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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Kane's better than Big Show... anything's better than Big Show. Big Show should become a permanent member of the pre-show panel or become a background skit guy like Ron Simmons.


more money than God
It probably also doesn't help that they didn't have plans for him to win the title, or even be in the title picture for that matter, until the last minute.
It probably doesn't help that the guy they want him to face next (Batista) is refusing to put him over because he feels that losing to a guy that small will make him look bad for his movie.


I have the feeling WWE are already trying to move on to Roman Reigns as the "next top guy", even though he's not ready, and Bryan is red hot. That's just a dumb move on all fronts.
The good news is WWE booking has shown a very rare case of humbleness. They completely changed their plans with Bryan when it was clear he was top dog and delayed the Shield breakup when it became clear Reigns wasn't ready.


Ya'll lied to me about New Japan. :( Told me how it was the best promotion in the world, but everything I've watched from them this year has been flawed in some way.


I just don't understand the Reigns situation, everyone can see he's not ready so why are they intent on killing one of the best stables they've ever had to just have him carried and shown up by everyone on the roster?


Meltzer gauges interest by how many people bothered to email their thoughts to the Observer, which is hardly an accurate measuring stick.

It's a combination of things - the Gracies being awful and the whole thing not working as planned, the amount of western-style interference and what a lot of people perceive as the wrong guys getting pushed. There have been undeniable missteps, but I wouldn't read too much into it until it when we're only a quarter of a way into the year. The Yokohama Arena show will be a big test, so we'll have to wait and see how that draws.

I see. It just seems some are upset over the whole main event picture right now and the Gracies crap. With the Bullet club they got to tone it down or all there main event forward is just going to be TNA main events.

Also, hilarious that Football or WWE is trending worldwide right now.


I'm sure they'll have a decent-good match, but it feels like they clearly didn't have any plans for Bryan after he won the title. It feels very slapped together and last minute. Kane really shouldn't be headlining a PPV in 2014.
It does feel rushed. However, at the same time, look at the other 'top' heels: Orton and Bryan have fought a million times already, Batista's direction for several weeks now has been nowhere, Triple H again?, and Bray is busy with Cena. They'll turn Sheamus but it feels like I've seen this an awful lot too. This is what happens when guys fight each other all the time, when a supposed top main event angle is suppose to happen, it's not fresh or interesting.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
I'm no Booker but a Suzuki-gun / bullet r Club used seems like a no brainer

I think we're going to see Chaos vs Bullet Club instead. With Yujiro's betrayal, and with their goal of dominating the championship scene, they're aiming for Nakamura and Ishii's titles next. Suzuki is probably going to feud with Nagata for the 5675579th time.

Ya'll lied to me about New Japan. :( Told me how it was the best promotion in the world, but everything I've watched from them this year has been flawed in some way.

Yeah, I have to admit, NJPW isn't as hot as it was these past few years. There's still some good stuff, but it feels like some of the wrestlers have been in stuff that haven't gone anywhere.


So not worth it
It's 2014 and we have already seen two attempted "drag person through a hole in the ring"-spots this year.

Ask me again why I'm down on Kane vs. Bryan.


I cannot have a serious discussion with anyone who thinks that Kane is relevant or meaningful in the year 2014.

No. Just. No.
What kind of suggestions -- quick stops or nicer sit-down joints?

I would recommend doing Shake Shack for burgers + Levain Bakery for a cookie the size of your fist as a lunch stop. Both up in my neighborhood and only 4 blocks apart, so you can hit them in the span of an hour back-to-back, and it's only 10-15 minutes max from the venue, so it's convenient.

Here's some recommendations that first spring to mind, only one of which is a rather fancy restaurant you'll need a reservation for...

