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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Sheamus is on the pre show panel . Lol

Dang! :(

Now that Ziggler is a lost cause, we can start with "poor Sheamus"

Edit: New Paige!

I'm excited for the show, Bryan/Kane has had two fun matches this year already, hoping it lasts no longer than like 12 minutes though, longer than that would be ridiculous.

Is Wyatt/Cena the only match with a stipulation? I know the Triple Threat Elimination but anything that is "Extreme Rules".


I'm excited for the show, Bryan/Kane has had two fun matches this year already, hoping it lasts no longer than like 12 minutes though, longer than that would be ridiculous.

Is Wyatt/Cena the only match with a stipulation? I know the Triple Threat Elimination but anything that is "Extreme Rules".

Until they don't announce the stip for the evolution, shield match, people can hope they will build a second ring right then and there and have a war game.


Fuck da OT. My thoughts will be exclusively taped* in this very thread.

*I need to sleep and will not be watching live.
The OT threads get overrun by WWE stooges, Ithil and Aiii, constantly spinning any posts deemed detrimental to WWE and trying to recruit new viewers to WWE programming like two bike-mounted Mormon missionaries, only they're aren't even 1% as nice and polite as Mormon missionaries.

It's sad for me to see these newcomers duped by these unofficial WWE employees. If only they knew them the way all of us here know them.

Now I know why Ithil and Aiii love OT threads so much, it's a clean slate for them.


So not worth it
So speaking of impending disappointments, I have been getting well hyped for Star Wars ep VII. I have been binging The Clone Wars on Netflix and just finished S1, I have also started a reread of the Jedi Acadamy Trilogy.

Then again, I have been loving the ST reboot and Lawrence Kasdan is involved, so I remain cautiously optimistic.
Make way for the prediction time that brings the envy of Viewtiful JC who wishes his wrasslin' related writing could compare.


El Torito vs Hornswoggle
Sure you have a good old chuckle at the mere idea of this bout but consider that this could be a better TLC match than Cena/Orton from a few months ago and realize that maybe this isn’t so bad after all. El Torito is more over than Los Matadores so he should get the win for keeping their timewarp of a gimmick relevant in this reality era. Plus I’m sure we all want to see Hornswoggle put through a mini table.

R-Truth and Xavier Woods vs Lana’s lackey Rusev
I’d be surprised if this match can keep peoples NEMEYA or whatever that meowing esque word for attention was. Nothing on this card will make the experience feel more like Raw on a Sunday then Rusev squashing two jobbers like he’s Ryback lite from the Spring Squash season of two years ago, possibly with a double camel clutch which would look awkward as hell. At this stage I’m not even sure if Woods was supposed to be any good or not seeing as his Raw tenure is but a brief history of jobbing.

Swagger vs RVD vs Cesaro, aka The other client of the man whose client conquered the undertaker’s undefeated streak
Well I’ll be damned, it’s a genuine mid card feud centered around its own story and not anything to do with titles, I never thought I’d see the day again and then some people just complain that such a match exists, see this is why we don’t get midcard feuds you dummies. Swags and Zeb are peeved at the traitorous Cesaro who has betrayed them and by extension the United States to gamble on being the next Paul Heyman guy and hopefully fare better than Rybaxel did. RVD is caught in this tangled web of deceit courtesy of his placement in tournament brackets and the managerial conflict surrounding his opponents, what a wacky old yarn this is turning into. Should be a short and sweet bout that Cesaro wins to solidify his decision to become a Heyman mook and the triple threat format allows old man Dam to catch his breath in order to cycle through all those old spots you know and love, Swagger is also a man who participates in this match up.

Paige vs Tamina for the Divas Championship
For the first time in what seems to be an age we have a PPV Divas match without even a whiff of Total Divas about it which is a slight shuffle forward in the right direction but as it stands still time for one to shuffle closer to the restroom and relieve ones bladder. But who knows, maybe they’ll surprise me, or more likely Paige retains with the diva special that is the ancient art of rollup pinfalls, because you know she’s also a rookie against a larger opponent as well as it being a divas match which multiplies the likeliness of this finish by a large number.

Big E vs Bad News Barrett for the cursed IC title
Boy does this match leave me in a bind, I’m a mark for the bringer of bad news so ideally I want him to win this match and further his most successful run in years with the IC title in hand. But in reality the IC title does not work that way, it does not elevate the holder as it should, it instead hinders them like a weight across their shoulder that has them take the fall for those title lacking opponents being pushed in the level above them on episodes of Raw. Perhaps this title tournament was the first step in trying to give the belt some degree of worth once more which would be nice though seeing the last few years of booking that’s a longshot. I’ll take a chance on yet another IC reign for Barrett and hopefully they don’t cock it up this time (oh who am I kidding, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for your Barrett, next week you might as well not be around! *smug nod*).

