Rock is also a big fan of El Hijo de Perfecto and look at how well that's turned out for him.
ROooooooooo would get the same treatment as Monty Brown and Chris Harris. Bobby Roode isn't a star. No one in TNA that didn't come from WWE first is. That's just how things bees sometimes. At best he'd get brought out as mini HHH by Paul Heyman or something.
Rock is also a big fan of El Hijo de Perfecto and look at how well that's turned out for him.
ROooooooooo would get the same treatment as Monty Brown and Chris Harris. Bobby Roode isn't a star. No one in TNA that didn't come from WWE first is. That's just how things bees sometimes. At best he'd get brought out as mini HHH by Paul Heyman or something.
A Pretty Panda said:Are beans common food in Brit land?
Ugh, dammit, just realized that Donkatu is one hour later due to Daylight Saving Time. Fuck it, im not staying up til 5am. Ill watch the VOD later
Rock's also a Kevin Steen fan, which is bizarre. Apparently Curt Hawkins showed him a bunch of ROH tapes.
I think Rooooooooo would fit quite well in WWE, personally - but he's 36. If he were 10 years younger...hell, even 5 years younger, it'd probably make a lot of difference.
I think he'd fit in perfectly and as far as age, like I said, I think he could jump right into a program without a bunch of NXT training. He's wrestled a very light schedule compared to most and I think they could get a solid 5-7 years out of him. The WWE needs solid heels if they ever plan on building their next home grown star.
Are beans common food in Brit land?
Green Arrow had a pretty great short on the DC Showcase set. Somehow, not only does Flash not have a live action movie, but he doesn't even have a SHORT devoted to him. What the fuck, DC? Flash might not be the most popular hero, but he's for sure a house hold name. Everyone knows The God Damn Flash. They must have totally given up after the TV show failed. I'm pretty confident that a Flash movie would do better than Green Lantern and maybe even Wonder Woman. But you know who does have movies? Steel and Jonah Hex. They have live action bombs. I don't even know what the point of Steel was since they didn't use any characters from the comics except for Steel and then he had no connection to Superman at all. And Jonah fucking Hex? For reals? DC, you are terrible at your movie decisions. It's a good thing Batman is Batman.
I'm saying he's not a star. Not because of anything to do with him, but because he's a top guy in TNA, which doesn't matter. If he showed up on Raw Monday, no one would know who he was. If he were to go to WWE, he'd be just another faceless guy in the midcard who trades wins with Kofi and jobs to Orton in 5 minutes.
They get about the same amount of people watching as dying ECW did, and no one really reacted to any of the ECW guys that came in after the death of ECW/WCW until Heyman talked them up for weeks. No one knew who Rhino was, but strong booking and Paul's commentary got him over. RVD was the only ECW guy to get reactions when he came in, but he also had been on Raw and Nitro.
Quick question. I know Mr. Rooooooooode's contract was up with TNA recently and TNA didn't even realize it. Why would he pass up going for some WWE money? I can't see them not being interested in him. The only thing I can think of is they'd want to shove him into NXT first and he wouldn't be interested in that.
Ugh, dammit, just realized that Donkatu is one hour later due to Daylight Saving Time. Fuck it, im not staying up til 5am. Ill watch the VOD later
It's only 7PM here.
Better to be a big fish in a small pond than risk your career on WWE's shitty gimmicks and booking. It's the same reason why I was so happy when Okada declined his WWE offer. If you go to the WWE and they treat you like shit, you can't just go straight back and slot into the same spot you left, the damage has already been done on the largest stage in the industry.
It's only 7PM here.
Naturally, you're correct but you know the way Vince and Trips operate.Eurgh, Steph. She took it too far - early 2000's Steph was clearly the best
Shinsuke Nakamura - Current IWGP Intercontinental Champ. This guy is weird. He has a strange posture, strange mannerisms, strange way of speaking, and he has this weird rubber legs thing that he does. He's kind of like an ASW fighting game character brought to life. He likes to hit people with his knees. Crowd loves him. I think he is a member of Okada's stable.
Yeah but he's not the big fish. Hogan is again. Even then, not only is the money in WWE way better I would think it you'd want to jump the big time just to see how far you could get. There's no way the WWE didn't at least show interest in signing him, is there?
Haha, Devitt's Jericho jacket;
Yeah, stream's a bit choppy for me, but it seems to have sorted itself out now.
Some new pics of Chyna for your guy's time.
Great match between Goto and Shibata.The ending was a bit anti-climactic but I have nothing against draws so long as they're not over-used.
Yeah, I'm presuming thatwhich should hopefully be pretty awesome.we'll get a rematch at the next iPPV
Took a while for Benjamin vs Nakamura to get going, but the finishing stretch (barring a couple of unfortunate botches) was good.
Main event time!!
FFS, my stream has turned to shit and stops every few seconds. I'm waiting until the VOD version comes up.