gillberg strength.
Ah, come on - I've seen him do those spots with ease on dudes either Elgin's size or bigger. He hit the deadlift German suplex on Brodie Lee/Luke Harper in a tag match in wXw, is that impressive enough for you?


you mean Elgin?

i'm with you. they try to sell him with Goldberg strength when's closer to Gillberg strength.


Ah, come on - I've seen him do those spots with ease on dudes either Elgin's size or bigger. He hit the deadlift German suplex on Brodie Lee/Luke Harper in a tag match in wXw, is that impressive enough for you?

NO! FLAT NO! I saw him in ROH and PWG and he left me decidedly unimpressed with anything he did. No charisma. He looks like a mini version of Quebecker Pierre, but with none of the charisma or talent. If he's one of the bigger indie stars right now, then that says everything about the state of the indies.


From pwinsider, but it sounds more like newz to get clicks for there site:

There has been a lot of talk within WWE about where Daniel Bryan will be in the next few months. Some higher-ups feel that Bryan isn't over, it's the "yes!" chant that is over. They feel that Bryan peaked at WrestleMania XXX with the WWE World Heavyweight Title win.

It's said that a lot of top guys argue with officials about how they're booked or portrayed but Bryan doesn't. There's not a lot of ego with how Bryan carries himself backstage and in how he deals with creative.

There are many people waiting to see if Bryan cools off and gets moved out of his current position or if he gets hotter and stays there.

lol, how can some still say that after the Royal Rumble incident and them forced to change the main event of WrestleMania. Yet those who didn't he is over said he peaked at WrestleMania? Sounds like newz.

Though there could be some truth because when Jericho won the title there was people crapping on him behind is back after the title win. Bryan just has to be sure they keep booking him strong or he could fall into the trap that happened to many after there first big title win.


He has cooled of since Mania but that isn't abnormal since he has barely been on the show and is feuding with Kane.

He still can be used as a great Main-Eventer if they aren't dumb. It's all about good booking now.

EDIT: And yeah, the Royal Rumble should be enough proof that people like him and not only the chants. It doesn't get much clear than that.


Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
WrestleMania IV - C
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Survivor Series '88 - D
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-
Royal Rumble '91 - D+
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C

Worthwhile because of one Jake "The Snake" Roberts.


He has cooled of since Mania but that isn't abnormal since he has barely been on the show and is feuding with Kane.

He still can be used as a great Main-Eventer if they aren't dumb. It's all about good booking now.

How can you say he is cooled off after WrestleMania when you said yourself he hasn't been on the show?

He was the only one that got a big reaction from the St. Louis crowd that sucked. Its like people think feuding with Kane equals cooling off.


How can you say he is cooled off after WrestleMania when you said yourself he hasn't been on the show?

He was the only one that got a big reaction from the St. Louis crowd that sucked. Its like people think feuding with Kane equals cooling off.

But when he was there it didn't got a reaction like he did pre-Mania.

I'm not saying he is doomed but I can see where the "cooled off" comments come. Smarks are also turning against him because that's how the cycle goes.

He is still the most over face of the company but they need to keep putting him in the front of the show instead of focusing on the Shield. Hopefully they have learned from Punk's reign and won't have him wrestle in the middle of the show until he drops the title.


more money than God
Can someone explain to me why so many of you are down on a Kane/Bryan match? With the exception of one questionable segment involving Brie this past Monday, I feel like this feud has made sense (and that's not Kane's fault). The segment sucked because they now have attached Brie to Bryan for the sake of Total Divas promotion.

Kane and Bryan have had great matches in the past, and they had a good one not that long ago. Some of you are acting like Bryan is facing Khali here. I mean, would you guys seriously want Bryan to face Batista, instead? A man two years younger than Kane, but in worse shape? Apparently, Batista doesn't even want to lose to Bryan because Bryan is "too small". At least, Kane will put Bryan over in a huge way.

Kane didn't kill Bryan's momentum. His momentum is fine, and if it is reduced, it's because Bryan took a week off for his honeymoon, and then his poor father unexpectedly past way causing him to have a reduced TV role again. I know I'm biased, but I feel like many of you are just hating for no reason here. After WM, Bryan needs a filler feud to let him get a win, and it's better than a useless WM main event rematch or facing a guy that doesn't want to put him over.


Can someone explain to me why so many of you are down on a Kane/Bryan match? With the exception of one questionable segment involving Brie this past Monday, I feel like this feud has made sense (and that's not Kane's fault). The segment sucked because they now have attached Brie to Bryan for the sake of Total Divas promotion.

Kane and Bryan have had great matches in the past, and they had a good one not that long ago. Some of you are acting like Bryan is facing Khali here. I mean, would you guys seriously want Bryan to face Batista, instead? A man two years younger than Kane, but in worse shape? Apparently, Batista doesn't even want to lose to Bryan because Bryan is "too small". At least, Kane will put Bryan over in a huge way.

