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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


ER 2012 in the network

you can tell brysan and sheamus were pissed at their WM matrch being a joke. they went out to steal the show

Sheamus talks about it in the Journey to WM30 special for Bryan. When their match at WM 27 got dumped to a dark match and then to a battle royal, it completely crushed him, and so at WM 28 he wanted to steal the show to make up for it. Then he got an 18 second match instead.
So he still feels he's never had a proper WM moment or match, he's still looking for one, and they both definitely wanted to prove they should have gotten a 20 minute match at WM 28.

18 seconds has damaged Sheamus' career as much as it has helped Bryan's. It's also never really been laid to rest, which I guess the original plan for Bryan at WM 30 would have done. Hence why Sheamus needs to turn heel and be a PPV opponent for Bryan, so they can get that feud to pay off 18 seconds once and for all.
You're right, friend. All of Cena's opponents that have "held down their own" have been elevated to new heights, and are now top stars in the company.

Just look at Ziggler and Sandow


Ziggler and Sandow both suck, though.


I'm ready for my first PPV on the Network! I watched WM30 at a bar downtown, drunk as fuck of course.

Time for some sober wrasslin!


Bryan has a very heelish set of moves. The finger thing he does with Sheamus is so... irck, that is what you do when you want to see someone feeling the pain.


The only way this Kane/Bryan thing can end tonight is with Bryan systematically destroying Kane's existence. It should just be a complete Bryan squash match.

Please Vince, do not do the fluke win for Bryan.
Such a demoralizing state of affairs that Wrasslegaf still can't appreciate Kane, the man who endures even in 2014, lesser wrestlers would have their careers killed dealing with some of the booking he's been handed in his long tenure of loyal service to this business and he overcomes those story odds in a way that the great John Cena would approve of, you guys acting like Bryan facing Kane is some Katie Vick levels of poor decision when in fact Kane is a mighty shield that can repel all the poor booking decisions and surely protect Bryan for this brief period of time where his title run is most vulnerable.
Why this is just the next step in Good Guy Glenn putting over the next generation as has been his MO for the last year, Bray Wyatt? immediately put on the map by defeating Kane on his debut and he's already elevated to Cena level, The Shield? multiple times in the past year and at the showcase of the immortals. And now Bryan's title reign will get off to a glorious start vanquishing the monster who is perpetually over regardless of him jobbing in minutes merely a few weeks ago.

Tonight the crowd will reach a fever pitch as Bryan prepares for the Running Knee, as he strikes THE DEMON it merely knocks him down to one knee, staggering the great beast but not defeating him. As the fans wonder just what it will take for their newly crowned hero to vanquish the monster of the month Bryan will imbue himself with a surge of burning willpower delivering a second knee strike with such force that the demonic mask is blasted clear off knocking Kane down for the three count as the fans burst into a chorus of yes chants with such a decisive victory and having surely witnessed a three star classic. Having regained his senses from the demasking Kane and Bryan hug it out to close out the long awaited finale to the Team Hell No saga as the fans erupt in manly tears for this long term booking. Kane bids farewell once more to the main event scene and goes back to putting over those that need the big red rub, the fire will never die!

See, Extreme Rules is gonna be great
in my mind, reality wont be quite so fun
I think I'll watch Extreme Rules on the 4 inch screen (that doesn't even do 720p) of my smartphone because that is the appropriate viewing experience that such a crappy build and card deserves.

The WeeLC match is the only thing I'm looking forward to. Hornswoggle exhibited great facials during the contract signing on Smackdown. Truly amazing facials.

Edit: How can I forget Cena v. Wyatt in a cage?! I take it back. I hope Cena kicks the shite out of him.


That shit with Bray almost killed him from the start. TERRIBLE feud, terrible match, and killed the Wyatt Family's momentum until January.


Tonight the crowd will reach a fever pitch as Bryan prepares for the Running Knee, as he strikes THE DEMON it merely knocks him down to one knee, staggering the great beast but not defeating him.

Let's be real my breh. Kane would have to be on one knee for Bryan to land a running knee in the first place.
I wonder how WrassleGAF would have reacted in 1998 when after beating HBK, Austin got thrown into a two month feud with Dude Love, his old Tag Team partner who had been jobbing for months before he faced Austin. A guy who's less mobile than Kane is now.

Man, I wish we got a match as good as Austin/Dude Love Over the Edge '98...
Punk coming back as corporate stooge to crush Bryan at what's supposed to be his moment of ultimate triumph over The Authority would be flat-out amazing and you all know it. Yes, even you "I'd be happy if he never returned" folk. The angle would probably have an effect on you the most.


I was thinking about the Austin/Dude Love feud earlier. It is a bit different since Foley could still go and was doing something new with his character, but the feud was also predicated on Vince's involvement, which was SUPER hot.

