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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Eliminators are pretty much everything I hate about indie wrestling except in the 90s.

Big spot, kick, big spot, big spot, kick, kick, big spot, pointless spot, big spot, kick, kick, kick, big spot, more unecessary twirls, kick, kick, saturn does a pretty elbow drop, tons of incredibly choreographed star wars prequel style double teams, total elimination
Watching Elimination Chamber from the beginning...did the commentators not know that this triple threat match was an elimination match? They seemed really lost when RVD pinned Swagger until Lilian announced Swagger was eliminated.

I think they messed up. Commentary team sounded even more shittier and disinterested than usual to be honest.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Dragon Kid is going to lose his mask.
YAMATO is going to pin the filthy gaijin in pink
Steel cage 6 way is going to be a cluster fuck. I don't know why anyone thought that was a good diea.

Nose Master

Shield / Evolution was the only match worth watching, really. Divas also, cause Paige. But that doesn't really count.

So what would people have wanted to see in the Cena/Wyatt bout? What would have made it entertaining and still keep to the theme?

Anything? It was like a Raw match. I was hoping/expecting for either Bray or Cena to have the opportunity to win and step back in to punish the other, but it didn't happen. Like, fuck. There wasn't a single good spot in that entire match. Just a shitty Cena match that happened to be in a cage.
Outside of the Shield match, that was a TNA level show. A triple threat elimination match where the announcers don't know it's an elimination match? Build to a handicap match where one guy is removed immediately resulting in a 1 on 1 match where we have already seen a squash match involving those two? Cena vs. Wyatt in whatever the fuck that was? Kane in a main event in 2014? An INSANELY long spot where Kane was beatdown with a tire iron, forklifted out to the ring, "dumped" into the ring, hit with a flying headbutt off the forklift, and that results in a near fall? Garbage
Today Abra Cadaver puts his 365 day title reign on the line against El Oso.

He's also unbeaten in matches outside at Cinco De Mayo #thenewstreak

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


This PPV was a great step torwards making me jaded and cynical.

It was all about people too good for their opponents; HHH and Orton were basically just walking around while Seth and Ambrose took crazy bumps (culminating in Seth's excellent spot at the end);
Paige did her best to be ragdolled around Tamina, but it was basically a more poor version of her matches with Alicia Fox and Aksana; even the interrupted match with Brie was better;
And then there's Kane, whose contribution was to be dead while Bryan very slowly opperated the forklift back into the ring; it's the kind of spot that looked cool in somebody's head and nobody bothered to say "no" to that. And after that horribly paced thing, Bryan did the amazing headbutt dive from the top of the forklift, which will look great on a highlight reel, but it was almost too cool for a match that was so freaking slow.

And then there's Cena who finished turning the former top heels who had created memorable moments and matches with both Daniel Bryan and the Shield into idiots. And Bray, as good as he is on the mic, isn't a top wrestler like Bryan, Rollins or Ambrose; without someone good his matches tend to just flop and Cena alternates between bad matches, bad acting, bad promos and then a surprisingly good match that no one sees it coming because their expectation for Cena is so low. So now you have two average workers, locked in a cage doing little more than the most average cage spots, with even Bray having giving up the psychology because he has a cardboard cutout to interact with anyway; the match was TNA level of horrible planning regarding how dumb the rules were and how dumb everyone looked by pretending walking out of a cage door and diving into the floor is really hard and then Cena won yet another 3 on 1 match like he has been consistently doing for a month, only to have an unintentional comedy relief to give Bray an insignificant win after losing.

WWE, I am disappoint.
That Wyatt/Cena/Little Johnny (Heidenreich behind the Wyatts? Little Jimmy's brother?) thing was incredibly stupid I mean, if they just had the kid, "sing" the song fine but they actively went the extra mile to make it so laughably early 90s level stupid, the backstage segment wasn't any better, especially when they forgot to either drop the pitch or kill the mic for voice over before the kid spoke. Never mind again the Cena makes them look ineffective once again because heels, unless you're Triple H, can't have a decisive victory over a face. Speaking of hokey shit, could they have telegraphed it any harder that there was going to be a car spot with having a crappy looking early 2000s Ford Taurus just sitting there in the back parked where it was for some reason? I couldn't even mark out for the flaming table spot because they had the fucking camera RIGHT THERE showing the gas cans which I guess you could say Kane for some reason placed them under there earlier in the day because, whatever. Then if that wasn't enough they have guys with fire extinguishers out there in plain camera view before he's even sets the fucking table up. I mean what the fuck?! I get they want to get that fire out ASAP but did someone not give them a notice to at least try to hide from the cameras? Would it have been an issue to hide against the ring with the extinguisher out of sight? Top it off we got Cole's (I'm surprised Lawler didn't do it since he's done several times in the past) fake gag/coughing reaction for the "gasoline", god I hate that. The opening match really set the tone tonight for a show that was largely a mess. Oh there was the IC match, I guess that was alright for what I saw but didn't care enough to actually pay attention. If I never see Tamina wrestle again a tear shall not be shed.