Kane didn't kill Bryan's momentum. His momentum is fine, and if it is reduced, it's because Bryan took a week off for his honeymoon, and then his poor father unexpectedly past way causing him to have a reduced TV role again. I know I'm biased, but I feel like many of you are just hating for no reason here. After WM, Bryan needs a filler feud to let him get a win, and it's better than a useless WM main event rematch or facing a guy that doesn't want to put him over.

The best way to kill momentum of any champion is to put them in a feud against a wrestler that the entire world does not give one flying fuck about. I have just defined Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane.
3 months is the usual amount till folks turn on "super face who doesn't lose".

issue with Bryan is that he can't even cut a Cena-style promo to get the crowd going when things are getting ugly.


people who say Bryan had "great" matches with Kane have amazingly low standards.

matter of fact, and not directly related to Bryan v Kane, but i seems that any botchless match with a couple of near falls gets called a "great" match nowadays.


Can someone explain to me why so many of you are down on a Kane/Bryan match? With the exception of one questionable segment involving Brie this past Monday, I feel like this feud has made sense (and that's not Kane's fault). The segment sucked because they now have attached Brie to Bryan for the sake of Total Divas promotion.

Kane and Bryan have had great matches in the past, and they had a good one not that long ago. Some of you are acting like Bryan is facing Khali here. I mean, would you guys seriously want Bryan to face Batista, instead? A man two years younger than Kane, but in worse shape? Apparently, Batista doesn't even want to lose to Bryan because Bryan is "too small". At least, Kane will put Bryan over in a huge way.

Kane didn't kill Bryan's momentum. His momentum is fine, and if it is reduced, it's because Bryan took a week off for his honeymoon, and then his poor father unexpectedly past way causing him to have a reduced TV role again. I know I'm biased, but I feel like many of you are just hating for no reason here. After WM, Bryan needs a filler feud to let him get a win, and it's better than a useless WM main event rematch or facing a guy that doesn't want to put him over.
Because it's 2014 and Kane is on what should be the main event.


3 months is the usual amount till folks turn on "super face who doesn't lose".

issue with Bryan is that he can't even cut a Cena-style promo to get the crowd going when things are getting ugly.
The difference being that Bryan is the best worker in the world and can have great matches every time out. I don't think we will see the smark backlash because of this.
new Japan really needs to cool it with all the gaijin talent.

Gracie's, Wes Brisco, NWA talent need he boot

Okavango loosing to AJ seemed so anti climatic, he just showed up and beat him.

Hope every main event is pnt booked like TNA now


more money than God
The best way to kill momentum of any champion is to put them in a feud against a wrestler that the entire world does not give one flying fuck about. I have just defined Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane.
But that's just not true. Social media has been big on the "return of the demon". The IWC may not like it, but you guys would have shitted on anything not named Bryan/Cesaro or Bryan/Wyatt.

Maybe you guys will know better when Show turns heel, and we get Bryan/Show.


The best way to kill momentum of any champion is to put them in a feud against a wrestler that the entire world does not give one flying fuck about. I have just defined Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane.

If that's happening why was his segments high rated on the go home show when by your point of view people would turn off the channel when they saw that segment?

new Japan really needs to cool it with all the gaijin talent.

Gracie's, Wes Brisco, NWA talent need he boot

Okavango loosing to AJ seemed so anti climatic, he just showed up and beat him.

Hope every main event is pnt booked like TNA now

According to Meltzer New Japan International interest is declining:

Dave Meltzer ‏@davemeltzerWON · 17h
I thought our lack of reaction to TNA was bad until lack of reaction to a significant New Japan show today.

Dave Meltzer ‏@davemeltzerWON · 16h
@SoDuTw New Japan's intl numbers are falling,not rising.

I wonder if its to many crappy foreign workers like the Gracie's and Wes Briscoe that started to turn people off? Does anyone have a good theory?


But when he was there it didn't got a reaction like he did pre-Mania.

I'm not saying he is doomed but I can see where the "cooled off" comments come. Smarks are also turning against him because that's how the cycle goes.

He is still the most over face of the company but they need to keep putting him in the front of the show instead of focusing on the Shield. Hopefully they have learned from Punk's reign and won't have him wrestle in the middle of the show until he drops the title.

They've also been in terrible crowds since WM. That shitty St. Louis crowd for instance.


Maybe this is why Bryan's switching up his character, not chanting Yes much anymore.

I think its more because he is actually angry and considers this a serious matter so he toned down the yes chants and no stupid jokes.

If he came back after that attack doing the yes chants he just be reacting like Cena does. If he was Cena he would be no neck brace. He would be back Smirking no selling the attack and then do a stupid joke promo on Kane with photo shop.


