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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook

Worst dad?


Worst dad.
hahahha thats awesome

Kaitlyn's mystery man is definitely AJ. I appreciate the Ralph Wiggum reference, but fuck the Great Khali. Seriously.

wait!!!! i didnt see RAW.. is it really AJ??


Why does HHH wear so many layers?

You remember when he used to wear, like, a leather jacket over a denim jacket? Or vice versa. That bothered to shit out of me.

wait!!!! i didnt see RAW.. is it really AJ??
I dunno! I dunno! Someone posted a picture that suggested as much on the previous page. I'm only half way through Raw, so I'm not sure if it's revealed or not.

Makes it sound much more interesting than it actually is.


You remember when The Usos danced with their dad to the Too Cool theme a little while ago? I marked the fuck out hard for that.

Yesssssssss. Mark Henry. Y'all a bunch of motherfuckin' puppets!


And so Ryback cements his heel intentions. That's not very interesting either. What a waste of The Fucking Shield.


Smackdown is going to be awesome this week!!!

In a taped segment, Mark Henry pulls a semi truck. They say its a world record. Never mind. Henry pulling one tractor trailer was a warm up. Now he's pulling TWO! This is the world record. Henry struggles then goes BEAST MODE and pulls both. He collapses. Coughs a lot. Nearly throws up. But then yells "THAT'S WHAT I DO!"


more money than God
Val Venis is the same size as Kane?
Val is 6'3", and Kane is 6'9" (barefoot), so no. It's just the perspective.

On another note, I've noticed that Kane can no longer stand up straight anymore. He's knees are usually bent now. He's had a few knee surgeries in his career, so I guess they must be really bad. Tommy Dreamer once joked on twitter that Kane essentially didn't have knees anymore. Plus, he's developing a minor hunchback. GGG has terrible posture.



They should make it part of a storyline. Then Kane would just start doing things that old people do. Feeding pigeons in the park, being naked way too long in the locker room, stuff like that. Then he could sign up for yoga classes or something.


more money than God
They should make it part of a storyline. Then Kane would just start doing things that old people do. Feeding pigeons in the park, being naked way too long in the locker room, stuff like that. Then he could sign up for yoga classes or something.
Kane actually already does DDP Yoga, according to DDP. Jericho got him to start.


more money than God
They should make it part of a storyline. Then Kane would just start doing things that old people do. Feeding pigeons in the park, being naked way too long in the locker room, stuff like that. Then he could sign up for yoga classes or something.
BTW, this is genius. Kane feeding pigeons in the park is something we need to see.


BTW, this is genius. Kane feeding pigeons in the park is something we need to see.
This angle would work amazing if he was feeding the pigeons and some dick squirrel came up and started hording all the pigeon food for himself. Kane then raises his arms up then down and the squirrel spontaneously combusts. Kane then resumes happily feeding the pigeons.


more money than God
This angle would work amazing if he was feeding the pigeons and some dick squirrel came up and started hording all the pigeon food for himself. Kane then raises his arms up then down and the squirrel spontaneously combusts. Kane then resumes happily feeding the pigeons.
Holy shit.

This is fucking gold! We need more Kane doing regular stuff, but with a Big Red twist.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Elsewhere, KENTA has said that if he defeats Takashi Sugiura at Pro-Wrestling NOAH's May 12th show, his next title defence will be against Yuji Nagata! KENTA was defeated by Nagata in the Global League last year and is looking to avenge his loss.

Such a great match in NOAH last year. http://youtu.be/7ZH_LsghZVM The dodging of kicks alone made it one of my favourites from last year.

If it's anything like that with how both have changed since then, it'll easily be the match of the night.

Good stuff. Only time I've ever liked 99 _____ on the wall song.

Power Stone bitches. Yeah!

I'm still waiting on my XBLA/PSN/Steam version for online play (I prefer 1 over 2). Just so good and crazy.

That Kamen Rider musou game is cool cuz everybody thought it was going to be something else when it was teased and they didn't get what they wanted LOL. I'd totally import if I could understand what they're saying

There will be those of us who will be working on translating as much as the game as needed for basic understanding at last just as we did for Rider Generations titles. Though so far most of the missions shown haven't been that complex, such as defeating x amount of enemies or being poisoned (which you'll know right away with your health going down). Rewards such as getting ガタキリバコンボ form for OOO (all green) is easy to spot when they show a specific picture of it.

Hungry Hungry Hippos now there's a smart person's game.

Picking your Hippos color is one of the most integral parts of the game btw


What is the best game to get? I haven't played one since the PS2 era.

If you have a 3DS, get Samurai Warriors Chronicles. Easy to get into, a lot to do, perfect for short or long bursts of play, minor strategy increase with directing where you want your A.I. partner to go, etc.

If you don't, then go for Warriors Orochi 3 on PS3, Xbox 360, or enhanced version on Wii U. Has all the Samurai and Dynasty Warrior characters with just so much to do.

Strikeforce on PSP or PS3 if you want a "wouldn't it be cool if they could fly and dash sorta like Dragon Ball characters?". Also you fight a giant tiger. Don't expect the best here, it's more fun novelty than anything else. So just okay and cheap.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What is the best game to get? I haven't played one since the PS2 era.

Warriors Orochi 3 is THE best title they've ever put out, and I think they'll have a hard time outdoing it now, even with DW8. It's got a literal shitload of characters, weapons, maps, and enemies on screen without any of the slowdown from WO 2 or WO 1.

After that, get Sengoku Basara Utage. then Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3.


That Kamen Rider musou game is cool cuz everybody thought it was going to be something else when it was teased and they didn't get what they wanted LOL. I'd totally import if I could understand what they're saying

Import it anyways. If you've ever played a musou game before, you'll know what menus do what. Kamen Rider, even though it's from a different developer, seems to steal the exact same menu layout. The only worry would be items, and that'll get translated real quick (And they're also similar enough to figure out, ATK +?? is probably an attack boost, DEF+ is probably defense.) The only ones that get confusing are the character specific ones in Basara, and you'd have to wait for a translation how to get those anyways.

My only worry is getting DLC and having to buy JP PSN cards but not pay for shipping.
I forget how beautiful Scarlett Bordeaux is.


Warriors Orochi 3 is THE best title they've ever put out, and I think they'll have a hard time outdoing it now, even with DW8. It's got a literal shitload of characters, weapons, maps, and enemies on screen without any of the slowdown from WO 2 or WO 1.

After that, get Sengoku Basara Utage. then Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3.

I do have a 3DS so I will check it out and WO3 it is. Thanks!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I bet Mr H's is like the coolest dude to hang out with in wrestling.

So I started a new job recently and ALL my co-workers have PS3s. I wonder if this is a recent phenomenon of people sick of paying for live.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I forget X-Pac exists until someone either references his time with Kane or he has a horrible anus related injury and all the podcasts talk about it.

I hate X-Pac.


more money than God
I forget X-Pac exists until someone either references his time with Kane or he has a horrible anus related injury and all the podcasts talk about it.

I hate X-Pac.
Most people do.

BTW, the thing is wrong. AJ didn't break Kane's heart. He dumped her.


So not worth it
Thus proving that Kane is in fact, a mentally disabled monster.

Who in the blue hell breaks up with AJ?


And this is back when kayfabe was still in force, so they really stuck with it.

What a strange ensemble Kane is wearing. I'd be able to look past it if it weren't for the WWF polo.

Wait. This is for the opening of the WWF restaurant? How is Kane supposed to eat?
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