Shield/Evolution was the match of the night and I'm not sure if that's saying much but at least it had the best big spot of the night which was aided by not being needlessly seen coming from a mile away. I'm still trying to figure out how the Shield's "Triple Powerbomb" is supposed to be so much more devastating than if Reigns just powerbombed the guy himself outright when neither Ambrose or Rollins do anything to help make it look more devastating, just makes it look like he's not strong enough to get anyone up without assistance or too stupid to know how to do it alone so they have to set it up for him.

Maybe I'm just extra cranky because I'm really tired and it's nearly 4am but overall this show was barely average at best if I was feeling generous. I could bitch more if I wanted to but I'd rather just go pass out.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jesus, I can't believe Paul Heyman tried to build a company around Sabu. Tried to make him a star. What's the point of a high flyer if he botches all the fucking time? I always thought Sabu was just beat down and that's why he botched so much, but he's fucking up all over the place in his prime. He's fucking worse than Sin Cara.

Of all the ECW 'main event' guys, I think Taz is the only one that I liked. And that's sad.

Should have given Tajiri or Psicosis Sabu's gimmick. Worthless piece of shit.


The worse thing about this PPV is thinking some of this won't stop. Some of those people will move on to better feuds, hopefully: Cesaro, Paige and BNB.
But then Daniel Bryan keeps lost in a top card without any heels, his thing with Kane apparently still going.
And this fucking Cena thing have just gotten fuel to drag for who knows how long, because now this feud is more on the middle of nowhere than ever with Bray getting his first victory after almost three months; now it would be a good time for Cena to make a comeback against a Bray who defeated him at wrestlemania and kept him in a downward spiral the month after so Bray could have been defeated only after he dragged Cena thorugh hell, but no, he got his first victory just now and they won't drop this until Cena actually wins in the end, which they really shouldn't, Cena is supposed to win this, but goddamn now this will drag.

I'm cranky, wrasslin' made me cranky, I'm almost off to find a new hobby. Bryan got me into this and now Cena is kicking me out.
reading the comments... wasn't this shit supposed to be better than WM? AH, you guys got suckered into thinking things would get better.

they never do, why would 2014 be different.

Jeff Jarrett will have to save wrasslin. again.
reading the comments... wasn't this shit supposed to be better than WM? AH, you guys got suckered into thinking things would get better.

they never do, why would 2014 be different.

Jeff Jarrett will have to save wrasslin. again.

ER has been better than Wrestlemania the past couple of years, but the writing was on the wall with this card. Some people around here tried to claim ER's card was pretty good, but that's a bunch of bullshit. The match-ups were bad and/or uninteresting, plain and simple (minus one match). What was surprising was how sloppy and convoluted so much of it was.


*deep breath*

Ok, I'm calm now, I probably won't walk out of wrestling like CM Punk did, but I do think RAW today has very little to offer me, it either isn't offering me nothing to be interested about or stuff I actively don't want to waste my time on. I'll probably still tune in, if not tonight, then tomorrow, but this is the first time where I'm not watching a RAW because I'm excited for what might happen.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Elijah the Spellbinder and Brakus are still alive.

How is that even possible. WARLORD IS TOO. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW

Edit: The more I watch ECW, the more I'm glad I didn't watch it as a kid. Like, WCW ages poorly, but I've still got some fond memories. About 90% of this ECW stuff in its 'prime' is shit. The only things I like are Taz's matches(not his promos though), The Dudleyz(just D-von and Bubba), Tajiri, Psicosis, Dawn Marie's incredible body, and Mike Awesome. Oh and Spike getting the shit beat out of him. Raven has the Orton problem where I can't take him seriously because he's trying too hard to be cool. Sabu is a joke. RVD is better than he is now, but he's still boring, and the matches with Lynn just feel like they have no story purpose other than 'lookit these guys.' Lance Storm is nowhere near as good as he thinks he is. Shane Douglas is the worst thing on the planet. He's a poor man's Jeff Jarrett. Let me repeat myself, SHANE DOUGLAS IS A POOR MAN'S JEFF JARRETT. Cactus Jack was special in WWF/WCW because he felt so out of place. He's just another knob who hits people with stuff here.


Elijah the Spellbinder and Brakus are still alive.

How is that even possible. WARLORD IS TOO. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW

Edit: The more I watch ECW, the more I'm glad I didn't watch it as a kid. Like, WCW ages poorly, but I've still got some fond memories. About 90% of this ECW stuff in its 'prime' is shit. The only things I like are Taz's matches(not his promos though), The Dudleyz(just D-von and Bubba), Tajiri, Psicosis, Dawn Marie's incredible body, and Mike Awesome. Oh and Spike getting the shit beat out of him. Raven has the Orton problem where I can't take him seriously because he's trying too hard to be cool. Sabu is a joke. RVD is better than he is now, but he's still boring, and the matches with Lynn just feel like they have no story purpose other than 'lookit these guys.' Lance Storm is nowhere near as good as he thinks he is. Shane Douglas is the worst thing on the planet. He's a poor man's Jeff Jarrett. Let me repeat myself, SHANE DOUGLAS IS A POOR MAN'S JEFF JARRETT. Cactus Jack was special in WWF/WCW because he felt so out of place. He's just another knob who hits people with stuff here.

