I imagine young Jim Ross looked and probably acted a lot like Bobby Hill. Then he grew up and looked and acted like Hank Hill. He's venturing into Cotton territory now.
Even though I helped bring it in to this world, I want to take it out.
I hereby pledge to no longer post about that Dallas guy unless it is legitimately newsworthy. Thank you all for your tolerance and I hope to see others follow suit. I have realized the error of my ways.
Abobo!Who's this?
Who's this?
You should make up for this by posting GWF news.
perry saturn
How many achievement points should you get from watching WWE RAW?
(yes, Xbox One might actually have TV achievements)
Xavier Woods cut an amazing promo where he had a Power Rangers communicator go off, sound effects and all!
4. Xavier Woods beat Jake Carter. Carter got the jobber entrance. Woods was billed from Angel Grove, CA (where the Power Rangers were from). Xavier was over with the crowd and had an awesome entrance with a cool tron!
Sounds like an amazing gimmick though I hope he is not on the list for future cuts. It good though that he is going to college around that area to get a degree.
Kenta Kobashi & Stan Hansen Sit-Down Discussion (Translated Into English & Japanese)
It's so good that Japan doesnt break kayfabe!!
Bo Dallas beat Big E Langston to win the NXT Championship. It saddens me to say that Bo actually flubbed pulling the turnbuckle off the corner, but still won by pushing Big E into the turnbuckle twice.
Xavier Woods cut an amazing promo where he had a Power Rangers communicator go off, sound effects and all!
4. Xavier Woods beat Jake Carter. Carter got the jobber entrance. Woods was billed from Angel Grove, CA (where the Power Rangers were from). Xavier was over with the crowd and had an awesome entrance with a cool tron!
Way lttp on this but did anyone ever point out that the guy in the GI Joe movie beat the guy with the Cobra tattoo for the WWE title?
Kobashi Retirement Ceremony
If anyone deserved a sold out Budokan Hall it was Kenta Kobashi!!
Daniel Bryan is great because he good at changing styles depending on his new character. Love how is now working a new real aggressive style because of the title loss. Wrestlers have problems doing that when changing characters like AJ Styles. Hope Bryan doesn't turn heel though.
Kane is beyond face/heel, and that rubbed onto Bryan, as well. Neither guy is a heel or face right now, really.Hasn't he technically been a heel this whole time? I mean, he's in a tag team with Kane. They bond over their shared hatred of other people.
Hasn't he technically been a heel this whole time? I mean, he's in a tag team with Kane. They bond over their shared hatred of other people.
Nope, they both turned face when Hell No formed. They have been fighting heels ever since they won the titles and partnered with Cena. They were giving hugs during that time. Bryan was doing his crazy goofball thing with all the jokes and alot of yes/no.
Now since he loss the title he changed it up. No comedy, less Yes/No with now going back towards the Yes! and a real aggressive style. He beat the crap out of Swagger during that match. The man right now is over as a face and could be a main event face but they seem be going towards him turning on Kane at Payback when they lose the rematch.
Nope, they both turned face when Hell No formed. They have been fighting heels ever since they won the titles and partnered with Cena. They were giving hugs during that time. Bryan was doing his crazy goofball thing with all the jokes and alot of yes/no.
Now since he loss the title he changed it up. No comedy, less Yes/No with now going back towards the Yes! and a real aggressive style. He beat the crap out of Swagger during that match. The man right now is over as a face and could be a main event face but they seem be going towards him turning on Kane at Payback when they lose the rematch.
Did he debut his new trunks/boots at ER or Raw? Last week during the six man tag hes wearing his NO gear.
Watching NXT right now and god, this fucking commentator. Did Yukes create this guy?
I assume you're talking about not Regal, yeah....he's just trying to keep up.
Of course not, I actually know Regal's name. The other guy though, god. He seriously talks like he's a shitty videogame commentator.
"Sami Zayne's opponent... Curt Hawkins... An established WWE veteran... Feels that this match up is beneath him... Taking on a rookie."
And he's so much worse than Cole at fucking enthusiasm and excitement, I'm amazed. He ruins the show for me.
I just forget he's there most of the time and listen to Regal. This strategy only works if you have someone to focus on though, if both commentators are shitty you kinda have to just deal with it.
I have to check that D Bine/Swags match now. That's some seriously mean stuff there.
You should just wish he goes to feud with Ziggler for a year on Smackdown and cut your losses.You guys remember when it looked like Swagger was going to get this big push and be a champion? But yeah, I like Brutal Bryan. Hopefully it's Kane that goes heel and Bryan get's to be a top face for awhile. He can be the guy that takes the Champion spot and Cena can go make a movie or retire. Something.
You guys remember when it looked like Swagger was going to get this big push and be a champion? But yeah, I like Brutal Bryan. Hopefully it's Kane that goes heel and Bryan get's to be a top face for awhile. He can be the guy that takes the Champion spot and Cena can go make a movie or retire. Something.
I just forget he's there most of the time and listen to Regal. This strategy only works if you have someone to focus on though, if both commentators are shitty you kinda have to just deal with it.
Let's not even name names, let's generalize:Cena won't retire. Bryan is gonna job. Christian will still be off TV.
Deal with it.
Cena won't retire. Bryan is gonna job. Christian will still be off TV.
Deal with it.