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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


No One Remembers

Holy shit, Teddy Long looks so sad :(

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
According to F4WOnline.com, WWE necromancers are hard at work on reviving Chris Candido to reform The Bodydonnas. Tom Prichard and Tammy Lynn Sytch have already been contacted and are waiting to finalize their deals with the WWE. The plan as of right now is that they will challenge The Usos at Payback for the WWE tag team titles.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sorry for your loss. If Bateaster really leaves and doesn't come back, this will be up there with Warrior in WCW for terrible returns.

He's done good work. He put over Bryan and the Shield. Making new stars.


He's done good work. He put over Bryan and the Shield. Making new stars.

Going over a mutant looking, heavy breathing Bateaster doesn't make anyone look good. And to top it off, Bateaster was never a big star anyway. I don't know why they thought he'd bring Rock like ratings. He's not main stream at all and was on Smackdown for the majority of his run on top, which no one was watching. Sorry, boss. Batista has been a terrible embarrassment.


So not worth it
I'm not sorry for your loss. If Bateaster really leaves and doesn't come back, this will be up there with Warrior in WCW for terrible returns.

I have to agree on this, Batista has had a terrible return so far. But oddly enough I can really understand him. From the day he returned nothing turned out right. For one he got boo'd out of the building at the Rumble. For another they (allegedly) promised him a headline spot and title win at Mania, only to have it snatched away from him by Bryan (rightfully so, but imagining Batista's position here that must suck) and to boot he gets paid shit all because of some stupid Network that won't be making money for WWE (let alone the talent) for another year or so.

And the guy is a blockbuster headlining movie star!


I have to agree on this, Batista has had a terrible return so far. But oddly enough I can really understand him. From the day he returned nothing turned out right. For one he got boo'd out of the building at the Rumble. For another they (allegedly) promised him a headline spot and title win at Mania, only to have it snatched away from him by Bryan (rightfully so, but imagining Batista's position here that must suck) and to boot he gets paid shit all because of some stupid Network that won't be making money for WWE (let alone the talent) for another year or so.

And the guy is a blockbuster headlining movie star!

Let's wait for GOTG to be a huge hit before we start calling him a blockbuster headlining movie star. I still have my doubts on that, even though I went from negative hype to pretty stoked for it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Popular finishers that "other people did them better"

Disco Inferno's Chartbuster > Steve Austin's Stunner


If you didn't like Bray vs. Sina I honestly don't think you enjoy this here sport of professional wrasslin'. It's still swirling through my head the next day.


So not worth it
Let's wait for GOTG to be a huge hit before we start calling him a blockbuster headlining movie star. I still have my doubts on that, even though I went from negative hype to pretty stoked for it.

Well, I suppose there is a chance it could bomb, but with the marketing they'll no doubt put behind that I find it unlikely.

Besides, Chris Pratt is awesome and he should have all the success he can get!
Ah, man. Last night was amazing. It was my first WWE event and I'd like to say that it was a pretty awesome event live. I'm not sure how it transitioned into TV but the crowd ate it up. My sister and I had the time of our lives.

Yo, I'm so used to seeing these wrestlers on TV that seeing them in real life was a real shock; they're really huge in real life! :lol The crowd around me was a perfect mix of smarks, marks, and Little Jimmies...

El Torito vs. Hornswoggle:

I didn't get to see this match too well due to my parents calling me because they couldn't get their lamp to work. I spent many minutes trying to tell them which buttons to press, to try and use a different lightbulb, to try and refresh the page buy a new light, etc. Eventually, they were able to get some light so then I was able to watch the match myself! The crowd loved the mini-broadcast team and I'll have to look around on the net to see how that turned out on TV. Over all, it was a little entertaining match that the Little Jimmies loved. One of them behind me asked their mom, "Are they dwarves?" To which the mother laughed and answered, "Yes." Classic 'cism. There will be more 'cism in this review.

Cesaro vs. RVD vs. Jack Swaggie

The crowd LOVED Heyman. Fuck. Seeing him live, I have a newfound respect for the man. He really knows how to have the crowd eat from the palm of his hands. Cesaro's theme sucks ass but the Little Jimmies LOVE doing his machine gun arm taunt. Cesaro vs. RVD was pretty beast. A lot of people like giving RVD shit for being, well, one dimensional, but I'm glad I was able to see him live. Pretty solid match, and I'm real happy to see that Cesaro's headed for good places.

