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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook

I do neither! Craps are boring. Ill be at the sports books though

!!!! I love me some craps. Fair enough. We can still meetup regardless.

Ok now you're just trying to stir shit up.

Not at all. LoL is infinitely more interesting than the FGC. Much more fun to watch as well.

I own pretty much every Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors/Warriors Orochi game released. Come at me, bro. They're just mindless fun. I like the setting, the gameplay is satisfying, albeit not all that challenging, and I get a good 30-60 hours out of each one. If they ever released a Dynasty Warriors with an Empires mode that had as much depth as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I'd probably play it endlessly, like I do with Civ.

What is the best game to get? I haven't played one since the PS2 era.
Anybody who thinks that Dynasty Warriors games or their derivatives are any good should be checked in a mental institution already. (you're joking so I'm not counting you)

I own pretty much every Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors/Warriors Orochi game released. Come at me, bro. They're just mindless fun. I like the setting, the gameplay is satisfying, albeit not all that challenging, and I get a good 30-60 hours out of each one. If they ever released a Dynasty Warriors with an Empires mode that had as much depth as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I'd probably play it endlessly, like I do with Civ.

strobogo said:
The actual indie wrestling style can be super off putting if you've been a life long WWE only kind of person. I was initially drawn to it, but started to hate it because shows would be so exhausting. That and the Young Bucks contributed to me bailing out on PWG. Most indie shows still have a "top this" mentality from the opener to the main event. That's not good for pacing. There are no breathers in indie wrestling. There need to be. You can have every match go 110% with strike battles and crazy bumps all night.

I agree it can be exhausting, I very rarely watch a PWG show in one sitting, but I also end up really liking most of the matches on the card - I seem to have a higher tolerance for the over the top stuff than most, but even so there are often matches where I bail out because someone kicked out of something ridiculous (Sami Callihan, I'm looking at you) or a matches worth of damage was utterly negated in the final stretch (hey, Johnny Gargano). CHIKARA's probably the best around now for show pacing and they really don't go over the top in terms of near-falls and crazy moves. Also, SHINE has very well put together shows. Even if the quality of wresting isn't as great as SHIMMER, the shows are far more watchable, in my opinion.


Gold Member
If they ever released a Dynasty Warriors with an Empires mode that had as much depth as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I'd probably play it endlessly, like I do with Civ.

Hell yeah. I've always wanted a Musou game like that myself. Empires scratches a bit of that itch, but is ultimately too shallow.


I wonder if there is a competitive game where the Internet community won't by and large make fun of you or get mad when you're not that good.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

So, this is a thing. Contemplating a 1 minute call with Kamala as we speak.

Oh shit! Christian Okoye!

Grab Warriors Orochi 3 on 360/PS3. It has the most content and characters of them all. I love it probably the most. It's fantastic. And the DLC is competitively priced.

I wonder if there is a competitive game where the Internet community won't by and large make fun of you or get mad when you're not that good.

hmm. Virtua Fighter.


I lost a ARAM where i went 35/15/42 because 2 people quit after we got the last towers down. Cass and poison are OP
Final first round match for the AIW J.T. Lightning Invitational Tournament announced - here's all the matches;







Ton of great looking matches there. I'm probably looking forward to Busick vs Elgin or Donst vs Cole the most. Also, Gary Jay is just the creepiest motherfucker, but you've got to love that ring jacket.
I own pretty much every Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors/Warriors Orochi game released. Come at me, bro. They're just mindless fun. I like the setting, the gameplay is satisfying, albeit not all that challenging, and I get a good 30-60 hours out of each one. If they ever released a Dynasty Warriors with an Empires mode that had as much depth as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I'd probably play it endlessly, like I do with Civ.

I think I'm pissed more at the fact that Fist of the North Star was made by the same talentless hacks that make these games rather than the games themselves existing. Ken and friends deserve better than this copy pasta bullshit.

A Mikami directed FotNS game in the same vein as God Hand would make me shed manly tears ;_;


Final first round match for the AIW J.T. Lightning Invitational Tournament announced - here's all the matches;
Based from what I'm seeing on the Absolute Intense Wrestling website, this 2-day tourney isn't being broadcast or streamed online anywhere, is it?
I'm only seeing advertised prices for people to buy tickets to attend in person at Turners Hall in Cleveland.
Lol, Noam Dar discovers why it's unwise to anger 'The Bastard' Dave Mastiff;


Based from what I'm seeing on the Absolute Intense Wrestling website, this 2-day tourney isn't being broadcast or streamed online anywhere, is it?
I'm only seeing advertised prices for people to buy tickets to attend in person at Turners Hall in Cleveland.

Yeah, this one won't be streamed live - the next iPPV for AIW is on June 30th; http://smvod.com/premium-video/aiw-june-30-2013-live-ippv-absolution-viii-cleveland-oh

However, AIW shows are very quick to release on MP4 over at www.smartmarkvideo.com (it took 9 days for the April 26th show to be released, for instance).
Final first round match for the AIW J.T. Lightning Invitational Tournament announced - here's all the matches;

Ton of great looking matches there. I'm probably looking forward to Busick vs Elgin or Donst vs Cole the most. Also, Gary Jay is just the creepiest motherfucker, but you've got to love that ring jacket.

Should be a fantastic weekend of wrestling. I'm looking forward to Donst vs Cole, Veda Scott vs Fontaine for comedy reasons, and the match that I think will steal the show Alexander vs ACH.