  • For soul food, Amy Ruth's in Harlem (Sylvia's is overrated tourist trap; Red Rooster is too bougie and also a tourist trap, but very good).
  • For BBQ in NYC, Blue Smoke.
  • For Korean BBQ, the joints in Koreatown (walking distance from the venue) are all similar, so you can't go wrong. The best Korean is way out in Flushing, Queens.
  • For baller ass burgers in a fancy dining setting, Minetta Tavern's $26 Black Label Burger is untouchable. Burger, caramelized onions. Nothing else is put on the burger, nothing else is allowed. Need a reservation, but my lord is it worth it.
  • For fancy pizza, Motorino.
  • For New Yawk street slice pizza, Joe's in Greenwich.
  • For high-quality American comfort, Shopsin's.
  • For a market with a bunch of random places, Chelsea Market. Tourist-heavy but with good reason.
  • For a bar near Manhattan Center, Stout has good food + quality beer selection. About two avenues away from the venue.

thank you very much sir. And it really doesn't matter. Sit down or fancy, I will try it all.


It probably doesn't help that the guy they want him to face next (Batista) is refusing to put him over because he feels that losing to a guy that small will make him look bad for his movie.

I don't for a second believe that or that Batista is that big of a mark. That's dirt sheets gonna dirt sheet shit. That'd be like Batista signing up for an episode of Law and Order and then pulling out because getting killed on the show makes him look bad for his movie. The fuck kind of logic is that? It isn't. Shit is made up. He's likely taking time to do promotional stuff and because he's already injured or something.


I don't for a second believe that or that Batista is that big of a mark. That's dirt sheets gonna dirt sheet shit. That'd be like Batista signing up for an episode of Law and Order and then pulling out because getting killed on the show makes him look bad for his movie. The fuck kind of logic is that? It isn't. Shit is made up. He's likely taking time to do promotional stuff and because he's already injured or something.
He's permagassed


If that's happening why was his segments high rated on the go home show when by your point of view people would turn off the channel when they saw that segment?

According to Meltzer New Japan International interest is declining:

I wonder if its to many crappy foreign workers like the Gracie's and Wes Briscoe that started to turn people off? Does anyone have a good theory?
For me it was when they started selling a bunch of the lead up shows to the actual PPV's. And also when they introduced Spanish commentary on the channel that I was used to watching Japanese commentary on, although that has changed since Fantasicamania ended. It sounds silly, but the extra effort involved in making sure I had the commentary I wanted and making sure I wasn't buying one of the B shows turned me off.

In the Japanese game industry, there seems to be this idea that they have to do certain things to appeal to western audiences, which compromise the integrity of the design and end up leading to a game that nobody is happy with. It's not until recently a Japanese company (Square) looked at the western sales of one of their distinctly "Japanese" titles and said "Wait a second, western fans actually liked this. We should do more!" It seems like NJPW might be going through the same thing. I didn't start watching NJPW to see white people wrestle. I can get that anywhere in my own country. NJPW brings it's own style and flair to wrestling that I can't get anywhere else. People being from the same country as me has no bearing on whether or not I enjoy a promotion. Hopefully they realize this sooner rather than later.

By the way, I don't follow indie wrestling (like ROH or TNA), so maybe I'm off base with in my opinion of AJ Styles, but there's a reason WWE wants Devitt and not him. I don't give a fuck about AJ Styles. AJ Styles is not going to get me to watch a promotion. In fact, he may have me selling my ticket to the ROH show in NY. The only thing giving me pause is the person who said they were doing autograph signings at the Toronto show. If I get an autographed picture with Shinsuke fucking Nakamura then the trip would be worth it.