Cena vs Bray Wyatt in a Steel Cage match
Well for those lamenting the lack of steel cages being used in a logical story sense these days then surprisingly Cena of all people has actually given a reason to bust out the cage in order to keep out those pesky Wyatt family members, why I’d almost believe they were a threat to his victory if Cena hadn’t handily trounced those odds and saved his legacy a few weeks back at WM30 but thanks for trying anyway Cena. Because WWE are all too masterful at ruining a good thing the build up for this match mostly consists of Bray singing his song every week to the point where it just looks plain silly especially seeing as he already got beat while Cena shifts back and forth between his emotional ranges of faux scared and standard Cena fare. Still all things considered I think Bray will actually take this victory, it means much less now seeing as Cena already overcame his inner demons on the grandest stage so he can take this loss with no harm done or character redevelopment ensuring the Cena status quo. Of course if Cena’s losing this match then it’s almost certainly because the Wyatt family will actually break into the cage and commence shenanigans which will successfully counteract the use of the cage in storyline context and weaken Bray’s victory even further, I’d expect nothing less from a John Cena match *salute*.

The Shield vs Evolution

I almost feel sorry for Batista, the guy comes back probably expecting a heroes welcome with a big push to boot yet finds the landscape of the WWE universe has changed since he was last around and the fans just have no real interest in seeing him, on top of this the state of his physical fitness has also changed so it’s a good thing he can wheeze on the apron for extended periods on this night as he wonders where it all went wrong. Orton still comes across as shifting through some sort of wrestling purgatory where his “big” unified title reign meant very little and he still comes across as more of a lackey to HHH than anything else, lone Viper my arse. Trips on the other hand has his second wind, reveling in his souped up heel character reinvented for the modern day, If Batista comes across as a guy who time has passed by then Hunter is the one who has kept up with father time and will drag his old chums along for the ride by delving back into the past funnily enough with Evolution, after all having the second best entrance theme behind Ministry Taker can’t hurt right?

The Shield betrayed all expectations by not actually betraying each other despite booking to indicate as such, truly a swerve there and I’d like to say we benefit from this as The Shield have maintained their spot as a consistent highlight of WWE since their debut, now with a fresher face role that allows Seth to flippy flop all over the place, Reigns to spam the same few moves and have me eat it up, then there’s Ambrose who just does Ambrose things which manages to work out just fine regardless. Since Ultimate H is in a giving mood I would not be surprised to see his team lose to the shield unless they want to extend this another month, I’ll gamble that the Shield take this one in another fun six man showdown.

THE KANE EVENT: Daniel Bryan vs Kane in 2014! For the WWE WHC in an Extreme Rules match
A tale of two potential matches here, pick your reality carefully friends.

- As Daniel Bryan emerges victorious from a gruelling gauntlet of a rivalry against the Authority he then finds himself facing a most fitting foe for his first defence, his former partner turned against him by the corruption of the authority, the monster Kane. Witness the conclusion to the epic Team Hell No saga that helped get Bryan over as the mega face he now is as he must tearfully engage the man he once hugged it out with in a manly bout of chaotic clashing weaponry, sick spots and intimidating monster no selling that makes you wonder if Bryan can truly vanquish such a beast. Through Hell NO and high water Bryan will have to strap on his working boots to put down the monster who brutally tombstoned him three times on varying surfaces of PAIN placing his reign in jeopardy, wrestling drama at its finest. When the dust settles who will be the survivor of this surprisingly fun four star worthy match up? And will they hug it out one last time? Get your hype ready!

- As Daniel Bryan emerges victorious from a gruelling gauntlet of a rivalry against the Authority he then finds himself facing a most filler like foe for his first defence, the hastily re-built up and lackluster choice of DEMON mode Kane. Witness the tepid beginning to what could be a make or break title reign for Bryan as he’s forced to deal with stupid wife involving storylines and an aged Kane who has a high chance of plodding around the ring going by the numbers for 20 minutes of chair shots to the ribs and trying to recapture the monster magic of a decade ago with silly looking no selling that makes you wonder why Bryan doesn’t just steamroll this old geezer already. Bryan will have to put on his working boots in order to drag a passable match up out of an old creeper who stupidly tried to kidnap his wife by bursting through the ring in a rehashed slow and cumbersome process when Bryan was a mere three seconds away and fully capable of simply kicking Kane in his doofus looking masked face, wrestlecrap at its finest. When the match mercifully concludes Bryan will have blatantly won dragging a two to three star match out of his opponent at best which probably contains awful clusterfuck booking of Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon.


So not worth it
The OT threads get overrun by WWE stooges, Ithil and Aiii, constantly spinning any posts deemed detrimental to WWE and trying to recruit new viewers to WWE programming like two bike-mounted Mormon missionaries, only they're aren't even 1% as nice and polite as Mormon missionaries.

It's sad for me to see these newcomers duped by these unofficial WWE employees. If only they knew them the way all of us here know them.

Now I know why Ithil and Aiii love OT threads so much, it's a clean slate for them.

What are you on about mate?