Bryan/Kane isn't an extension of Bryan/HHH.
Punk coming back as corporate stooge to crush Bryan at what's supposed to be his moment of ultimate triumph over The Authority would be flat-out amazing and you all know it. Yes, even you "I'd be happy if he never returned" folk. The angle would probably have an effect on you the most.

Please, I never want to see HHH and Punk together in the ring cutting promos again. Two guys who think they don't need a script, babbling on and on in circles into they get back on topic, only to trail off yet again, and so on, etc. Truly, truly, awful promos.
Let's be real my breh. Kane would have to be on one knee for Bryan to land a running knee in the first place.
And Kane would not have to shield the move as he does for all head based encounters.
Boy Bryan has his work cut out for him tonight.


So not worth it
Punk coming back as corporate stooge to crush Bryan at what's supposed to be his moment of ultimate triumph over The Authority would be flat-out amazing and you all know it. Yes, even you "I'd be happy if he never returned" folk. The angle would probably have an effect on you the most.

We can only hope this happens Boots.


I was thinking about the Austin/Dude Love feud earlier. It is a bit different since Foley could still go and was doing something new with his character, but the feud was also predicated on Vince's involvement, which was SUPER hot.

Bryan/Kane isn't an extension of Bryan/HHH.
Well Stephanie is at the heart of both angles so they tried


I was thinking about the Austin/Dude Love feud earlier. It is a bit different since Foley could still go and was doing something new with his character, but the feud was also predicated on Vince's involvement, which was SUPER hot.

Bryan/Kane isn't an extension of Bryan/HHH.

Bryan/Kane is (or should be) an extension of at least Bryan/Steph. Another way this match could be great tonight is Steph somehow getting involved. But that would mean Brie getting involved, which can be good if well done, there's a lot of people wanting to see that fight.

And even if it is not that hot, there's a lot of heat in Bryan vs Steph and that heat could really come into play when/if she drops the "I don't control the demon!" act at a crucial moment. There are ways to make this match work, I want to believe people are underestimating WWE thinking it will just be a Main Event level match with maybe a crazy bump. I think they will try to tell a compelling story there.


Please, I never want to see HHH and Punk together in the ring cutting promos again. Two guys who think they don't need a script, babbling on and on in circles into they get back on topic, only to trail off yet again, and so on, etc. Truly, truly, awful promos.

You're right, but they probably wouldn't have one-on-one 20 minute promos alone if they were on the same side.
Punk coming back as corporate stooge to crush Bryan at what's supposed to be his moment of ultimate triumph over The Authority would be flat-out amazing and you all know it. Yes, even you "I'd be happy if he never returned" folk. The angle would probably have an effect on you the most.

Yeah. Only way for him to come back in my opinion

Only other plan I could come up with is to turn his Pipe Bomb gimmick into overdrive, and break every rule in the book. Reference why he left. Mix real backstage politicking with storylines. Basically, have him stay stuff he really should never say on air. Turn him into an angry IWC fan. However, that would (probably) never fly, and even worse, it is a gimmick with a short lifespan, as he would have to top his previous pipe bomb week after week to make. Even worse, WWE would need an actively bad product to make the gimmick work - to give him something to complain about.

So yeah, first idea. Better. I am on that train.
They need a consummate professional who stays on message and can carry an angle.

That man is John Sina.

Succinct and to the point. Never a wasted word. Intelligent and articulate. Can adapt and improvise on the fly based on the crowd's reaction. Funny jokes.

Truly a master of the mic.


I love how Jericho and Punk both wore their HBK-approved Street Fight gear.

Knee pads over jeans is the only way we fight in tha streets.
You're right, but they probably wouldn't have one-on-one 20 minute promos alone if they were on the same side.

Fortunately in this case they can still play the "take your balls out of your wife's purse card" with Bryan and Brie which was of course the highlight of Phil and Paul's verbal encounters.


I think the "tabu" in "tabu john sina fuck.com" may have something to do with Taboo Tuesday, but I don't understand fuck.com or how those three things go together.

If it was a bot I don't think it would misspell John Cena.


So not worth it
I think the "tabu" in "tabu john sina fuck.com" may have something to do with Taboo Tuesday, but I don't understand fuck.com or how those three things go together.

If it was a bot I don't think it would misspell John Cena.

Clearly it's a misspelling of Sabu, for that Sabu and John Cener male on male fan-fiction.


I think the "tabu" in "tabu john sina fuck.com" may have something to do with Taboo Tuesday, but I don't understand fuck.com or how those three things go together.

If it was a bot I don't think it would misspell John Cena.

That's a Rafa search if I've ever seen one.


Clearly it's a misspelling of Sabu, for that Sabu and John Cener male on male fan-fiction.

Maybe "fuck.com" is some type of reference to the FU. This almost makes sense.

"Oh my God, John Sina hits the fuck.com! Tabu is out! One! Two! Three!"
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