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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Stro I think you need a Kanyon avatar.

I hate seeing your soul broken, I'm on a quest to find something. anything. anything. FUCK. Dammit Stro! We have to save him!


I just thought...more Kanyon...any Kanyon would be something. :(

Fuck, we need to find something to buoy your spirits. Maybe a Mortis marathon?

Kanyon annihilated Ric on the phone, made him look like a FOOL. Kanyon was the bomb.

All it did was make me feel bad for Kanyon and lower my opinion of Flair. I never liked Stern. Too mean spirited even for a grumpy asshole like me. Ric was clearly towing the company line, but being needlessly dickish about it. Mortis was cool as fuck. Only expensive psychiatric care can help me. Seeing all my favorite wrestlers dead or borked can't help.

I'm at that level of depression where I spend most of the day lying down until my body hurts from it. Then I sit up for a bit until my back hurts. Then lie back down. All day. All the while wondering if I can will some terrible disease so I can have less guilt about suicide.

But if someone wants to put a Mortis mask on my avatar, I'd be much obliged.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
All it did was make me feel bad for Kanyon and lower my opinion of Flair. I never liked Stern. Too mean spirited even for a grumpy asshole like me. Ric was clearly towing the company line, but being needlessly dickish about it. Mortis was cool as fuck. Only expensive psychiatric care can help me. Seeing all my favorite wrestlers dead or borked can't help.

I'm at that level of depression where I spend most of the day lying down until my body hurts from it. Then I sit up for a bit until my back hurts. Then lie back down. All day. All the while wondering if I can will some terrible disease so I can have less guilt about suicide.

But if someone wants to put a Mortis mask on my avatar, I'd be much obliged.

Are the people in the mental health thread any help at all?


No One Remembers
Man it was weird hearing Ricardo introduce Del Rio in English

E: just saw the commercial for the new Orton movie. LoL @ Cena not getting that gig.


God, Java is the fucking worst. EVERY DAY I get pop ups about needing to update and the latest update that had a gaping security hole got all the computers on my network full of viruses. And now almost every site that uses JAVA gives me a pop up saying it is insecure and needs to be updated. And when you update...nothing fucking changes. What a terrible company Oracle is. This shit has been going on for nearly 3 months.
Guys, I'm playing through the original Bioshock right now and I'm loving it! Just got through the infamous "twist". I got it for free with Infinite on PS3.

How do you guys like it? And how would you say Infinite compares to it? More open or linear? Stats progression wise? Difficulty? Are Vita chambers still in?

I think I'll be done with it by tomorrow, and really looking forward to playing Infinite.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ok I might be very tardy to this, but didn't Heyman say WWE doesn't like the word HATE? Wasn't it last year that Kane was telling Cena to embrace the hate numerous times?!?!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Inventing a rule just to break it. Extreme.

considering this whole storyline started over Brock being mad Raw wasn't called WWE Raw Supershow starring Brock Lesnar, nothing surprises me.

edit: lets try to forget Brock was stuck under his Big Johnny contract, left the company, then returned under his old storyline contract that Triple H had to approve since he's COOOOOO


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
why the fuck did Swagger/Coulter interrupt a segment between 2 people not even in the title picture just to talk shit about a #1 contender match that neither Show or Orton was in.


why couldn't Long make a tag match with Swagger Sheamus and Show on 1 team because those 3 don't have beef with each other right now anyway

edit: of course Sheamus has to be a dick and attack people with an international object.

If the Shield can beat Cena what shot would the Usos have? Why even come to the ring?

why does the ref ring the bell before the 2nd guy is ready? that's like totally unfair.
I have had a change of heart. I think Sunflower's plan to get more wrestling topics into the OT is a good one, therefore I will be making one in the morning.


It should be titled: Wrestling legit shakes happiness from viewers

And then post a bunch of quotes from me. And then we can work the marks to think I jumped off the Titan Tron, but it will all be a SWERVE and I'll hit whoever is being the biggest dick towards wrestling fans with a Kanyon Cutter. BANG!
It should be titled: Wrestling legit shakes happiness from viewers

And then post a bunch of quotes from me. And then we can work the marks to think I jumped off the Titan Tron, but it will all be a SWERVE and I'll hit whoever is being the biggest dick towards wrestling fans with a Kanyon Cutter. BANG!

There will be no mention of Kanyon or Kanyon Cutters RKOs in the thread I'll be making.
Aww shucky ducky! Beef is making an Extreme Rules Official Thread and posting it in the Off-Topic board.

I never knew he had that kind of testicular fortitude.


So not worth it
Yay, it Sunday, took a while.. BUT IT'S PREDICTION TIME!


The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes (Pre-Show)
Poor Cody. Poor poor Cody. I feel for the guy. Winner: The Miz


Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
Johnny Curtis is no Daniel Bryan. WWE thought he was, but what happened was the fans were chanting random shit anyways and Fandango's theme just happened to be easy enough to hum en masse. Poor Chris Jericho on the other hand really needs to retire. Even his matches with Punk last year weren't 5-star matches. He was great, but he can't deliver like he used to and everything he does now just ends up falling flat. Enter this feud, which involved a 20-minute dance-off segment I entirely skipped on the go-home show, essentially killing any interest anyone might have had in this feud. Winner: Summer Rae in her hot dress.


Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose (US Title)
I kinda feel sorry for Kofi, he's always the transitional champion. Can't have heel vs. heel, so who do they put the title on so it can be face vs. heel? Well, our Jaimican African Guy, of course! But than I remember it's Kofi and he's boring as fuck and I figure he's just happy to have a job, so it's all good. Although I'm surprised they didn't go with Big E after the set-up they did a month or so ago, I'm happy they're putting the title on Dean Ambrose, this is one of those weird cases where the guy is actually elevating the title (granted, not very hard given the title) and that in return is due to the way they've build The Shield, so kudos to WWE for that.


Team Hell No vs. The Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) (Tag-Team Titles Tornado Match)
Tornado rules is gonna be insane with these guys, can't wait for this match, I'm gonna say it's probably gonna be the best match on the card. That said, it's time for Bryan to transition into a more serious role, trim the beard a bit, get a haircut and become a legitimate babyface to feud with Ziggler over the WHC. Hell No ran it's course late last year and Bryan needs to be in singles again. Just like Ambrose, The Shield will do good things with the titles, even though there's no competition for them in the Tag-Team division, it will be awesome to see the three of them all wearing titles.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger (I Quit WHC #1 Contenders Match)
So I get why they're doing this match, but I don't get why they removed the ladders stipulation? Del Rio won the right to name the stipulation for this match after Ricardo won that 3-way between him, Zeb and Big E, so why did it get removed? I would be fucking pissed if I was Del Rio. I have zero interest in an I Quit match, because really, how many near Cross-Arm or Ankle Lock submissions can you see in one match before you get utterly bored? Since Ziggler is still a heel, Del Rio will win this match... And not a single fuck was given.


Mark Henry vs. Sheamus (Strap Match)
Sheamus is a complete and utter dick and has been sucker punching Henry for weeks now, so obviously he needs this win to show the crowd that bullying fucking gets you places in life! Which, to be honest, is more realistic than being a star, because playing nice gets you fucking nowhere, ever. I'm sure halfway through the match people will start chanting for Henry, so King can say how over Sheamus is with this crowd again. That's how we roll in WWE.


Randy Orton vs. Big Show (Extreme Rules Match)
I wonder how creative Randy Orton's RKO onto the steel steps will be tonight. Wait, no I don't.


Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H (Steel Cage Match)
You know, six weeks after Mania I still have no clue why this match is happening. The first match at SummerSlam wasn't well received. The rematch at Mania wasn't well received. The third match here isn't well anticipated. They should give Brock his win back, because really, Triple H shouldn't go over, ever. The steel cage stip was a bad move too, big men climbing cages aren't very interesting. Old guys climbing steel cage won't take big moves from the top of the cage either. They should've made this a Boiler Room Brawl, that would've been awesome for someone like Brock. Have him throw Triple H (and vice versa) through all kinds of shit for 20 minutes, I'd watch that. Fucking PG era. Oh well, lets hope for some blood at least


John Cena vs. The Ryback (WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match)
I don't really know why they made Ryback a heel, the kids loved him and his chant, the older guys hated seeing this poor ass Goldberg rip-off. Alienating the crowd that cared about him seems a strange move. But oh well, I liked his pre-recorded promo, because like all heels he made sense. But as we all know, Cena wins lol. If WWE is smart, they make Ryback champ, but a six week John Cena title run after more than a year of not having him as champ is just not gonna happen.
Even Aiii who usually has a rare case of positivity in this thread can't make Extreme Rules come across as that exciting, normally it's one of the more reliable events because of the various gimmicks but most of those matches leave me cold.

Hell No versus Reigns and Rollins is all i'd really like to see with Kofi/Ambrose and Sheamus/Henry as the possible diamonds in the Extreme Rules rough. We shall see, it might be one of those events that's better in execution than on paper.


If I tune in at any point tonight, it will be to watch The Shield with three belts around their waists. It just has to happen, right? I mean, I'm sure they had Cena beat them to instill doubt, but I just don't see them walking out of Extreme Rules any other way than with the belts around them.

The I Quit match has potential, but only if they don't just go for submissions right away. Make it slow, and limit the amount of times the ref asks if the opponent quits.


My prediction for tonight's PPV = we all lose

It's going to be SO awesome when Ryback wins and shocks the hell out of all of us. That's the only way to inject some life into the stale state of the WWE right now.

I'm sure the creative team reads message forums for feedback. They must feel that a lot of this stuff is boring, right? I've skipped Raw for 3-4 straight weeks and have just kept up by reading online news sites. There's very very little that screams "must watch TV" at the moment.


Why isn't Kaitlyn vs. AJ on the card? Wasn't that announced at some point? Probably because Ziggler is out so they dropped the whole team. Pity, because as weird as it sounds and as clear as the outcome might have been, that still would have been the match I would have looked forward to the most.
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