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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook

Regarding Cesaro, could he possibly work better as a face? I feel like his wrestling skills would get over better if he was a face to the casual crowd than when he's a heel. I have no idea what his gimmick would be though. Another guess is to reform the Kings of Wrestling with Kassius and wreck face.


The WWE Universe will pop for nostalgia over one of their own before they will pop for some indie guy who isn't even American.
You can't have nostalgia pops unless you create things to be nostalgic about right now. All of those feuds and stories go to people that don't need them anymore instead of people they could be building for the future. Even if Cesaro was boring (he isn't), there's no reason, with the right build, that he couldn't get big reaction from the crowd a few years from now.

completely directionless?
But still magically over somehow.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Regarding Cesaro, could he possibly work better as a face? I feel like his wrestling skills would get over better if he was a face to the casual crowd than when he's a heel. I have no idea what his gimmick would be though. Another guess is to reform the Kings of Wrestling with Kassius and wreck face.

If they made Cesaro a face he'd be the goofy foreigner 'I love dub dub e' type. No thanks.

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Unconfirmed Member
Real talk Natalya made AJ look capable and like a million bucks last night. Great use of it. I didn't expect it and it looked impressive. That's all.
Seriously though, Stephanie McMahon running Creative is what is making this company run itself into the ground. She is just godawful at this stuff and is not remotely good at being a counterweight to Vince's bullshit either.

I hope once Vince is gone Triple H will be head creative and Steph can do the payroll or something.

Agree with the first part, disagree with the second. There's no way of knowing Triple H would be a good booker. They should fire the 40 odd writers they currently have and just hire a booking team of 4-5 people that understand wrestling and have different points of view.

As for Cesaro, they're fucking morons. THEY are the ones giving him his material, so if he's boring, they're the ones at fault. And the reality is, if you're a good booker, you can get anyone over, you just have to book them appropriately according to their skills. Just look at the way Heyman got fucking 911 over in ECW. Or hell, compare the way Heyman booked Lance Storm in ECW (or Johnny Ace booked him in WCW) to the way he was treated in the WWE. But no, instead they book this shit as if they're all generic CAWs and no-one gets over. Up until they throw a shitty comedy gimmick on you and you spend the rest of your career in the midcard anyway.


So not worth it
I can forgive people for not knowing AJ can actually wrestle because of WWE booking. It's not your fault, you've been trained into this way of thinking.


I can't believe Cesaro couldn't get his rugby star and yodeling gimmicks over. The guy is clearly not cut out for this business.
Same company who kept pushing Ted Dibiase Jr., even tried pairing a valet with him to get more of a reaction. Even look at duds like Miz. I'm sure some in that company think he's boring, which in itself is very unfortunate. Shows why the show is awful nowadays.
Cesaro probably should be face. Is he bald for real or is he just a space marine by choice?

Well, either way, it was good for Del Rio, and he was much better at heeling than Cesaro is.
Swiss Money Holding was the best gimmick Claudio ever had and if WWE are intent on him being a heel they should totally bring it back, especially as Del Rio's no longer an evil aristocrat;


Also, bring back his AWESOME entrance music;

Diva Match = tiny mexican girl makes a Hart tap

Who the hell are you to doubt La Dandy?

Swiss Money Holding was the best gimmick Claudio ever had and if WWE are intent on him being a heel they should totally bring it back, especially as Del Rio's no longer an evil aristocrat;


Also, bring back his AWESOME entrance music;


Best entrance music he has ever had:
Yeah, but this is WWE, new guys are expected to rise above their bad booking and excel with whatever they're given.

Of course, and when guys like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk get over it's because of the booking, not because those two guys somehow managed to transcend the shit material they've been given.

Hey look, Natalya putting AJ over does more for that entire scenario than Cena putting over...who did he put over? Tensai once?

Yeah but in this scenario, AJ is the Diva divisions Cena.

Kaitlyn is Batista by the way.


That Cesaro news makes me legit shook angry.

You'll be back next week.
No doubt. Net_Wrecker is all talk and no walk.

He couldn't quit a head cold.

Milton from Office Space would quit his job before Net_Wrecker quit the WWE.

They could fire all of their wrestlers with any shred of respectable ability tomorrow and make it the "John Cena/Triple H Always Win Chocobot Hour" with divas, Mae Young, skits and comedy numbers and he would still tune in to RAW next week.


Daniel Bryan did get over despite shit booking.

When Bryan won the title they actually started to book him well. They gave him alot of promo time to get over. He was featured on Smackdown quite a bit and they let him do his Yes gimmick that got him over. When he had the title till Sheamus won the title he made Smackdown great.

Now though when Ziggler won the title they didn't give him the opportunities Bryan got when he won.

Also, after he got over and lost the title he became rumpelstiltskin who can take crap and make it gold. Him and Punk doing this makes it hard on Cesaro. They expect him to take crap and make it gold like them which is a rarity. You need to good booking to get over like the shield.
No doubt. Net_Wrecker is all talk and no walk.

He couldn't quit a head cold.

Milton from Office Space would quit his job before Net_Wrecker quit the WWE.

They could fire all of their wrestlers with any shred of respectable ability tomorrow and make it the "John Cena/Triple H Always Win Chocobot Hour" with divas, Mae Young, skits and comedy numbers and he would still tune in to RAW next week.

He does that Clint Eastwood avatar a disservice. He should switch to a Cena avatar, like I was planning to do before I was reminded of how good Bust a Groove is.
When Bryan won the title they actually started to book him well. They gave him alot of promo time to get over. He was featured on Smackdown quite a bit and they let him do his Yes gimmick that got him over.

Correction: Cena got the "YES" chants over.

Homicide's theme had the perfect recognizable intro that got the crowd hype and the perfect song to bang the barricades to. It's just a shame that Homicide's matches never lived up to that hype.

Yeah, it was a perfect theme for "OH, SHIT!" moments - like his entrance at the CZW vs ROH Cage of Death. Also, some of his matches with Joe were pretty great. I was actually thinking the other day that if ROH had pulled the trigger on a Homicide title run earlier in his career, it really should have been sometime around '04-'05.
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