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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
All Calgarians look the same to you? I bet you think me and Lance Storm are Harts as well.

Calgarians are weird, they do strange things like visit cabins on time off. How weird is that?

speaking of hating people from other countries this still reliably makes me laugh

Aren't they keyfabe related? How are they going to explain that to the marks like Frankman and Lunchbox that watch Totally Divas or whatever it's called?

Nope. Tyson Kidd was always billed as "long time friend of the Hart family" or "last graduate of the Hart dungeon", the first one is true but the second one isn't. IIRC he was best friends with Teddy Hart growing up.


I'd say it was a succesful run, but could have been so much more of HHH hadn't been in full HHH mode and dicked him over for months when he shouldn't have.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't remember a single thing about Goldberg in WWE except Brock vs Goldberg, that terrible triple threat with Kane and HHH, slicing nunzio in half and Jericho through the elimination chamber glass.
Watching NXT, first up is a singles match between Sandow and 'Baron Corbin', who's only been wrestling for a year. Nothing of a match, Sandow challenges Big E for next week. Next, Brittani Knight vs Davina Rose! I mean, Paige vs Bayley. Nice match, but a bit short - Paige's fisherman suplex was great and, as Regal pointed out, very Mr. Perfect-esque. The Big E/Sandow promo was funny, I really wish Big E got to be more articulate and crazy on WWE - he's had so little character development outside of NXT.

Briley Pierce vs Sakamoto is the third match. Pierce gets a jobbers entrance, but takes early control. Nice hammerlock variation. Oh, and here's Connor O'Brian to ruin things. Fuck off, meathead. I thought they were actually going to give Sakamoto a match here. He deserves far better. The Ascension sucks. Sakamoto & Briley cut a good promo post match - Sakamoto already speaks better English than Yoshi Tatsu. They challenge O'Brian to a handicap match.

Camacho vs Kassius Ohno up next. Match gets off to a slow start, Camacho working a very dull 'bad guy in methodical control' sequence. Ohno manages to draw some sympathy from the crowd and turns things to his favour, scoring with the elbow in the corner, a rolling knee and his new submission the 'Kassius Clutch', which seems to be a cravate crossface. Ohno gets on the mic and cuts a promo about the last few months being a blur before apologising to Regal. Face turn? He's ambused by the Wyatt family and Bray hits his finisher to Ohno on the stage.

Main event time, The Wyatt Family vs Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas. BoDrian take early control, making quick tags and keeping Eric Rowan isolated. Dallas hits a nice dropkick (to little reaction). Rowan manages to make the tag to Harper, but Neville scores with an excellent headscissors off the top. Standing SSP for 2! Back from commercials and Harper's beating up Bo, but Dallas makes the hot tag and Neville explodes out of the gates, hitting a nice twisting plancha to the floor. Harper rushes him, only to eat an enzirguri, followed up by the corkscrew SSP! Eric Rowan makes the save. Where was Bo? Still lying on his ass. You didn't sell shit while you were in the ring, but now you're totally out of it? OK. Harper tags in Rowan, who front slams Neville for 2. He deadlifts Neville up for the choke bomb, but Neville counters and rolls him up for a 2 count of his own. He can't make the tag though and Rowan drops an elbow before tagging in Harper, who goes to work with a side headlock, slowing things down. He tries for a vertical suplex, but gets rolled up, kicks out at 2 and just slugs Neville in the jaw. He rushes Neville in the corner, but misses the big boot and spills to the floor! Neville makes the hot tag and Bo's in! No one cares! Bo goes for a hip toss, but Rowan holds onto the ropes and Bo grabs nothing but air, lol. Rowan hits a pumphandle slam for 2. He goes for it again, but Bo escapes and hits his running hug for 2. He puts a side headlock on Rowan, who shoves him off and he goes crashing into Neville. Stupid Bo! Harper tags in and hits a HUGE spinning lariat for the 3 count. New NXT tag champions! Fine match, Bo still sucks.



My favorite memory of Goldberg in WWE is when he speared the Rock for I think the second time in their match and the Rock was in the corner screaming "oh my god" like he just got shot or something.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
The only Goldberg match I remember is Goldberg vs Bret Hart with spear protection. Beyond that, it's Goldberg vs Limo (the greatest of all WCW talent) and a whole lot of nothing that sticks out in my head. I try to remember his time with A-1 and AJPW, but nothing forms.

That bump by Bo looked really crappy.

How is it that with so many acclaimed trainers, experienced workers, and natural talent in NXT, Bo is just so bad at everything he does?

Unless this really just an amazing long term plan of having the worst wrestler heavily promoted and pushed just to ensure every fan who ever sees him will boo him to create the next X-Pac Heat by Dusty, I just don't get it.
It's not about quantity, but about quality.

Jushin 'Thunder' Liger > John 'Derp' Cena


I marked the hell out of that moment when I saw for it the first time (even though it was like 10 years after the original air date). The fear sell is amazing. Then the freak out as Liger goes full on uncontainable Evil is class.


Chris Jericho got in a fight with Goldberg when they were in WWE. Jericho basically describes the fight as Goldberg rushing in at him, them both falling awkwardly which allowed Jericho to get him in a choke hold. He then held onto it as tightly as he could while he waited for other people to pull him off because he was afraid of getting murdered if he let go himself.

If you haven't read Jericho's books, they are absolute gold. The first one is better than the second, mostly because of how depressing the second can be at times, but they're both awesome.

Even Mick Foley and Zack Ryder think they're great!
I proclaim this John Cena week! Let's reminisce about all those classic matches where someone else did the hard work and dragged his sorry ass to greatness. Or how about those unbelievable, unforgettable promos? In a word, legendary. What a Superstar™.

I marked the hell out of that moment when I saw for it the first time (even though it was like 10 years after the original air date). The fear sell is amazing. Then the freak out as Liger goes full on uncontainable Evil is class.

Seriously, I think it may just about be my favourite Liger moment ever (although, heel Liger being an absolute dick to everyone was fun, too). The best thing about Kishin Liger is that he's only appeared for three feuds over Liger's 28 year career - they really could have overdone it, but because he so rarely appears, it's all the more special.

Cena/Umaga Last Man Standing is Cena's best match, not only is he not carried by his opponent but he overcame the odds in a way that actually looked good.


Chris Jericho got in a fight with Goldberg when they were in WWE. Jericho basically describes the fight as Goldberg rushing in at him, them both falling awkwardly which allowed Jericho to get him in a choke hold. He then held onto as tightly as could while he waited for other people to pull him off because he was afraid of getting murdered if he let go himself.

If you haven't read Jericho's books, they are absolute gold. The first one is better than the second, mostly because of how depressing the second can be at times, but they're both awesome.

Even Mick Foley and Zack Ryder think they're great!

A recommendation from Ryder is a terrible endorsement of anything. Also, I think Sweet T should still do the mist.


more money than God
I didn't think Goldberg was all that bad in the WWE. It's just that anything HHH touched in 2002-2003 turned to trash. Everything. The fact that Goldberg only had a 1 or 2 month reign as WHC, due to HHH's need to always hold it was just ridiculous.
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