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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


I wonder whose bright idea it was to have a spot that made Cena literally stronger than Harper and Rowan, two monster guys, combined.

Vince read JR's blog post about how Bray shouldn't win by escaping and was like, "I'll fix his little wagon."


new page


I thoroughly enjoyed Extreme Rules. The Cena match wasn't brill, but that's to be expected at this point. I really don't see how the forklift is anything like TNA, maybe like something out of the late 90s but not in a bad way, to me. I'm glad they played up the fact that it was Extreme Rules, even if it did end up with some telegraphed and hokey spots. Aside from Cena just being dull, I thought it was good fun throughout.


The ending to the Cener match means they'll go one more PPV. Which I assume Cena wins and ends the feud. Where would Bray even go next?


Kane /Bryan was better than it had any right to be. Same with midget fight.

Overall the PPV was more than different enough from a regular show to amuse me.


In the end, I don't think it was a bad show overall, SuperCena just really got me under my skin because of the sheer potential wasted with the Wyatts now, they could have been this mysterious wild card targeting people for a long time; their psychological gimmick also meant that faces could walk away from him while losing: Bryan lost the match, but he "won" by turning against Bray during the Usos match; The Shield lost two out of three tough matches, but they "won" by overcoming their own issues and not breaking up.

Bray could really be this kind of real hard to beat monster used in the top to mid card specifically to adress some kind of wrestler midlife crisis. Since they have a talent of forcing themselves into any opponent by teleportation, they also had this thing where they could torment anyone, creating easy and quick "overcoming self doubt" scenarios.

But this is past, now. The 3 big fat doofus aren't worthy of feuding with Ziggler, Kofi or Rey Mysterior without making them look dumb, because hey, you are being screwed by the guys who were defeated multiple times while having advantage in numbers and while cheating. And the slow painful death of this character will now go on for who knows how long. It's not a pleasant thing to watch, it's the opposite of fun.

The rest, tho, I'm less shook, Paige will have her good matches, Tamina as the not-AJ served her function of getting the rematch out of the way; Big E can now do his thing without the belt and BNB has a chance to overcome the belt curse as long as he doesn't have to get pinned by Cena's enemies so Cena can lose without losing. Cesaro hopefully got Swagger out of the way, so now he can begin to do whatever the plan is for him. So the PPV was good to advance several scenarios torwards better ones.

Kane and Bryan will keep dragging and it will suck, but now they have more time and (hopefully) less personal stuff to build a proper title reign. So yeah, nice matches, if not great, cool spots here and there, storylines advancing, I can see myself getting interested again in RAW tonight while I can ignore the neon green elephant in the room.

But it's hard to get this taste out of my mouth that characters who I really enjoyed and thought were interesting and could generate good feuds were just sacrificed like this. This is one field where you can't just generate talent on the fly, like you can hire actors today, give them a script and tomorrow you have a new character. You can't just write in a wrestler like this, a person need to be trained, need to have a certain kind of specific skills, needs to be an actor on top of that, needs to connect with the live audience; a bunch of different things have to be aligned to have an interesting character in wrestling. And then they got a stable of three of them, and they threw then into a trash can named John Cena.

I'll stop ranting now, overall was a good show, was a really good show given it's already on the subscription of a Network I'm enjoying a lot for its past library, and again, storylines were advanced and interesting people are now open to start new interesting storylines. What was good about the show was pretty good, but it gets hard to see the glass half full when the bad was so detrimental to the overall product.
The Cena match was pure TNA. The title match was more WWF 1998 style madness.

eh. if it was Cena on that forklift gif you'd be calling it "pure TNA".

What? Too many handsprings for your taste, or just the whole lucha style in general?

too many flips.

i prefer the toned down lucha in 1998 WCW over the pure flippy mexican stuff.


Like I have been saying if Cena would turn heel the Wyatt angle would pay off. Unfortunately I do not see it happening. I mean The Rock pulled it off, I am pretty sure Cena could and it wouldn't destroy his out of ring persona.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So which match was Extreme Rules' Match of the Night? Evolution/Shield, right? Right?!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Somewhere in the Evolution/Shield match Ambrose's belt started to come off. Did Tumblr's underwear catch fire?


Somewhere in the Evolution/Shield match Ambrose's belt started to come off. Did Tumblr's underwear catch fire?

