WWE put out a breakdown of people who watch wrestling:
64% is Male and 36% is female. The people who watch 33% are 50 and older, 22% are 35-49, 24% are 18-34 and 21% are 18 and under.
Has anyone seen/bought the best of In Your House DVD/Blu?
Kind of curious about it.
Is there a doc/talking head or is it all matches?
If 80% of the audience is 18 and up, why do they pander so much to the 20%?
Because they know the 20% will lap it up like a thirsty dog.
Very odd demographic breakdown. Of the 21% 18 and Under, I wonder what the breakdown of that is say 4-10, 11-18?
I'm surprised that the highest percent are 50 and older. I thought it'd be the male 18-34 or whatever it is.
Shit, is that out now??
WWE suggested names for Mankind:
Lone Wolf
Odd Man
False Face
Igor Van Gogh
Gore Van Gogh
If 80% of the audience is 18 and up, why do they pander so much to the 20%? I wonder what the break down is for merch buying demographics. I wonder if the percentage of items sold to/for the 18 and under crowd is significantly higher than the whole other 80%.
Probably because the 80% wouldn't buy the merchandise. But the 20% want the merchandise and ask their parents/80% to buy it for them
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan draw in people to buy there merchandise and a good deal of there fanbase is over 18. So your theory is true for Cena. Ziggler makes money off his shirts and I doubt its a bunch of 8 year olds wearing his stuff.
Also found:
Comfort Inn & Suites Downtown
346 Baronne St
New Orleans, LA 70112
2 queen suite w/ rollaway bed
Reviews are mixed on Tripadvisor though. 3/5 total.
Yeah I saw this one. This one is okay.
HoBo Kid?
HoBO Kid.
BAH GAWD WrassleGAF!! HBK is totally passing the torch to our boy Bo Dallas!
that must have been a very important house show he's wearing his expensive Wrestlemania gear
that must have been a very important house show he's wearing his expensive Wrestlemania gear
Oh man, Hector Garza died today
Was a great luchador, was a big star and still had a lot in him. Fuck cancer
GGG is looking great.
It actually does, lol. Guy is tall.Looks like he's wearing a Vegas showgirl's headdress thing.
Oh man, Hector Garza died today
Was a great luchador, was a big star and still had a lot in him. Fuck cancer
Camacho sometimes shows up at NXT tapings, but I haven't seen Hunico there in months. IIRC, at one point Camacho even cut a promo on TV about Hunico not being around for a while.Last I remember, wasn't he in NXT?Where is Hunico?
I hope they start building up to The Shield vs. Paul Heyman Guys soon.
Lesnar, Punk, Axel vs. Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose
Perfect match ups right there.
Lesnar, Punk, Axel vs. Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose
Perfect match ups right there.
Hmmm... they might need someone for Paul Heyman himself to go up against. Oh what the hell, throw HHH in there.
WWE put out a breakdown of people who watch wrestling:
64% is Male and 36% is female. The people who watch 33% are 50 and older, 22% are 35-49, 24% are 18-34 and 21% are 18 and under.
so they cater to the smallest demographic
I guess the more important numbers would be "breakdown of people who buy wrestling merchandise"
yeah I know parents buy for their kids but you know what I mean
Trips is THE WARHAMMER to their Shield.
See? There's Survivor Series.
All those new faces in the off-topic wrasslin threads...
I feel like we're missing out by not having our main thread there anymore.
The Shield is available on amazon prime. is it pretty good show?
Since nobody answered you, YES. Absolutely amazing show. Gets better every season and ends with one of the best finales ever. Watch it.
I'll talk about wrestling in here again some day, I swear it. Don't hurt me, guize.
Since nobody answered you, YES. Absolutely amazing show. Gets better every season and ends with one of the best finales ever. Watch it.
I'll talk about wrestling in here again some day, I swear it. Don't hurt me, guize.
and yet this place is 100% sausage fest thank to Aiii.
Oh man, Hector Garza died today
Was a great luchador, was a big star and still had a lot in him. Fuck cancer
Since Wade Barrett attacked Fandango, does that make one of them a face now or is it just heel on heel violence?
Is Ryback going to start doing the spear more too? #whynot
May be testing the waters with Barrett, mostly since they've run low on heel stuff because each time they have screwed it up booking wise.
Is Ryback going to start doing the spear more too? #whynot