Lastly, I feel like reduced international interest in NJPW was kind of inevitable, and it's impressive they prolonged it as long as they did. When they first made streaming/VOD available, they opened up their product to a world of people who had maybe never seen anything like it before. When your choices at the time were WWE where you're lucky if you see a German Suplex or the indies where people think doing a lot of slips and no selling moves is good wrestling, NJPW was a breath of fresh air. And then by the fourth time you watched Goto vs Shibata or Suzuki vs Yano or Tanahashi vs Okada you started to feel something was wrong. Now these guys all are fantastic at what they do and nearly always deliver on great matches, but there doesn't appear to be a whole lot of variety. Oh look, there's Honma, I wonder if he will miss a diving headbutt and job. Oh look, there's Tanaka, I wonder if he will wrestle Naito again. Oh look, Captain New Japan is coming out. After a year and a half or two years or whatever it is since they started doing live streams, they are no longer fresh. That happens sometimes, and you can try and mitigate it, but I don't think there's any way to avoid it completely.

Now, I still love NJPW, and while I took a bit of a break for awhile, I'm back watching regularly again. But I absolutely agree with Dragonzord in that they are not doing a good job of keeping things interesting. And considering a majority of their international audience doesn't understand Japanese, it makes it even more critical that you have an entertaining product, otherwise you're going to lose people a lot faster. I can totally see why people might be losing interest.
It's been close to a month since Wrestlemania XXX took place, and now WWE has their next Pay Per View (Special Events are what they call them now), Extreme Rules, which happens tonight! With the exception of two matches, the card looks pretty solid. With that being said, here's my predictions for Extreme Rules:

Pre-show: El Torito vs. Hornswoggle - WeeLC Match
What the fuck is a WeeLC Match? This is just WWE putting these two guys together because they're midgets. Nothing against Midgets, but this is just not going to be a good match. I'm sure the kids will enjoy it though. If I had to choose, I'll choose El Torito, just because it will make the kids happy. This is one of the two matches I don't care about.

Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger - Triple Threat Elimination Match
Now This is sounds like a lot of fun to watch. All three of these guys were eliminated from the Intercontinental Championship Tournament. Cesaro and Swagger are feuding with each other since Cesaro turned his back on Swagger, RVD hates Paul Heyman, and thus, the two are feuding, and Swagger is feuding with RVD because RVD refused to join the Real Americans. My pick for this match is Cesaro, because I think he'll come out swinging (no pun intended) in this match.

Alexander Rusev vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods - 2 on 1 Handicap Match
Another match I don't care about. This is just to show off how strong Alexander Rusev is supposed to be. Expect this to be a squash match, with Rusev winning the match.

Tamina Snuka vs. Paige - WWE Diva's Championship Match
Diva's match or not, Paige needs more attention within the WWE Universe. After she won the Diva's Championship, not a lot of people are sold on her (except for Hardcore Wrestling fans and NXT fans), because WWE hasn't done all that much to make people want to support her yet. Hopefully, this match will be what puts Paige on the map. I expect this to be a decent match, as both Paige and Tamina are really good, but I think Paige will win and retain her title.

Bad News Barrett vs. Big E - WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
As a result of Bad News Barrett winning the Intercontinental Championship Tournament, he becomes the number 1 contender for Big E's Intercontinental Championship. This match looks like it will be a good match. I just wish WWE made Big E look much better than how he has been booked lately, but regardless, I think Bad News Barrett will take this victory.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt - Steel Cage Match
After beating Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania, John Cena knew that their confrontation is not over yet. Bray Wyatt is doing everything he could to make John Cena release the monster within him, even going as far as getting a choir filled with children (who are supposedly John Cena fans) and turn on him. I really think everything about this match is great, and I'm pretty sure this time, Bray Wyatt will win. It'll be interesting to see what really happens here.

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan - Extreme Rules match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
April has been an interesting month for Daniel Bryan (in both good and bad ways). He beat Triple H at Wrestlemania XXX, and won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on the same night; he marries Brie Bella the Friday after Wrestlemania; and both his father and a kid he made a wish for passed away in the same week. Despite all of this, Daniel Bryan is going to be facing against Kane, and I feel that Bryan will win the match.

Evolution vs. The Shield - This match deserves to be in the main event, simply because you have the team that ruled the Ruthless Aggression Era (Evolution) squaring off against today's top team (The Shield). I am expecting The Shield to get a huge win out of this, especially since after tomorrow, Batista is going to be away to promote Guardians of the Galaxy.