Rusev vs. ...The Black People

Let's talk about Lana for a second. Lana is good for the business. Lana is a wonderful woman. Lana is the whole package. Lana is the perfect mix of class and sexiness. Lana has one of the best themes. That's some Soul Calibur shit, fam. That's some epic assed Kratos is gonna rip your testicles out and feed it to you with scrambled eggs shit, fam. That's some Studying For Your Test and Ace-ing That Shit The Next Day music.


The match was pretty much predictable. USA chants here and there, Little Jimmies behind me telling Lana and Rusev to, and I quote, "Go back to Russia! We don't care about you! John Cena can beat you in five seconds!" I shook my head at this but in a few months, Rusev may as well be jobbing to Cener. Some drunk dudebros tried to start a "Lana/We Want Lana" chant and I'm not sure if that was heard on TV.

Bad News Barrett vs. Big E

Barrett has it. The style (fuck that cape was glorious), the moves, the mic skills, and from what I hear, the crowd loves him. Poor Big E. I want to like the dude, but his charismatic twitter identity ain't on screen at all. The Jimmies loved both of these wrestlers, and it was pretty funny seeing three white Little Jimmies doing Big E's trademark slapping taunt. I hope the IC belt will have more meaning in the WWE now that Barrett has it.

The Shield vs. Evolution

AKA Batista lays in the ring for 10 minutes, which isn't seen on television I suppose, and rests while Seth Rollins gets closer to killing himself outside. Roman Reigns' spear looks even sexier in real life. Hell, that Superman Punch is too. Pretty great match that the crowd loved. I felt bad when Holy Shit chants started because there were so many Little Jimmies around, and I caught one of them chanting along. :( Tough world we live in, brehs.

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena

Wyatt's entrance is crazy live. People swayed their cellphones with their flashlight on (you know I did it too) as that went on and I wish I could have made a proper recording of it all. Felt good actually contributing to the "Cena sucks" chants, dueling with the Little Jimmies and the women of Tumblr. The smarks infront of me tried making a Husky Harris chant a thing but thank the God who tagged with Shawn Michaels that didn't catch any steam. But, we did try chanting "Thank You Harper" and "Thank You Rowan" whenever those two prevented Cena from leaving the cage. And, I'd like to think we were responsible for starting the first "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" sing along of that match.

Paige vs. Tamina Snuka

The hell kind of theme does Tamina have? It sounds so ass live. A lot of us were expecting AJ to interfere. Hell, that's what I thought before I went into the arena. But, Paige winning clean definitely adds to her credibility on the WWE roster. Great theme, great look, great moveset, she's really hitting it big really early in her WWE career. I think the only problem she has is that not many people (or at least the ones around me), knew her too much. Dudebros behind me said, "I don't know about that Paige chick. She kinda has a Hot Topic and Suicide Girl look to her. She's alright I guess." Damned dudebros. The same dudebros were talking about Al Sharpton for some reason during this match. I had to turn and give them a look, and they laughed nervously. Well. Alright.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

Bryan is a damned star. Kane is fucking HUGE. Kane's pyro is loud. News at 11. Little Jimmies around me nearly threw their heads off chanting YES. The forklift spot was a little slow to the start but it paid off once they reached the ring. The ECW chant was fun when Kane lit the table on fire. There were Dr. Shelby chants here and there throughout the match and I really have to say, I'd much rather these two hug it out. :( But, Kane's in his monster phase and his comic relief phase won't be too far away.

Finishing Notes:

I ended up purchasing a Warrior shirt (One of the best shirts out there IMO and I guess the timing is right) in a Large. I'm an XL but shit, that's motivation to get in shape. I also bought a YES foam arm and an Uso shirt for my mother since she marks for the Usos for some odd reason. Bray Wyatt sheep masks went out of stock so fast. I'll get one next time whenever WWE heads to my area.

I'm not sure if it was on TV, but Lillian Garcia was starting the show and her mic cut off randomly. Crowd boo'd, dudebros tried a "You Fucked Up" chant, to which I saw a father and a mother get angry about. Really dudes, there are kids watching...

