I wonder if Cena ever gets tired of Super Cena?
See Bo posts.
How many achievement points should you get from watching WWE RAW?
(yes, Xbox One might actually have TV achievements)
I didn't think they could make those things worth less.
"Guys, I 1000 G'd the USA Network last night. Sat through eight full SVU marathons in a month AND hit all the commercials. Thought about getting the Burn Notice DLC, but my XBone points don't work on non-MS-affiliated content or on things that air on Thursdays."
Even though I helped bring it in to this world, I want to take it out.
I hereby pledge to no longer post about that Dallas guy unless it is legitimately newsworthy. Thank you all for your tolerance and I hope to see others follow suit. I have realized the error of my ways.
what are you going to post now?
highly successful career
He should be allowed to have a pet as a valet.
Decided to randomly watch NXT, was pleasantly surprised to find Sami Zayn wrestling twice!
Why are you not watching this weekly? Watch NXT people.
Why are you not watching this weekly? Watch NXT people.
Look who's psyched to go film Guardians!~
Is your username a reference to his navel tattoo? While scrolling passed it I felt like I had a eureka moment.
Is your username a reference to his navel tattoo? While scrolling passed it I felt like I had a eureka moment.
Nah, hah - it's my middle name. Hippie parents.
Nah, hah - it's my middle name. Hippie parents.
That's the cutest fucking thing ever.
Y'all got jokes. That's alright. I am THE SUNFLOWER I'm just fine!
My fiance's name is Sunny, and she got that after her mom vetoed her dad thinking Happy was a good name... which he thought up in the Disneyworld parking lot after seeing a sign that said "Happy 9" to designate where they parked.
Y'all got jokes. That's alright. I am THE SUNFLOWER I'm just fine!
Hearing Stone Cold's interview with Jim Ross is amazing. The guy actually played fuking sports (basketabll,football, etc.) if you can believe it. I just imagined him eating cheetos all the time while washing it down with a bottle of BBQ sauce.
SoulPlaya: The Early Years
Y'all got jokes. That's alright. I am THE SUNFLOWER I'm just fine!
OK, I laughed, lol.SoulPlaya: The Early Years