Based from what I'm seeing on the Absolute Intense Wrestling website, this 2-day tourney isn't being broadcast or streamed online anywhere, is it?
I'm only seeing advertised prices for people to buy tickets to attend in person at Turners Hall in Cleveland.

You're welcome to hang with me for the weekend UberTag.
Should be a fantastic weekend of wrestling. I'm looking forward to Donst vs Cole, Veda Scott vs Fontaine for comedy reasons, and the match that I think will steal the show Alexander vs ACH.

Yeah, Alexander vs ACH could be really, really awesome - I also think Whitmer vs Josh Prohibition might be pretty great. Josh is a lot better than I remember him being from seeing him in a ton of random indies half a decade ago.


Just catching up on Raw. I find myself saying "Fucking boooo" every 20 seconds or so whilst Cena talks.

I do not appreciate using Vikki (who I generally love) as a heat magnet to deter the clearly anti-Cena crowd. Heat abuse? I don't like it.

I do not like Ryback's new smothered-in-merchandise look.


Main Event Spoilers"

Randy Orton defeated Cesaro

This sucks because couldn't he win by interference? Its hard for him to get a win when he against someone who has a pay per view match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just watched 2 Howard Stern shows with Chyna, one from 2000 and one from 2004. Man, she crashed hard in those three years. HARD. It's like a different person.

EDIT: I feel really bad, because around 2000 Chyna was a heck of an inspirational figure for people. She was getting shit done, was wrestling dudes, was a draw. A shame.


Oh my God. Sandow is amazing.

Edit: Oh look. He lost. In the least imaginative, exciting way possible. To someone I hate.

Edit: Fandango got his hotter, better dance partner back. I sure would like to know her name. Did they really get rid of his sparkly pose entrance prop since the shoulder-botch a couple of weeks ago? Ugh, face R-Truth. At least he doesn't sing.

That was a huge waste of Johnny Curtis.

Cena's promo to open the show is terrible. Big surprise.

(watching raw)
Don't read my posts. Or fast forward a bit. We're nearly in synch!

And yeah, you're right. Just awful.


I just watched 2 Howard Stern shows with Chyna, one from 2000 and one from 2004. Man, she crashed hard in those three years. HARD. It's like a different person.

EDIT: I feel really bad, because around 2000 Chyna was a heck of an inspirational figure for people. She was getting shit done, was wrestling dudes, was a draw. A shame.
Don't feel too bad. She ran and complained to HHH and Vince because Jericho got "too stiff" with her and got him in the doghouse even though he was told to treat her just like any other wrestler.
Man, El Ligero vs Ricochet from PROGRESS Chapter 6 was flat-out amazing - I fucking loved this match, which is all the more annoying as I missed seeing the show live due to personal idiocy. Ricochet is so ridiculously good at what he does and, unlike many other high flyers, he knows when and where to draw the line. Nothing they did was excessive or over the top and they kept things nice and compact, working a solid 18 minute main event that was very well structured. Probably the best match yet from PROGRESS, well worth checking out;


Nice dead-lift backdrop suplex;


Inverted lungblower;



Main Event Spoilers"

Randy Orton defeated Cesaro

This sucks because couldn't he win by interference? Its hard for him to get a win when he against someone who has a pay per view match.
Clearly the new theme is to just bury everyone and then give them an occasional freak win over Zack Ryder followed by a "I'm serious now" promo to justify another 2-3 month burial run.


It's weird that they're just re-using an angle they had in NXT. Did they do that before?
What are you referring to?

Why bother giving the Usos offence against The Fucking Shield if the crowd have no reason to give a shit about them? I like the Usos, but it just came across as weird. They'd better win their next tag match.

You spoiling that?

Dean Ambrose's new finisher is fucking awesome. But was that The Fucking Shield's first non-clean victory?

Are they pushing Cesaro now?! No yodelling, a couple of Smackdown replays, a Main Event promo, a clean victory and in-ring promo time? That's great, but make your fucking mind up WWE! What was with the random jobbing, Mania rejection and title loss?!


Smackdown Spoiler:

3. Dean Ambrose (w/Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins) beat Daniel Bryan (w/Kane) by DQ. Daniel Bryan had the first real chants of the night, followed by even louder Yes! chants. Ambrose is even sleazier live. What a talent. A long match that people are going to like on television. Bryan applied the Yes Lock late. Rollins tried to run in, but Kane stopped him. Reigns kicked Bryan, but Kofi Kingston ran in and attacked Ambrose for the DQ. The crowd exploded for Kingston and the Bryan comeback.

I wonder if will be 3 on 3 for the tag titles or
Ambrose eyed Kofi title on Raw. So they could have Dean vs Kofi at extreme rules and Reigns and Seth vs Hell No which would be great pay per view matches.


Smackdown Spoiler:

3. Dean Ambrose (w/Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins) beat Daniel Bryan (w/Kane) by DQ. Daniel Bryan had the first real chants of the night, followed by even louder Yes! chants. Ambrose is even sleazier live. What a talent. A long match that people are going to like on television. Bryan applied the Yes Lock late. Rollins tried to run in, but Kane stopped him. Reigns kicked Bryan, but Kofi Kingston ran in and attacked Ambrose for the DQ. The crowd exploded for Kingston and the Bryan comeback.

I wonder if will be 3 on 3 for the tag titles now but can wait till Friday for this match.

they will have a winner takes all stipulation, two of the Shield get the Tag Titles and the third gets the US title
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