May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?


I drink something like 6L of soft drink a week.

Metabolism used to be awesome but couldn't hold out forever. So I gained a lot of weight (went from 130 7 years ago to 195)

Time to cut it out and if I have to trick myself and bribe myself via wrestling t-shirts... I'll do it.

Same, since last April I think I have put on almost 75lbs.
I was losing, losing, losing everything going great. Then I hit a wall where no matter what I did I could not get past it.
I was using my fitness pal to track everything and then one day I started gaining and I changed nothing. Not my routine or what I had been eating.
And it just kept climbing.
Not going to lie, for a while after I said fuck it if it is going to be this way.
That is when I started drinking these things again and let bread back in my life in a big way.


I have a soft drink addiction.. so I've decided to quit soft drinks until at very least I've saved the equivalent of what I spent today...

So let's call this a health move ;)

Plus I wear t-shirts every day so having a bunch is handy, and I'm just a genuine fan... Like I'm not ashamed

I don't see the Revival's shirt in that list. Don't tell me you aren't with the Top Guys.
Same, since last April I think I have put on almost 75lbs.
I was losing, losing, losing everything going great. Then I hit a wall where no matter what I did I could not get past it.
I was using my fitness pal to track everything and then one day I started gaining and I changed nothing. Not my routine or what I had been eating.
And it just kept climbing.
Not going to lie, for a while after I said fuck it if it is going to be this way.
That is when I started drinking these things again and let bread back in my life in a big way.
Are you me?

Except I got depressed, moved in with my then fiancée, had hip surgery, then got married.

I'm trying to get acquainted like I was before. It's just so hard having to start light again. I used to spend 3 hours in the gym every day. 1.5 cardio and 1.5 resistance.

Good times. 6 days a week.
Looks like all of you need to cut the sugar and move to the dragon gate water (;

Nah, hope all of you rise above your problems and get back to the shape you want to be; do not let wrestling become another negative aspect of your life but one that keeps you going.


Are you me?

Except I got depressed, moved in with my then fiancée, had hip surgery, then got married.

I'm trying to get acquainted like I was before. It's just so hard having to start light again. I used to spend 3 hours in the gym every day. 1.5 cardio and 1.5 resistance.

Good times. 6 days a week.

Glad that you are back in a routine and your road went up and good things came, it is always so easy to get stagnant..
I miss semi pro paintball, I miss clothes that fit right, I miss seeing an awesome shirt and it not being comfortable in my size.
The inspiration is there, just have to in the words of a great man "make it so".
Looks like all of you need to cut the sugar and move to the dragon gate water (;

Nah, hope all of you rise above your problems and get back to the shape you want to be; do not let wrestling become another negative aspect of your life but one that keeps you going.

Thanks :)

Wrestling will never eeeeeeever be a negative in my life
Glad that you are back in a routine and your road went up and good things came, it is always so easy to get stagnant..
I miss semi pro paintball, I miss clothes that fit right, I miss seeing an awesome shirt and it not being comfortable in my size.
The inspiration is there, just have to in the words of a great man "make it so".
Well I'm a little depressed again but I'm trying to work it out literally.

My motivation are being able to fit in size 34 pants, have a healthy life with my future kids, and look good for my wife even though she actually likes me chubby. I don't even like to but clothes because that would mean that I'm settling so I mainly get stretchy clothes just to be comfortable.
Hex and Excel, sounds all too familiar. Working my journey out myself. Recently got back in gym and hit it hard. But yeah, less carbs, less sugars , more water and more sleep are the things I'm working on. Been doing a lot of squat exercises like my life depended on it. Shed 5 lbs last week. Goal is to lose 20 by year end.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If you're trying ot get into the gym I recommend one that focuses on short intense workouts. It's much easier to motivate yourself early on to go to the gym if its only 45 minutes-an hour a day
If you're trying ot get into the gym I recommend one that focuses on short intense workouts. It's much easier to motivate yourself early on to go to the gym if its only 45 minutes-an hour a day

Yeah agreed. I see so many people waste time just sitting about spacing out for 10 minutes between sets, do a set, stare at a TV....

I prioritize getting out there are quickly as possible. My price to earn that leave is to get form and technique right and not just load up on weights I don't know how to carry. Basically efficiency over BS. The heavier weights will come later.


Well I'm a little depressed again but I'm trying to work it out literally.

My motivation are being able to fit in size 34 pants, have a healthy life with my future kids, and look good for my wife even though she actually likes me chubby. I don't even like to but clothes because that would mean that I'm settling so I mainly get stretchy clothes just to be comfortable.

I can relate.
I hate my job, and have to get at least one new cert by the end of the year, yet I just got a new lease on an apartment and still have a car payment and part of me feels like I have been faking it for the last 11 years at this job and would never be able to pull off something that pays what this does.
I am in the Dante from Clerks situation with relationships. Have the great girl that would do anything , we have alot in common and would bring me lasagna but she smokes and has health problems where she can't do alot of the things I like to do like hike and road trip. Have been talking to another that is a dirty dirty bird in the best ways , we have alot in common but she also has two kids, is going through an amicable divorce and lives an hour away.
On top of that I just never want to leave the house anymore aside from work and force myself.

