I really don't know how someone can not like The Wire.
I was liking it before that, but that scene was the one to really make me realize I was watching greatness.
I really don't know how someone can not like The Wire. Although jumping back and forth between it and Arrested Development seems...odd. Maeby's boobs steal the show.
I don't think The Wire is a procedural show at all. Sometimes, but not often enough that I'd consider it a procedural. Certainly not in the the L&O or CSI mold.
You can cut it off with no damage to the shirt. Now just find wrestling shirts that don't look like wrestling shirtsI'd buy wrestling shirts, if they just didn't have that stupid authentic WWE logo on the bottom of them.
You can cut it off with no damage to the shirt. Now just find wrestling shirts that don't look like wrestling shirts
You can cut it off with no damage to the shirt. Now just find wrestling shirts that don't look like wrestling shirts
is Raw going to be good tonight?
is Raw going to be good tonight?
It's in Canada so it should have a good crowd at least.
Careful, Kyoufu, Aiii, and Khrno might hear you.
I doubt the Memorial Day episode will rise above any expectations.
Your cruel words about wrasslin' t shirts drove Khrno away from this thread forever*, how could you do such a thing to a fellow brit?
* not necessarily true
Doesn't it seem like Aiii is an amalgam of lost wrasslegaffers? He has the Daniel Bryan and wrestling t-shirt obsession of Khrno and the AJ creepy stalker vibes of Spindashing cranked up to 11. He seemed to show up just as they left too.
Hmmm, come to think of it, I can't remember Aiii's debut at all. It's like he's always been here.
Since nobody answered you, YES. Absolutely amazing show. Gets better every season and ends with one of the best finales ever. Watch it.
I'll talk about wrestling in here again some day, I swear it. Don't hurt me, guize.
Woah, you're messing with my mind Bean Breath, are you saying that Aiii is basically like a new name on an old gaffer? next you'll be telling me that Curtis Axel is really just a retooled Michael McGillicutty
The Original AJ shirt
on the fence about this one but nice "Rape" shirt?
how much of wrasslegaf is going to get Animal Crossing. I need fruits.
The real news here is...
What the fuck did Wade do to get a shirt?
Wade Barrett changes shirts, ring gear, music, and finishing maneuvers every week, getting progressively worse as he goes.
But he's a Northerner so I'm not really expecting much out of him.
Pretty sure Wade has had that shirt for more than a year now its pre-Big Show injuryThe real news here is...
What the fuck did Wade do to get a shirt?
imagine wearing a wrestling shirt in public
lol maxgoober
I saw some guy wear a "Rise Above Hate" shirt in a dive bar once. I actually game him props on the shirt. I am the worst kind of person.