I remember watching their first couple of matches and thinking that wrestling must have passed me by, because people raved about those and all I saw was a spotfest with a bunch of downtime inbetween each while they set up chairs or whatever.

ECW was definitely one of those things where you had to be there. To read about it in old Apter mags and then find it on a local channel at like 2:30 am on a Saturday and actually see that these dudes were doing stuff you hadn't seen yet in WWF/WCW was definitely interesting, but I can't imagine going in as a new viewer now and getting anything out of it aside from satisfying curiosity. Aside from a handful of matches with dudes who became staples elsewhere, anyway.
You are about to watch Cena vs. Wyatt, all your optimism will be crushed
i just finished watching it

wtf did i just see

the whole wyatt family looks like a pack of goobers, even in victory. CENA LOSING TO A DEMON CHILD is so goddamn WCW

yeah, not good. garbage all around.

ohhhhhh shit, Paige is wrasslin' in DMs. whether or not it's a good idea, i dig!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
something, something Davey Richards.

difference being, it's within the first 4 seconds of the match

Dreamer sucks so bad. He's got all these fucking awesome finishers he doesn't deserve, and he can't do any of them right. Who decided Tommy Dreamer should be the technical wrestler who does piledrivers, ddts, and emerald fusions? He has no style. I don't know what he's supposed to be. He's not a power wrestler, he's not technical, he's not a brawler. He's nothing but lame.


Outside of the Shield match, that was a TNA level show. A triple threat elimination match where the announcers don't know it's an elimination match? Build to a handicap match where one guy is removed immediately resulting in a 1 on 1 match where we have already seen a squash match involving those two? Cena vs. Wyatt in whatever the fuck that was? Kane in a main event in 2014? An INSANELY long spot where Kane was beatdown with a tire iron, forklifted out to the ring, "dumped" into the ring, hit with a flying headbutt off the forklift, and that results in a near fall? Garbage

If TNA had done any of that stuff, there would be nothing but LOLTNA gonna TNA posts, and constant gifs of Cena and the kid or Bryan driving.a forklift with people totally ignoring anything good about the show.
I've gotta bring some happiness back to this thread dammit

My trip to Osaka is done; I'm at the airport now waiting to check in.

This was the best trip I've ever been on.

Also Jesus Christ Extreme Rules was fun y'all are nuts


Not watching Raw tonight. Doing yoga between 730 and 9pm and then gonna watch Ring of Honor for an hour before bed. And I'll be a happier person for it.


Comparing the show to late era WCW? It's a show most of you either got included in your subscription to a TV channel or you stole via an illegal stream. It was entertaining throughout the duration. It was fine for what it was. Some of you take this shit way too seriously. It's a goofy wrestling show. Just laugh and move on.


Also, can we agree that Cena has poisoned The Wyatts' gimmick? Bryan and The Shield had no problems making The Wyatts look good but still look good themselves. Cena? Awful acting, awful booking, just awful awful awful.

I wonder how much input Cena had on this feud. Did he just do what they booked for him, or did he say "yeah, yeahn but what if I do THIS..."

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Never watched him growing up, but Papa Shango's fucking cool. He looks awesome. His gimmick is awesome. He's legit 2spooky, and he plays the gimmick up well. He looks convincing in the ring, and his finisher's badass.

Much better gimmick than Fighting Machine. Would have loved to see him and Undertaker in like a year long 'will they or won't they' confrontation instead of just feeding him to Undertaker.

Comparing the show to late era WCW? It's a show most of you either got included in your subscription to a TV channel or you stole via an illegal stream. It was entertaining throughout the duration. It was fine for what it was. Some of you take this shit way too seriously. It's a goofy wrestling show. Just laugh and move on.

lol it's the ghost of 'you cheap pirating fucks' TNA superfan


I wonder whose bright idea it was to have a spot that made Cena literally stronger than Harper and Rowan, two monster guys, combined.


So not worth it
How did you guys not expect SuperCen?

Is SuperCena not SuperCena in every SuperCena match? And Twice as much SuperCena in gimmick matches like SuperCena Steel Cage Matches?

I am shocked you are legit shook by Cena no-selling and defeating three people only to be bested by a little kid. This is exactly how you defeat SuperCena. Well played Bray Wyatt, well fucking played.


He is SuperCena, but this was on a level not seen in a long time At WM30 he made a super comeback and won, but this match he basically just beat the whole Wyatt Family five times in row, with ease, before losing via walking out a door.

Usually it's "get beaten up for the whole match, no sell it and win", this one he dominated the whole match.
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