We are all messes in our way I think lol.

Hex and Excel, sounds all too familiar. Working my journey out myself. Recently got back in gym and hit it hard. But yeah, less carbs, less sugars , more water and more sleep are the things I'm working on. Been doing a lot of squat exercises like my life depended on it. Shed 5 lbs last week. Goal is to lose 20 by year end.

Best of luck.
You have a good plan, small steps instead of something "100 lbs by next year".
Seeing progress is a great motivator even in fractions.
I'm trying to imagine Scott Dawson in a Hot Topic and my brain is breaking.

Ha ha ha... I know right.

I'm happy though. They get wrestling tees there all the time, and while it's usually just the big guys like Cena and the Shield boys if you dig you'll find some gems new and old: got Revival, Asuka and the very first and best Suplex City Lesnar shirt there.

On Revival can't wait for them to re-debut and hopefully those Monday Night Revival shirts Dawson teased that ape the original Monday Night Raw logo go on sale.

Side note: Wtf was that music that played after Rollins and Reigns fought off Joe and Bray at the start of Raw.


Au contraire mon frère... bought No Flips Just Fists Revival shirt last week at Hot Topic XD...

So already in my possession.

I ordered three shirts this week.
Two wrestling :
The red Los Ingobernables de Japon
Bullet Club Tekken.

Third was a Dance of the Dead T which is awesome.

Also got in a pretty cool Star Wars 40th anniversary shirt from my Celebration Box.
I can relate.
I hate my job, and have to get at least one new cert by the end of the year, yet I just got a new lease on an apartment and still have a car payment and part of me feels like I have been faking it for the last 11 years at this job and would never be able to pull off something that pays what this does.
I am in the Dante from Clerks situation with relationships. Have the great girl that would do anything , we have alot in common and would bring me lasagna but she smokes and has health problems where she can't do alot of the things I like to do like hike and road trip. Have been talking to another that is a dirty dirty bird in the best ways , we have alot in common but she also has two kids, is going through an amicable divorce and lives an hour away.
On top of that I just never want to leave the house anymore aside from work and force myself.

We are all messes in our way I think lol.

Best of luck.
You have a good plan, small steps instead of something "100 lbs by next year".
Seeing progress is a great motivator even in fractions.
Your post just put a hex on me.


Ha ha ha... I know right.

I'm happy though. They get wrestling tees there all the time, and while it's usually just the big guys like Cena and the Shield boys if you dig you'll find some gems new and old: got Revival, Asuka and the very first and best Suplex City Lesnar shirt there.

On Revival can't wait for them to re-debut and hopefully those Monday Night Revival shirts Dawson teased that ape the original Monday Night Raw logo go on sale.

Side note: Wtf was that music that played after Rollins and Reigns fought off Joe and Bray at the start of Raw.

I ordered three shirts this week.
Two wrestling :
The red Los Ingobernables de Japon
Bullet Club Tekken.

Third was a Dance of the Dead T which is awesome.

Also got in a pretty cool Star Wars 40th anniversary shirt from my Celebration Box.

Nice... I've tentatively scheduled July to order some LIJ, Bucks, Omega, BC shirts.


Best thing Cody does.

Being The Elite can get anyone over with enough effort lol.

I know that New Day was doing well, but I still think that it was the stuff with Xavier and Omega and the back and forth between the elite and new day that took them to meta status.
That's the music theme for Extreme Rules. I guess for once they didn't play the music of the last guy out as they fade to commercial.

Ahh everyone just looked confused lol

I know that New Day was doing well, but I still think that it was the stuff with Xavier and Omega and the back and forth between the elite and new day that took them to meta status.

Certainly helped.
Yo wtf... that Samson/Ambrose match was actually pretty good.

Like nothing amazing but a pretty decent TV Brawl. Especially for who the performers were.
Just found out two hrs ago my grandma, who I haven't seen since I last visited the middle East 12 years ago, passed away. I immediately called my old man who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve and he was on a plane crying. While I am saddened that a chapter in our family's history is now closed with both his parents passed on, I hated hearing my dad in pain. So it's been a day. He had to leave to Lebanon to attend funeral arrangements while my brother , who is 31 years my junior (lol yep, one of those stories), was still asleep.

I called the little dude to ask what he wanted for his 6th birthday in a couple of weeks and he said he wanted Roman Reigns and John Cena action figures.

Without hesitating I hung up on the little bastard.

So anyway, the news of my grams alongside tragedy in Manchester and our talks about fitness was timely. Stay healthy, friends.

We are all messes in our way I think lol.

Best of luck.
You have a good plan, small steps instead of something "100 lbs by next year".
Seeing progress is a great motivator even in fractions.

