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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wade Barrett in a tumblr nutshell


Matt Striker's jeans never fail to amuse me. I myself hate normal fitting jeans, but his border on Hardy level baggy. They look so silly.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Cena is going to use a car and run over Ryback then park the car on top of him so he can't get up


It's really amazing that he parlayed skipping class into an 8 year and counting WWE career.
It's really not that amazing when JTG has parlayed his "nothing" into a "7 years and counting" WWE career (albeit with a break in the middle).

Cena is going to use a car and run over Ryback then park the car on top of him so he can't get up
Cena will still be the face in this scenario despite pulling a Rikishi, right?


Cena is going to use a car and run over Ryback then park the car on top of him so he can't get up

Given Cena's shenanigans, I believe this.

How the hell do people get up at 7 am on a regular basis? I can't ever seem to fix any kind of sleeping schedule after years of trying.

I've been waking up a little after 6am for years. I've never gotten used to it. (Then again, if I got more than 6 hours of sleep a night...might work out better.)

No joke, on the weekends, I'll sleep until about 10-11am.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How the hell do people get up at 7 am on a regular basis? I can't ever seem to fix any kind of sleeping schedule after years of trying.
it's nearly 06:00 here and i'm still up. can't remember the last time i slept more than 4, maybe 5 hours.

if i go to bed now i'll be up by 11:00 or 12:00.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The thing that sucks with me is like some nights I'll go to bed and wake up 7 hours later, refreshed. Sometimes I'll go to bed and wake up 10 hours later, refreshed. Sometimes I'll go to bed and wake up 13 hours later, refreshed. But if I have to wake up via alarm, I feel like shit and even 8 hours won't be enough. There's no consistency to it, and it makes me miss more work than I want to because I can't sleep, I get anxious and get sick because of it.

I just want to be like my parents and go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.


The thing that sucks with me is like some nights I'll go to bed and wake up 7 hours later, refreshed. Sometimes I'll go to bed and wake up 10 hours later, refreshed. Sometimes I'll go to bed and wake up 13 hours later, refreshed. But if I have to wake up via alarm, I feel like shit and even 8 hours won't be enough. There's no consistency to it, and it makes me miss more work than I want to because I can't sleep, I get anxious and get sick because of it.

I just want to be like my parents and go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.
You should consider seeing a doctor and asking for a referral to a neurologist. I'm seeing one on Thursday.
This is a couple days old, dunno if anyone's posted about it and I'm too lazy to check!

I was listening to the latest Wrestling Observer show with Meltzer and he asked what was up with Summer Rae. He was told she'd be back soon. And also that Vince prefers the brunette chick in the dancer role but she's in college and has finals right now or some shit and isn't available every week.
This is a couple days old, dunno if anyone's posted about it and I'm too lazy to check!

I was listening to the latest Wrestling Observer show with Meltzer and he asked what was up with Summer Rae. He was told she'd be back soon. And also that Vince prefers the brunette chick in the dancer role but she's in college and has finals right now or some shit and isn't available every week.

Ah, Kobashi's retirement match is up!!

FINAL BURNING - KENTA KOBASHI RETIREMENT MATCH: Kenta Kobashi, Jun Akiyama, Keiji Mutoh & Kensuke Sasaki vs KENTA, Go Shiozaki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Maybach Taniguchi - (NOAH 05/11/13)


Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you the very first edition of "Super WrassleGAF Wrestling Write-up Number One Featuring XenoRaven". Today's topic will be Wrestling Dontaku!

Nice write-up man, I agree with you about Shelley & KUSHIDA - their tag offence looks really polished, but the Jr. tag division is so light at the moment, all the Time Splitters vs Forever Hooligans matches are blurring into one.

XenoRaven said:
Taguchi has "Funky Weapon" on his trunks but nothing about him seems funky.

I've never understood this. Sometimes he does a hip gyration pose, but I have no idea what makes him the 'Funky Weapon'.

XenoRaven said:
With that said, I found this match to be sloppy, crazy, and disorganized. Takashi Iizuka is weird. I don't know what his deal is. He walks around looking all crazy and his erratic movements make me think he doesn't know where the ring is. Is he supposed to be insane? At first I thought he was like one of those guys with the claws in Resident Evil 4. Completely blind, relies completely on hearing, but point him at a target and he'll beat the shit out of it.

This was easily the worst match on the card and, yeah, Iizuka's just a crazy madman who goes berserk and attacks people with that weird iron finger thing. He also seems to despise that one commentator a whole lot.

XenoRaven said:
I have no idea what a NAEVER Open Weight Class Championship is. I understand the open weight class part. I struggle with the NAEVER part. Is it no DQ, like the Hardcore Championship?

No one knows what the point of NEVER is. It used to be a sort of developmental territory for New Japan, but they run shows so infrequently. They introduced the NEVER title last November, which Tanaka won in a tournament, but they haven't run a show since. As for the hardcore bit, New Japan rarely has disqualifications these days, unless a weapon is used in the ring - everything on the floor seems to be fair game.

XenoRaven said:
It's apparent right off the bat that Yujiro is a worm. There are some guys that cheat when they see an opportunity. There are other guys where every fiber of their being compels them to cheat in every possible situation. Yujiro is one of those. I kind of like it. The crowd does not seem to. They don't boo him or anything, he just doesn't seem to get a reaction at all.

