May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?

Finn Baylor

Finn Baytor:

Time to bring this to the main roster:
Backlash didn't sell out. Was on its way until matches were announced and ticket sales died almost immediately.

No SD PPV since the brand split has sold out and this very likely did the worst

That's what happens when you build the PPV around a damn foreigner who is only gonna become a jobber in a couple of months.
Backlash didn't sell out. Was on its way until matches were announced and ticket sales died almost immediately.

No SD PPV since the brand split has sold out and this very likely did the worst

If you want specifics btw:

Before the card was announced - ~9500 tickets sold

After - ~300 tickets sold
Look at some of the biggest stars WWE have created in the past decade, many of them are wrestlers who came from the indies - it's something WWE have used both as a storytelling device (the wrestler from the "minor leagues" trying to prove they have what it takes for the big time) and as an easy way to hype up a new signing by lauding their pre-WWE accomplishments. It shouldn't be surprising that some fans might see pre-WWE experience as a positive, especially if their favourites have include the likes of Punk, Bryan, Seth, Owens & Styles over the past few years.

But this is all an over-simplification, it's disingenuous to imply that a wrestler's background is the major reason fans like or dislike a wrestler. Look at Charlotte, no one trashes her for a lack of ability, no one looks down on the fact that she has never worked a match outside of WWE, mainly because she delivers in the ring. Other's don't. That's not to say they can't play a character, fulfil a role or even win a championship if the story dictates it, but to imply that people don't like them simply because of some misguided idea that they never "paid their dues" is an insult to the intelligence of the majority of the audience.

See also Alexa Bliss...


No true marquee matches on the card.

How was Raw, guys, I'm still too high on Twin Peaks to give a fuck and watch wwe right now.

I don't believe thats why. More like its harder for them to sell out when its not during the big 3 pay per views. Fans are not traveling in for Backlash.
Goldust debuted in 1995...Kane in 1997.

Does that two years...oh no.
You really take anything this guy says seriously? Especially since it's mere speculation on his behalf and he looks up to a bum who always speculates and tries to change the narrative when he's wrong. You're better than this, don't put your beliefs in the hand of an old mind who knows nothing but carny.

That's right DM, give it up.


You really take anything this guy says seriously? Especially since it's mere speculation on his behalf and he looks up to a bum who always speculates and tries to change the narrative when he's wrong. You're better than this, don't put your beliefs in the hand of an old mind who knows nothing but carny.

That's right DM, give it up.

Markaveli, sit down.


Big Dick Dave Meltzer can still go and easily shoot on anyone alive, it is insanely disrespectful to him to say he's similar to DM "Keep Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin WHAT (in my wheelchair)" czaf.
Which ones did you get?

Ahem *clears throat for long list*:

The Shield "Hounds of Justice" Retro T-Shirt
Braun Strowman "Monster Among Us" Authentic T-Shirt
Southpaw Regional Wrestling T-Shirt
Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 Retro T-Shirt
Authors of Pain "War is our Peace" Authentic T-Shirt
Shinsuke Nakamura "Strong Style Has Arrived" Authentic T-Shirt
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper "Hot Rod" T-Shirt
Charlotte "2nd Nature" Authentic T-Shirt


Ahem *clears throat for long list*:

The Shield "Hounds of Justice" Retro T-Shirt
Braun Strowman "Monster Among Us" Authentic T-Shirt
Southpaw Regional Wrestling T-Shirt
Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 Retro T-Shirt
Authors of Pain "War is our Peace" Authentic T-Shirt
Shinsuke Nakamura "Strong Style Has Arrived" Authentic T-Shirt
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper "Hot Rod" T-Shirt
Charlotte "2nd Nature" Authentic T-Shirt
everyone, sing it with me!

Ahem *clears throat for long list*:

The Shield "Hounds of Justice" Retro T-Shirt
Braun Strowman "Monster Among Us" Authentic T-Shirt
Southpaw Regional Wrestling T-Shirt
Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 Retro T-Shirt
Authors of Pain "War is our Peace" Authentic T-Shirt
Shinsuke Nakamura "Strong Style Has Arrived" Authentic T-Shirt
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper "Hot Rod" T-Shirt
Charlotte "2nd Nature" Authentic T-Shirt


I went in hard on a WWE shirt sale once, never again.

I went in hard on a WWE shirt sale once, never again.

I have a soft drink addiction.. so I've decided to quit soft drinks until at very least I've saved the equivalent of what I spent today...

So let's call this a health move ;)

Plus I wear t-shirts every day so having a bunch is handy, and I'm just a genuine fan... Like I'm not ashamed


I have a soft drink addiction.. so I've decided to quit soft drinks until at very least I've saved the equivalent of what I spent today...

So let's call this a health move ;)

Plus I wear t-shirts every day so having a bunch is handy, and I'm just a genuine fan... Like I'm not ashamed

I have an energy drink addiction, I drink a monster zero like another person would drink a coke multiple times a day
I have an energy drink addiction, I drink a monster zero like another person would drink a coke multiple times a day

After reading about your backyard wrestling experience and now your love for energy drinks I think I know why you like Kamaitachi so much q:
I have an energy drink addiction, I drink a monster zero like another person would drink a coke multiple times a day

I drink something like 6L of soft drink a week.

Metabolism used to be awesome but couldn't hold out forever. So I gained a lot of weight (went from 130 7 years ago to 195 now)

Time to cut it out and if I have to trick myself and bribe myself via wrestling t-shirts... I'll do it.
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