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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook


Yeah, he had a bad knee injury near the start of his career and has been out injured a bunch of times since, but not because of his knees. He probably wouldn't be taking anything like this if his knees were messed up;


You'd think that, but wrestling is all about using real injuries in matches and it has always seemed weird to me. For instance, most of Rey Jr's matches over the past 6-7 years have been working over his knees. But he injures his knees so often and easily that it seems like such a bad idea to have dudes slam the shit out of them for 10 minutes. Or when a guy has an injury and has to take time off, someone is going to beat the fuck out of that injured limb, which seems like it could easily make things way worse.

Or why does Kurt Angle insist on taking German suplexes and shit where he lands on his head all the time? Wrestlers ain't got no got dang sense, as some rednecks would say. Excuse me, Southern Americans.
CHIKARA spoilers from last night. Looks like a really good show.
I'm surprised by Chuck Taylor getting upset in his match. Gavin doing the stretcher job is unheard of in CHIKARA. So many questions for the Chicago evening show now that Kingston vs Peck is official. What happens if Eddie Kingston hits Archie with a backfist to the future? Does Archie just disappear, or is he replaced by someone who belongs in the correct time line? Will the Archie who walked into parts unknown reappear if current Archie disappears? So many questions that must be answered!!!

Another great card from top to bottom, Attendance was 150-175 and a hot crowd, it was standing room only.

1 Washington Bullets w Jagged Edge & Shane Marx(Local guys)Darn fine match.

2. Charade(Another local that has wrestled in CZW) w Chuck Taylor

3. The Shard & Jigsaw w Fire Ant & Assailant

4. Gran Akuma w by DQ Sugar Dunkerton when Icarus interfered and then Dunkerton said he was done with FIST.

5. Devaiant Ant & the New Special Forces Ants w by DQ Green Ant & The Spectral Envoy when one of the Ants hands Ultramantis Black his mask. BEST MATCH OF THE NIGHT

6.Amasis w Kobald

7.Saturyne w Tim Donst with Gavin Loudspeaker cheering on Saturyne, Donst attacked Gavin after match cutting a little hair and he had to be stretchered out.

Bryce Remberg ring announced last two matches

8. Eddie Kingston retained belt over Mr. Touchdown in a very good match

9. 3.0 retained belts over the Batari 2 out of 3 falls another good match.
Huh, I wonder if that's the same Charade who cracked his skull doing a double moonsault last year.

Watching AAW - god-damnit Davey, this is such a stupid use of the fighting spirit spot;



Huh, I wonder if that's the same Charade who cracked his skull doing a double moonsault last year.

Watching AAW - god-damnit Davey, this is such a stupid use of the fighting spirit spot;


Did you see the Scum vs ROH tag match? Wait till you see the deadlift german spot there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Me post win with the rabbit I pulled out of my hat to help me win. New champ!


Congrats brah! It's about time Bar Fly Taxi Service submitted to you and your powers!

Truly a great champ.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, I watched Okada/Suzuki yesterday and can give my opinions on Wrestling Dontaku now.

Disappointing show by NJPW standards. I feel like it was a card filled with good matches (aside from the tag four-way anyway) but no great ones. So while the good matches were still better than anything anyone else is putting out, when put in a lineup with 2012's DOMINION, Wrestle Kingdom 7 and Invasion Attack, it couldn't live up to the incredibly high standards.

On another note, Prince Devitt's new entrance has succeeded Okada's as my favourite entrance in wrestling. I could watch it on loop for hours.

That's the tough part about Wrestle Kingdom being first up in the year - sets a very high bar.

It's still probably my favorite show of the year, but Invasion Attack was SOOOOOOOOOOOO friggin good.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
back in 1999, Jericho had a spot where he would powerbomb a guy 2-3 times in a row for a 2 count.

Rysnack did it for a while last year.

So why did an assisted powerbomb in the ring by the Shield seem to kill Kane?
Congrats mechashiva!! GAF Champ!

Fucking indies. God damn stupid.

Yes it was, but let's not tar dozens upon dozens of promotions with the same brush...you wouldn't catch anyone pulling that shit in CHIKARA, for instance - AAW are very much the spot-tastic, move-heavy vision most people have of indy wrestling and Davey Richards one of the biggest proponents of that style.

Did you see the Scum vs ROH tag match? Wait till you see the deadlift german spot there.

The one where he had Jacobs on his back? Yeah, that was pretty over the top;



So not worth it
The Mechachamp is here. Gratz!

back in 1999, Jericho had a spot where he would powerbomb a guy 2-3 times in a row for a 2 count.

Rysnack did it for a while last year.

So why did an assisted powerbomb in the ring by the Shield seem to kill Kane?

Triple Damage Multiplier.

Huh, I wonder if that's the same Charade who cracked his skull doing a double moonsault last year.

Watching AAW - god-damnit Davey, this is such a stupid use of the fighting spirit spot;


What did you think of the match? And the show for that matter.

I enjoyed the main event even though it was a bit over the top.

Me post win with the rabbit I pulled out of my hat to help me win. New champ!