Yeah, Yujiro's in a weird place at the moment - I really like his sleazy style, but he definitely needs a breakout match or feud to properly get him over with the audience. He got a title shot against Tanahashi last November and did pretty well, but doesn't have much going at the moment other than his feud with GBH (Makabe & Honma).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Very sad the retirement match is in 240p. Oh man, oh man! I'm so excited.


God damn those chops in the Kobashi retirement match. I need to watch more Japanese wrestling. That was entertaining as fuck.
God damn those chops in the Kobashi retirement match. I need to watch more Japanese wrestling. That was entertaining as fuck.

Yeah, that was a call back to Kobashi & Sasaki's famous chop battle that went on for a ridiculous four minutes or so;


Also, if you enjoyed the retirement match, here's some of the best matches so far this year from Japan;

Koji Kanemoto & Minoru Tanaka (c) vs Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo - (AJPW 01/03/13)

Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs Kazushi Sakuraba - (NJPW 01/04/13)

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Prince Devitt - (NJPW 03/03/13)

Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs Kazuchika Okada - (NJPW 04/07/13)

Suwama vs Go Shiozaki - (AJPW 04/18/13)
So I just watched some random ladder matches from the Ladder Match 2 set...

Edge/Taker (Extreme Rules 2008)
I don't remember liking this match too much when I first saw it, but the first half upon rewatching is actually pretty good, though Edge ends up taking a bit too much control, you'd think after walloping Taker's skull with a chair 3 times he might actually try and win the match instead of tinkering with random tables.
This leads to this matches biggest downfall, in the effort to create spots you've got some truly awful logic leaps. After Edge spears Taker off the apron he has a ticket to victory, the ladder is set up, all he has to do is climb, but instead he double stacks a table in the corner of the ring, turns the ladder slightly so he's in line with said tables and then starts climbing, thus allowing Taker to return and easily last ride him from the ladder through both tables, GENIUS EDGE!
Taker isn't any better, at the end after thwarting the combo of Chavo and Bam, Taker moves the ladder away from the center of the ring to the left side, moves around the other side of the ladder and starts eyeing the nearby stack of four tables just outside the ring as he climbs the ladder, BOY I WONDER WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!
Yeah it's not that great, excessive interference on the behalf of Edge and the various spot creating causes the match to go from good to kind of bad.

Ziggler/Swagger/Kofi Ladder match for IC title (TLC 2010)
I figured this could work as a taster for the upcoming WHC ladder match, just subbing ADR for Kofi. This match is a short but fun one where Kofi does a surprising amount of work compared to the other two, this guy is in his element with ladder matches. In a slight change from the norm you've got Kofi occasionally damaging Swagger's hand with the ladder as the recurring injury idea for this match, except it never really plays much of a role so it's sort of pointless. Watching Vickie teetering at the top of a ladder is funny, Kofi clambering up the ladder while ankle locked and Ziggler getting off a sleeper hold at the top of the ladder are neat ways to apply the signature submissions to this match up.
But then there's the odd finish where Kofi and Swagger both pull the belt off the hook, it falls to the mat, Ziggles scoops it up and wins because reasons, it may be a unique ending but i'm not sure that it's a good one.

Sheamus/John Morrison (TLC 2010)
Holy jones, this match is for WWE title contendership, such an idea is a rare sight in WWE these days, to prepare your next big title match a month in advance and make even the chance for a title match seem like a big deal, WWE do not understand this anymore.
King Sheamus was a thing at this point, I think he beat Jomosapien to be bestowed with the honour, except it led to a losing streak because accolades are double edged sword in WWE.
I like this match a lot, it's a straight up ladder match, no tables, no chairs, just smart and inventive use of the ladder from both men. JoMo uses it to enhance his acrobatics, Sheamus uses it in crafty ways as a a tool of leg cracking destruction. The match has the running theme throughout of Sheamus destroying Morrison's legs, a duty which Morrison sells rather well even while keeping up his kick happy move lineup.
These two worked well together and Morrison had really got into his groove around this point, adding flair and style to each move without going overboard, I truly thought he was going to spring off to greater heights but he soon got Dog House'd for Melina eating someone's lunch or something and that was that.
There's a few points where the action doesn't flow quite so well and the obligatory ladder that snaps in half spot is a bit messy to set up, otherwise I think this is one of the better WWE ladder matches in recent years, shame that the crowd are kind of dead during it.
Morrison wins with a stylish ladder propelled boot to Sheamus' face and obtains his right to face the WWE champion.
Of course WWE managed to fuck up this booking, instead of going on to face his old partner Miz at the Royal Rumble he instead has to use his shot on an episode of Raw, lose and fade away because Miz has more important opponents like Jerry the King Lawler to battle with, god dammit WWE.

Jamie OD

Has there ever been a HD way to watch japanese wrestling?

I feel like its always ether copies of VHS tapes or 240p youtube videos.

I guess it helps give them that 90's through back feel.

New Japan, All Japan and Dragon Gate have HD broadcasts in Japan but not that many Blu-Ray releases. Some of the bootleg DVD sites sell blu-rays. They come off really well on a HDTV but they're often not up to date.


You can't judge a man's shape when he wears dual layer spanks at all times. And a mask. And a wig. And a glove. And boots with lifts.
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