My predictions
Every match before the IC, I don't care.
Big E loses the title to BNB
Shield wins
DB wins, some shenanigans ensue to setup a feud for the next ppv

I'll have this on a small monitor, but will be watching hockey, sunday night baseball, GOT and Mad Men more closely.
Does nobody here remember what happened to NBA-GAF?

Your and Ithil's pro-WWE gimmick posts are *mostly tolerated here because they're checked and balanced by everyone else. In OT threads, you're allowed to run free and it's just not a pleasant reading experience for me.

*You're not as bad as Ithil, I'll give you that much
I visited Football (Soccer) GAF a few times, and they get angry and call everyone and everything a cunt each and every day.

We are friendly and welcoming community compared to my time there.

I posted a picture of Eva Carneiro there once, and that was nice.


So not worth it
Your and Ithil's pro-WWE gimmick posts are *mostly tolerated here because they're checked and balanced by everyone else. In OT threads, you're allowed to run free and it's just not a pleasant reading experience for me.

*You're not as bad as Ithil, I'll give you that much

I am pretty fair and balanced I will have you know!


My predictions:

Hornswoggle vs El Torito - I'll try to not like it to look cool, but I'll laugh along all the way and even admire some of the spots for real.

Rusev - All I want is for them two dudes to go down fighting and knocked out. If for some reason Rusev loses, I'd be cool with him skipping the super-monster phase straight to being a nice addition to the midcard.

Cesaro - Cesaro Wins.

Paige - Either Tamina botches something and Paige will have to leave the event straight for a hospital to maybe never come back to a ring or Paige Wins. I just hope they make use of the extreme rules to add something unexpected for a Diva's match, i.e., something like chairs and bumps through the announcer table, which is what we expect from male matches.

BNB - BNB Wins.

Cena - Videogame break. Go to sleep in case it's the last match.

Shield - Like with the Paige match, I'm just hoping they use the event as an opportunity for something unexpected and crazy to happen.

Bryan - Same as above. And even thought the cynicism runs high, I feel they are on the verge of making people care about this feud; a good match with good heel work by Kane and Steph can make this a memorable thing. Here's hoping.
Your and Ithil's pro-WWE gimmick posts are *mostly tolerated here because they're checked and balanced by everyone else. In OT threads, you're allowed to run free and it's just not a pleasant reading experience for me.

*You're not as bad as Ithil, I'll give you that much

At the very least Aiii has thick enough skin to not put us in his ignore list unlike Ithil.

Love him or think he's a psychotic weirdo, you gotta respect him.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, Clash of the Champions 2 is fantastic. Four Horsemen in full effect. Pretty fucking wild how badass they are.
Just Realized...

...if you bet on all the fav tonight with the UK Bookies right now in an accumulator, you can turn €10 into €39. That's not too bad with the crap odds of previous months.

BTW, the current faves are...

[*] Cesaro
[*] Rusev
[*] Paige
[*] Wade Barrett
[*] Evolution
[*] Bray Wyatt
[*] Daniel Bryan
[*] El Torito
I am pretty fair and balanced I will have you know!

Here's one of the few differences between you and Ithil's OT thread gimmick posting behavior:

Where you and Ithil will allow yourselves to disparage WWE's Diva's Division, the lone aspect of WWE you'll openly speak negatively about; if an outsider also disparages The Divas division, Ithil will see it as an attack on WWE as a whole and go into full Public Relations damage control mode and attack and discredit the poster, you'll let it go. Unless it's about AJ, or an NXT Diva.

That's the one aspect of your gimmicks where you differ.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
wonder what Sheamus did ? he was one of triple h's training buddies wasnt he ?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think there's a human being on the planet that's as much of a badass as Arn Anderson. God DAMN.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
That's what I'm thinking. Evolution all basically lost to Daniel Bryan, they need to get to their heat back and put this Evolution thing over as legit and not just a one-time nostalgia filler. Shield can take a L, aint gon hurt.

they lost clean to Wyatts though can they really take another loss to another stable ? in such short time (a temp one at that ? ) unless they are disbanding soon then the loss doesnt mean much anyway


Just Realized...

...if you bet on all the fav tonight with the UK Bookies right now in an accumulator, you can turn €10 into €39. That's not too bad with the crap odds of previous months.

BTW, the current faves are...

[*] Cesaro
[*] Rusev
[*] Paige
[*] Wade Barrett
[*] Evolution
[*] Bray Wyatt
[*] Daniel Bryan
[*] El Torito

Whilst it's true those are all fairly predictable and seem like easy money, the bookies had
Wyatt going over Cena at Mania as well, so no way am I risking a tenner on Cena doing the right thing.


they lost clean to Wyatts though can they really take another loss to another stable ? in such short time (a temp one at that ? ) unless they are disbanding soon then the loss doesnt mean much anyway

They can lose by shenanigans for months before looking bad. They only lost to the Wyatts because of infighting. Once they were together again, they won clean.
While I can see them losing tonight, it won't be clean.
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