Seriously though, Stephanie McMahon running Creative is what is making this company run itself into the ground. She is just godawful at this stuff and is not remotely good at being a counterweight to Vince's bullshit either.
I hope once Vince is gone Triple H will be head creative and Steph can do the payroll or something.
Agree with the first part, disagree with the second. There's no way of knowing Triple H would be a good booker. They should fire the 40 odd writers they currently have and just hire a booking team of 4-5 people that understand wrestling and have different points of view.
As for Cesaro, they're fucking morons. THEY are the ones giving him his material, so if he's boring, they're the ones at fault. And the reality is, if you're a good booker, you can get anyone over, you just have to book them appropriately according to their skills. Just look at the way Heyman got fucking 911 over in ECW. Or hell, compare the way Heyman booked Lance Storm in ECW (or Johnny Ace booked him in WCW) to the way he was treated in the WWE. But no, instead they book this shit as if they're all generic CAWs and no-one gets over. Up until they throw a shitty comedy gimmick on you and you spend the rest of your career in the midcard anyway.