Can someone explain to me why so many of you are down on a Kane/Bryan match? With the exception of one questionable segment involving Brie this past Monday, I feel like this feud has made sense (and that's not Kane's fault). The segment sucked because they now have attached Brie to Bryan for the sake of Total Divas promotion.

Kane and Bryan have had great matches in the past, and they had a good one not that long ago. Some of you are acting like Bryan is facing Khali here. I mean, would you guys seriously want Bryan to face Batista, instead? A man two years younger than Kane, but in worse shape? Apparently, Batista doesn't even want to lose to Bryan because Bryan is "too small". At least, Kane will put Bryan over in a huge way.

Kane didn't kill Bryan's momentum. His momentum is fine, and if it is reduced, it's because Bryan took a week off for his honeymoon, and then his poor father unexpectedly past way causing him to have a reduced TV role again. I know I'm biased, but I feel like many of you are just hating for no reason here. After WM, Bryan needs a filler feud to let him get a win, and it's better than a useless WM main event rematch or facing a guy that doesn't want to put him over.

Kane shouldn't be on the main-event and did nothing, story wise, to deserve that position. It's a filler feud and it shows.

And the fact that it appeared after one of the best stories in recent memory doesn't help at all.


Can someone explain to me why so many of you are down on a Kane/Bryan match? With the exception of one questionable segment involving Brie this past Monday, I feel like this feud has made sense (and that's not Kane's fault). The segment sucked because they now have attached Brie to Bryan for the sake of Total Divas promotion.

Kane and Bryan have had great matches in the past, and they had a good one not that long ago. Some of you are acting like Bryan is facing Khali here. I mean, would you guys seriously want Bryan to face Batista, instead? A man two years younger than Kane, but in worse shape? Apparently, Batista doesn't even want to lose to Bryan because Bryan is "too small". At least, Kane will put Bryan over in a huge way.

Kane didn't kill Bryan's momentum. His momentum is fine, and if it is reduced, it's because Bryan took a week off for his honeymoon, and then his poor father unexpectedly past way causing him to have a reduced TV role again. I know I'm biased, but I feel like many of you are just hating for no reason here. After WM, Bryan needs a filler feud to let him get a win, and it's better than a useless WM main event rematch or facing a guy that doesn't want to put him over.

I'm not really down on it so much as it seems like a bad move. You have the hottest guy in the business coming off the biggest WM ever and immediately put him in the over the top Attitude Era-lite story with a guy who has been around forever and is just kind of there. I think randomly putting Kane back as the monster was stupid and the story could have been much more interesting as Corporate Kane. I'm sure they'll have a decent-good match, but it feels like they clearly didn't have any plans for Bryan after he won the title. It feels very slapped together and last minute. Kane really shouldn't be headlining a PPV in 2014.

LOL dude got hit so hard he did the splits
According to Meltzer New Japan International interest is declining

Meltzer gauges interest by how many people bothered to email their thoughts to the Observer, which is hardly an accurate measuring stick.

somedevil said:
Does anyone have a good theory?

It's a combination of things - the Gracies being awful and the whole thing not working as planned, the amount of western-style interference and what a lot of people perceive as the wrong guys getting pushed. There have been undeniable missteps, but I wouldn't read too much into it until it when we're only a quarter of a way into the year. The Yokohama Arena show will be a big test, so we'll have to wait and see how that draws.

slightconfuse said:
Also cans send the Yano/ Misu fued . Guys are in Kofi/ ziggler territory

I think they've dragged it on for so long just to give Suzuki something to do - he's a big name that the fans love to see, so it's understandable that they'd want him on all the big cards, but it really feels like he's in a holding pattern. I want to see him challenging for the belts - either the tag belts with Shelton, or feud with Tanahashi for the IC title.


I have the feeling WWE are already trying to move on to Roman Reigns as the "next top guy", even though he's not ready, and Bryan is red hot. That's just a dumb move on all fronts.


more money than God
nah, 2 slow, lumbering, old, tired, over the hill giants. equally awful.

matter of fact, from a kayfabe perspective, Bryan taking down Show would be far more impressive.
I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous. Kane is a much better worker than Show, and people care even less about Show than they do Kane. Show has been off TV for weeks now, and no one has noticed.

BHZ Mayor

I'm not really down on it so much as it seems like a bad move. You have the hottest guy in the business coming off the biggest WM ever and immediately put him in the over the top Attitude Era-lite story with a guy who has been around forever and is just kind of there. I think randomly putting Kane back as the monster was stupid and the story could have been much more interesting as Corporate Kane. I'm sure they'll have a decent-good match, but it feels like they clearly didn't have any plans for Bryan after he won the title. It feels very slapped together and last minute. Kane really shouldn't be headlining a PPV in 2014.

It probably also doesn't help that they didn't have plans for him to win the title, or even be in the title picture for that matter, until the last minute.
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