What did you think of the match? And the show for that matter.

I enjoyed the main event even though it was a bit over the top.

Yeah, the main event was probably the best match on the card and I wasn't really expecting anything else but for both guys to go over the top, however, I thought it was a pretty average show overall - Sami vs Hollister was good and I enjoyed ACH vs O'Reilly, but nothing else really grabbed me all that much. The 3-way match was a MESS. It's ridiculous how much better Swann looked than either of his opponents. Louis Lyndon is one of those guys who occasionally looks great, but more often than not is super sloppy.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Triple Damage Multiplier.


AMBERROSE and Kaitlyn really don't add to the impact of the move. They're just helping lift whoever up for the move.

It's not even a sit down powerbomb which looks more painful.

Swagger's gut wrench powerbomb look better than a triple powerbomb. A good version of the triple powerbomb would be the version HBK/Triple/Chyna did to Headbangers for interrupting the strip poker game.
Yeah, the main event was probably the best match on the card and I wasn't really expecting anything else but for both guys to go over the top, however, I thought it was a pretty average show overall - Sami vs Hollister was good and I enjoyed ACH vs O'Reilly, but nothing else really grabbed me all that much. The 3-way match was a MESS. It's ridiculous how much better Swann looked than either of his opponents. Louis Lyndon is one of those guys who occasionally looks great, but more often than not is super sloppy.

That 3 way was awful. Too many convoluted spots and just really messy. I totally forgot about the Irish Airborne as a team. And fuck Arik Cannon. Worthless.

Starting to warm up more to O'Reilly.
And fuck Arik Cannon. Worthless.

He's got a great right hand punch, but that's about the kindest thing I can say about him.

FallingEdge said:
Starting to warm up more to O'Reilly.

I think O'Reilly has a lot of innate wrestling talent, but really needs to focus more on his character, engaging with the crowd and his selling - for this reason, I'm glad to see him playing a heel more often than not these days. Hopefully he'll learn to sell properly somewhere down the line, because he probably ain't gonna learn it from Davey.


AMBERROSE and Kaitlyn really don't add to the impact of the move. They're just helping lift whoever up for the move.

It's not even a sit down powerbomb which looks more painful.

Swagger's gut wrench powerbomb look better than a triple powerbomb. A good version of the triple powerbomb would be the version HBK/Triple/Chyna did to Headbangers for interrupting the strip poker game.

Are you critiquing physics in a sport
where throwing a punch requires a larger window of opportunity than every other move (WMD) and an elbow drop can be made more powerful by doing, in this order:

1) lightly shuffle opponent's arms towards their torso with right foot
2) raise eyebrow
3) take off elbow pad
4) Dancey Arm Thing(TM)
5) run ropes, jumping over opponent on second pass (don't touch opponent)
6) stop
7) slowly lean forwards, then let gravity take care of the rest
8) Hit That Elbow Drop
Are you critiquing physics in a sport
where throwing a punch requires a larger window of opportunity than every other move (WMD) and an elbow drop can be made more powerful by doing, in this order:

1) lightly shuffle opponent's arms towards their torso with right foot
2) raise eyebrow
3) take off elbow pad
4) Dancey Arm Thing(TM)
5) run ropes, jumping over opponent on second pass (don't touch opponent)
6) stop
7) slowly lean forwards, then let gravity take care of the rest
8) Hit That Elbow Drop
the wrestlers have to build up their momentum meters first.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thank you Sunflower for directing to the How Did This Get Made? podcast

It's really good, isn't it? Great entertainment. Recommending the Punisher War Zone and Devil's Advocate ones in particular.
Someone on the Observer board worked out every single time Cena's lost clean since 2005, so here's the list of every wrestler that's managed it;

. Batista
. Big Show
. CM Punk
. Great Khali (x2)
. Kurt Angle
. Randy Orton (x4)
. The Rock
. Shawn Michaels
. Sheamus
. Triple H (x2)

Randy was really the last guy they tried hard to get over on the back of Cena's star power and that was four damn years ago.

Also, Cena didn't lose clean once in 2006 or 2011. What a guy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cena lost clean to Tensai, I remember it well.
When did Punk beat Cena clean? I don't remember it.

Survivor Series.

Hell, I might as well post the whole thing - credit to AnAnnoyingSmark;

10.10.2005 Carlito, Edge & Kurt Angle defeat John Cena, Shawn Michaels & The Big Show (19:49) (John Cena tried applying an ankle lock to Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle reversed it into a victory roll for the clean pinfall)

23.04.2007 Shawn Michaels defeats John Cena (55:49) (After 50 amazing minutes and two Sweet Chin Music's, Shawn Michaels finished Cena off)

22.01.2007 Over The Top Rope Challenge: The Great Khali defeats Charlie Haas and John Cena and Lance Cade and Shelton Benjamin and Trevor Murdoch and Viscera (4:44) (John Cena tried his hardest at throwing Great Khali over the top rope, but Khali just brushed him off and easily threw him out of the ring for the win)

