Mr. Enigma
Meltzer is 53 now. He'll be 54 in October.
Yeah, but Barrett is still garbage to the non-IWC wrestling world and I don't see Cesaro getting above that at his current trajectory. (For the recor, I can't remember anything Barrett's done for the past however long he's been back, and I'm actively trying. Imagine how the goldfish-for-brains Wuhweniverse fandom sees him.) And the Barrage at least has something for the fans to latch onto in terms of personality. As much as I love him, Cesaro fades into the background when compared to the colorful likes of Kane, DBry, Punk, Taker, Lesnar, SuperCena, Sheamus, Sincara, Ziggler and even the garbage tier Aimless Orton, Wildcat Kofi, Haitches, Del Rio, Zebless Swagger and Any Given Diva. Considering kids are the target demographic, it's not hard to see why the suits think he's dull.
Sad truth is that Cesaro's great wrestling probably isn't going to matter until the WWE cares at least as much about the wrestling than the garbage storytelling they can't do.
Do you even watch sitcoms brah? There are entire tiers of quality separating your examples here. Tiers. The qualitative difference between M*A*S*H and Saved By the Bell can fit in the space between 2 1/2 and anything else you could care to list. Twice.
and somewhere Bob Ryder and Dave Scherer are throwing stuff into a wall.
Meltzer is 53 now. He'll be 54 in October.
Jeepers, I had no idea the guy behind PWInsider was such a worm.
Well the sun never sets on us so it's only fair we left something for you.
Despite the fact that the British never went to the moon, they were our staunchest allies during the Cold War, which is the period we went to the Moon. Show some respect.
*shakes bean's hand and Bootaaay's hand*
Just an FYI, I'm not from the US, though I currently live here. And I'm unwilling to disclose to y'all where I'm from just yet![]()
Just an FYI, I'm not from the US, though I currently live here. And I'm unwilling to disclose to y'all where I'm from just yet![]()
Despite your best efforts, your use of the word "y'all" is a dead giveaway.
Yeah, but Barrett is still garbage to the non-IWC wrestling world and I don't see Cesaro getting above that at his current trajectory. (For the recor, I can't remember anything Barrett's done for the past however long he's been back, and I'm actively trying. Imagine how the goldfish-for-brains Wuhweniverse fandom sees him.) And the Barrage at least has something for the fans to latch onto in terms of personality.
Seriously, Sunny could EASILY pass for Kane in those family photos that SoulPlaya has on his harddrive.
C'mon SoulPlaya, we need a comparison.
You know which wrestlers week it is this week?
The Legit Shookmaster
'The human cyborg' Bill Goldberg - Tony Schiavone
Didn't uh.. Didn't really think that one through, did you Tony? Also, why isn't Ryback 'Thug life' Ryback now that he's heel?
Naito/Takahashi is the only appealing match so far. But those dudes weren't even feuding anymore when he left. I guess he can't come back and feud with the usual suspects since Shinsuke is a champ and Okada is a champ and Tanahashi is probably going to feud with Devitt(which will be awesome)
Bought my tickets for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's Is Your Body Ready? The answer is yes!
So WrassleGAF, Cena is currently only four title runs (WHC or WWE) away from breaking Ric Flair's 16-time record. What will you do when he finally dethrones Ric Flair as most decorated wrestler and takes his place in wrestling as the best of all time?
So WrassleGAF, Cena is currently only four title runs (WHC or WWE) away from breaking Ric Flair's 16-time record. What will you do when he finally dethrones Ric Flair as most decorated wrestler and takes his place in wrestling as the best of all time?
I'll stop watching goddammit. I will stop watching. I will quit. I WILL LEAVE
Flair booked himself to win all the time. Backstage politics. Cena actually EARNED his title shots.
Flair booked himself to win all the time. Backstage politics. Cena actually EARNED his title shots.
The belt is important because Cena is holding it. I've payed more attention to it now than ever before.Not sure if serious. The only reason Cena gets title shots is because he's the face of the company.
In any event, Cena surpassing Flair will mean nothing in the end because the title doesn't mean anything today.
He'd probably just bleed all over them anyways.How many kids do you think Flair made a wish for? None!
You guys pushing this "legit shook" nonsense is the new Bo Dallas.
Yeah. I said it.
Professor Bo has a nice ring to it.DiscoBo
Professor Bo has a nice ring to it.
I'd for real rather have HHH break Flair's record. He's much more of a successor to Flair than Cena in terms of pretty much everything. Cena is the successor to Hogan, not Flair. Give him another Royal Rumble win and he'll break every record Hulk had. No one needs to break 16 title wins. Flair doing it in the first place was pretty god damn ridiculous.
You know it's going to happen though, it's mathematically impossible given his track records of title shots and subsequent wins.
He might not be able to though because he also has to squash Punk's WWE reign.
Unless... He held the WWE title the entire time and got multiple World Heavyweight reigns! Finally, a reason to watch Smackdown!
I ordered one once and the girl taking my order had to sing the song from the commercial through the drive thru speaker, then came the awkward moment when I pulled up to window and looked her in her cold dead eyes.
I felt so bad, if I'd known Jack 'n' the Crack was degrading their employees like that I would have never ordered it.