So not worth it
I don't for a second believe that or that Batista is that big of a mark. That's dirt sheets gonna dirt sheet shit. That'd be like Batista signing up for an episode of Law and Order and then pulling out because getting killed on the show makes him look bad for his movie. The fuck kind of logic is that? It isn't. Shit is made up. He's likely taking time to do promotional stuff and because he's already injured or something.

Add to that that the guy put Bryan over at WrestleMania, yet suddenly is supposed to have a problem putting him over on a B-PPV, come on.... Who believes that?


I don't for a second believe that or that Batista is that big of a mark. That's dirt sheets gonna dirt sheet shit. That'd be like Batista signing up for an episode of Law and Order and then pulling out because getting killed on the show makes him look bad for his movie. The fuck kind of logic is that? It isn't. Shit is made up. He's likely taking time to do promotional stuff and because he's already injured or something.

I like that Batista had no problem tapping out to Bryan at WM30, but he has a problem with putting him over at Payback.
He's not shit, he's just...Kane.

You should add some sad horns or strings to the song. Is that actual playing or a Garage Band kind of deal?

it's just me on the computer making everything with Fruity Loops.

you want something that sounds sad? lemme convert one into mp3. gimme 5 minutes.
Full line-up for the NYC ROH/NJPW show, including Okada's match;

New York Hammerstein Ballroom, USA

1. Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Taven & ACH vs. Rocky Romero, Alex Koslov & Takaaki Watanabe
2. BJ Whitmer & Roderick Strong vs. Jado & Gedo
3. Cedric Alexander vs. Kazuchika Okada
4. Kevin Steen vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
5. Michael Bennett vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
6. ROH World TV Title: Jay Lethal (c) vs. KUSHIDA
7. ROH World Tag Team Title: Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson (c) vs. Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reily
8. ROH World Heavyweight Title: Adam Cole (c) vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
9. IWGP Tag Team Title: Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (c) vs. Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe
10. IWGP Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles (c) vs. Michael Elgin

Would've preferred Okada vs Strong, but this is a big deal for Cedric, who has improved a lot over the past two or so years. Looking forward to seeing how he does.

Cerdric Alexender vs Okada.

cmon man


Watched the Rikidozan/Masahiko Kimura match from 1954, which was the first high-profile Japanese vs Japanese match in Japan. It's famous for Rikidozan losing his cool and shooting on Kimura;


Things actually broke down a minute or so before that. Kimura was fighting to lock on the (duh) Kimura and you can tell Rikidozan doesn't like it. He grabs the ropes and they get to their feet, then when Kimura tries for a judo throw, Rikidozan doesn't cooperate in the slightest and tries to grab a choke. Kimura's obviously worried Rikidozan's going to shoot on him and still tries to salvage the match, but then the above clip happens.

Ya'll lied to me about New Japan. :( Told me how it was the best promotion in the world, but everything I've watched from them this year has been flawed in some way.

When presenting the typical New Japan style, it's still the best in-ring product in the world for my money, regardless of any criticisms about the current direction. I've got Okada/Naito, two Tanahashi/Nakamura matches, Okada/Goto and two Ishii/Naito matches in my top 10 for the year so far.
Wonder if the disinterest in current NJPW will lead to more people checking out Dragon Gate's biggest show of the year come Monday...