Thanks, and to you all as well.
Just found out two hrs ago my grandma, who I haven't seen since I last visited the middle East 12 years ago, passed away. I immediately called my old man who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve and he was on a plane crying. While I am saddened that a chapter in our family's history is now closed with both his parents passed on, I hated hearing my dad in pain. So it's been a day. He had to leave to Lebanon to attend funeral arrangements while my brother , who is 31 years my junior (lol yep, one of those stories), was still asleep.

I called the little dude to ask what he wanted for his 6th birthday in a couple of weeks and he said he wanted Roman Reigns and John Cena action figures.

Without hesitating I hung up on the little bastard.

So anyway, the news of my grams alongside tragedy in Manchester and our talks about fitness was timely. Stay healthy, friends.

Thanks, and to you all as well.
Sorry for your lost Groovy.


Just found out two hrs ago my grandma, who I haven't seen since I last visited the middle East 12 years ago, passed away. I immediately called my old man who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve and he was on a plane crying. While I am saddened that a chapter in our family's history is now closed with both his parents passed on, I hated hearing my dad in pain. So it's been a day. He had to leave to Lebanon to attend funeral arrangements while my brother , who is 31 years my junior (lol yep, one of those stories), was still asleep.

I called the little dude to ask what he wanted for his 6th birthday in a couple of weeks and he said he wanted Roman Reigns and John Cena action figures.

Without hesitating I hung up on the little bastard.

So anyway, the news of my grams alongside tragedy in Manchester and our talks about fitness was timely. Stay healthy, friends.

Thanks, and to you all as well.

My condolences sorry for your loss.


Just found out two hrs ago my grandma, who I haven't seen since I last visited the middle East 12 years ago, passed away. I immediately called my old man who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve and he was on a plane crying. While I am saddened that a chapter in our family's history is now closed with both his parents passed on, I hated hearing my dad in pain. So it's been a day. He had to leave to Lebanon to attend funeral arrangements while my brother , who is 31 years my junior (lol yep, one of those stories), was still asleep.

I called the little dude to ask what he wanted for his 6th birthday in a couple of weeks and he said he wanted Roman Reigns and John Cena action figures.

Without hesitating I hung up on the little bastard.

So anyway, the news of my grams alongside tragedy in Manchester and our talks about fitness was timely. Stay healthy, friends.

Very sorry to hear that, it is something that there really is no preparation for and no salve for it.
I agree, I would rather take everything on myself because I can not handle seeing my mother or family in pain.
All of the best to you and your family.
Just found out two hrs ago my grandma, who I haven't seen since I last visited the middle East 12 years ago, passed away. I immediately called my old man who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve and he was on a plane crying. While I am saddened that a chapter in our family's history is now closed with both his parents passed on, I hated hearing my dad in pain. So it's been a day. He had to leave to Lebanon to attend funeral arrangements while my brother , who is 31 years my junior (lol yep, one of those stories), was still asleep.

I called the little dude to ask what he wanted for his 6th birthday in a couple of weeks and he said he wanted Roman Reigns and John Cena action figures.

Without hesitating I hung up on the little bastard.

So anyway, the news of my grams alongside tragedy in Manchester and our talks about fitness was timely. Stay healthy, friends.

Thanks, and to you all as well.

I'm sorry to heat about your loss, Groovy.


Samson is pretty good so far.

Kicks to at the midsection.

Really good showing from Sampson. Make their match a triple threat.

dat knee.

Now that was a DRIFTER TIGER KNEE.

Damn, they're making Samson look good/decent.

lol @ Miz giving Samson the win via DQ

I'm all in on Drifter.


Drifter has a superstar look

I'm no longer alone!


Watching the highlights on YouTube continues to be the best way to watch RAM. Forgot they got the Drifter tho. That might pull me back in.
You, me, AND Menome, to be exact


Yo Raw was pretty great this week. Might be one of the overall best episodes all year.

I actually dig all this mixing and matching of the 5 guys... in different types of matches.

Hell the tag match had a finish...

Only downsides were the Hardys segment and Bliss/Mickie (though I still like Bliss' DDT and that forarm shot as such a great sound it's a good setup move forbthe DDT).

That said Bliss' promo was good and the post match stuff was good. Bliss channels her inner Sandman pretty well.

Also Heyman put over Balor huge. What a promo.



Yo Raw was pretty great this week. Might be one of the overall best episodes all year.

I actually dig all this mixing and matching of the 5 guys... in different types of matches.

Hell the tag match had a finish...

Only downsides were the Hardys segment and Bliss/Mickie (though I still like Bliss' DDT and that forarm shot as such a great sound it's a good setup move forbthe DDT).

That said Bliss' promo was good and the post match stuff was good. Bliss channels her inner Sandman pretty well.

Also Heyman put over Balor huge. What a promo.

Bliss was great but she got hit by the make-up gun this week. Reminds me of what they used to do to Dana Brooke.
Bliss was great but she got hit by the make-up gun this week. Reminds me of what they used to do to Dana Brooke.

Meh I liked it.

I also like that she turned her shirt into ring gear with stiching and ribbons...

Mickie James has been so disappointimg since she debuted in the main roster :( especially after that great match with Asuka
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