Crowd loved the Adam Rose promo. I'm not sure at all how Adam Rose will fare in the WWE but I hope he will be entertaining! Oh, and on my way out of the arena...

...I spotted the Exotic Express! A dude walking behind me asked, "Do you think there's a party going on in that bus right now?" Yeah, dude. There's a party going on alright. But, that party ain't PG.

There was a really uncomfortable moment that happened in the crowd. I think a dudebro bumped into a hairy fat guy with a sheep mask or something, to which the hairy guy yelled, "Don't fuck with me, man. I'll stab the fuck out of you!" The dudebro said, "Chill, man. You sound like you're serious." To which the hairy guy said, "I'm dead fucking serious!" The dudebro apologized and some other people tried starting a "Stab That Man" chant. Little Jimmies joined in the chant too, which...was pretty bad if anything ended up happening. :lol

Over all, it was a pretty neat experience. I'm glad my boss gave me free tickets and I'm gonna definitely try going to more live events, work schedule permitting.


So not worth it

WWE is 12 years old today!


They should have just made it WFW, the World Federation of Wrestling.

At least people could pronounce WFW without forgetting to pronounce the last letter. 12 years later and we still get at least one person every Raw saying WW instead of WWE.


Popular finishers that "other people did them better"

Disco Inferno's Chartbuster > Steve Austin's Stunner

Kanyon's Kanyon Cutter > DDP's Diamond Cutter
Kane's Tombstone > Taker's Tombstone
Johnny B. Badd's Punch > Big Show's Punch
Emma's Powerbomb > Batista Bomb
Saturn's DVD > FU

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fun writeup Spindashing. Also reminds me, Barret's cape was MAJESTIC AS FUCK. It was amazing.

Kanyon's Kanyon Cutter > DDP's Diamond Cutter
Kane's Tombstone > Taker's Tombstone
Johnny B. Badd's Punch > Big Show's Punch
Emma's Powerbomb > Batista Bomb
Saturn's DVD > FU

Always had a soft spot for Saturn's DVD. Loved it. I also agree with Kane's tombstone as well.

Nice try with that Emma shit. You shit shit shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I can't handle this Fabulous Freebirds breakup.
Precious where are you we're leaving


Some Interesting news:

There are many WWE talents that are currently upset over money and pay. No more details are available yet.

This appears to be part of what's going on with Batista. It's said that Batista's problem is not with Daniel Bryan. Batista isn't happy with how things he was told would happen when he came in have been changed. It was said that the money isn't that great and when you have money like he does, it makes it easier to leave, as we saw with CM Punk. Batista was scheduled to take time off in June any way and he had decided to just leave a few weeks early.

We noted before that WWE officials spent Sunday trying to talk him into working with Bryan at Payback. We noted early Sunday via PWInsider that backstage at Extreme Rules, Batista was giving the impression that he might stick around through Payback. The last word on his status for Payback came just a few hours before his match last night and word is that "it wasn't looking good."

Batista not getting that money so he is leaving early and that's the reason why and not putting over Bryan.

Vince wants that match so they have Monday to convince to stay and if not they have to have a plan B that's not name Kane.

Also, WWE get your act together in PPV bonus pay.


My friends and I were providing ourselves with a lot entertainment last night at RVD's expense.

"His body demensions are bizarre and don't make sense in nature."

"If you put Paul Heyman in a singlet you wouldn't be able to tell the difference"

And I snapped this flattering still.
Yeah. I have to agree, Saturn's DVD was pretty beast. FU's really tame.

Yooo, that was caught on TV!? Nice! Sort of hoped the cameras weren't on Kane. That's awful. :lol

Great recap Spin!! Any good pics?

My photos ended up being way too blurry, but I do have some to share:


Batista and Reigns resting in the ring, gassed out I guess while Rollins was killing himself in the name of Vince McMahon.

The end of the Cena vs. Wyatt match.

The start of the Paige vs. Tamina match.



Really jelly, spindashing!

You look like you had a great time! Great view of the ring, too! The photos are very cool, it's all so real!

I wanna watch some wrasslin' live, brothers! :(

Edit: Watching Total Divas and damn, Emma getting that Total Divas rub.


Here's the thing I don't understand about the Cena/Wyatt cage match.

If Cena's original psychology around suggesting a cage match was to keep people out, why would Cena want to win by escaping the cage?
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