If only it was Roman Reigns. I did not like RR's Edge gimmick while waiting for the spear, he should just stay beautiful and stare at the camera saying "baby girl" until the other guy gets up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If only it was Roman Reigns. I did not like RR's Edge gimmick while waiting for the spear, he should just stay beautiful and stare at the camera saying "baby girl" until the other guy gets up.

I thought he was staying beautiful 24/7.

Evolution carried that match for those young fellows. Not to say Shield didn't do their part as spot monkeys, but overall it worked real well. Now where the heck does it go from here?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
All Clash of the Champions are up on the Network.



I thought he was staying beautiful 24/7.

Evolution carried that match for those young fellows. Not to say Shield didn't do their part as spot monkeys, but overall it worked real well. Now where the heck does it go from here?


C'mon man, Ambrose rolled downstairs, Rollins jumped out of a balcony into unprotected concrete, Roman Reigns rested with Batista so neither of them had to overwork. They totally did their part.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
C'mon man, Ambrose rolled downstairs, Rollins jumped out of a balcony into unprotected concrete, Roman Reigns rested with Batista so neither of them had to overwork. They totally did their part.

The very definition of spot monkeys, but yes they did. I'm not taking anything away from them, but boy, Evolution put them over HARD.


So, my WWE Network didn't renew.

I think WWE aks Paypal for the billing adress now and since I'm outside the US it refuses it. I tried a bunch of times but to no avail.

Any non-american run with this problem and got a solution? I have no idea what to do.


people over thinking

here is a picture of HHH with a Parrot


A friend I hadn't seen in ~7y or so was visiting last week, I showed him a photo of when I was at a wedding in a tux. He goes, "you look kinda like HHH in that" and this parrot photo was the first thing I thought of. :(


So not worth it
So, my WWE Network didn't renew.

I think WWE aks Paypal for the billing adress now and since I'm outside the US it refuses it. I tried a bunch of times but to no avail.

Any non-american run with this problem and got a solution? I have no idea what to do.

Working fine for me, but didn't you have payment issues last month? Could be they just blocked your Paypal because you were shit about paying from there.

Have you tried a prepaid creditcard instead?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
someone should review COC 23.

Vader, Sid and Rude vs Dustin, Davey and Sting. also, Flair and Arn vs Hollywood Blondes 2 out of 3 falls tag. good shit.

I watched the first two last night and they were goddamn great. I love CotC, it really felt like a big event. Sweet fucking 80s music too in the interstitial things.


A friend I hadn't seen in ~7y or so was visiting last week, I showed him a photo of when I was at a wedding in a tux. He goes, "you look kinda like HHH in that" and this parrot photo was the first thing I thought of. :(

Shit you must have looked bad ass!


So, my WWE Network didn't renew.

I think WWE aks Paypal for the billing adress now and since I'm outside the US it refuses it. I tried a bunch of times but to no avail.

Any non-american run with this problem and got a solution? I have no idea what to do.

I saw an update for the WWE app on my phone. It said it had expanded to more countries.


I'm halfway through my wrestlemania review, it really is time consuming, I'm thinking of finishing it whenever I can during the week and then starting next week to organize myself to do X every day so I can have it being a weekly thing.


Working fine for me, but didn't you have payment issues last month? Could be they just blocked your Paypal because you were shit about paying from there.

Have you tried a prepaid creditcard instead?

It worked for me last month but now it got refused. But if it's working for you maybe it's on my side. On paypal are you using your own billing adress or an American one?

I think last month WWE didn't ask paypal for the billing adress, maybe I'm wrong.
C'mon man, Ambrose rolled downstairs, Rollins jumped out of a balcony into unprotected concrete, Roman Reigns rested with Batista so neither of them had to overwork. They totally did their part.

Look at who you're talking to. Of course he's gonna say that Deacon Batista, Terra Ryzing and Randy Orton carried The Shield to an awesome match.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Wonder when we'll start getting some WCW Saturday Night on the Network. Specifically the early years when it was WCW's flagship show. Probably not until after Nitro starts going up, I'd assume.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Look at who you're talking to. Of course he's gonna say that Deacon Batista, Terra Ryzing and Randy Orton carried The Shield to an awesome match.

I won't have you talking mess about the Deacon.

Man whatever happened to the Freakin' Deacon?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wonder when we'll start getting some WCW Saturday Night on the Network. Specifically the early years when it was WCW's flagship show. Probably not until after Nitro starts going up, I'd assume.

Saturday Night is actually even more interesting in the peak WCW years when they had nearly a 200 man roster.
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