28.05.2007 The Great Khali defeats John Cena (6:20) (Great Khali easily squashes Cena)

30.03.2008 WWE Heavyweight Title Triple Threat: Randy Orton (c) defeats John Cena and Triple H (14:06) (Triple H knocked Cena out with the Pedigree, but Orton was the one to steal the pin after doing the Punt on Triple H. This won't be the last time Triple H or Orton beat Cena)

29.06.2008 WWE Heavyweight Title: Triple H (c) defeats John Cena (19:39) (Triple H wins clean via Pedigree, nothing else to it)

20.07.2008 New York City Parking Lot Brawl: John Bradshaw Layfield defeats John Cena (17:00) (John Cena tries to FU JBL into the car on the stage, JBL gets out of the FU and pushes Cena face-first into the car, which allows JBL to pinfall him for the win)

17.08.2008 Batista defeats John Cena (14:10) (This was the match where Batista nearly killed Cena by reverseing a top rope move into a Powerbomb. A kick and another Powerbomb later and Batista won the match. Might have not been the planned finish, but kayfabe wise, Batista won impressively)

30.03.2009 The Big Show defeats John Cena (9:22) (Big Show basically kicked Cena's ass for 10 minutes and finished him off)

23.08.2009 WWE Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton (c) defeats John Cena (20:45) (This match was restarted everytime Randy Orton cheated to win, on the final restart, Randy Orton managed to actually beat Cena clean by catching him off-guard as he was frustratingly trying to bring him into the ring)

04.10.2009 WWE Heavyweight Title Hell In A Cell: Randy Orton defeats John Cena (c) (21:24) (Randy Orton choked Cena out using the ropes and then used the punt for the win. It was a Hell in a Cell match, though, so it was fair game)

19.10.2009 Triple H defeats John Cena (20:20) (Triple H beats Cena clean via Pedigree, again)

13.12.2009 WWE Heavyweight Title Tables: Sheamus defeats John Cena (c) (16:25) (Cena trips onto a table, Sheamus wins)

13.09.2010 Tables: Randy Orton defeats John Cena (16:50) (A lot of interference in this match for both sides, but in the end of the match, Cena tried to FU Randy Orton through a table and Randy Orton reversed it into a RKO for the win)

01.04.2012 The Rock defeats John Cena (30:35) (Clean win, you all know the score)

18.11.2012 WWE Heavyweight Title Triple Threat: CM Punk (c) defeats John Cena and Ryback (17:57) (This one is mind boggling. John Cena goes for the FU, Ryback reverses it into the Shellshock and is attacked by The Shield, 50 seconds later, CM Punk pins the still down John Cena for the win)
Someone on the Observer board worked out every single time Cena's lost clean since 2005, so here's the list of every wrestler that's managed it;

. Batista
. Big Show
. CM Punk
. Great Khali (x2)
. Kurt Angle
. Randy Orton (x4)
. The Rock
. Shawn Michaels
. Sheamus
. Triple H (x2)

Randy was really the last guy they tried hard to get over on the back of Cena's star power and that was four damn years ago.

Also, Cena didn't lose clean once in 2006 or 2011. What a guy.

So 7 of his 16 clean losses are against guys who are either retired, semi-retired, or in TNA. Two more are against The Great Khali. In conclusion, 9 of Cena's 16 clean losses over the past 7 plus years are against guys who are in no position to help the WWE product on a weekly basis, and four of those remaining 7 clean losses are against one guy. That's some shittastic booking.

That's not clean.

SoulPlaya said:
That's not really clean. Another guy did the damage. I mean, it borders on it, but nah.

It was a triple threat - Ryback hit the Shell Shock on Cena, The Shield attacked Ryback and Punk pinned Cena. The outside interference didn't affect Cena at all, so it was clean (sorta).

canadian crowe said:
Is Cliff Compton actually a good wrestler? I like him as a personality, but don't remember him very much as Domino.

He's acceptable, but no more than that - he didn't come across too well on the iPPV last night, I noticed a few awkward spots involving him.


It was a triple threat - Ryback hit the Shell Shock on Cena, The Shield attacked Ryback and Punk pinned Cena. The outside interference didn't affect Cena at all, so it was clean (sorta).

That's not clean bro. I thought you knew your stuff.

The whole feud with Punk and Cena last year was a string of hijinx and tomfoolery finishes to protect Cena while keeping Punk as champion.


If the match wasn't a triple threat, then sure. But it was, so it was clean :p

Nope. If Shield didn't interfere then Ryback would have gotten the pin or not a pin (due to Punk breaking it).

Anyway enough of this. Punk has yet to beat Cena clean. Meanwhile it wasn't long ago that Cena beat Punk clean on live television.


more money than God
Wan't the whole point of the Shield that they were helping Punk cheat to win his matches, so maybe they were in cahoots?

You could argue that maybe Cena lost it cleanly, but Punk certainly didn't win it cleanly.


So not worth it
Wan't the whole point of the Shield that they were helping Punk cheat to win his matches, so maybe they were in cahoots?

Remember, Heyman had the Shield beat up Brad Maddox and it was revealed that both of them were paid by Heyman to assist Punk.
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