Dragon Gate, "DEAD or ALIVE", 2014.05.05
Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium

http://www.ustream.tv/DragonGate - $25

| 16:00 Japan | 09:00 EU | 08:00 UK | 03:00 East Coast | 00:00 West Coast |

0. Mondai Ryu vs Ryotsu Shimizu vs Kotoka
1. Mad Blankey (Cyber Kong & Kzy) vs Monster Express (Uhaa Nation & Shachihoko BOY)
2. Gamma & Yosuke=Santa Maria vs Jimmyz (Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee!! & Jimmy Kagetora
3. Open the Brave Gate Title: Flamita © vs Jimmy Susumu
4. Open the Twin Gate Titles: Monster Express (Akira Tozawa & Shingo Takagi) © vs Oretachi Veteran-gun (Masaaki Mochizuki & Don Fuji)
5. Open the Triangle Gate Titles: Millenials (T-Hawk, Eita & U-T) © vs Oretachi Veteran-gun (Dragon Kid, K-ness & Super Shisa)
6. Open the Dream Gate Title: Ricochet © vs YAMATO
7. Steel Cage Survival Scapegoat Mascara contra Cabellera: Naruki Doi vs BxB Hulk vs Jimmy Kanda vs Mr. Quu Quu Tanizaki Naoki Toyonaka Dolphin vs Masato Yoshino vs CIMA*

The scapegoat of the last competitor in the cage will lose their mask or hair. The scapegoats are:
CIMA: Dragon Kid, Yoshino: Shachihoko BOY, Tanizaki: Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee!!, Kanda: Jimmy Susumu, Doi: Kzy, Hulk: Cyber Kong

Seriously, that's an awesome looking card. Matches 3 through 7 should be great fun.

Who in the flying Fuck is Cedric Alexander

This guy;



Wait, are you telling me that world champion Daniel Bryan isn't getting top billing? That's actually kind of amazing.


Add to that that the guy put Bryan over at WrestleMania, yet suddenly is supposed to have a problem putting him over on a B-PPV, come on.... Who believes that?

Not only put him over but also tapped for him. I'm also not buying this report.

But he probably was expecting more out of his return and he is bummed out.
Man, Bryan fans are cracking me up.

What kind of feuds did you exactly think he'd be a part of as champion? There are very few top-level guys to feud with.

Let's say they give in to the IWC's wet dream and give us Bryan vs. Cesaro. That would be pretty cool, but a feud like that wouldn't last for more than a month.

Where then? If they go for Batista and Orton you fuckers would complain that they'd already done this to death.

Cody, Ziggler, Ryder, etc.? They aren't believable opponents. And if Bryan keeps winning against midcarders you'll be complaining that "he isn't making new stars" / "putting anyone over"

John Cena? Either Cena wins lol or "Bryan didn't win 100% clean so I'll complain"

Brock Lesnar? This one will happen eventually but not until Summerslam at the earliest.

You guys got your champion. Meaning that he'll have champion level opponents. Prepare for Big Show next, friends.

I like to call this the John Cena Paradox.


Man, Bryan fans are cracking me up.

What kind of feuds did you exactly think he'd be a part of as champion? There are very few top-level guys to feud with.

Let's say they give in to the IWC's wet dream and give us Bryan vs. Cesaro. That would be pretty cool, but a feud like that wouldn't last for more than a month.

Where then? If they go for Batista and Orton you fuckers would complain that they'd already done this to death.

Cody, Ziggler, Ryder, etc.? They aren't believable opponents. And if Bryan keeps winning against midcarders you'll be complaining that "he isn't making new stars" / "putting anyone over"

John Cena? Either Cena wins lol or "Bryan didn't win 100% clean so I'll complain"

Brock Lesnar? This one will happen eventually but not until Summerslam at the earliest.

You guys got your champion. Meaning that he'll have champion level opponents. Prepare for Big Show next, friends.

I have to agree at least 200%, friend. You're the champion, carry a fucking program.


Man, Bryan fans are cracking me up.

What kind of feuds did you exactly think he'd be a part of as champion? There are very few top-level guys to feud with.

Let's say they give in to the IWC's wet dream and give us Bryan vs. Cesaro. That would be pretty cool, but a feud like that wouldn't last for more than a month.

Where then? If they go for Batista and Orton you fuckers would complain that they'd already done this to death.

