New Steve Austin show is up!
I assume dead crowd for Swagger vs Big E because both heels.. always make it odd to cheer/boo
Surprised Swagger won and not Del Rio
Impressions of last night's show with the live crowd:
Orton was possibly the most over of the night. Manster pops for him. It's unreal that they can do NOTHING with him for months and the crowd went goddamn bananas. Cena was also disappointingly over - nothing even close to a boo in the house for him. I felt real bad because I thought Mechashiva and I were seated in front of some drunks but they were mentally challenged. I kept hearing "GO...GO KAA...KAAAAANE" etc. And the claps were all out of sync. But that's my fault for being a dick. However we ended up throwing out a handicapped group which was a real bummer because we didn't know until we got them thrown out.
Ryback is super popular, barely any heel heat. People loved him. Swagger vs Big E was dead as fuck, Zeb had to get on the mic during the break and yell at people to get a reaction. It's a shame, because I like both of them, but the crowd simply doesn't care.
There was a pretty good reaction for Natalya, surprisingly. I didn't expect her to tap though
When the cage descended it got stuck on the posts, but I think they were at a commercial when they fixed it.
Uh, nothing else. I just enjoyed my time with my pals, held my head in my hands when Cena things happened, and was reminded that we are SUCH a minority and things will not change.
I assume dead crowd for Swagger vs Big E because both heels.. always make it odd to cheer/boo
Surprised Swagger won and not Del Rio