Cody, Ziggler, Ryder, etc.? They aren't believable opponents. And if Bryan keeps winning against midcarders you'll be complaining that "he isn't making new stars" / "putting anyone over"

John Cena? Either Cena wins lol or "Bryan didn't win 100% clean so I'll complain"

Brock Lesnar? This one will happen eventually but not until Summerslam at the earliest.

You guys got your champion. Meaning that he'll have champion level opponents. Prepare for Big Show next, friends.

I like the Sheamus heel turn idea and that should happen immediately.
Man, Bryan fans are cracking me up.

What kind of feuds did you exactly think he'd be a part of as champion? There are very few top-level guys to feud with.

Let's say they give in to the IWC's wet dream and give us Bryan vs. Cesaro. That would be pretty cool, but a feud like that wouldn't last for more than a month.

Where then? If they go for Batista and Orton you fuckers would complain that they'd already done this to death.

Cody, Ziggler, Ryder, etc.? They aren't believable opponents. And if Bryan keeps winning against midcarders you'll be complaining that "he isn't making new stars" / "putting anyone over"

John Cena? Either Cena wins lol or "Bryan didn't win 100% clean so I'll complain"

Brock Lesnar? This one will happen eventually but not until Summerslam at the earliest.

You guys got your champion. Meaning that he'll have champion level opponents. Prepare for Big Show next, friends.

I like to call this the John Cena Paradox.

Man, Bryan fans are cracking me up.

What kind of feuds did you exactly think he'd be a part of as champion? There are very few top-level guys to feud with.

Let's say they give in to the IWC's wet dream and give us Bryan vs. Cesaro. That would be pretty cool, but a feud like that wouldn't last for more than a month.

Where then? If they go for Batista and Orton you fuckers would complain that they'd already done this to death.

Cody, Ziggler, Ryder, etc.? They aren't believable opponents. And if Bryan keeps winning against midcarders you'll be complaining that "he isn't making new stars" / "putting anyone over"

John Cena? Either Cena wins lol or "Bryan didn't win 100% clean so I'll complain"

Brock Lesnar? This one will happen eventually but not until Summerslam at the earliest.

You guys got your champion. Meaning that he'll have champion level opponents. Prepare for Big Show next, friends.

I like to call this the John Cena Paradox.

You don't have to put the guy over in order to make new stars, friend. The matches will speak for itself if he's against someone like Ziggler or Cody. A Sheamus match is fresh enough to gauge interest for a lot of people especially if Sheamus turns face. No ones complaining about Cena didn't lose clean. But no you'll find reasons to poo poo these claims because you think you're so above the "IWC", friend.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I dunno about you guys but I need to know more about kane damond belly attek
I honestly don't give the slightest fucks about Kane vs D-Brine in advance, but I know the match will probably end up being good at the least and that the best way to get Bryan over is as a fighting champion who keeps knocking down a new challenger each month. So yeah, get Kane out of the way and have The Authority set up further obstacles for him, even if that means Big Show, Henry, Ryback, etc.


So not worth it
Kane isn't a believable contender either, so suggesting that is what makes him better than any of the other names you mentioned is beyond ridiculous.

Kane doesn't have very interesting matches, any of the people in Bionic's post would hage had a better and more entertaining match with Bryan than Kane will have. I am sorry Soulplaya, nothing against the guy, but Kane should not be a main eventer anymore. Does anyone remember the epic title matches he's had in the past years? Like that stellar Ambulance match against Cena?

Suggesting he is at least better than Big Show is a stretch as well, their matches are equally boring and neither should be in title matches.
I have to agree at least 200%, friend. You're the champion, carry a fucking program.

Exactly. Peeps here have to realize that as the top champion of the company, your pool of possible opponents is incredibly limited.

If you want Bryan as champion, this is the kind of feud you should expect for B PPVs.

I like the Sheamus heel turn idea and that should happen immediately.

Sheamus is Irish Cena: It makes all the sense in the world to turn him, but he's too over as a face for them to do so.

I think heel Sheamus would work well though.
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